Rafa to resign on monday

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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 31, 2007 1:49 pm

giette and hicks will stand by rafa before parry. could be stormy weather a brewing but needs to be sorted asap so we can make some signings
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Postby redtrader74 » Thu May 31, 2007 1:53 pm

stmichael wrote:How has such a silly, random rumour been given so much air space on all the forums?

It's bullsh#t.

lock this and other threads that are rumour without any  basis.
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Postby RUSHIE#9 » Thu May 31, 2007 2:00 pm

Ciggy wrote:They are saying on another forum its nothing to do with the transfer kity its about Parry wanting Owen back and Rafa not wanting anything to do with it :grinning:
It will all come out in the wash :D

from the other forum not my words.

Michael Owen is 100% certain he will be a Liverpool player next season. Apparently Rick Parry has promised him he will be bought. Rafa has said he has no plans for him, to which Parry said, he will be bought from money which will not affect your transfer buissness. He will be bought from money which Liverpool make by getting rid of players. Parry said he will not and cannot make rafa play him, but he belives there will be many oppourtunities where he will still be needed next season. Rafa is not happy, but parry has got the americans to ensure him, they will still go for the players he has requested, and has already named. They have also assured him no one will get involved in team selection other than Rafa, which is why Rafa carnt understand Parrys insistence on buying him.

If there's any legs in THAT rumour (Which I doubt there is) where does Parry get off dictating what players WILL be signed.

In all honesty this is all total bollox and I just can't figure why on here we've got 5 pages on it and other forums have got loads of pages about it. It's BOLLOX, started by somebody who's got nowt better to do with themself and just because he got lucky predicting Fowler was coming back doesn't make him the oracle of Liverpool Football Club.

I Vote the mods close this thread and end this bollox here and NOW.  :buttrock
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu May 31, 2007 2:05 pm

All I'm trying to suggest, Peewee, is that the players need to take some responsibility for sub-par performances too.  Yes, the buck stops with Rafa ultimately but I think it's reasonable for him to expect that certain players--players fighting for a run in the first team--do a lot more with the chances they are given.  I've agreed in other threads that over-rotation let Rafa down early in the season: 3-4-5 changes per game did not allow us to build momentum.  But, I still think there were too many decent squad players who failed to step up when called upon...which means they're not fit to wear the shirt.  Maybe Rafa should have refused to rotate based on these sub-par performances but I still think the players need to shoulder some of the blame for letting the club down

Firstly Bob Rafa brought in most the players who gave us sub-par performances, Zenden, Gonzalez, Kuyt IMO, Momo and even Xabi at times. Quite frankly the whole team was sub par,but the players I mentioned were Rafas buys in the first place.

So as right as you are that the players should shoulder the blame, shouldnt he Rafa shoulder the blame for buying and using these players when they dont perform ?

Also coming into play onthis subject is Rafas' tactics and possibly formations, because Xabi isnt a bad player quite the opposite, has Rafa really stiffled his game every week by telling him to 'sit' in the holding role. As Sabre said he thinks thats the case, as when Alonso does venture forward to do something offensive Sabre said Rafa shouts at him in Spanish or whatever to get back.
Momo is a decent player, I think he dipped in form personally but still the lack of quality in his 5 yard passing is embarrising for a proffesional footballer. Zenden and Gonzalez were never good enough to pull on the shirt and they got their fair share of games, they couldnt play any better IMO than what they did, Gonzalelz especially looked like a duck out of water.

Rafa ultimately but I think it's reasonable for him to expect that certain players--players fighting for a run in the first team--do a lot more with the chances they are given.

And this I think is one of the biggest downfalls or negatives to the rotational system, if a player-perfect example Crouch is on form as he was earlier on in the season suddenly finds himself rotated just for the sake of it. I'm sure psycologically thats going to have a negative effect on him, because like him and most of his teamates realise, whats the point in going out there every Saturday and fighting for your team and playing really well to be suddenly rotated the next week, it must kill that desire to some extent to fight for your place.

Postby dawson99 » Thu May 31, 2007 2:11 pm

dont close it, if its a rumour...just wish we had a thread just for rumours, wouldnt that be a good idea  :idea

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Postby Sabre » Thu May 31, 2007 2:18 pm

Firstly Bob Rafa brought in most the players who gave us sub-par performances, Zenden, Gonzalez, Kuyt IMO, Momo and even Xabi at times. Quite frankly the whole team was sub par,but the players I mentioned were Rafas buys in the first place.

So as right as you are that the players should shoulder the blame, shouldnt he Rafa shoulder the blame for buying and using these players when they dont perform ?

Yes he's to be blamed for bringing the "non performing" Zenden, Gonzalez, Kuyt, Momo and Alonso (at times).

Are they the players he wanted? some of them, yes. Many of them they were second or third options, and a couple of them like Agger and Gonzalez, were meant for the future.

Rafa brought those players, there's no discussion about that. It shouldn't be necessary to explain that he would have brought other players if he had the money to compete with the other top english clubs, I think.

Instead, Rafa had some little discussions and a couple of press statements when he moaned about not having people for the right last season. Remember? He wanted to sign Victor from Deportivo in winter, because the RM was not covered. The deal was turned down due to Deportivo, and Gerrard started to play in that position.

So yes, you can try hard and find mistakes of Rafa, like he brought players below par like Alonso (at times). But then you have to analyse under what circunstances he brought this players aswell.

