South americans are better europeans - My opinion

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Judge » Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:25 am

from tricolour

terra do futebol!!!!

land of football !!!!

football was invented in England mate, and was introduced to South america. It gave alot of the peasants in the slums some hope, that there was a way out of poverty. Brazil produces alot of quality footballers, and that is usually down to the fact they will kick anything as soon as they can stand, its almost a religion over there. However, to redicule our football, just shows that you are not a footballing person, but a mere twat on a wind up mission
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Postby supersub » Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:35 am

Red black white wrote:I assure you that no one enjoyed the idea of coming back from Japan handless.

I didn't realise the Japanese punish the losers with such barbarity! :help
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Postby kazza » Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:37 am

Red black white wrote:That's a simple question. For us, it's the peak to beat an European team (specially the Champion's League winner). We had a good example today, when millions of São Paulo fans were on the street celebrating like mad people our third conquest of World Club Championship (I was one of them).
Why? Because we watch them on TV and we know that all big stars (not all good players, but almost all FAMOUS players) are playing for European teams. In contrast, they don't know anything about Brazilian league or South Americans (maybe Boca Juniors and now São Paulo). I think that's the reason why it's so important for us and not so important for them.

However, the most important thing is that Liverpool's players and coach took the match seriously, just like Barcelona and Milan did in 1992 and 1993, respectively. We could clearly see the disappointment in Gerrard's face. Although many Liverpool fans say it's not so important as Premier, I assure you that no one enjoyed the idea of coming back from Japan handless.

It has never been a level playing field. Sao Paulo has just finished their season (in which they finished 11th so really have something to prove). Liverpool are in the middle of a long season so this must be a distraction in terms of where the players head is at.

Sao Paulo were holding on for dear life against Ittihad. I thought Ittihad was much more Brazilian than Sao Paulo in the way they played. I saw Brazilian defenders booting the ball upfield with no regard for where the ball went as long as it was away (not very Brazilian). Against Liverpool they were worse.

If that is what Brazilians are proud of it will be a sad day for them. Brazil has impacted world football (for the better) in the last 40 years or so. Samba style football is a joy to watch and it does not matter who you support. Sao Paulo forgot their roots and played like a European team (which is why they won).

Be happy for the victory because afterall you won the cup, but that was not the play that we expect from Brazilian teams. In all honesty, in terms of entertainment (which is the cornerstone of all Brazilian football and what you all claim to have the most of) Sao Paulo were the third "best" (or third most entertaining) team.

Therefore you may claim to be the "World Champion", but you cannot claim to be a team that plays attractive football.
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Postby Judge » Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:50 am

supersub wrote:
Red black white wrote:I assure you that no one enjoyed the idea of coming back from Japan handless.

I didn't realise the Japanese punish the losers with such barbarity! :help

:D  :D  now that is funny

couldve been worse, they couldve handed us a small dagger and asked us to do the honourable thing and commit harakiri  :D
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Postby Sabre » Mon Dec 19, 2005 10:15 am

South Americans are better europeans

Well, perhaps. Although the continuous efforts we are bringing in Europe to convince our English mates to join the Euro and more convinced Europe partnership, they still stick to their euroscepticism, and the "Back Off!!!! Brussels!!!" shout :laugh:

"South Americans are better Europeans" though, might be a little bit exagerated :laugh:
Last edited by Sabre on Mon Dec 19, 2005 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby JC_81 » Mon Dec 19, 2005 10:39 am

Bit of a ridiculous thread this one.

To even suggest South American club sides are in the same class as the best European sides is a joke.  All the best South American players are in the European leagues and on top of that European sides are in general much better run clubs with more commitment, discipline and organisation.  Only in a South American club games will you see 4, 5 or 6 players red carded in a game, and they call themselves professionals?

Yes I am disappointed we lost the game yesterday, I am annoyed when we lose any game, but the fact is that if I had a choice in the first place I would have chosen not to compete in that tournament.  But if we have to play there's no point in not trying to win it.

Yesterday Sao Paolo epitomised everything that is wrong with South American teams.  A disorganised defence (that in fact conceded 3 goals and were lucky that none were allowed to count), sticking the boot in (the high challenge on Gerrard was awful and should have been a red) and falling over like pansies in the second half to waste time - disgusting and dishonest.  Of course they showed they could play a bit in the first half, but in my time as a Liverpool fan that is possibly the most one-sided game in our favour that we have ended up losing.

On another day that would have been 5-1 to us, but that's football.  Sao Paolo can enjoy this all they want, we can't deny that we had luck on our side in our european run last year, so we can't complain too much.
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Postby Mikz » Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:18 am

:veryangry still on about sao paulo -its really getting on my t.itz now -them guys are on a mission to wind us up LOCK
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Postby fabmayor » Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:45 am

What you english people must know are some facts about WHY Sao Paulo played more defensevely than it should to be described as Brazilian way of playing.

They football season here in Brazil finished last week, and Sao Paulo had played 85 games, so while Europe is at it peak phisically speaking Sao Paulo and any other brazilian team is already downhill.

Sao Paulo traveled 24 hours to get to Japan and had a connection flight in Europe and a 12 hour time-difference, Liverpool had a 8 hour flight and a 5 hour time-difference.

In Brazil, to play at that cold weather is something that never happened and never will, and Europe players are just used to it, you could see by the way they were wearing short sleeve jerseys and brazilians were wearing gloves and special thermic clothes under teir jersey.

Sao Paulo was 11th in the Brazilian championship because in 13 from the 42 games in the whole championship the substitute players were used instead of the mais team in order to save the best team to Copa Libertadores, so they had to choose the most important championship.

