Steven gerrard - Yesterday

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Postby murphy0151 » Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:19 am

He made me sick yesterday, after every challange he was hugging and shaking hands with all the chelsea players.  He couldnt off made it any more blatenly obvious that hes off to chelsea.

Gutted by these antics.
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Postby A.B. » Sun Jan 02, 2005 6:04 am

Wait Garcia helped out Makalale and gave him a pat on the back, HE IS GOING TO CHELSEA ARGH!!!!
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Postby Djiin » Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:15 am

it all in gesture of sportmanship but in that game should'nt have done that conssdering @#$% lampard did to alonso.. i don think will shake riley's hand after the match..@#$%&
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Postby ronmeister » Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:06 am

i dont think Lampard meant to break alonso's ankle,He is just a bad tackler of the ball u see it week in and week out he is at the same lvl as stevie was two season's ago(remember stevies two foot studs up challenge's?) Anyway back to the topic like i said in another post One man is not bigger than the team if he go's it will be a loss but we will manage and on another note If for some reason SG popped into one of these forums the way most pple are talking about him farting towards the Kop so he must be going to chelsea well it just might make his mind up for him,If like saying Oh them two boxers tapped gloves in the last round they didnt really wanna knock each other out.
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Postby parchpea » Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:20 am

Theres been so much speculation that paranoia sets in. I must admit I was looking at this kinda thing myself, however I doubt theres anything in it at all. It was a well contested good natured game overall so Gerrard was no exception.
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Postby Paul C » Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:02 pm

Did make me wonder the way Mourinho shook all the LFC players hands and then when it came to Steive he gave him a high 5 a pat on the back and a big smile, it's nothing but me reading into things too much ???
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Postby andy_g » Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:23 pm

gerrards every move is under the microscope these days, everything he says or does we analyse for its hidden meaning or subtexts, trying to find out what he's thinking, what he's gonna do. its no wonder that in the chelsea game - the team he's been most connected with - the microscope is gonna get turned up a few notches.

but i have to repeat. i didn't see the game (nightmare) so i can't comment on what actually happened. but i'm sure he wouldn't make such a blatant show at anfield of all places if he was gonna go to them anytime soon.

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Postby fivecups » Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:33 pm

parchpea wrote:Theres been so much speculation that paranoia sets in. I must admit I was looking at this kinda thing myself, however I doubt theres anything in it at all. It was a well contested good natured game overall so Gerrard was no exception.

I noticed it as well, but suspect it's paranoia on my part. Your right, it was a good natured game.
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Postby woof woof ! » Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:50 pm

Mourinhos gesture to Gerrard at the end of the game was an attempt to signify his respect for our most outstanding player. Students of human behavior/body language will tell you that it was also an attempt to build some kind of intimacy between the two individuals . I would have been a lot happier if Gerrad had to Mournho to "FU CK OFF !" instead of smiling at him.
Hate to raise this one again lads but some of you are NOT being paranoid. Chelsea will come in again for Gerrard in the summer and if we don't finish in the top four we will lose him . :(

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Postby greece2004 » Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:24 pm

Guys they are profesionals!!!!
they dont give a ****** about us!!!!
they have interests!!!!
If Gerrard wants to stay its ok,if he dont ok again!!!!!
Many of our great players said that they will stay forever in Anfield but they left!!!!!!
The important thing is the fans to stay!!!
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Postby fivecups » Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:26 pm

woof woof ! wrote:Chelsea will come in again for Gerrard in the summer and if we don't finish in the top four we will lose him . :(

Woof Woof, I think thats a given.
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Postby greece2004 » Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:35 pm

hahahahaha i agree mate!!!!!!
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Postby liamac » Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:00 pm

Hasnt  SG been a supporter since he was in his dads left  b.ollock tho? He was born a red , he wants the same as all of us.
Think about it , all of us have had dreams of playing for Liverpool , .00001% of us will would ever get a chance to even sniff a ball let alone play.
SG has achieved a childhood dream to play for the team he has supported since he was a kid , turned down a double your money and every chance of winning silver to stay because Raffa and SG,s family persuaded him too and because he loves this club. He is a supporter first , then a player.......was Owen or Macmanaman a supporter? no both blue noses when they were kids.

Raffa is turning the team around , far quicker than we all thought and SG can see that , what with whats happening with Abramovich and embezellment allagations back home in Ruski , i cant see SG moving there or to the circus in Madrid , who the f.uck wants to go to a club that has just got its 3rd manager in only the first half of a season ?!?!?!
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Postby lakes10 » Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:01 pm

i must say that i did not like what Gerrard was dooing , i did see him jokeing a few times  with the blues but i also did see the bit after the games as he came off and gave a look to Mourinho ,i did not think it was a "see you soon " look.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:42 pm

Hasnt  SG been a supporter since he was in his dads left  b.ollock tho? He was born a red , he wants the same as all of us.
Think about it , all of us have had dreams of playing for Liverpool , .00001% of us will would ever get a chance to even sniff a ball let alone play.
SG has achieved a childhood dream to play for the team he has supported since he was a kid , turned down a double your money and every chance of winning silver to stay because Raffa and SG,s family persuaded him too and because he loves this club. He is a supporter first , then a player.......was Owen or Macmanaman a supporter? no both blue noses when they were kids.

Steven Gerrard was a blue as a kid. I'm sick of repeating myself. He became a Liverpool "Supporter/Fan" when he joined the academy and they brain washed him. He used to turn up to Whiston Juniors in an Everton Kit for christs sake.

He's a turncoate and it wouldn't suprise me if this lack of loyalty came through once again in the future.


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