Steven g agrees terms with chelsea!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby XSD » Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:17 pm

anfieldadorer wrote:New Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho is keen to sign Liverpool and England star Steven Gerrard to play alongside Frank Lampard next season!

Behind Lampard, Gerrard was recognised as the most accomplished midfielder in the Premiership last season, dragging Liverpool into the Champions League kicking and screaming!

And Mourinho has admitted that he would like the scouse star to be a part of his revolution at Chelsea. Jose said "If he comes, I'll welcome him with open arms. If he doesn't, I'll admire him anyway. I don't know the distance between the dream and reality."

The distance between dream and reality seems to be shortening by the day. Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon revealed: "Steven Gerrard is recognised as one of the best midfielders around and were it possible we would be extremely interested. It's great to see how Frank Lampard and Steven have played together and Steven certainly comes into the Lampard class."

And if the rumours about Wayne Rooney are true, scouse mania could be heading to West London! Make sure you lock your car...

This sounds like Chelsea supporter nonsence, what source was this? So Gerrard "comes into the Lampard class" does he? LOL
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Postby stmichael » Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:21 pm

frank lampard is a very good player who has improved no end but he isn't fit to lace gerrard's boots in terms of all round footballing ability.
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Postby JohnBull » Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:36 pm

I'm taking bets again !!!!
The boys gone !!!
Pity he didn't have the grace  to tell us.
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Postby supersub » Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:39 pm

Come David Moores and Rick Parry dismiss all the speculation with an abrupt statement "the lad is going nowhere end of story" or do we need the moneyyyyyy!!!
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Postby maximus » Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:40 pm

quite frankly all this cr*p about Gerrard moving to Chelsea is getting on my t*ts. The fact of the matter is, IF, and only IF he does move it will be purely for monetary reasons. AND NOTHING ELSE!!!! the sooner Liverpool fans realise this the better. THERE IS NO LOYALTY IN FOOTBALL
-Sol Campbell to Arsenal
-Alan Smith to Man UTD
To name but a few. And who can blame him, a chance to increase his earning potential by DOUBLE in a career that is potentially very short lived.

You Liverpool fans have got your head in the clouds FFS. Stevie is probably getting it in the ear from Lumpard, how great is at Chelsea blah! blah! blah! Lets all concentrate on what we can spend the money on, not whether a mercenary wants to leave because there is more money on the table.

I repeat Get your emotional heads from out of the clouds PLEASE!!! It is all getting very boring!!
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:45 pm

Never EVER believe anything kraptalk or Tribal Football say. EVER.

They are the worst, lying, ****** sites ever designed for moron's who will believe anything they read.

If either of those two sites said that Benitez was the Liverpool manager i'd probably have another look. They rarely if ever print anything worth reading.

Postby long sleeved joe » Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:02 pm

from what i have read in the papers the £31M being talked about is an up-front payment which means its value is far higher than it seems because of the masive interest.  Generally payments are staggered over the course of the players contract.
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Postby Gareth G » Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:12 pm

I personally don't believe a word that has been said, and i refuse to until they actually come out themselves and say hes gone. However, i do have a bad feeling that hes going, if he wasn't surely he would have just came out and rubbished all the rumours...would he?
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Postby ICE-MAN » Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:40 pm

if gerrard does go its a sad day at anfield! and in my opinion finally confirms that we ware turning into a spurs or leeds or some shyte like that! he cant go we will gave money to spend we dont need 31m, paryy said there will be spending this summer so that we get back in touch with the top three and so far has gone to plan with houllier and heskey gone, so its not as if we need the money and we wont get back in touch with the top three if gerrard leaves! hes sttled in liverpool with his kid and girlfriend, hes a hometown lad and is captain of the most successful team in england, chelsea have won fook all in the last few years we have won more than them! he should at least stay for two more years and see if we progress!

one tyhing i must say though is that i fookin hate that kenyon fella, hes a sneaky fooker and was the same at man utd, hes uses the media to stir loads of shyte!

i am worried about kenyon using every trick in the book but im also worried that chelsea seem to have pulled out of the deco deal, better not be to concentrate on gerrard! also what worries me is that rooney n gerrard are best of mates and would make it easier if they moved together!

anywaykeep praying is all bullshyte
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Postby JBG » Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:41 pm

maximus wrote:You Liverpool fans have got your head in the clouds FFS.

I repeat Get your emotional heads from out of the clouds PLEASE!!! It is all getting very boring!!

Who and what are you talking about?
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Postby JBG » Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:43 pm

Why the change of heart again, John Bull?
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Postby mistyred » Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:00 pm

No disrespect but lately john and (BULL) seem to go hand in hand, Koptalk is a fan fiction site and are the same ones that said GH had quit LFC two years ago.
Chelsea have already comfirmed that all this Stevie G talk is just speculation and that IF he did plan to leave only then they would bid and welcome him with open arms.

This is just getting openly stupid beyond belief.:angry: :angry: .

Anyway on to more pressing issues i hope baros and the boy's splatter the Germans beyond all recognition..

John Bull if this all turn's out to be true i will openly apologise to yourself for that little comment.:;): :;): .
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Postby 84-1083280474 » Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:07 pm

this is a silly post.

I doubt Stevie is negotiating terms with Chelsea, as hes focusing on a tournament at the moment. that sort of thing would put you right off yer game.

this will all go up in smoke when they return from portugal and stevie quashes these silly rumours


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