Sky sports under fire for "anti liverpool fc bias" - Its about time

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Emerald Red » Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:27 pm

Dundalk wrote:Forget them muppets at Sky

Watch Dunphy rant about usually everything on RTE.

He wrote Roy Keanes auto biography and here he is tryin to defend.

He loses the head big time here  :laugh:

Dunphy is a comedic genius. He makes me laugh. Often he does tell it like it is; often he just feels the need to rip into teams and players just to be controversial. It's a laugh. His comments on Gerrard were classic. He's all for the Mancs, or used to be, until he wrote Keane's book, and then anything United done after that, he's been willing to lash into them. Though most of the time he's right about what he says about them, I must admit.

Anyway, back on topic and about this Sky boycotting lark. It does seem these days that our fans are being over critical about certain so called bias that are going on within the media. However, I do agree with this one. A boycott seems a bit far fetched and extreme, but I do agree with the general accord that Sky Sports and their presenters and pundits are a bunch of bias w@nkers when it comes to our team. It's shocking. And I often find myself hurling verbal abuse at my TV, particularly at Richard Keys, Ray Wilkins, and Mr Souness.

Too often Mr Keys presents these muppets with daft questions, and too often do they come back with answers generally pertaining to how great United are and Chelsea, yet they consistently refuse to credit us or even talk about us about how potentially dangerous we are in the CL or that we are even in the frame to win it. They are just either clueless or bias. I think the latter for fact. Redknapp does his bit to put them straight from time to time without sounding totally pro LFC. Souness is just a c*nt. I hate the sight of the man.

It's funny how that article mentions about the lack of vocal input Gray made once Torres banged in that killer goal. I sat there screaming at the TV once he scored. Afterwards the commentary went quiet from Gray, and it's no coincidence. He gets paid to comment, yet he failed to utter a single word for about 5 minutes after that goal? It was at least 5 minutes because I remember thinking "where the :censored: has Gray went to?" Must have went to the bog or something. But no. He then chirped in with a few words and went silent again. F*cking unreal. If that were Rooney or Ronaldo that scored that, he'd have blown a load there and then in his trunks like that pr*ck LeTissier, and don't even get me started on him. He practically has an orgasm on Soccer Saturday if a team scores against us. It's ridiculously obvious that he hates us. He sat and banged on to Tommo about how Mascherano isn't worth 17 million and how it was ridiculous we spent that amount; how he doesn't do much on the field and how he doesn't score goals. Ten minutes later, Masch bangs in a thunderbolt from almost 30 yards out making him look like the Quasimoto-looking clueless d*ckhead that he is.

I hate Sky Sports pundits. Though if anything, they do give us all something to talk about, so they're good for something, other than being all inbred b@stards.
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Postby holylamb2006 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:29 pm

Grow a pair will ya???
When liverpool are actually good enough people will praise them........4TH IS 4TH PLACE......... WHAT LIVERPOOL TEAMS DESERVES CREDIT FOR THAT???!?
about 20 years since a title?? of course men the age of Dunphy look upon the class of 2008 as pathetic at times

Seriously mate Dunphy is a f*ucking pr*ck ... and i cant believe ur trying to protect him ??

I also watch RTE and some of the stuff is so anti-liverpool it's a joke
      '' Ibrahimavich wouldnt make it in the irish squad''
      '' Ibra wouldnt make it in the top 3 in england ''
      '' Rotation is a joke and and if any manager chose it doesnt know anything about football ''
the list is endless
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:34 pm

ClONMEL_RED wrote:im a hardcore irish lfc fan and im delighted i have rte analisys, its a breath of fresh air to the lack luster mediocar performance of bbc and sky, they say what u think. wen im :censored: off with my teams performance i like to hear it from dunphy,giles and brady that they think so too.

dUNHPY isnt anti fact he has said many times that liverpool is a great team...........his SON is liverpool fan .......he went as far as to say he loved everything about the club  just hates the way they do things these days ...scrappy results, boring football , mediorce players like riise pennant kuyt crouch etc-----compared to the quality in the 70's and 80's....................HE IS PROB RIGHT!!! but we  don't like to hear the truth!!!!!!   THIS YR HAS BEEN REALLY POSITIVE FOR ME THOUGH.....MASCHERANO IS WORLD CLASS ........TORRES........SKTREL ETC .........WE ARE IMPROVIN AND HOPEFULLY NEXT SEASON DUNPHY AND CO WONT HAVE MUCH TO COMPLAIN ABOUT....

Hold on a second. I specifically remember you coming in here mouthing off at how sh*t we were, how Rafa needs sacked, and how we're going backwards. You came in here with the attitude of a WUM and now I do think that you are one with this comment. You can't come out with some of the negative bollox you have done, then go back on it once you see a few results. Which is it to be: we're sh*t, play negative football, and Rafa needs sacked? Or this season is positive because we've Mascherano, Torres and Skrtle?