Everybody in Brazil watches English, Italian, Spanish, German and other championships because we are so crazy about football that we Watch anything, not like you guys in Europe that only whatch your own championships, and of course, we watch to see brazilian players all over the world, and since there is no european playing here, that is one more reason for you guys not to be interested in Brazil.

And last but not the least, we win almost every competition in the world because our players learn how to play in Brazil, and then improve their Tactics in Europe, and you guys never come to Brazil to learn some technics.

Thanks for all the tactics.

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Postby tubby » Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:50 am

If what you are saying that South Americnas are better than Europeans is true then why is it that your best players from the continent come to Europe. It is beacsue there is more money in Europe but more importantly beacsue the competition is of the highest level. Why is also why no one takes the world club thing seriously. No disrespect to you but we were forced by Sepp Blatter to save his own face from looking a fool becasue he is trying to make his own 'Champions League'. But this will never compare to the European  cup.
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Postby bigxchris » Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:13 pm

Lets see where most of the Brazilian national squad play...

Nelson DIDA - Milan AC
Heurelho Gomes - PSV Eindhoven
Rodrigo Alex - PSV Eindhoven
Luizao - Hertha Berlin
Roberto Carlos - Real Madrid
Marcos Cafu - AC Milan
Roque Junior - AC milan
Jose Ze Roberto - Bayern Munich
Gaucho Ronaldinho - Barca
Alessandro De Souza - Fenerbahçe
Dirnei Florencio - FC Sevilla
Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite - AC Milan
Baptista Julio - Real Madrid

etc etc
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Postby fabmayor » Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:19 pm

What would be of european competitions withous the south americans specially brazilians ? you guys have more money, so it reflect on better stadiums, better infra-structure, better organizations, better prizes, better marketing actions, but technically you guys don't have the bets teams.

Sao Paulo was a champion in 1993 agains all mighty Milan and in 1992 against the powerfull Barcelona coached by Cruyff.

What you guys don't undestand is that Brazil produces so many spetacular players that our team here in Brazil are the bests ans after that  they players are sold to Europe.

For example:

Sao Paulo team :

Rogerio Ceni = Subsitute for Marcos in the 2002 world cup despite being a better goalkeeper
Fabao = Paulista champion, Libertadores Champion, World Champion
Lugano = Capitan of the Uruguay National Team
Edcarlos = Main defence player in the brazilian U20 national team
Cicinho = subsitute for Cafu in the National Team, and responsible for all 4 goals agains Argentina in the Confederations cup final game.
Junior = Subsitute for Roberto Carlos, world champion in 2002 and score goal in the World cup.
Josué and Mineiro = recognized as the best mid-field in Brazil
Danilo = Paulista champion, Libertadores Champion, World Champion
Amoroso = Main player in attack with Ronaldo in 1998, did not go to the WC98 because of a knee injury, Gemany top scorer (2002), Japan top scorer(1993), Italy top scorer(1999), Spain top scorer and Brazil top scorer (1994)

So despite not being the best players that Brazil has, it is still top brazilian players wanted all over the world.

When Sao Paulo was world champion  in 1992 and 1993 some of the players were :

Rai = Socrates Brother, played 5 years for PSG
Cerezo = part of the magic 1982 WC brazil team with Zico, Socrates, Falcao and Junior
Cafu = need no comentaries
Leonardo = need no comentaries
Antonio Carlos = one of the best defence in brazilian history
Zetti = one of the best brazilian goalkeepers of all times
Juninho = ex-middlesbrough and champion in WC2002
Muller = played 4 world cups for Brazil and champion in WC94

So what I men is that all the good players that you have in Europe had first to win something in Brazil to be transfered to Europe.  everything that you see there we see since they players are 15 or 16.
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Postby Sabre » Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:21 pm


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Postby fabmayor » Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:28 pm

I know.....the truth is Boring
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Postby JC_81 » Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:32 pm

Fabmayor, I appreciate what you're saying, but I think there is one fact you are missing.

In my opinion the reason why Brazil are producing so many quality players these days is BECAUSE a lot of them are transferred to Europe.  Undoubtedly the technical training is acquired when they are youngsters in Brazil, but the tactical and positional training is acquired in the European leagues.

Undoubtedly the reason why the Brazilian national team have a much more solid defence these days is because players like Lucio, Cafu, Dida etc have been positionally and tactically coached in Europe, they are a lot more disciplined than the Brazilian back lines of the 70s and 80s.

In addition to this, the fact that so many Brazilians go to Europe to play means that the Brazilian clubs are forced to concentrate more on youth development and bringing through players at a young age.  Every potential star in Brazil will get a chance to shine, unlike in England for example, where the sheer volume of foreign players makes it harder for youngsters to break through.

Brazilian club sides may suffer slightly from their best players going to Europe, but Brazil's national side is much stronger because of it.  3 World Cup finals, winning 2 of them in the last 3 World Cups says it all really.
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Postby fabmayor » Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:39 pm

john craig ----

I agree with you in everything that you say....we are the best because we have the best players, and they learn the best tactis in Europe....that is true.

But to say that only because our best player are in Europe that our national team are not good, that is not fair.

What most poeple don't know is that our players despite playing here most of them played in Europe but did not become famous.

Like, Aloisio played years in France, I found that out yesterday.
Amoroso is almost a veteran (31) and brazilian team have always recruited ex-players to come back to Brazil, because they miss brazil after years playing in Europe, so many of them come back.
Junior played in Japan, Italy, and Germany, and now came back either.

I am a great fan of football even english.

I would be happy to supply to you guys any information about brazilian football you guys would like to know.

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