Stand up an believe

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby andy_g » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:07 pm

ooooooh, you power mad pen pushers, you

hands up who thoughts red's thread opener should have been framed in gold and accompanied by a herald of angels playing heavenly trumpets and brandishing both the nobel prize for literature and a copy of the universal declaration of human rights.

slight over reaction there, mate if you don't mind me saying so. (though i bet you do :D )

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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:09 pm

teamleader1 wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
teamleader1 wrote:I - along with many thousands of others will be at Anfield tomorrow night (freezing our :censored: off) supporting LFC.

I think its time for Rafa to go, no excuses as far as I'm concerned, hes had the time and the money to build a much stronger squad that should be able to carry on being competitive when injuries, suspensions etc hit, so hes accountable for the sorry state we find ourselves in.

Its whats best for LFC and not Rafa that counts!

Mate the first line of you post is what were saying , bATTON DOWN THE HATCHES AN Support the team,

But then you went an spoilt it with bringing up Rafa again, this is not about Rafa , this is about LFC getting stick from every fecking tool on the planet at the mo,

I don't need to batten down the hatches on our own board.
I do that constantly with outsiders!

But don't expect me to be like some sheep going along blindly supporting a manager who has brought most of this :censored: upon himself and LFC

This thread is a reaction to the stick we're getting
So how the fk do you ignore the main reason for it?

Its in a different thread mate , the sack Rafa one , :;):
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Postby teamleader1 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:18 pm

NANNY RED wrote:
teamleader1 wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
teamleader1 wrote:I - along with many thousands of others will be at Anfield tomorrow night (freezing our :censored: off) supporting LFC.

I think its time for Rafa to go, no excuses as far as I'm concerned, hes had the time and the money to build a much stronger squad that should be able to carry on being competitive when injuries, suspensions etc hit, so hes accountable for the sorry state we find ourselves in.

Its whats best for LFC and not Rafa that counts!

Mate the first line of you post is what were saying , bATTON DOWN THE HATCHES AN Support the team,

But then you went an spoilt it with bringing up Rafa again, this is not about Rafa , this is about LFC getting stick from every fecking tool on the planet at the mo,

I don't need to batten down the hatches on our own board.
I do that constantly with outsiders!

But don't expect me to be like some sheep going along blindly supporting a manager who has brought most of this :censored: upon himself and LFC

This thread is a reaction to the stick we're getting
So how the fk do you ignore the main reason for it?

Its in a different thread mate , the sack Rafa one , :;):

Sorry Red - My mistake!
Would this be the;
Lets all support LFC on an LFC board thread?

How cutting fkn edge!!

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:26 pm

andy_g wrote:i expect liverpool fans on this forum to have enough average intelligence to see that things don't always have to be black and white and to drop this ridiculous pro- and anti- bullsh!t. its impossible to express dissatisfaction with the current performance of the team and the manager in various shades of grey without being labelled an 'anti' and having the 'pro' thought police (you know who you are) jump on your back with all sorts of ilformed and childish rebukes.

honestly, the lack of intelligence shown here at times (especially shown by those who then claim to be more intelligent than and to be 'outwitting' their dastardly 'anti' nemesis :D ) beggars belief - as so beautifully demonstrated by our old friend barry just now. the ability to morph expressions of admiration for the achievements of mourinho into 'been sucking his c'ock for 3 years' is the kind of thought process regularly employed by 13 year olds. barry, you know i loves ya mate - but sometimes you do get confused between your mouth and your ar'se.

so, yeah - the problem isn't the people expressing dissatisfaction with the manager, or even that they begin to say they think a replacement might be better for the club. the problem is that the forum thought police come swarming in with their childish insults, accusations of not being a real fan and demanding that we enter the communist state of newkit where we all raise placards of loyalty above our heads and sing 'you'll never walk alone with' our hands on our hearts and a tear in our eye, while conveniently ignoring the fact that we just might be heading down the sh!tter.

