Robbie fowler - Simple question

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Cool Hand Luke » Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:05 pm

Lets say in theory we have Kuyt, Crouch, Bellamy and Fowler. Kuyt and Crouch are more target men and Bellamy and Fowler are the low centre of gravity goal scorers, it’s the old traditional partnership.

You would think that Kuyt would come into the team straight away in place of Crouch and that would leave Bellamy and Fowler competing for 1 spot.

Now I am going to state what I think is a fact, Fowler has more footballing ability than any of the other 3, ignoring age, fitness, etc, Fowler is comfortably a superior footballer than anyone of those 3.

So this begs the question, what is Fowler stays injury free next year, and gets himself into and maintains such a fitness condition that he can play 2 games a week? Does that mean he will be out number one striker?

i think yes what about you
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Postby thegreenred » Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:15 pm

Billy_5_Times has got it spot on. Give me the Reds foward line any day ahead of those overrated, overpaid, nancy, southern, cockney boys.


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Postby Bad Bob » Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:33 pm

Billy_5_Times wrote:Bad Bob i'm sorry to say but i think you are wrong about Ste Warnock. i personally feel Warnock should be our regular left back.

My reasons for this are as follows. the feller has had 2 broken legs yet still doesnt bottle out of any tackles, which is the way Liverpool Football Club fans have been brought up to do. just like Tommy Smith, Alan Hansen and Joey Jones would. he loves the club just as much as you and me. and given the chance he gets up the left and puts in some decent crosses and if he gets into the positions he can score like he did against Fulham in our 5-0 routing of them last year and while he was off on loan to Coventry a couple of years ago he scored some John Arne Riise esque goals and he won their fans player of the year award while he was there.

So maybe i went over the top with him being the best in the league but i wouldnt regard my views as having a laugh.

Sorry mate but Warnock's just not good enough, IMO.  Heart he may have (most of the qualities you commend him for come down to heart) but he is of limited talent. 

First of all, his positioning is suspect (he wouldn't have to make as many full-throttle tackles as he does if he worked on staying with his man and not getting caught upfield or on the wrong side of the goal).  Riise certainly has a better positioning sense than Warnock and I'll wager Aurellio does too.

Second, you mention his crossing but he's decent not spectacular at it for me.  Riise has improved this area of his game so they're on about equal footing, in my eyes.  If Rafa's reports on Aurellio are true, though, he'll be far and away the best LB crosser we have.

Finally, as for goals, he scored one last season so I'm not too excited by him in that department (especially compared to Riise).  And, talking about his goal scoring for Coventry holds no water for me, mate--it is nowhere near the same level.  But, goals aren't really what I want out of a LB so I don't hold it against him.

Don't get me wrong, I think he's a solid performer and would really excel at a mid-table club but, heart-on-his-sleeve local boy or no, he's not of the required quality to play regularly for Liverpool Football Club.
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Postby Bad Bob » Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:42 pm

Billy_5_Times wrote:aCe i'm sorry to say this to a fellow Red but you dont have a clue about football mate. Drogba can only score when he cheats and Bellamy scored almost 20 goals last season for a middle of the road club like Blackburn, where as Drogba scored less than 15 for a team who have all the money in the world.

Come on.  If we're going to compare strikers let's at least compare like for like.  Drogba and Bellamy perform totally different roles up front.  Drogba's Chelsea's target man who holds the ball up for the likes of Robben, Lampard, Cole, etc.  Compare him to Crouch, if you like but not Bellamy.  And, much as I can't stand the guy personally, I will admit he does a solid job for Chelsea up front and, no, he doesn't cheat for every goal!  :D

As for Bellamy, you might compare him to Crespo but that's not entirely on either.  Crespo has been criminally under-used by Jose since he's been at Chelsea.  Why?  It's not because he sucks (in fact, he would be an awesome addition to our forward line).  It's because he doesn't hold the ball up well and thus couldn't play the lone striker role when Jose was dead-set on 4-5-1.

Don't get me wrong, I am over the moon that we have Robbie and Bellamy in our side and I really think they'll do the business next year.  Crouch will do a job for us again as well.  But, my rose-coloured glasses aren't so tinted that I don't recognize the talent that our main rivals have assembled.  Chelsea have not won back to back titles for nothing so don't kid yourself--their squad is sound and our boys are going to have to step it up large style to win the title this year.
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Postby Billy_5_Times » Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:43 pm

Thank you thegreenred, and i agree with the statement you made about Fowler


We have a better forward line than Chelsea. Shevchenko may have been the worlds best striker and to score the amount of goals he does in Italy is no easy thing, but lets not forget Hernan Crespo. He scored plenty of goals in Italy and he doesnt seem to have set the Premiership alight does he? So lets not get carried away with the arrival of Shevchenko. I dont need to say anything about Crespo since i have already said my peice on him in this post. Didier Drogba where to start with that cheat? When he played against us for Marsielle i wanted us to sign him because he battered our defenders all over the shop but since his arrival in jolly ol' England i would rather play my cat than that waste of space.

Everything i have said points in one direction. We have a better foward line.

