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Postby Kenny Kan » Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:32 am

damjan193 » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:03 am wrote:
Kenny Kan » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:44 pm wrote:

thats the exception to the rule though, in footy you generally have to pay for quality, hence all the rich clubs are at the top of the game.
spending £10m on two starting XI wingers isnt exactly a statement of intent is it? how the mighty have fallen

We spent 35 million on a striker, that was a massive statement - how did that work out again?

When was the last time a 5 million signing worked out?

Spending no more than 10 million on a player isn't the way forward. I don't mind buying players like that but big money must be spent. Wisely of course, not on Carrolls and the like.

Well, I can tell you the last time an 8 million pound signing worked out.

Would you say Downing at 20 million has worked out? I'd say we didn't get value for money there (a slight understatement), would that be a reasonable assessment?

I'm not necessarily saying we shouldn't spend big on players and I bet Rodgers would prefer he had more money to go out and sign more big signings, unfortunately he's not in control of the purse strings and has a budget to work within. I think the owners after the Comolli/Dalglish saga are quite reluctant to part with big monies 'once bitten twice shy' and all that and this isn't Rodgers' fault, this is the result he has to work with and now we've got new scouts I'd trust these guys to get more value for money than we have in the past. This club has made some costly f.ucking signings in it's time (Keane, Aquillani, Downing, Carroll etc etc) and yes we've made some great ones like Torres, Masha, Suarez etc etc, yet the difference when we make a f.uck up is much more detrimental to this club than say the likes of Citeh, Chelsea, ManU and Madrid.

I'm not into stamping me feet up and down like an ungrateful kid in a sweet shop who can't buy what all his richer mates can - I'd prefer to get on with it and wait to see the outcome before judging who is a failure and who isn't solely on their price, to me, it's rather superficial.
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Postby damjan193 » Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:56 am

ethanr » Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:26 am wrote:
damjan193 » Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:03 pm wrote:

When was the last time a 5 million signing worked out?

Spending no more than 10 million on a player isn't the way forward. I don't mind buying players like that but big money must be spent. Wisely of course, not on Carrolls and the like.

The quick reply to that would be Michu and Cabaye.

I meant for us.

But either way, why do you think that Swansea and Newcastle are where they are now? Because that's all they spend, 5-10 million on a player. One or two might come out good every now and then, but with that little spending all you get is mid-table.

Like I said, I don't mind signing cheaper players, but if a club's ambition is to fight for titles then signing 20m+ players is a must. I'm not saying that we should do it like City or Chelsea do it, signing these kind of players on regular basis, but I believe that at least one expensive signing must be bought in every season. Considering we're a little behind the top four but we aspire to get back there, we must spend money. If we only sign 5-10m players and stay at that, then that's a very risky tactic that almost never works. Especially not in the PL.
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Postby Kenny Kan » Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:07 am

damjan193 » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:56 am wrote:
ethanr » Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:26 am wrote:
damjan193 » Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:03 pm wrote:

When was the last time a 5 million signing worked out?

Spending no more than 10 million on a player isn't the way forward. I don't mind buying players like that but big money must be spent. Wisely of course, not on Carrolls and the like.

The quick reply to that would be Michu and Cabaye.

I meant for us.

But either way, why do you think that Swansea and Newcastle are where they are now? Because that's all they spend, 5-10 million on a player. One or two might come out good every now and then, but with that little spending all you get is mid-table.

Like I said, I don't mind signing cheaper players, but if a club's ambition is to fight for titles then signing 20m+ players is a must. I'm not saying that we should do it like City or Chelsea do it, signing these kind of players on regular basis, but I believe that at least one expensive signing must be bought in every season. Considering we're a little behind the top four but we aspire to get back there, we must spend money. If we only sign 5-10m players and stay at that, then that's a very risky tactic that almost never works. Especially not in the PL.

I actually agree that we should sign 1 or 2 big signings (at least) every summer.

However, in their first full season our owners splashed around 80 million on Carroll, Henderson, Downing and Adam. We finished 8th in the league.

