Rafa to resign on monday

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby LFC2007 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:32 pm

RichardLFC1 wrote:
redtrader74 wrote:Come on Richard, the team controlled Milan, they were pretty much out of ideas. They scored a deflected goal after a dodgy FK. This was the same Milan we were all told was gonna kick our ars3. You said 'there was nothing wrong with the team on the day' so what was wrong? If the team selected was ok by you, then who were you going to play 2nd striker?

What im saying is the players who were picked done their job but with one striker there was no way we was going to win.

Just like we played with one striker in Istanbul hey!

Of course, we couldn't have won that game either!

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Postby account deleted by request » Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:42 pm

At the end of the day a manager or coach can only do so much, then its up to the players out on the pitch. If coaches were so fantastic all their sons would be superstars. They can only work with the talent available to them. Extracting the maximum out of each player is the best you can hope for. I don't believe Rafa is a genius or Ferguson or Morinho. Bloody good managers though they are, who can obtain results were others might fail.
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Postby lakes10 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:08 pm

ok for a start i dont think Rafa is going to go.....but it now seems the radio has picked up on this monday thing.........they are now trying to link it with Claudio Ranieri
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:54 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
Loads of bóllocks written in the press. If that is true, it means that "we'll back you" isn't true. If they do an investigation of that nature, what is it for? at the end of the day to limit and find excuses not to deploy the promised money?

The quotes from the Americans and Rafa, and what the press say do not match. And it seems to me the press doesn't want an stablished Liverpool so they try to unsettle the club at all costs.

That is all you ever say these days, printed by the press " It must be bullocks" and " The press doesnt want a stablished Liverpool so try and unsettle the club"

Whats that all about mate, you've been saying this alot recently and I dont understand it, especially the press trying to unsettle us, why would they do that ???

BTW Metalhead your probably right.

Sabre is trying to point out how the press very rarely get all the facts of a story spot on, they enhance stories to try and make them more saleable. Not only do they enhance stories, they also fabricate them and they also hype the smallest detail of a sentence to make it sound as if World War 3 is going to kick off.

The press will try to de-stabilise any club, if they spot anything that can possibly be exploited in the press, they will do it. They don't take comments by managers at face value, they extrapolate what they have said until they have reached the conclusion that "he is sick of Parry, he wants him out".

I see what Sabre is pointing out, and you obviously agree that the press try and " de-stabilise a club" and whatever, and that they cant be believed in what they say or print. But your previous post to the one I have just quoted is of a fan who sounds very unhappy about the accountacy article, from the independant.

Ironic isnt it.

It's not ironic at all, if you believed everything you read in the papers I think you would be a very sad person. Notice how you won't answer the points in my post individually, you have to come out with a general rant about how I distrust papers.

To be honest I dont know enough about this accountacy "survey" to go into great depth about. First off intitially I just gave an opinion on it nothing more, I maybe wrong but that was my opinion.

Also I do not believe everything I read in the papers, pinch of salt would be best described in relation to the press.

Lastly LFC2007 I think you missed the point about your contradiction. It wasnt a rant so please dont assume that when someone is pointing out the obvious its a rant, it was an observation and then a statement thats all and a fair one and all.

The contradiction, this account thing is pure speculation and the story that came from the Independant.

I think you miss the point here Bamaga, it doesn't take a genius to work out how much has been spent on transfers and how much has been recouped, but why would an accountancy firm conduct a "survey" with a view to having a bearing on what he spends in future??

Are they adept in judging how successful his signings have been?

Do you not think that an accountancy firm making a judgement as to whether his transfers have been successful or not would undermine Rafa's judgement, I know I'd feel  off.

If they didn't scrutinise the finances of the club before they purchased the club then I'd say they were pretty stupid, but I trust they did

Then straight after you said this.