This is our season for the league. Fowler to be top goalscorer if he gets the games. And whoever thinks we need Kuyt needs their heads screwing on. He was probably the worst striker in the world cup out of the big nations, also we won the youth cup last year so if we get short on strikers we have Linfield there to put in as well as Pongolle. Stevie G, Garica (although i really hope to never to see him in a red shirt again) or Harry Kewell can play up front if we're in need of a striker.
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Postby Bad Bob » Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:59 pm

Newbies! :D
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Postby Billy_5_Times » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:02 pm

BadBob i'll tell you why we have a better forward line, becuase our forwards actually score. Crespo was their out of favourite striker ours was Cisse. Cisse scored nearly 20 goals last year poor old Crespo scored no more than 10. Crocuh held the ball up much better than Drogba and scored more than him to. Also Crouch made just as many assists as Drogba therefore allowing Stevie G to score more than that glory hunting Fat Frank. Crocuh was also a quater of the fee of Drogba and as i said earlier dont get too excited by Shevchenko's reputation. Patrick Kliuvert had a reputation didnt do much. Sylvain Wiltord had a reputation and what a flop he was. Didier Drogba came to England with a reputation and he hasnt impressed me and as i said before Hernan Crespo came with a reputation and he has been useless.
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Postby aCe' » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:06 pm

:)  nice to see the fans all excited about our chances next season... i'v been going around telling everyone i know that next season's league title is liverpool's to lose !
although i 100% dont agree with what you lads have to say about our 3 forwards outclassing chelsea's....i gotta say...i sure as hell hope we score more than chelsea do next term....defensively we'r solid...perhaps even better than chelsea more often than not (3 centre midfielders) we can score as many goals as chelsea do...i think the title is all ours... but as i said....i think you might be getting a little carried away with all the "give me bellamy ahead of shevchenko any day of the week" thing..
so.... feet back to earth...i hope we sign a prolific striker (Trezeguet and if not then...kuyt) and go out there and win ourselves a league title !
Fowler is great...hope he features alot next season... as one of u guyz said...definetely has more in his game than does crouch,bellamy and(kuyt/trezeguet)...
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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:08 pm

Firstly consider that who ever was playing for Chelsea was playing up top by themselves which can very isolating and difficult. Secondly let’s talk about league goals here, not goals from the first round against teams like TNS.

People say Crespo failed but he seemed to score whenever he played, Drogba is a good player he just has a ridiculous fee around his neck and his goal scoring record is good.

We have a good striker force but it……………actually, I can’t be bothered with this argument, lets keep it nice and simple with people who seem to lack basic football knowledge:

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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:09 pm

aCe' wrote: :)  nice to see the fans all excited about our chances next season... i'v been going around telling everyone i know that next season's league title is liverpool's to lose !
although i 100% dont agree with what you lads have to say about our 3 forwards outclassing chelsea's....i gotta say...i sure as hell hope we score more than chelsea do next term....defensively we'r solid...perhaps even better than chelsea more often than not (3 centre midfielders) we can score as many goals as chelsea do...i think the title is all ours... but as i said....i think you might be getting a little carried away with all the "give me bellamy ahead of shevchenko any day of the week" thing..
so.... feet back to earth...i hope we sign a prolific striker (Trezeguet and if not then...kuyt) and go out there and win ourselves a league title !
Fowler is great...hope he features alot next season... as one of u guyz said...definetely has more in his game than does crouch,bellamy and(kuyt/trezeguet)...

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Postby Bad Bob » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:19 pm

Cool Hand Luke wrote:Lets say in theory we have Kuyt, Crouch, Bellamy and Fowler. Kuyt and Crouch are more target men and Bellamy and Fowler are the low centre of gravity goal scorers, it’s the old traditional partnership.

You would think that Kuyt would come into the team straight away in place of Crouch and that would leave Bellamy and Fowler competing for 1 spot.

Now I am going to state what I think is a fact, Fowler has more footballing ability than any of the other 3, ignoring age, fitness, etc, Fowler is comfortably a superior footballer than anyone of those 3.

So this begs the question, what is Fowler stays injury free next year, and gets himself into and maintains such a fitness condition that he can play 2 games a week? Does that mean he will be out number one striker?

I think yes what abo...

Hold up, a poster that's talking sense!

I see what you're saying Luke and I personally am very optimistic that Robbie's going to turn lots of heads this season if he stays fit.

I do wonder, though, if he will partner Crouch (or Kuyt) as much as you're suggesting.  It seems to me that he's becoming more and more of a linking forward rather than the lead-the-line striker.  I would love to see plenty of him and Bellamy together.  His guile will create lots of opportunities for Bellamy and Bellamy's clever running will leave space for Robbie to strike those precision one-timers when the ball falls to him.
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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:28 pm

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Postby Billy_5_Times » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:31 pm

It looks as if we are not going to agree with this "who has the better forward line?"

So lets talk just about our strikers and who we need. First off we dont need Kuyt. I dont follow forgien footy so i can only go what i hear and read and make my mind up on that. Maybe he scores goals in Holland but that doesnt seem to hard to me and what i saw of him in the World Cup he looked worse that what we have got.

Secondly we have height in Crouch, pace in Bellamy and a natural finisher in Fowler. As well as up and coming kids to play a part in the likes of Pongolle and Linfield. Stevie G can play up front if needed as can Kewell and Garcia (although i hope both arent at the club by the start of the season because both are useless as far im concerned.) So we are really looking for another back up foward which i dont think we need anyway

Overall i think if we are to buy a striker it has to be a proven Premiership goalscorer. The likes of Defoe, Yakubu or Darren Bent (yes he has only had 1 season but he looks the real deal) are the players we need, only because if Fowler should get himself injured we dont have a natural goalscorer in our squad.
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Postby Bad Bob » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:31 pm

Cool Hand Luke wrote:i think you are spot on as usual Bad Bob...thank you for enlightening me! :bowdown

No problem fella!  :nod  :D
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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:31 pm

i think yes what about you

i think yes what about you
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