Swap baros for saviola - Would you?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Swap baros for saviola - Would you?

Total votes : 16

Postby begintoend » Mon Jul 19, 2004 4:44 am

Saviola by far is a better striker than what we have in Baros. I have to agree that I will go for the swap.
Anyway its all over for those talks as Barca now prefers to woo E'too. So with Baros staying now, he really must play more next season as 1st 11, not 2nd fiddle to someone!

But if Saviola were to come to lfc, Aimar might be attracted to rejoin the famous River-Plate partnership. They were absolutely amazing to watch. Telepathy between those 2 made River their season, the Argentine U20's, top player and top scorer!

Aimar and Saviola, just too exciting. 2 YOUNG and top Class players....
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Postby LFC #1 » Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:07 am

stapo1000 wrote:
long sleeved joe wrote:These trade deals always get rumered but there seems to be very few involving a switch of 2 big name players- it just sells newspapers.

Agreed, dont think ive ever seen it happen where 2 big names are involved in a swap deal. Anyone ever hear about it...

By the way, the last 2 polls ive posted(which i thought were fairly decent) were criticised(1 by leon and both by stu). Why dont you get a life you f***ing gimps. these polls are to find out other peoples opinions on matters(for me and anyone else on this forum). if u dont like them then why the f*** would you just keep complaining about them. you should just f*** off and support manure. now that i got that outta my system im not gonna reply to any of your bullsh.it anymore!

thats completely unnecessary lad.
go and support manure...... that isn't fair at all, why should they go and support manure, cos they didn't like your poll, get a grip.

OK, maybe they should ignore the poll if they think it's rubbish or whatever, but don't spurt ****** like go and support manure.
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Postby LFC #1 » Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:35 am

begintoend wrote:Aimar might be attracted to rejoin the famous River-Plate partnership.

Aimar was linked with us for a bit when Beni came, press speculation probably but they were at Valencia together, so this could be possible, or Baraja perhaps, a creative player who can unlock defences while Stevie G plays an open, box 2 box role.
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