Sky sports under fire for "anti liverpool fc bias" - Its about time

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Postby The_Rock » Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:29 pm

hahahahahahha bwhahahahhaha  kekekek  hahahahha

Its about time.......Hope Andy Gray gets sacked. I hate his husky voice. I hate his ever$hit face.....And i hate his "biasness" against us.


Sky Sports under fire for "anti Liverpool FC bias"

Sky Sports under fire for "anti Liverpool FC bias"

Mar 16 2008

Sky Sports was under fire last night over claims the broadcaster was biased in its commentary of Liverpool's Champions League victory over Inter Milan.

A legion of angry fans have accused top pundit Andy Gray of favouring the Italian champions over the British club with his comments.

Now Reds supporters are threatening a boycott of the broadcasting giant unless ex Everton star Gray is removed from the commentary team for their club's televised games.

The #20,0000-a-week Scottish pundit incensed Kop fans by branding the sending off of Inter midfielder Nicolas Burdisso "shocking", claiming Liverpool star Lucas commited the foul.

And he got their backs up further by appearing to sound down when Fernando Torres bagged the goal that killed the tie and sent his team into the last 16. Gray said: "It's game over I guess."

Season ticket holder Carl Rittenburg stormed: "I pay £48 per month so I can watch Liverpool's matches on Sky but I'll stop my subscription if they continue to let Andy Gray commentate.

"The man knows his stuff but he is so anti-Liverpool it's shocking and that was clearly evident during the Inter Milan game when he slated us at every chance.

"Gray seemed really annoyed when the Inter guy was sent off - he did nothing but go on about it all game.

"Yet he was calling for Liverpool players to get booked at the end of the match.

"Even when Torres scored the winner - that saw another British side through to the quarter finals - he sounded disappointed. It was like he wanted the Italians to win.

"We're not asking for bias towards Liverpool - were just asking for a fair commentary.

"But in having Gray to cover our games we're not getting that from Sky.

Kop fan Peter Stenton said: "As viewers we pay Sky for a service and a fair commentary when we watch live football - and in most cases that's we get.

"But it seems every time Andy Gray covers Liverpool games out team is given a verbal demolition."

Rita Walsh, 40, said: "I was so disgusted with the one-sided commentary during the game I wrote a letter to Sky to complain.

"Sky Sports has an obligation to provide fair and accurate coverage but in allowing Andy Gray to commentate on liverpool games it is falling woefully short."

Liverpool fans' revolt against Glasgow-born Gray, 53, has been simmering since he was signed up by Sky in 1990.

One Kopite has even set up a facebook group calling for the former nand Aston Villa striker to be taken off Liverpool games.

Scouser Alex Parkin, 28, said: "I set up the group to get Gray off our games.

"If Sky don't take him off then I'll seriously be thinking about scrapping my subscription in protest."

It's not the first time Liverpool fans have revolted against a broadcaster.

In November last year angry supporters called for a boycott of Eastenders after the show linked the HIllsborough disaster to hooliganism.

Campaigners for the 96 dead fans received an apology from the BBC after a character appeared to blame fans for the tragedy.

Sky Sports refused to comment.
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Postby Yari7 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:56 pm

Well, as a Liverpool fan, I do beleive that the sending off was "shocking". We were lucky that Babel wasn't sent off as well.

And why do you not expect Gray to go on about the Inter sending off. It was a key moment in the game which I, and virtually everyone who is not a Liverpool fan, thought was harsh. I don't see how he was being biased. Inter were right in the tie until the sending off.

The fact is, it completley changed the game.

If you want to have a go at Sky Sports, have a go at there continous complaining about Roatation and Not playign Torres.
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Postby red37 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:14 pm

Jib the Sky off....

go the alehouse if there's a game on. Or go the game, there's a thought. If you can obviously.

The way it stands is:

Sky this season (but only due to me purposely making a point of watching out for it) have shown the two manc sides on countless occasions. (Everton aren't far behind)

So we have this Wednesday: Manchester United vs Bolton Wdrs (they are at home again...against a s.h1te bottom of the table side) No chance whatsoever of an away win - no entertainment value inherent at all. So what, Diouf or Nolan may crack one off from 25 hoo. It will inevitably turn into the Ronaldo show anyway. Best player in the WORLD: fact!

The c*nts make me sick...I used to take Mr Gray and his ever cringeworthy sidekick Keys with a hefty pinch of salt. Now i would do time for the gratification of ten minutes in their respective company...but i aint bitter.  :p

The whole thing is geared towards the exploits - the ups and downs...the oohs and aahhs of the whole Manchester United bandwagon. When will people realise this. Little surprise when LIVERPOOL F.C get short shrift out of them and their simpering, pathetic - out and out blatant ar5e licking staff and their tedious presentation.

" Lahhhk tekkin candeh off a bayhhbehh"

That quote sticks out in my mind from a few years back...when they turned us over at Anfield in the league. I will NEVER EVER forget the look on Keys face of smug, self masturbatory pride as the camera panned into view of his great fat, dunderheaded incompetance...and an eyebrow raised in celebratory mock, just did it for me. The TW@T!!!


F*ck the lot of em. I'd rather miss out on our highlights than listen to the bile that is spouted frequently enough to have given the topic starter such an air of paranoia as this has clearly done...

