Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby ivor_the_injun » Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:22 pm

One thing that I'm uneasy about is Rafa's tendency to haul Fowler off after 60-70 mins.

Surely giving him 90 mins several weeks running is as good a way to aid his fitness as anything?
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Postby Kiwi-Kopite » Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:58 pm

I know im not going to make alot of friends with this next statement, but robbie fowler hasnt adsacly done the best imo. I think he is easily replaceable. We should be looking for younger strikers, fowler is never going to live upto his old lfc form.

This summer i think he should stick with cisse and get rid of the rest and invest in more prominant strikers. Bring back pongolle from his loan spell at Blackburn and buy Defoe and or maybe belamy (sp)
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Postby Mark 23 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:02 am

We all know Robbie is not the player he once was, but by keeping him it isn't doign any harm, he is a good character to have around, he wouldn't demand silly wages, and despite what yuo think he has an eye for goal, and no matter how slow he gets, he will always pop up and put them away.  What he has lost in pace he has gained in link up play.  Morientes seems to play a bit better along side him.  Give him another year
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Postby Bretc » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:39 am

This is a no brainer. We need Fowler on the field as well as in the dressing room. He's the best finisher among all our strikers at the moment, give him a chance and he will score. His game intelligence is also incredible. Such qualities will never fade with age, yes he needs to improve on his fitness but that will come with more matches and training. Give him an intense pre-season fitness training and he will be back in shape, simple as that! It will also do wonders for the morale of the team, I mean imagine playing alongside GOD! Enough said!!! So I say sign him, Rafa please....... :bowdown
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Postby Kopboyau » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:56 am

I don't think fighting for second and third would be an option if we had Robbie from Game 1, I think we would have been right up there fighting for first. Sign him Rafa or you will be sorry !!
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:06 am

steffspurs wrote:My tuppence worth as a Spurs supporter with respect for Liverpool...your boy Rafa should stop :censored: about and give Fowler an extension. I reallly don't think there are many players left in the league, let alone the Prem, who genuinely, genuinely love their club like Fowler loves Liverpool. I mean, aside from the fact he's a fookin' phenomenal finisher, his passion for the shirt is too rare for your Rafa to ignore. If he doesn't give him a new comtract I believe it'd be a big mistake. Met him once tooo, and have to say I thought he was a top bloke, the real deal and not like many of  the flash 'arrys in the league these days.

Hope he stays with you for all of you...

Thanks matey.

Good to see some opposition fans are worth talking to!  :D

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:11 am

Graeme Noble wrote:
luvliverpool wrote:He should definately stay!!!!

I think ALL the fans will feel that way

Wrong! I want him to go. Too old, too slow and just not good enough!

Says it all, really.

You f*cking faggott.

You f*cking orangutan's hairy ball-blister.
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:28 am

Kiwi-Kopite wrote:
ivor_the_injun wrote:

I know im not going to make alot of friends with this next statement, but robbie fowler hasnt adsacly done the best imo. I think he is easily replaceable. We should be looking for younger strikers, fowler is never going to live upto his old lfc form.

This summer i think he should stick with cisse and get rid of the rest and invest in more prominant strikers. Bring back pongolle from his loan spell at Blackburn and buy Defoe and or maybe belamy (sp)

You really need to get off the crack mate.


Anyone who truely believes that we should let Fowler go in the Summer is either a.) On drugs, or b.) As thick as a constipated pig's sh*t.

Which is it to be?

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Postby Alanay » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:46 am

Fowler is an evergreen red. He come into play and scores. Like Dennis Bergkamp at Arsenal. We have Fowler. He's still very good and Premiership class, just that he would score less than he used to be. Keep him for 3 more seasons. he can be a mentor to the new lads.
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Postby marcus.c » Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:23 am

The God is back and scoring. What he has accomplished is incredible. Since he came back, he has shown and taught his fellow strikers one important asepct as a striker. It is not about fancy foot work or neat touches. The single most important aspect of a striker's role is to score goals. It doesn't matter how you score them as long as you put the ball in the net. And now the God is back in time to teach the art of scoring goals.
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Postby Trewyn » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:18 am

Let's keep the striker that has the best goals:appearance record  :;):
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Postby babu » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:18 am

Can everyone who reckons Fowler shouldn't be given a new contract, please explain why.
These are some of the reasons i've seen posted:

1) He not good enough - fair enough, thats your opinion, but so what (even if thats true), what other options do we have - i don't believe giving Fowler a contract will stop Rafa from looking for another striker or 2. With the strikers we have at the moment, Fowler is definetely not last choice.