Sabre is trying to point out how the press very rarely get all the facts of a story spot on, they enhance stories to try and make them more saleable. Not only do they enhance stories, they also fabricate them and they also hype the smallest detail of a sentence to make it sound as if World War 3 is going to kick off.

The press will try to de-stabilise any club, if they spot anything that can possibly be exploited in the press, they will do it. They don't take comments by managers at face value, they extrapolate what they have said until they have reached the conclusion that "he is sick of Parry, he wants him out".
Last edited by 66-1112520797 on Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby LFC2007 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:58 pm

Well tell me what this "contradiction" is?

You say Ironic, I say common sense.
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Postby LFC2007 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:07 pm

I still fail to see how you think that is contradicting myself?

Please could you elaborate on the point you are trying to make.

It makes no sense in my mind.

In the first post I was questioning the credentials of how and why such a survey would take place, IF one was going to happen at all.

In the second post I was pointing out how the press tend to operate.

Where is the contradiction?
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:12 am

I'm wondering how this thread has been allowed to exapand beyond a single page. Many of the opinions that have arrisen due to jest and expanded beyond that, are valid in other threads other than this one.
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Postby maguskwt » Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:27 am

lakes10 wrote:ok for a start i dont think Rafa is going to go.....but it now seems the radio has picked up on this monday thing.........they are now trying to link it with Claudio Ranieri

.... ranieri! he who always likes to boast he laid the foundation for chelsea success! no thanks!

if rafa is not good enough then who is? ??? cut the man some slack it's only his 3rd season and we've already won the champion's league and FA cup...we need to give him more time...at least for now

for those of u who say rafa should go for us to win the title...check this out...ferguson didn't win the league in his first 5 seasons with united...but look what he's done to the club...the most successful manager in recent history...we need to give rafa that kind of backing...
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Postby Effes » Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:38 am

maguskwt wrote:for those of u who say rafa should go for us to win the title...check this out...ferguson didn't win the league in his first 5 seasons with united...

To be more exact, he won the league title after 7 years.

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Postby account deleted by request » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:34 am

EXCLUSIVE ++ANFIELD CRISIS++ Real planning to sting Reds with THIRD bid for fed-up Benitez
Paul Mccarthy
LIVERPOOL are bracing themselves for another raid from Real Madrid on Rafa Benitez.

And the Spanish giants are confident it will be third time lucky in their bid to lure Benitez back to the club.

Madrid are aware Fabio Capello is a target for Juventus along with former Chelsea boss Claudio Ranieri, which would leave Benitez as the No 1 choice at the Bernabeu.

The Spaniards have twice approached Benitez and been rejected. But the latest move could not come at a worse time for Liverpool with the Anfield boss in conflict with the club hierarchy.

Despite a statement from Benitez which claimed he was working hand-in-hand with American owners George Gillett and Tom Hicks, there is still serious unrest behind the scenes.

A week ago, Benitez hit out at a transfer policy which he slammed as unworkable with Liverpool missing out in the chase for the top names because of their reluctance to move quickly

His mood darkened this week with the news Manchester United have taken their spending to £50million for the summer especially as one of Old Trafford's signings was a Liverpool target.

Benitez had identified' Nani as a solution to his problems down the left only to be left standing by United, who moved swiftly to tie up the Sporting Lisbon winger as well as Porto's Anderson.

It came in the same week in which United confirmed the £17m capture of Owen Hargreaves, underlining Benitez's frustrations that Liverpool are trailing in United's wake when they should be challenging Old Trafford in the cheque-book stakes.

That anger could be just the encouragement Madrid need to bring home one of Real's favourite sons.

Benitez cut his coaching teeth in the Spanish capital and has made no secret of his love for Real. Until now he has pledged his loyalty to Liverpool but Anfield sources sense a sea change in his attitude.

Despite the pledge from the American billionaires that Benitez would be given huge financial backing to compete against the likes of United and Chelsea, there has been little evidence of it so far.

