Robbie fowler - Simple question

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby thegreedo » Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:34 am

Depending on how his fitness is at the start of this season I would have no problem at all with starting with Fowler. His improving fitness and unquestionable application impressed me a great deal. Robbie is still a relatively young man so there is no reason at all he shouldn't be able to recapture some of his previous form. I know it was only half a game and a friendly at that but I thought he appeared to maintain his form from last season in the Wrexham game.

As somebody said previously his lessening pace has caused his link play to improve so there's no reason why Robbie couldn't play a Dalglish style role if we can get in a traditional centre forward. I know this would leave Bellamy out wide but if Rafa does go, as much of the media suspect, with a 3-5-2 it could be very effective.


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Postby laza » Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:49 am

I still pretty much see Fowler as the impact player, he probably start more on the bench then he will in the starting XI. Though i expect he will get plenty of chances to impress so his destiny is in his own hands. If he gets 15 for us in all comps this season I would be rapted
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:06 am

0asis wrote:
s@int wrote:It cant be that hard to sign a Right sided player! are you off your trolly? Rafa has been trying for 2 years to get one.You know the list of players hes tried for so I wont name them all. Everyone knows we are after a right winger/midfielder so they are all trying to rip us off. Gerrard will have to play in the centre more this season as we wont have Hamann to cover for injuries /suspensions and given the choice between Kromkamp or Bellamy on the right I would choose Bellamy.
        I hope we sign a right sided player but we also need a target man who scores goals just as much, as I dont see Bellamy and Fowler playing together much at all. It's much more likely to be Bellamy and Crouch or Fowler and Crouch.

I can list hundreds of right sided players we can sign, but the best one would probably be Jermaine Pennant. He's been relegated with Birmingham and he's likely to go on the cheap, there you go Rafa and Saint that's a problem sorted. I agree if we sign a right winger/ midfielder than Gerrard will likely play in the centre but he'll also play on the right as well. I can't see Sissoko or Alonso being dropped as they both bring a hell of alot to the team. Fowler as Stu says is probably the most techincally gifted player in our squad and he's very intelligent, with Bellamy you have pace as well and someone who will run at defenders, it will be a very good partnership. Crouch and Bellamy would be good also, a target man to nod down the long balls to Bellamy to run onto, but you need some aspect of pace within your forward partnership.

I bet that you cant list ONE hundred soft lad.

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Postby Leonmc0708 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:07 am

dawson99 wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:
s@int wrote:I hope Robbie has a great preseason and earns a starting place because to be honest hes the only forward we have who can score 20+ goals next season. If Gonzales is as good as we all hope, the lack of pace playing Crouch and Robbie up front wont be such a problem and Bellamy could always play on the right if we cant sign a right sided player. (Wouldnt like to have to tell Bellamy that tho') I think there will be a fair amount of rotation next season,(horses for courses) and at least now we will have players who can make a real impact when coming on as subs.

I will be willing to wager that Bellamy scores 20 or more next season, and Robbie more like 10-15.

so fowler and bellamy to get 35 between them? You'd get a good price.
I think they will play robbie and bellamy up front next season and crouch wont be used as much as he was last season. Thats just my thought anyways. Just hope there is not too much of crouch up front by himself with bellamy on the right wing

Give it to me then Mr Bookmaker.

I want a price on Bellamy to score 20.

Fowler to score 10 and 15.

And a price on 30 AND 35 goals between the both of them.

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Postby Paul C » Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:35 pm

I'd go with Fowler and Bellemy upfront and see how they go, with Bellemy's pace and Robbie's natural instinct in the box I think it could be a good partnership, very similar to Fowler and Owen back in the day :cool:
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Postby stmichael » Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:42 pm

sid_19840 wrote:I think Robbie's a natural goal scorer

fantastic observation there ???  :D
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Postby Mark 23 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:59 pm

I don't think Rafa has a favourite front two yet.  Depending on who else we bring in this summer, will influence his choice, but I think he will pick the strikers that will be most effective in particular games, away games I can see Crouch playing, in wide open games it might be Bellamy plus Kuyt :D  .  Now don't rip me to bits about it, but I think that is how he will operate.
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Postby RUSHIE#9 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:06 pm

thegreedo wrote:As somebody said previously his lessening pace has caused his link play to improve so there's no reason why Robbie couldn't play a Dalglish style role if we can get in a traditional centre forward. I know this would leave Bellamy out wide but if Rafa does go, as much of the media suspect, with a 3-5-2 it could be very effective.