As tired as I am of saying this, I used to respond to football posts with football-related replies.

When the posts became insulting towards Rafa, Kuyt and a particular member, can you guess what my standard method of retort changed into? You'll remember, I'm sure, that this type of post was reserved for the wums who came onto the board. There is a very clear line when that changed and I started targeting established members.

You can post your sarcastic references, you can post your " :D 's", you can post about homophobia and xenophobia until you're blue in the face. The fact is that if someone is acting a c*nt I will tell them how it is.

You whine about the "childish thought police swarming" - have you ever seen how the antis descend on a pro post and tear it apart? Perhaps you should watch and learn, friend. Perhaps you would change your opinion then and see that, rather than the pro's always attacking, they do occasionally have to defend, too.

What is the difference between saying Kuyt "sucks Rafa's c*ck" and "BigMick s*cks Moris'"? Is it acceptable to say disgusting things about the players and staff BECAUSE they're players and staff? Do some of the less brightly lit members think that they are in some way more important to people on here than the very ethos we are here to support?

And you have the bare-faced gall to imply that I'm lacking in intelligence...

Why should I waste hours of my life trying to point out the flaws in a sizable group's mentality, when calling them c*nts hits home in a fraction of the time? You can't post anything in response to Mick as a quarter of a million surfs jump on your head and start defending their Master with mind-numbing regularity.

I'll tell you what this forum needs - a coup. To overthrow the self-appointed Emperor and weed out his loyalist support. The fact of the matter is that these people somehow believe themselves to be more important than Rafael Benitez and his playing staff. They have maneuvered themselves into a position where they consider their opinions to be fact, their assertions to be unquestionable and their outlook righteous. You have certain imps declaring that Peter Reid should take over - and you think it's the PROS who lack intellect!!! How can anyone possibly hope to educate such an ill-informed and woefully deluded group as this? Peter Reid - an EVERTON LEGEND - as Liverpool manager.

You could not dream it up no matter how much cheese you scoffed before bedtime.

So, here we are: Andy_g, the "voice of reason" (only God knows where such reason is from) finally deigns to post on the subject in hand, conveniently ignoring half of the facts.

Sometimes (is now one of those times?), it is impossible to reason with people. If you have sh*t for brains the only way to tackle the situation is to throw more sh*t at them in the hope that it will improve their mental capacity.

Has it worked? Can you feel your head filling with knowledge?
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:36 pm

teamleader1 wrote:Sorry Red - My mistake!
Would this be the;
Lets all support LFC on an LFC board thread?

How cutting fkn edge!!


Youd be surprised mate, :;): Not a cutting edge but a jagged edge :laugh:
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Postby andy_g » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:11 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
andy_g wrote:i expect liverpool fans on this forum to have enough average intelligence to see that things don't always have to be black and white and to drop this ridiculous pro- and anti- bullsh!t. its impossible to express dissatisfaction with the current performance of the team and the manager in various shades of grey without being labelled an 'anti' and having the 'pro' thought police (you know who you are) jump on your back with all sorts of ilformed and childish rebukes.

honestly, the lack of intelligence shown here at times (especially shown by those who then claim to be more intelligent than and to be 'outwitting' their dastardly 'anti' nemesis :D ) beggars belief - as so beautifully demonstrated by our old friend barry just now. the ability to morph expressions of admiration for the achievements of mourinho into 'been sucking his c'ock for 3 years' is the kind of thought process regularly employed by 13 year olds. barry, you know i loves ya mate - but sometimes you do get confused between your mouth and your ar'se.

so, yeah - the problem isn't the people expressing dissatisfaction with the manager, or even that they begin to say they think a replacement might be better for the club. the problem is that the forum thought police come swarming in with their childish insults, accusations of not being a real fan and demanding that we enter the communist state of newkit where we all raise placards of loyalty above our heads and sing 'you'll never walk alone with' our hands on our hearts and a tear in our eye, while conveniently ignoring the fact that we just might be heading down the sh!tter.