Benitez insisted after Liverpool's Champions League defeat that the club had to make a big-name signing by this weekend if the club were to mount a realistic title challenge next season.

Although there have been tentative moves to bring French star Florent Malouda to Merseyside, the only confirmed signings have been Hungarian - 20 internationals Krisztian Nemeth and Andras Simon for a combined £1m.

While Benitez has agreed to keep a diplomatic silence following last week's scathing ttacks on Anfield's top brass, it is clear he is growing increasingly agitated at the lack of ency behind the scenes.

He also fears he will be forced to sell the likes of Peter Crouch and Craig Bellamy to raise funds. It leaves his position at Anfield in doubt and gives Madrid the perfect bargaining tool with which to bring him back to Spain.

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Postby 66-1112520797 » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:40 am

This is further evidence the press are trying to de-stabilise our club, dont believe the hype.

Postby kazza » Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:34 am

Bamaga man wrote:This is further evidence the press are trying to de-stabilise our club, dont believe the hype.

It may be hype to sell papers but it is annoying that united have already spent 50 million and they finished twenty one points ahead of us.

In years past we seem to act slow, wait till the last day (to save a couple of quid) and end up with third choice players. It would be nice to show intent now and sign world class players.

I think that even though only a couple of days have passed from the transfer window, if this was all newspaper hype we might have signed someone big by now (or at least signed a pre-contract).

Regarding the rumours of Raffa's unhappiness right now, I think where there is smoke there is fire and there must be something to the rumours.

Makes me nervous actually as we have never seen Raffa complain like this before.
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Postby parchpea » Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:56 am

We all heard Rafas outburst following the champs league final and since then nothing has happended. Thats true enough.

The Sundays lay it on thick but truth is its only what people have been saying on here as the club seem incapable of bringing world class players to Anfield.

I honestly beleive that if Benitez is not given the backing required the Madrid job becomes more attractive for him by the day.

Liverpool almost lost Gerrard through incompetence and if they are not careful Benitez will be next to look the other way.
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Postby Sabre » Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:17 am


Crisis??? The one you have made up!

Liverpool comes from the final of the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE, and is financially backed by fresh money ! :laugh:

Madrid are aware Fabio Capello is a target for Juventus along with former Chelsea boss Claudio Ranieri, which would leave Benitez as the No 1 choice at the Bernabeu.

Claudio Ranieri? :laugh: My friend Claudio? the coach who has laughters in the press room? the coach that says "we'rree dogs, we're dogs and we bite!!!" (after a game in Valencia?)


I respect the man and his football (which is not more attacking that Rafa's)

The Spaniards have twice approached Benitez and been rejected. But the latest move could not come at a worse time for Liverpool with the Anfield boss in conflict with the club hierarchy.

The latest move isn't mentioned EVEN in the most yellow SPanish footie tabloids. And the conflict exists? who says that? the journos?

Despite a statement from Benitez which claimed he was working hand-in-hand with American owners George Gillett and Tom Hicks, there is still serious unrest behind the scenes.

Says who?

Benitez cut his coaching teeth in the Spanish capital and has made no secret of his love for Real. Until now he has pledged his loyalty to Liverpool but Anfield sources sense a sea change in his attitude.

He just rejected more money from MADRID A MONTH AGO. A MONTH AGO FFS.

HE JUST MET the new owners.

How could possibly a journo write such a heap of cráp and don't feel shame at all?

How could anyone believe that?

But the bad part of all this is not that they write it, it's their right to lie, the bad part is that some people believe it... or want to believe it.


Kazza says

Regarding the rumours of Raffa's unhappiness right now, I think where there is smoke there is fire and there must be something to the rumours.

Of course there is mate, the need to send newspapers, and the need to fill them with something.
Last edited by Sabre on Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:21 am

just a thought, some of us are slagging parry for being on holiday when players need to be signed, where is rafa now?

ah yes on holiday.  he is obviously not expecting anything to happen this week, probably next week when he gets back


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