???  What media has been saying this??
I really couldn't see this myself with the signings of Aurelio & Gonzo not to mention already having JAR, Warnock & Kewell (if he can stay fit for 5 minutes). Going to a 3-5-2 would totally limit the need for five left sided players IMO. If the media think this then it proves they wouldn't have a clue how to have a piss never mind guess a managers tactics. If Rafa was to change from the normal 4-4-2 to accommodate his striking options i think he may go with 4-5-1 with Bellamy upfront and possibly Fowler/Crouch in behind him providing the ammo (but then why wouldn't Rafa just use 4-4-2). The other possibilty could be to go with a 3 man front line. This could incorporate a couple of different options:

  GONZALEZ             BELLAMY

           FOWLER       BELLAMY

I myself think that in the first game we'll possibly see Crouch up front on his own with Bellamy breaking from the right to support him and pick up the knock-downs. We won't have much of an idea until we see the later pre-season matches when Rafa is more likely to start the lads working on the tactics for the opening games.
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Postby Owzat » Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:06 pm

If the rumours about Kuyt manifest into a signing then I think Rafa's intentions have to be striker rotation. That coupled with Robbie's injury and fitness doubts suggest he won't get enough games to manage 20 goals as his strike rate is 1 every 2 when he's in any kind of form.

Personally I'd play Fowler regularly but also rest him say every 3rd or 4th game. I am interested in how well Bellamy does now he's signed for a huge club of genuine proportions and not just geordie perspective. We'll see how Crouch does, I'm hoping Fowler and Bellamy hit it off on the pitch and I have a feeling Rafa will make that his preferred pairing.
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Postby ConnO'var » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:58 pm

Leonmc0708 wrote:
s@int wrote:I hope Robbie has a great preseason and earns a starting place because to be honest hes the only forward we have who can score 20+ goals next season. If Gonzales is as good as we all hope, the lack of pace playing Crouch and Robbie up front wont be such a problem and Bellamy could always play on the right if we cant sign a right sided player. (Wouldnt like to have to tell Bellamy that tho') I think there will be a fair amount of rotation next season,(horses for courses) and at least now we will have players who can make a real impact when coming on as subs.

I will be willing to wager that Bellamy scores 20 or more next season, and Robbie more like 10-15.

I'll take that bet, mate.....

Pint of bitter do?

Much as I like to hope so.... and hopefully I'm wrong, but me gut tells me otherwise.
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Postby ConnO'var » Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:01 pm

ivor_the_injun wrote:I'd still have Fowler ahead of Bellamy in the pecking order, although my guess is that Rafa won't.

I do think, however, that whoever ends up being our second purchase for the forward line will end up being a first choice pick, and that Fowler and Bellamy will start next season on the bench trying to break into the first 11.

I agree.

But as of now, 1st choice for me would be Robbie and Crouch..
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Postby stmichael » Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:08 pm

Bellamy should offer us a little bit more than Cisse ever did when sides are sitting back, because he has a very good touch and his link-up play is impressive too. I think, because of this, Fowler would be a very good partner for him. His ability to pick a pass could enable Craig to play on the shoulders of defenders and get in behind full back and centre half, feeding off his service.

Fowler is an incredibly intelligent footballer. Where as Crouch will inevitably come deep and play with his back to goal, Fowler has the ability to drop off turn and then play facing the goal. Look at the ball he put through for Cisse's second goal against West Ham at Upton Park as a prime example of what I'm talking about.

Don't get me wrong, I like Crouch a lot, but I'm just not sure if he's got that extra quality we need to win the League.
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Postby redmikey » Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:23 pm

i think fowler will play alot of his games at anfield as away rafa will use the pace of bellamy in a counter attacking formation ala valencia

rotation will be the name off the game and will be bellamys biggest test to accept it for the good of the squad like SG playing on the right.

fowler will score well this year because rafa is setting up a team with width to put balls across the box and that is what robbie dreams about.

we all know crouches strenght is linking up the play but i feel he will have to be stronger in the air for rafa to keep him in the first team.

and lets not all forget luis and harry who are both capable of being the holding striker if needs be and luis is one of the best in the prem at getting in the right place at the right time in the box,  i honestly don't think dirk skyte will come he didn't offer any thing to the dutch and is lot of cash for a white emile heskey
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Postby Graeme Noble » Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:58 pm

Pick Bellamy and Fowler up front and ve Crouch on the bench, Crouch simply isn't good enough.

If we sign someone new, ie Trez or Kuyt, I would pick them over Crouch anyday.
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Postby J*o*n*D*o*e » Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:10 pm

i would go with Fowler and Bellamy but Rafa likes Crouch especailly away from home.

i dont think Rafa will be thinking of which pairing is best, he`ll  rotate depending on who we are playing and i see fowler starting more games at home
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