Because he is RIGHT. dont pay a penny for their services....and while your at it, consider the same policy against the official merchandise of the club. Cos, one and the other are the same...a Cancer on our club. Deal with it in the RIGHT way people!

F*ck this Exports good!  :wwww

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Postby stmichael » Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:19 pm

I was more pi$$ed off the with the shocking aftermatch interviews and analysis, where our achievements were completely forgotten about and an anti-Rafa line was pursued by those in the studio and doing the interviews in an effort to create a bit of controversy.
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Postby Dundalk » Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:22 pm

Forget them muppets at Sky

Watch Dunphy rant about usually everything on RTE.

He wrote Roy Keanes auto biography and here he is tryin to defend.

He loses the head big time here  :laugh:
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Postby Bermenstein » Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:26 pm

And that Matt Le Tissier commentating week in week out on Lpool games too. He loves to see us loose. He's a bit of a jinx. Hope Tommo smacks him one some Saturday.
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:26 pm

I find andy gray one of the best commentators but yes the sending off was harsh and its HIS JOB to commentate on the match and that was what he was doing , i think fans need to lightnen up and by boycotting sky , its not gonna chnage anything , they will not sack gray
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Postby Yari7 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:34 pm

What was truly shocking was the post match analysis of the match by Rednapp and Souness. Instead of givign Liverpool and Rafa the credit for advancing, they spent 20 minutes talking about Rootation, Benitez not playing Torres enough times, and how we will never win the league.

Gray did a good job on the match. It is Keys, Redknapp and Souness who sucked.
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Postby HOMER » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:14 pm

mountain out of a molehill. sending off did end the game and yes it was shocking.

they are not anti liverpool - we have more ex players as pundits on tv than anyone else. remember "you beauty" by Gray - olympiacos game.

so he use to play for everton - we can't have an ex liverpool player commenting on every game.
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Postby KennyisGod....still » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:14 pm

To any1 that watched the game......if SKY can be ar$ed to show the replay from the right angle (ie the refs' view) the sendin off was spot on, but as usual after replays and difrent angles it shows that yes, maybe it was harsh. I for one aint a bit bothered, the guy was on a yellow and perhaps the commentary team should be lookin at the fact he made a silly challenge in a nothin area for a pointless ball. But that didnt get mentioned i dont think.

The whole Rafa Rotation thing has been hyped by a media industry that NEEDS 24/7 SENSATIONAL NEWS!! I got no time for Gray and Keys, the only thing worth seein on Sky with the sound up is the scores/results programme and Soccer a.m.

Andy Gray won't be sacked, they didnt really wanna lose Rod Marsh but he had to go (forget why, any1 remind me plz? I remember thinkin at the time it was somethin so petty as to be unreal except in a sterile pc environment like that) so they wont wanna lose more presenters with a footballin background. Jeez, 5Live still persist with Dogger Stan so what makes any1 think they'll get rid of Gray from Sky?

Anyway, hearin him jus kinda gets me more revved up and i aint yet been kicked outta my own house for swearin at a commentator!
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Postby KennyisGod....still » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:17 pm

HOMER wrote:they are not anti liverpool - we have more ex players as pundits on tv than anyone else. remember "you beauty" by Gray - olympiacos game.

No offence Homer, but Gray seems to have a thing for our Stevie..... makes the flesh crawl jus thinkin bout it  :down:   :hearts
Stu Averill, a wannabe Scouse/Scot. I remember the good times & have faith in them comin back

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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:19 pm

Yari7 wrote:What was truly shocking was the post match analysis of the match by Rednapp and Souness. Instead of givign Liverpool and Rafa the credit for advancing, they spent 20 minutes talking about Rootation, Benitez not playing Torres enough times, and how we will never win the league.

Gray did a good job on the match. It is Keys, Redknapp and Souness who sucked.

goodness sake are you a liverpool fan?
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Postby Yari7 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:22 pm

maypaxvobiscum wrote:
Yari7 wrote:What was truly shocking was the post match analysis of the match by Rednapp and Souness. Instead of givign Liverpool and Rafa the credit for advancing, they spent 20 minutes talking about Rootation, Benitez not playing Torres enough times, and how we will never win the league.

Gray did a good job on the match. It is Keys, Redknapp and Souness who sucked.

goodness sake are you a liverpool fan?

No, I just post on Liverpool boards pretending to be a fan. (sarcasm).
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:24 pm

anybody who thinks that sending off against Inter (second leg) was harsh, needs some serious help IMO. It wasn't a straight red offence, but it was a yellow card offence which is what the lad recieved. The fact he was already on a yellow is neither here or there. You can't let players make rash tackles like that and let them get away with it because they've already been booked. It was a yellow card offence, two yellows make a red, he had to be sent off.

As for Sky's bias, the worst is that bald :censored: Ray Wilkins. Arsenal made the european cup final in 06 and he says "we have to support the English side" Liverpool make the final in 07 and he says "i still have a love for AC Milan and I'd love to see them win because lets be honest Liverpool don't play the greatest football"

But sky do have many Liverpool fans on their board, Tommo, Souness, Redknapp, Gary McAllister and even Didi Hamman is in the studio tonight. None of them have a bad word said about Liverpool.
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Postby tubby » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:24 pm

Dundalk wrote:Forget them muppets at Sky

Watch Dunphy rant about usually everything on RTE.

He wrote Roy Keanes auto biography and here he is tryin to defend.

He loses the head big time here  :laugh:

That guy is a coc.k.
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