As tired as I am of saying this, I used to respond to football posts with football-related replies.

When the posts became insulting towards Rafa, Kuyt and a particular member, can you guess what my standard method of retort changed into? You'll remember, I'm sure, that this type of post was reserved for the wums who came onto the board. There is a very clear line when that changed and I started targeting established members.

You can post your sarcastic references, you can post your " :D 's", you can post about homophobia and xenophobia until you're blue in the face. The fact is that if someone is acting a c*nt I will tell them how it is.

You whine about the "childish thought police swarming" - have you ever seen how the antis descend on a pro post and tear it apart? Perhaps you should watch and learn, friend. Perhaps you would change your opinion then and see that, rather than the pro's always attacking, they do occasionally have to defend, too.

What is the difference between saying Kuyt "sucks Rafa's c*ck" and "BigMick s*cks Moris'"? Is it acceptable to say disgusting things about the players and staff BECAUSE they're players and staff? Do some of the less brightly lit members think that they are in some way more important to people on here than the very ethos we are here to support?

And you have the bare-faced gall to imply that I'm lacking in intelligence...

Why should I waste hours of my life trying to point out the flaws in a sizable group's mentality, when calling them c*nts hits home in a fraction of the time? You can't post anything in response to Mick as a quarter of a million surfs jump on your head and start defending their Master with mind-numbing regularity.

I'll tell you what this forum needs - a coup. To overthrow the self-appointed Emperor and weed out his loyalist support. The fact of the matter is that these people somehow believe themselves to be more important than Rafael Benitez and his playing staff. They have maneuvered themselves into a position where they consider their opinions to be fact, their assertions to be unquestionable and their outlook righteous. You have certain imps declaring that Peter Reid should take over - and you think it's the PROS who lack intellect!!! How can anyone possibly hope to educate such an ill-informed and woefully deluded group as this? Peter Reid - an EVERTON LEGEND - as Liverpool manager.

You could not dream it up no matter how much cheese you scoffed before bedtime.

So, here we are: Andy_g, the "voice of reason" (only God knows where such reason is from) finally deigns to post on the subject in hand, conveniently ignoring half of the facts.

Sometimes (is now one of those times?), it is impossible to reason with people. If you have sh*t for brains the only way to tackle the situation is to throw more sh*t at them in the hope that it will improve their mental capacity.

Has it worked? Can you feel your head filling with knowledge?

where did i mention you, exactly? but to answer some of your points anyway...

i don't support the calling of any player, any manager or any member a kunt - whether they are 'pro', 'anti' or indifferent. and i think if anyone is guilty of 'ignoring half the facts' in a post, or guilty of completely misreading the content or intent of some peoples' posts then it is you, lando. you then appoint yourself the one with the righteous task of calling those people a kunt who have the nerve to hold the opposite to your very black and white views. how can you get all wound up about mick supposedly 'self-appointing' himself as emporer of the forum when you have 'self-appointed yourself to be its policeman?

on the subject of your intelligence... well yes i think you do lack a little. or maybe its just reason you lack. the ability to read what someone is saying, think about it for a moment, weigh up the opinions contained therein, and then form a counter argument with which you agree or disagree with those viewpoints. fair enough, you have a certain way with words and seem to amuse plenty with your wonderful and flowery wit, but that's another subject.

i don't align myself with the 'pros' or the 'antis' and i'm actually against the notion of having two camps as it limits the possibility of proper discussion. so there's no point in suggesting that i am favouring one camp over the other. i'm sure there are those that go to excess in each.

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Postby Bad Bob » Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:34 pm

redbeergoggles wrote:
Bad Bob wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:i started a similar thread Stand up an believe

Indeed, you did and I've merged the two now.  Let's try to avoid splitting similar discussions into multiple threads.