Make your mind up. Die hard Irish Liverpool fan my f*ckin :censored:!
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:37 pm

How the fook was it Lucas' fault in the Inter game?

The Inter player clumsily charged in and took him out.

Big fooking deal.

I agree. Get Andy Gray off LFC games.
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:37 pm

holylamb2006 wrote:
Grow a pair will ya???
When liverpool are actually good enough people will praise them........4TH IS 4TH PLACE......... WHAT LIVERPOOL TEAMS DESERVES CREDIT FOR THAT???!?
about 20 years since a title?? of course men the age of Dunphy look upon the class of 2008 as pathetic at times

Seriously mate Dunphy is a f*ucking pr*ck ... and i cant believe ur trying to protect him ??

I also watch RTE and some of the stuff is so anti-liverpool it's a joke
      '' Ibrahimavich wouldnt make it in the irish squad''
      '' Ibra wouldnt make it in the top 3 in england ''
      '' Rotation is a joke and and if any manager chose it doesnt know anything about football ''
the list is endless

Ibrahimavich doesn't play for us though, mate. And I agree with most of those bullet points. Though the Irish team is sh*t anyway, so Slatan would fit right in.
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Postby ClONMEL_RED » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:00 pm

1st : I was naive in writing that post.... I actually was trying to say torres sktel and mascherano are 3good things to come out of this season....Rafa's seems to be cutting back on rotation too always puts me in good spirits for next week..
2nd: I think you'll find iv never bought into this we are building :censored:.........4th place is 4th place..... 2nd isnt even good enough for a liverpool because the bench mark was set by Souness and co.

3RD I think id prefer to listen to Dunphy than Andy Gray is what i actually was trying to say
4th : Dont think there is any need to get so aggressive towards a fellow country man
5th: What is a WUM, never heard that word on this Island
6th: Personally i dont mind listening to Dunphy, its my opinion and believe it or not i am allowed one.
7th: Half the fun of being a liverpool fan is people dont like us--------- why is everyone so touchy when ppl like matt la tiss have a go at us- u realise he isprob not doin it to :censored: US OFF , HE IS DOIN IT BECAUSE PHIL THOMPSON  ( lfc ) is sitting beside him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby holylamb2006 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:05 pm

Ibrahimavich doesn't play for us though, mate. And I agree with most of those bullet points. Though the Irish team is sh*t anyway, so Slatan would fit right in

Yer but it just points out the sh*t dunphy comes out with ...

Meaning so wat if liverpool has bet the inter milan hench the inter players are sh*t ... (anti-liverpool)
The italian football is dieing out anyway said after liverpool beat inter .... world cup holders - Italy
                                                                                                   champions league - AC Milan
Just trying to prove that RTE is the worst anti-liverpool
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Postby holylamb2006 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:07 pm

Rafa's seems to be cutting back on rotation too always puts me in good spirits for next week..

He used it at the start of the season .... to use his full squad now :D
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:07 pm

Even Sky News is anti-LFC.

Kay Burley said yesterday "I hate Liverpool, they are evil and violent and their tactics are disgusting....oh wait...did I say Liverpool? Sorry I meant Al-Qaeda!"
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Postby holylamb2006 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:10 pm

Dont think there is any need to get so aggressive towards a fellow country man

Are you anti-treaty or pro-treaty ?? :D
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Postby ClONMEL_RED » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:12 pm

Believe or not Emerald Red i didnt come on here for a scrap...... just though the thread was a bit pointless.. the notion sky are bias etc just gives ppl ammunition.....everyone neutral loves to see the little man win..... Burdisso red was a bit of a joke.... to be fair-   it wasnt what lost the match for inter.... gray prob went on about it a bit much because there was nothing else happening in the game was a boring game....... Good night im off to the pub
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Postby ClONMEL_RED » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:13 pm

HolyLamb------ this is a liverpool forum ........ :cool:
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Postby holylamb2006 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:03 pm

HolyLamb------ this is a liverpool forum

:D :D
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Postby RedBlood » Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:21 am

as much as it pains me to say it andy gray is a good commentator but when hes commentating on our games his bias against us is obvious and this should not be allowed...similar to tha ugly :censored: waster  `fat le tittihead   he cums in his pants whenever we concede and it shouldnt be allowed its bad enough we have to look at his fu.cked enough face
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Postby RedBlood » Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:23 am

ClONMEL_RED wrote:Believe or not Emerald Red i didnt come on here for a scrap...... just though the thread was a bit pointless.. the notion sky are bias etc just gives ppl ammunition.....everyone neutral loves to see the little man win..... Burdisso red was a bit of a joke.... to be fair-   it wasnt what lost the match for inter.... gray prob went on about it a bit much because there was nothing else happening in the game was a boring game....... Good night im off to the pub

your off to the blue oster... lets be honest mate
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