Some people might say that's 'excuses'. I say it's to analyse everything.
Last edited by Sabre on Thu May 31, 2007 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu May 31, 2007 2:19 pm

Bamaga man wrote:
All I'm trying to suggest, Peewee, is that the players need to take some responsibility for sub-par performances too.  Yes, the buck stops with Rafa ultimately but I think it's reasonable for him to expect that certain players--players fighting for a run in the first team--do a lot more with the chances they are given.  I've agreed in other threads that over-rotation let Rafa down early in the season: 3-4-5 changes per game did not allow us to build momentum.  But, I still think there were too many decent squad players who failed to step up when called upon...which means they're not fit to wear the shirt.  Maybe Rafa should have refused to rotate based on these sub-par performances but I still think the players need to shoulder some of the blame for letting the club down

Firstly Bob Rafa brought in most the players who gave us sub-par performances, Zenden, Gonzalez, Kuyt IMO, Momo and even Xabi at times. Quite frankly the whole team was sub par,but the players I mentioned were Rafas buys in the first place.

So as right as you are that the players should shoulder the blame, shouldnt he Rafa shoulder the blame for buying and using these players when they dont perform ?

Also coming into play onthis subject is Rafas' tactics and possibly formations, because Xabi isnt a bad player quite the opposite, has Rafa really stiffled his game every week by telling him to 'sit' in the holding role. As Sabre said he thinks thats the case, as when Alonso does venture forward to do something offensive Sabre said Rafa shouts at him in Spanish or whatever to get back.
Momo is a decent player, I think he dipped in form personally but still the lack of quality in his 5 yard passing is embarrising for a proffesional footballer. Zenden and Gonzalez were never good enough to pull on the shirt and they got their fair share of games, they couldnt play any better IMO than what they did, Gonzalelz especially looked like a duck out of water.

Rafa ultimately but I think it's reasonable for him to expect that certain players--players fighting for a run in the first team--do a lot more with the chances they are given.

And this I think is one of the biggest downfalls or negatives to the rotational system, if a player-perfect example Crouch is on form as he was earlier on in the season suddenly finds himself rotated just for the sake of it. I'm sure psycologically thats going to have a negative effect on him, because like him and most of his teamates realise, whats the point in going out there every Saturday and fighting for your team and playing really well to be suddenly rotated the next week, it must kill that desire to some extent to fight for your place.

cheers BM, bob i havent ignored your post but i think BM has answered it pretty much along the lines i would have, yes i agree that players have to shoulder some of the blame, but i do think players like stability around them, just an example here, people would give the ball to the left when barnes was playing as they know what he could do with it, if barnes wasnt playing and some duffer was on the left who you really didnt have confidence in you would try and avoid giving them ball, or they not be in position to recieve the ball, when the options are changed so many times i think players are not always sure, or not as sure as they can be with stability in the team

Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu May 31, 2007 2:38 pm

Some people might say that's 'excuses'. I say it's to analyse everything.

They are excuses though, I bet many of us cannot rely on excuse when we do a poor job at work otherwise we'd be sacked. Excuses can only run for so long then they wear thin, like you you constantly find any excuse where someone critises him. The same thing happened under Houllier excuses excuses, from people like yourself. He's been gone a few years now, and most people on here take digs at him for the way he left this club and his silly spending. Christ even Ciggys already turned on Rafa now, imagine four years down the line, and he's not here he;ll get the same treatment if he isnt succesfull domestically as Houllier got. And guess what, nobody will give a feck about the excuses then.

Like I said earlier I dont want him to go, I want him to win the league and stay here with us for years to come. But at the same time and can stand back and say hand on heart, ' I think Rafas' got this wrong' or "hes' got that' wrong. Its called being objective and realistic, but then somebody like you comes along and constantly finds excuses. For me as a football fan to blindly follow and agree with every thing the manager does especially when things arent right, isnt the way I work ImO a spade is a spade end of.
Last edited by 66-1112520797 on Thu May 31, 2007 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby stmichael » Thu May 31, 2007 2:40 pm

Fascinating how we started the season with the team that came third last season...signed some 'mediocre' players, and came third this season.

The players have the skills. The players who took to the field to play AC Milan the other night, had the skills to win the game.

The reason we wont win the league next season, is the same reason we didn't win it last season and the season before...the lazy ba$tards dont start playing proper footy, until the season's half over.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 31, 2007 2:46 pm

Redman in wales wrote:
redtrader74 wrote:Yeah in HINDSIGHT we could all pick a different team.

nothing to do with hindsight mate.

Go look at the match thread, the day of the game. A majority of us, included me, said Crouch should start. A majority of people were screaming for us to bring crouch on before he finally came on in the 78th minute.

Ciggy's point was merely "If he had have played Crouch we would have won so its his own fault"

With hindsight everybody is right, with hindsight we KNEW that Crouch playing up top would have won us the game.

But, did we also KNOW that with hindsight playing one holding midfielder may have left us more exposed and could have cost us goals?

With hindsight did we also know that Kaka and seedorf could have also exploited this space even more so.
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Postby RedBlood » Thu May 31, 2007 3:04 pm

fkin hell whats with all the stupid threads, id bet my left nut this aint gonna happen
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Postby KOPMATT » Thu May 31, 2007 3:06 pm

WTF? ???? :(
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Postby mascherano20 » Thu May 31, 2007 3:29 pm

Maybe Rafa will announce on Monday that he is resigned to the fact he is going bald? :D
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu May 31, 2007 3:39 pm

I thought it was Rafa re-signs Diao, but that would be stupid :D
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu May 31, 2007 3:45 pm

WTF happened to StMichaels post?
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