Would a simple no suffice ? and an ever so gentle reminder your not my Teacher ,Lecturer ,or I hasten to add Dad .....

I take the time out of a hectic schedule to post my thoughts on a relevant subject, and its taken out of all context slapped with a label and thrown into another thread ,quite simply stifled by a person who has not the slightest inkling of the meaning behind the thread ,because if he did he would understand its importance and not have the sheer temerity to undermine its meaning ,not everything is black and white there exists a complete myriad of different colours and shades ,there has to be an intermediate ,this Forum used to flourish with genuine characters and there was a hell of a lot less censorship ,yet it thrived on its freedom   ,now its bracketed ,typecast and put into well ordered categories as soon as posted ,power mad pen pushers gone OTT ...

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Postby bigmick » Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:48 pm

I swear some if people read their posts back before posting them there'd be less silliness. "Self appointed emporers" the forum "needs a coup" and the like. Lads, it's a football forum, post about football and leave all the other stuff aside it's just plain daft.

The only coup that's needed around here is a little bit of common sense taking over.
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Postby hello_red » Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:58 pm

Is it me or at around about this point in every season we have this type of thread start up... A pattern?
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Postby killerp » Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:49 pm

hello_red wrote:Is it me or at around about this point in every season we have this type of thread start up... A pattern?

People need a place to vent their anger when the team stumbles, I think that's only fair.
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Postby Emerald Red » Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:20 am

The_Rock wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
bigmick wrote:Very very few people are saying we should sack the manager though Red, very very few. In fact, we are rapidly approaching the very odd situation where more people are moaning about people moaning about the manager than are people actually moaning about him, if you get my drift.

Look, if you lose 6 out of 8, winning one out of 8, exit the Carling Cup, as good as exit the title race and look like you're going to exit the Champions League, what do people expect fans on forums to do, nominate Rafa for manager of the month? At the start of the season we can only win four trophies, and it is looking distinctly probable that as of now we can only win one of them. People are going to have a moan, live with it.

Being a supporter is not clapping your hands on a forum and insisting you have "faith" in a manager and "believe" in him, even if you don't. Those who still do have "faith" in him and still do "believe" in him are entirely entitled to their opinion, but surely those of us who don't, and those who are wavering are surely entitled to the same consideration.

As I've said a few times, if people don't want to talk about the manager then they shouldn't do it. To try and stop other people talking about it though seems odd to me. Almost as odd as people (not you Red) implying that some of us aren't "real" fans because we think our performances and results this season are some way below what we're capable of. The World is a very odd place at the moment, that's for sure.

Well considering the point you have been wa,nking over Jose for about 3 years or since he parted our soils I find this rich...very very rich!

Ah Barry and all that...Ah Mick,as soon as your special one won the EPL and fu,cked off you have became a tw,at..thats not to say you were not one already!
Poor me gets flack..poor me,always picked on,poor me deserves more space........No offence like but I think bringing a sex shop to NZ was silly considering the sheep to man ratio?Call me sceptic?

PS your sarcasm is about as funny as a boot in the nuts!

This is the reason why this forum is going to the $hitters..... Posters like number 9, Emerald red, lando....(and others)...personally insulting members of this forum when we say anything remotely "bad" about the manager.

Have you seen Big Mick insulting another member of this forum ? Have u seen Lakes doing it ? Heimdell ? I haven't really insulted anyone here too for a long time....(i think :p)

But then check the previous posts of some of the so-called "pro-rafalites"... All filled with personal insults... Infact these are the people who always seem to start flame wars here.

The question is why aren't the Mods doing anything about it ?


Why are you even mentioning me for? Tell you what: fuck off you clueless c0ck jocky! I support my team, whereas most would think you're sitting there either sucking Jose Mourninho's c0ck with an Everton or United top on. Gimp! You're no LFC supporter, I tell you that much now!