On top of that we don't have the revenue or the finances to do this kind of costly spending every summer unfortunately, that's the reality of it. People realise this yet they're happy to right off cheaper summer signings who's ink isn't even dried on their contract. They are not moaning about how well they perform because they haven't even had the chance to do that yet!!!!! They're moaning and whinging about the price of them and judging them on that - that's flawed reasoning as everyone knows whether you spend massive or not  doesn't always determine how well the players perform, at least reserve some f.ucking judgement on their performances in a red-shirt rather than their price tags.

I've reserved that judgement for Downing and it's a 20 million pound thumbs down.
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Postby damjan193 » Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:22 am

That's pretty much my view as well
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Postby RedHands » Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:57 am

I think our transfer policy is brilliant right now. I am so GLAD we are not going to spunk all of our money on 1 or 2 really expensive players. Think about it: 1). We would be screwed if they didn't work out 2). We would have to pay them a fortune for them to come to us over City/PSG/Chelsk. The reason that Manu,City, and Chelsea pay so much for 1-2 players is because only a very, very good player could walk into their teams and make a difference. With us though, players around the 10m mark can come in and improve our team significantly. We can buy more of them so we minimize the risk of them being busts and also build depth in the squad which we were sorely lacking last year. So glad we are finally having a sensible transfer policy.
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:31 am

Kenny Kan » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:41 pm wrote:
Benny The Noon » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:48 pm wrote:If judging a player is represented by what clubs are chasing them then a lot of players wouldn't be very highly judged.

That's quite ironic coming from you, unless we're not buying someone who either Man Citeh or Chelsea are after you bemoan our signings, generally speaking.

Now that Downing is unable to court interest you pull out this pearl of contradictory wisdom.

I didn't bemoan either Coutinho or Suarez and no one was really after them ? I have "bemoaned" the signings of both Toure and Aspas. Yet I haven't  " bemoaned" the apparent signings of Alberto or Ildora or Henrik or Pappa or Mignolet - your theories about me normally end up false
Benny The Noon

Postby Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:01 am

Where you start from usually determines where you finish. If you believe that expensive players equals success then you will put our lack of success down to not buying them. If you believe that "cheap" players who desperately want to play for the club are more likely to bring you success then you will advocate that approach. We bought a striker for £35 mil and sold him to a smaller club for less than half that. Downing has been nearly as big a flop if is pricetag was supposed to help us finish in the top 4.
Madrid have spent hundreds of millions and havent been in a CL final for over a decade. City have spent hundreds of millions and failed miserably in Europe. Domestically they have won one cup and became PL champions by goal difference. They were eventually defeated in the final by a team which was relegated
Big signings dont guarantee success
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:36 am

Man City went from relegation candidates to prem winners in about 3/4 seasons, they are fighting for titles and in Europe - they were able to do that because they were able to buy quality players, and they were able to buy those because they have money

Chelsea have won 5 major trophies in 9/10 seasons plus 6 domestic cups - again because they bought quality players.

Man Utd won the title because they went and spent £20mil plus on a 29 year old.

Arsenal spent millions just to keep in the CL

Spending money doesn't give you instant success but it will get you quality players and that enables the team to challenge for trophies.

Not every big money signing works out - but if you look back at all the signings over the recent years in the prem and the majority of the successful signings have been the expensive ones.

Of all the signings we are linked with this summer the two crucial ones and the two proven quality ones are the players that are going for the big fees - if FSG have been scared off by Carroll etc and are just looking for the lower priced ones then we won't move forward - we may find the odd player whose club is letting go on the cheap like Coutinho but players like him are more a rarity than the norm. The higher quality players will be the players going for the bigger fees. If we really want to get back into the CL then it's those quality players we need
Benny The Noon

Postby Kenny Kan » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:06 am

Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:31 am wrote:
Kenny Kan » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:41 pm wrote:
Benny The Noon » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:48 pm wrote:If judging a player is represented by what clubs are chasing them then a lot of players wouldn't be very highly judged.

That's quite ironic coming from you, unless we're not buying someone who either Man Citeh or Chelsea are after you bemoan our signings, generally speaking.

Now that Downing is unable to court interest you pull out this pearl of contradictory wisdom.