2) His wages - this is a silly arguement, as far as i know Leeds will be paying about half his wages till 2007, and he is already on very low wages.

3) He is old - yes he is, but he still scores goals, offers plenty in the dressing room, can be a good mentor for young strikers, and costs us practically nothing.

4) he is only here as a PR stunt - Anyone who seriously thinks that Rafa would do that, has a completely different opinion of Rafa than I do. I believe Rafa took a low risk punt on Robbie when the oppurtunity presented itself and coincidently provided a reason for the fans to cheer. excellent work there IMO.

5) He will only be a squad player - So what? I don't think Robbie will care, 6 months ago nobody wanted him, now clubs like Bolton are making a few noises. If you ask me, what better squad player could we have?

6) He has just been lucky, and next season he won't score more than 5 goals - Ok - lets assume he does only score 5 goals next season - from how many starts ? But lets says he gets plenty of starts and does not score, he will be dropped and for the term of his contract, LFC will have to pay his wages (or sell him) - Man that might bankrupt LFC :p  - seriously though, it won't cost much at all.

7) He will get Injured (coz he's an old fart) - again so what? Unless his medical bills are astronomical, it won't cost much.

I seen many posts saying Robbie should be offered a new contract and why, and yet there are people who post here that would like to see Robbie let go. I would like to hear their reasons - saying you don't like him is not enough. WHY SHOULDN"T LFC RESIGN HIM ? I can't think of a single decent reason.

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Postby Bretc » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:56 am

One thing I would like to add - Robbie loves Liverpool! With his millions from properties, he can simply retire anytime he wants to. But no, the Toxteth Terror wants to play for Liverpool. I'm sure he will even play for nothing if Rafa wants him to. The lad just wanna score goals for his beloved Liverpool! And he still has the desire and ability to do it! His presence does wonders in the dressing room and he can still contribute immensely as a mentor and teacher to the younger strikers. He has earned my utmost respect for his hard work and dedication to Liverpool. It would be a sin of immense proportion not to sign him!
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Postby Bad Bob » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:34 pm

Alanay wrote:Fowler is an evergreen red. He come into play and scores. Like Dennis Bergkamp at Arsenal. We have Fowler. He's still very good and Premiership class, just that he would score less than he used to be. Keep him for 3 more seasons. he can be a mentor to the new lads.

True, except Robbie's been more effective than Bergkamp, hasn't he?

Check out these numbers (all competitions)...
    Starts   Sub App.   Goals    Assists
DB  12          16           3           5
RF   7            4           4            0

And, it's not just the number of goals for Robbie, or their frequency, it's also the importance of the goals...

1) His goal against Charlton at home--incorrectly chalked off for offside--would have been the match winner

2) His goal against Fulham at home was the all-important first goal, not to mention the goal that broke the forwards' collective scoring duck and started the avalanche of goals over the next few games

3) His goal against WBA was the match winner

4) His goal against Bolton was the match winner

5) His goal against Blackburn was the match winner

I sense a pattern!!!

Not to mention that, against Bolton and Blackburn, Robbie helped set up his goals by feeding his strike partner who then fed it back to him.  The lad simply gets into brilliant positions and good things flow from there...

Come on folks, the statistics don't lie (this time  :D )...Robbie's more than good enough to play for LFC and has already done more than enough to earn another contract.  Indeed, were it not for his goals, we might be going down to the wire with Tottenham for 3rd/4th instead of pushing the Mancs for 2nd!

Walk On Robbie  :bowdown
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Postby mighty mo » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:22 pm

robbie is GOD
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