Edit - mods, card me. Well worth it in this case. Bit my tongue long enough over this eejit.
Last edited by Emerald Red on Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby redbeergoggles » Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:22 am

andy_g wrote:ooooooh, you power mad pen pushers, you

hands up who thoughts red's thread opener should have been framed in gold and accompanied by a herald of angels playing heavenly trumpets and brandishing both the nobel prize for literature and a copy of the universal declaration of human rights.

slight over reaction there, mate if you don't mind me saying so. (though i bet you do :D )

Me ? mind, of course I don't mind fella , after all its not like I could lean across and give you a good slap ,no this is the internet where nerds are indeed Kings ,the fact that you totally and unreservedly missed the point ,is an oversight on your behalf if you don't mind me mentioning that ?    :D
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Postby bigmick » Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:43 am

Well I don't know about "stand up and believe" but I thought the crowd at Anfield against Birmingham were excellent. Particularly in the last half hour they were roaring the team home, and there was little sign of dissent at the end even though the result was obviously disappointing.

I've been saying for a while now that as far as the forum is concerned, despite some people jumping up and down and foaming at the mouth because people aren't being "real fans", I think the reaction to an absolutely awful run of results has been quite sensible really. Very few people are banging the drum for sacking the manager in the here and now, and most people are fairly accepting that the injuries currently are unusually severe so do excuse it all to some extent.
Last edited by bigmick on Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby boodiddy1 » Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:58 am

STAND UP AND BELIEVE. The thing is, what is there to believe in? I'll always believe in LFC. But, i aint gotta trust rafa. Hes a boss at the end of the day. He gets paid to make big decisions  and im afraid he has made some right poor ones.

2001, hou let the dogs out. We all thought houllier would take us to the title, but he :censored: up with the diouf and diao summer. Now rafa has done the same. Alonso, hyypia, keane out. Injured aquaman in. No cover for defence and up front, apart from young N'gog, there is no one to replace Nando.

My opinioon only, but i hope we make the change sooner, rather than when its too late. Remember, it wont just be our finances that get hit without CL football. The owners  will accept bid for torres and i can see him accepting a big move  elsewhere without this attraction. I know he loves us, but he loves Atletico more and left them for this very reason.

Bring in Kenny now, the team needs motivating more than anything, they haven't become bad players, its just tthey aren't pulling for the manager. You gotta ask why? I feel, its cos rafa expects too much. Never lauds them, always critical. its not right and hasn't been right for a while. If he wants to stay he gotta make up with Paco for me. He's won absolutely nothing without him.
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Postby Emerald Red » Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:36 am

boodiddy1 wrote:STAND UP AND BELIEVE. The thing is, what is there to believe in? I'll always believe in LFC. But, i aint gotta trust rafa. Hes a boss at the end of the day. He gets paid to make big decisions  and im afraid he has made some right poor ones.

2001, hou let the dogs out. We all thought houllier would take us to the title, but he :censored: up with the diouf and diao summer. Now rafa has done the same. Alonso, hyypia, keane out. Injured aquaman in. No cover for defence and up front, apart from young N'gog, there is no one to replace Nando.

My opinioon only, but i hope we make the change sooner, rather than when its too late. Remember, it wont just be our finances that get hit without CL football. The owners  will accept bid for torres and i can see him accepting a big move  elsewhere without this attraction. I know he loves us, but he loves Atletico more and left them for this very reason.

Bring in Kenny now, the team needs motivating more than anything, they haven't become bad players, its just tthey aren't pulling for the manager. You gotta ask why? I feel, its cos rafa expects too much. Never lauds them, always critical. its not right and hasn't been right for a while. If he wants to stay he gotta make up with Paco for me. He's won absolutely nothing without him.

Conjecture, conjecture, and some more conjecture with a sprinkle of hypothesis on top.

And the paralells between the Houllier era and Benitez is just bollox IMO. It's played out and boring.
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