Stand up an believe

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby The_Rock » Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:00 am

Number 9 wrote:*****The question is why aren't the Mods doing anything about it ?******
Report the post chum! x o

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Postby andy_g » Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:22 am

i expect liverpool fans on this forum to have enough average intelligence to see that things don't always have to be black and white and to drop this ridiculous pro- and anti- bullsh!t. its impossible to express dissatisfaction with the current performance of the team and the manager in various shades of grey without being labelled an 'anti' and having the 'pro' thought police (you know who you are) jump on your back with all sorts of ilformed and childish rebukes.

honestly, the lack of intelligence shown here at times (especially shown by those who then claim to be more intelligent than and to be 'outwitting' their dastardly 'anti' nemesis :D ) beggars belief - as so beautifully demonstrated by our old friend barry just now. the ability to morph expressions of admiration for the achievements of mourinho into 'been sucking his c'ock for 3 years' is the kind of thought process regularly employed by 13 year olds. barry, you know i loves ya mate - but sometimes you do get confused between your mouth and your ar'se.

so, yeah - the problem isn't the people expressing dissatisfaction with the manager, or even that they begin to say they think a replacement might be better for the club. the problem is that the forum thought police come swarming in with their childish insults, accusations of not being a real fan and demanding that we enter the communist state of newkit where we all raise placards of loyalty above our heads and sing 'you'll never walk alone with' our hands on our hearts and a tear in our eye, while conveniently ignoring the fact that we just might be heading down the sh!tter.

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Postby tonyeh » Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:01 am

Number 9 wrote:Everyone says the forum is dying and I'd agree...

How is the forum "dying" Barry?

It's one of the more lively forums, IMO.

Does people debating issues mean a forum death? I think the forum would dead, if eveyone agreed with everyone else. It would render it utterly pointless.
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Postby lakes10 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:18 am

my take on it

Rafa has had the time to build a good team
Rafa has had time to learn from his mistakes
Rafa has had money to spend on players
Rafa has had the power to pick the players to buy
Rafa has the power to pick the team for each game
Rafa has the power on how the team is set up

When the team doont play well fans look at this and thats why Rafa takes the is the managers job to do so and they know it.

as for asking him to be sack, well last weekend i did, but for the firsts time in a very very long time.
I fear that the longer he is here now more down some players at our club will be and more will ask to leave.
I am starting to get the feeling that all the big names at our club might be happy to see him go, if that makes the team play better then so be it.

we are liverpool, once the top team in the english game, we have not been that for 20 years, so its not just down to rafa that we have not won anything for 20years but he has come to the club at a time when we need to win the prem and in a short space of time, if he looks like he is not going to do that he will ntake more and more stick.
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:15 pm

redbeergoggles wrote:I find the current trend that is evolving with regards to Rafas culpability ,more than a tad disconcerting to say the least , can someone please explain what is happening to the staunch support synonymous with Liverpool and its knowledgeable fans ,Is it a virus that is sweeping through our once formidable armoury that is weakening our resolve ,its plain to see the season is in its infancy, surely its not too much of a leap of faith to asssume ,other Premiership teams will fall victim to the injury plague that is  so prevalent in our current state of health .

Why if its the Premier league that is the absolute pinnacle of our aspirations ,are we subjected to such barbs as "If we lose to Lyon should we sack him " I was under the distinct impression the Champions League was not an essential goal this season ,was I misguided in my subsequent train of thought that taking precedence would be winning the Premiership ?

I think in a general we need to support the team as a whole  and that includes the much maligned manager ,afterall it is not beyond the realms of reason to hold the belief other top teams will drop points in the ensuing season ,Im guessing the posters who possess more than a modicum of intelligence would have already gleamed from this season that the majority of games thus far ,have been relatively high scoring affairs were defences have hardly been on top .

All the top defences have been struggling this season ,what is patently obvious is the game has evolved more offensively ,were  now attack is the more  predominant force ......surely we can afford the team some much needed patience in this the  most difficult time in our history ,afterall is it not our patience and dexterity that makes Liverpool fans a completely different animal ,much seperated from the more common intolerant dolts that support Chelsea and the like.