I didn't bemoan either Coutinho or Suarez and no one was really after them ? I have "bemoaned" the signings of both Toure and Aspas. Yet I haven't  " bemoaned" the apparent signings of Alberto or Ildora or Henrik or Pappa or Mignolet - your theories about me normally end up false

Well, it seems myself along with most of this forum have got you all wrong, you really are a happy go lucky guy.
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Postby Kenny Kan » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:13 am

Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:36 am wrote:Man City went from relegation candidates to prem winners in about 3/4 seasons, they are fighting for titles and in Europe - they were able to do that because they were able to buy quality players, and they were able to buy those because they have money

Chelsea have won 5 major trophies in 9/10 seasons plus 6 domestic cups - again because they bought quality players.

Man Utd won the title because they went and spent £20mil plus on a 29 year old.

Arsenal spent millions just to keep in the CL

Spending money doesn't give you instant success but it will get you quality players and that enables the team to challenge for trophies.

Not every big money signing works out - but if you look back at all the signings over the recent years in the prem and the majority of the successful signings have been the expensive ones.

Of all the signings we are linked with this summer the two crucial ones and the two proven quality ones are the players that are going for the big fees - if FSG have been scared off by Carroll etc and are just looking for the lower priced ones then we won't move forward - we may find the odd player whose club is letting go on the cheap like Coutinho but players like him are more a rarity than the norm. The higher quality players will be the players going for the bigger fees. If we really want to get back into the CL then it's those quality players we need

I agree with what you have said here.

But even this Armenian fella, I don't  really see Europe's top clubs courting him (something you usually look at when we're signing players), is this media hype, after all he's playing in the Ukranian league so tell me how you've deduced that he'll be a quality signing and Iago Aspas won't? I mean, he's 24 is he not? Aspas is 25 and your using his age against here, yet if we stick to your theory Henri Ryan would have been picked up by now from R Madrid if he was that good, no?
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:40 am

The difference between Henrik and Aspas is clear - Henrik has performed both in the CL and on the international stage - teams like Juve and Dortmund have reportedly been looking at him. Aspas hasn't.

Henrik played in the shadows of players like Willian and Ferdinandino for a couple of seasons and just went about his business in a quiet way and flourished over the previous three seasons with Donesk. Just recently Henrik was a catalyst for Armenja thumping Denmark and he was very influential for their Euro Qualifying. Henrik stands outs when you look at him throughout his career so far - Apas doesn't.
Benny The Noon

Postby Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:30 am

Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:36 am wrote:Man City went from relegation candidates to prem winners in about 3/4 seasons, they are fighting for titles and in Europe - they were able to do that because they were able to buy quality players, and they were able to buy those because they have money

Chelsea have won 5 major trophies in 9/10 seasons plus 6 domestic cups - again because they bought quality players.

Man Utd won the title because they went and spent £20mil plus on a 29 year old.

Arsenal spent millions just to keep in the CL

Spending money doesn't give you instant success but it will get you quality players and that enables the team to challenge for trophies.

Not every big money signing works out - but if you look back at all the signings over the recent years in the prem and the majority of the successful signings have been the expensive ones.

Of all the signings we are linked with this summer the two crucial ones and the two proven quality ones are the players that are going for the big fees - if FSG have been scared off by Carroll etc and are just looking for the lower priced ones then we won't move forward - we may find the odd player whose club is letting go on the cheap like Coutinho but players like him are more a rarity than the norm. The higher quality players will be the players going for the bigger fees. If we really want to get back into the CL then it's those quality players we need

Your admiration of other clubs astounds but does not surprise me
Man city are sh'ite and have just sacked their big spending manager after a woeful, gutless and trophyless season
Chelsea may have won things but at what price? They are soul-less, plastic, un-admired and un-respected BECAUSE of the money theyve spent and the players theyve got
Man u have just lost the most sly, underhanded, hypocritical, bullying, manipulating manager in the history of the prem if not the football league. He gained them at least six points every season and won most of his trophies due to his lying and intimidating behaviour, rather than buying the best players.
Arsenal havent won a trophy for 8 years and counting, no matter how much money theyve spent
To use these examples of what we should be aspiring to shows what youre about
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Postby redno7 » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:38 am

Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:30 am wrote:
Your admiration of other clubs astounds but does not surprise me
Man city are sh'ite and have just sacked their big spending manager after a woeful, gutless and trophyless season
Chelsea may have won things but at what price? They are soul-less, plastic, un-admired and un-respected BECAUSE of the money theyve spent and the players theyve got
Man u have just lost the most sly, underhanded, hypocritical, bullying, manipulating manager in the history of the prem if not the football league. He gained them at least six points every season and won most of his trophies due to his lying and intimidating behaviour, rather than buying the best players.
Arsenal havent won a trophy for 8 years and counting, no matter how much money theyve spent
To use these examples of what we should be aspiring to shows what youre about

:buttrock   well that's him sussed once and for all.
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:54 am

Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:30 am wrote:
Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:36 am wrote:Man City went from relegation candidates to prem winners in about 3/4 seasons, they are fighting for titles and in Europe - they were able to do that because they were able to buy quality players, and they were able to buy those because they have money

Chelsea have won 5 major trophies in 9/10 seasons plus 6 domestic cups - again because they bought quality players.

Man Utd won the title because they went and spent £20mil plus on a 29 year old.

Arsenal spent millions just to keep in the CL

Spending money doesn't give you instant success but it will get you quality players and that enables the team to challenge for trophies.

Not every big money signing works out - but if you look back at all the signings over the recent years in the prem and the majority of the successful signings have been the expensive ones.

Of all the signings we are linked with this summer the two crucial ones and the two proven quality ones are the players that are going for the big fees - if FSG have been scared off by Carroll etc and are just looking for the lower priced ones then we won't move forward - we may find the odd player whose club is letting go on the cheap like Coutinho but players like him are more a rarity than the norm. The higher quality players will be the players going for the bigger fees. If we really want to get back into the CL then it's those quality players we need

Your admiration of other clubs astounds but does not surprise me
Man city are sh'ite and have just sacked their big spending manager after a woeful, gutless and trophyless season
Chelsea may have won things but at what price? They are soul-less, plastic, un-admired and un-respected BECAUSE of the money theyve spent and the players theyve got
Man u have just lost the most sly, underhanded, hypocritical, bullying, manipulating manager in the history of the prem if not the football league. He gained them at least six points every season and won most of his trophies due to his lying and intimidating behaviour, rather than buying the best players.
Arsenal havent won a trophy for 8 years and counting, no matter how much money theyve spent
To use these examples of what we should be aspiring to shows what youre about

I was just stating facts - those 4 teams are the ones winning trophies and qualifying for the CL each year - in terms of where they are - top 4 - that's what we need to aspire too.

You call City ***** because they came 2nd without winning a trophy ? We can only dream of coming 2nd at the moment. It's a fact that they are were they are because of the money - and they are somewhere we should aspire to be - challenging for trophies and in the CL

Chelsea - because of the money they have success - titles , European titles , domestic cups and they keep spending. That's a fact - again we would love to have their trophy success.

Man Utd won the title again - fact , they spent money to do it by buying the best striker in the prem - fact.

And Arsenal have had to spend money to keep in the CL spots - again it's a fact.

If we don't aspire to be challenging for trophies and titles and CL football then what exactly do you think the club should aspire to be ?
Benny The Noon

Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:59 am

redno7 » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:38 am wrote:
Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:30 am wrote:
Your admiration of other clubs astounds but does not surprise me
Man city are sh'ite and have just sacked their big spending manager after a woeful, gutless and trophyless season
Chelsea may have won things but at what price? They are soul-less, plastic, un-admired and un-respected BECAUSE of the money theyve spent and the players theyve got
Man u have just lost the most sly, underhanded, hypocritical, bullying, manipulating manager in the history of the prem if not the football league. He gained them at least six points every season and won most of his trophies due to his lying and intimidating behaviour, rather than buying the best players.
Arsenal havent won a trophy for 8 years and counting, no matter how much money theyve spent
To use these examples of what we should be aspiring to shows what youre about

:buttrock   well that's him sussed once and for all.

How exactly is that me "sussed" ???

Is there anything in my post that is false
Benny The Noon


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