I expect Liverpool fans to be more  attuned to the current plight of our club ,I expect Liverpool fans to provide a circle of steel around Anfield ,and be universal in the acceptance that these are indeed difficult times ,and they will require every ounce of our unique reserve ,I expect Liverpool fans to be unlike any others ......Simply UNIQUE

An that is one great post,

i started a similar thread Stand up an believe , Nothing to do with the manager , But about closing ranks an fecking standing up an believing in our club, Sadly it got turned into another Rafa thread by some, Were being attacked from left right an cente as a club, From the owners right down to the fan, enough is enough, Its time to batten up the hatches an tell all this Liverpool onslaught to feck off, were not having it anymore.
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Postby Bad Bob » Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:58 pm

NANNY RED wrote:i started a similar thread Stand up an believe

Indeed, you did and I've merged the two now.  Let's try to avoid splitting similar discussions into multiple threads.
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Postby phil_cool » Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:51 pm

lakes10 wrote:my take on it

Rafa has had the time to build a good team
Rafa has had time to learn from his mistakes
Rafa has had money to spend on players
Rafa has had the power to pick the players to buy
Rafa has the power to pick the team for each game
Rafa has the power on how the team is set up

When the team doont play well fans look at this and thats why Rafa takes the is the managers job to do so and they know it.

as for asking him to be sack, well last weekend i did, but for the firsts time in a very very long time.
I fear that the longer he is here now more down some players at our club will be and more will ask to leave.
I am starting to get the feeling that all the big names at our club might be happy to see him go, if that makes the team play better then so be it.

we are liverpool, once the top team in the english game, we have not been that for 20 years, so its not just down to rafa that we have not won anything for 20years but he has come to the club at a time when we need to win the prem and in a short space of time, if he looks like he is not going to do that he will ntake more and more stick.

If things don't start to improve shortly we may find that players will stop performing just as they did towards the end of Houlliers reign. We have already seen heads go down while still in with a chance at Fulham, any repeat of that is totally unacceptable.
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Postby lakes10 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:43 pm

we are lucky that we have a very easy game next !!!!?
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Postby teamleader1 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:24 pm

I - along with many thousands of others will be at Anfield tomorrow night (freezing our :censored: off) supporting LFC.

I think its time for Rafa to go, no excuses as far as I'm concerned, hes had the time and the money to build a much stronger squad that should be able to carry on being competitive when injuries, suspensions etc hit, so hes accountable for the sorry state we find ourselves in.

Its whats best for LFC and not Rafa that counts!
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:30 pm

teamleader1 wrote:I - along with many thousands of others will be at Anfield tomorrow night (freezing our :censored: off) supporting LFC.

I think its time for Rafa to go, no excuses as far as I'm concerned, hes had the time and the money to build a much stronger squad that should be able to carry on being competitive when injuries, suspensions etc hit, so hes accountable for the sorry state we find ourselves in.

Its whats best for LFC and not Rafa that counts!

Mate the first line of you post is what were saying , bATTON DOWN THE HATCHES AN Support the team,

But then you went an spoilt it with bringing up Rafa again, this is not about Rafa , this is about LFC getting stick from every fecking tool on the planet at the mo,
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Postby redbeergoggles » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:40 pm

Bad Bob wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:i started a similar thread Stand up an believe

Indeed, you did and I've merged the two now.  Let's try to avoid splitting similar discussions into multiple threads.

Would a simple no suffice ? and an ever so gentle reminder your not my Teacher ,Lecturer ,or I hasten to add Dad .....

I take the time out of a hectic schedule to post my thoughts on a relevant subject, and its taken out of all context slapped with a label and thrown into another thread ,quite simply stifled by a person who has not the slightest inkling of the meaning behind the thread ,because if he did he would understand its importance and not have the sheer temerity to undermine its meaning ,not everything is black and white there exists a complete myriad of different colours and shades ,there has to be an intermediate ,this Forum used to flourish with genuine characters and there was a hell of a lot less censorship ,yet it thrived on its freedom   ,now its bracketed ,typecast and put into well ordered categories as soon as posted ,power mad pen pushers gone OTT ...
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:52 pm

big al wrote:Simple Question. Simple answer. 20 years of not winning the top division in England. Call it what you will.  The Mancs are equal and could take over if we fail.   Half a dictionary will not change the truth.  You have a very delightful and poetic tone however. Almost but not quite, plain english.  Well done for effort.

So essentially you are admitting that Rafa is suffering because of the shart management 20 years ago?


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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:57 pm

made in UK wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
bigmick wrote:Very very few people are saying we should sack the manager though Red, very very few. In fact, we are rapidly approaching the very odd situation where more people are moaning about people moaning about the manager than are people actually moaning about him, if you get my drift.

Look, if you lose 6 out of 8, winning one out of 8, exit the Carling Cup, as good as exit the title race and look like you're going to exit the Champions League, what do people expect fans on forums to do, nominate Rafa for manager of the month? At the start of the season we can only win four trophies, and it is looking distinctly probable that as of now we can only win one of them. People are going to have a moan, live with it.

Being a supporter is not clapping your hands on a forum and insisting you have "faith" in a manager and "believe" in him, even if you don't. Those who still do have "faith" in him and still do "believe" in him are entirely entitled to their opinion, but surely those of us who don't, and those who are wavering are surely entitled to the same consideration.

As I've said a few times, if people don't want to talk about the manager then they shouldn't do it. To try and stop other people talking about it though seems odd to me. Almost as odd as people (not you Red) implying that some of us aren't "real" fans because we think our performances and results this season are some way below what we're capable of. The World is a very odd place at the moment, that's for sure.

Well considering the point you have been wa,nking over Jose for about 3 years or since he parted our soils I find this rich...very very rich!

Ah Barry and all that...Ah Mick,as soon as your special one won the EPL and fu,cked off you have became a tw,at..thats not to say you were not one already!
Poor me gets flack..poor me,always picked on,poor me deserves more space........No offence like but I think bringing a sex shop to NZ was silly considering the sheep to man ratio?Call me sceptic?

PS your sarcasm is about as funny as a boot in the nuts!

Wind your neck in Barry.


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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:59 pm

The_Rock wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
bigmick wrote:Very very few people are saying we should sack the manager though Red, very very few. In fact, we are rapidly approaching the very odd situation where more people are moaning about people moaning about the manager than are people actually moaning about him, if you get my drift.

Look, if you lose 6 out of 8, winning one out of 8, exit the Carling Cup, as good as exit the title race and look like you're going to exit the Champions League, what do people expect fans on forums to do, nominate Rafa for manager of the month? At the start of the season we can only win four trophies, and it is looking distinctly probable that as of now we can only win one of them. People are going to have a moan, live with it.

Being a supporter is not clapping your hands on a forum and insisting you have "faith" in a manager and "believe" in him, even if you don't. Those who still do have "faith" in him and still do "believe" in him are entirely entitled to their opinion, but surely those of us who don't, and those who are wavering are surely entitled to the same consideration.

As I've said a few times, if people don't want to talk about the manager then they shouldn't do it. To try and stop other people talking about it though seems odd to me. Almost as odd as people (not you Red) implying that some of us aren't "real" fans because we think our performances and results this season are some way below what we're capable of. The World is a very odd place at the moment, that's for sure.

Well considering the point you have been wa,nking over Jose for about 3 years or since he parted our soils I find this rich...very very rich!

Ah Barry and all that...Ah Mick,as soon as your special one won the EPL and fu,cked off you have became a tw,at..thats not to say you were not one already!
Poor me gets flack..poor me,always picked on,poor me deserves more space........No offence like but I think bringing a sex shop to NZ was silly considering the sheep to man ratio?Call me sceptic?

PS your sarcasm is about as funny as a boot in the nuts!

This is the reason why this forum is going to the $hitters..... Posters like number 9, Emerald red, lando....(and others)...personally insulting members of this forum when we say anything remotely "bad" about the manager.

Have you seen Big Mick insulting another member of this forum ? Have u seen Lakes doing it ? Heimdell ? I haven't really insulted anyone here too for a long time....(i think :p)

But then check the previous posts of some of the so-called "pro-rafalites"... All filled with personal insults... Infact these are the people who always seem to start flame wars here.

The question is why aren't the Mods doing anything about it ?

Use your eyes, friend.

If you think that Heimdall doesn't insult members you are blind.

If you think Mick doesn't, you are stupid.

Actually - you may well be both of the above, in which case I apologise profusely...

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Postby teamleader1 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:06 pm

NANNY RED wrote:
teamleader1 wrote:I - along with many thousands of others will be at Anfield tomorrow night (freezing our :censored: off) supporting LFC.

I think its time for Rafa to go, no excuses as far as I'm concerned, hes had the time and the money to build a much stronger squad that should be able to carry on being competitive when injuries, suspensions etc hit, so hes accountable for the sorry state we find ourselves in.

Its whats best for LFC and not Rafa that counts!

Mate the first line of you post is what were saying , bATTON DOWN THE HATCHES AN Support the team,

But then you went an spoilt it with bringing up Rafa again, this is not about Rafa , this is about LFC getting stick from every fecking tool on the planet at the mo,

I don't need to batten down the hatches on our own board.
I do that constantly with outsiders!

But don't expect me to be like some sheep going along blindly supporting a manager who has brought most of this :censored: upon himself and LFC

This thread is a reaction to the stick we're getting
So how the fk do you ignore the main reason for it?
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