Rafa slates diao

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Feyenoorder » Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:04 pm

RUSHIE#9 wrote:
Ciggy wrote:He is actually from a very wealthy family in Africa that own a chain of hotels, but he fell out with them by not working for them, he choose football instead, its a pity for us that he masquerades as a footballer, when really he is a total waster, he is wasting our time and his own.

I notice Houllier didnt come in for him to bring him to Lyon hey.

Well that explains everything; he looks nothing like a footballer and is obviously only just good enough to be a bellend (sorry typo, I mean't bellboy  :D  ). I suspect Houllier paid so much for him to get free room service or something when he has to travel to Africa.  :p

This guy is an absolute fooking joke. You have to wonder how any 'Professional' footballer can be happy to just sit on his ar.se collecting his wages without performing. Obviously when you're on 25-45k a week it ain't so hard. Maybe we should ask Winston Bogarde what it's like.
Anyone know what happened to him by the way??

Bogarde had his biography published in december last year. It's called "this negro bows to no one"... Actually it's funny to read! He's still looking for a club if this is correct: http://www.icons.com/WB/
Ruud Gullit wanted to see him play for Feyenoord but he wasn't accepted by the fans because of things from the past (he played for another club from Rotterdam and later for Ajax and said some nasty things about my club). I guess he's still sitting on his :censored: like he did with Chelski.

About Diao, Feyenoord could really use him compared to our current players. But with 45k a week it's just impossible, even if we got him for free... For example, Kuyt was by far the best paid player with Feyenoord (and worth every penny of it…). No other player came close to his salary. Still, Kuyt made "only" 15k a week in Holland... Sometimes it makes me sick when you hear what players earn who are not even playing in England, Spain or Italy. So much talent wasted on benches, it's a shame.
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Postby adamnbarrett » Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:31 pm

Feyenoorder wrote:
RUSHIE#9 wrote:
Ciggy wrote:He is actually from a very wealthy family in Africa that own a chain of hotels, but he fell out with them by not working for them, he choose football instead, its a pity for us that he masquerades as a footballer, when really he is a total waster, he is wasting our time and his own.

I notice Houllier didnt come in for him to bring him to Lyon hey.

Well that explains everything; he looks nothing like a footballer and is obviously only just good enough to be a bellend (sorry typo, I mean't bellboy  :D  ). I suspect Houllier paid so much for him to get free room service or something when he has to travel to Africa.  :p

This guy is an absolute fooking joke. You have to wonder how any 'Professional' footballer can be happy to just sit on his ar.se collecting his wages without performing. Obviously when you're on 25-45k a week it ain't so hard. Maybe we should ask Winston Bogarde what it's like.
Anyone know what happened to him by the way??

Bogarde had his biography published in december last year. It's called "this negro bows to no one"... Actually it's funny to read! He's still looking for a club if this is correct: http://www.icons.com/WB/
Ruud Gullit wanted to see him play for Feyenoord but he wasn't accepted by the fans because of things from the past (he played for another club from Rotterdam and later for Ajax and said some nasty things about my club). I guess he's still sitting on his :censored: like he did with Chelski.

About Diao, Feyenoord could really use him compared to our current players. But with 45k a week it's just impossible, even if we got him for free... For example, Kuyt was by far the best paid player with Feyenoord (and worth every penny of it…). No other player came close to his salary. Still, Kuyt made "only" 15k a week in Holland... Sometimes it makes me sick when you hear what players earn who are not even playing in England, Spain or Italy. So much talent wasted on benches, it's a shame.

The problem is Diao is not talent, he is probably one of the worst players I have seen in a Liverpool shirt. You would not want him at Feyenoord. I'd say he is not even good enough to play in the lowest divison in England.
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Postby mighty mo » Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:49 pm

diao is :censored:
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:43 pm

HE's just milking us for all he can get.

You can't blame him - would YOU give up £45k a week to earn about £2.50 per Month at Shrewsbury or something!?! :D

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Postby PhiLFC » Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:12 pm

BarryBelfast wrote:
PhiLFC wrote:Wages... they're on a way different level of thinking when it comes to money.  Do they even think about money?  Their agents do and Ashley Cole obviously thinks that £55k a week is gonna be a fu.ckin struggle but £60k a week is gonna pay his mortgage and car loans easily with a few pennies left over.... C.UUUUNT.

What is wrong with Salif?  The guy is supposed to be a professional footballer but he'd rather sit on his a.rse and get no respect from his colleagues.

How comes that we (normal workers) can get sacked for being sh.it at work but footballers and managers alike are paid millions for being cr.ap and even paid off to the end of their contracts just to get them out of the way?

Cause thats just the way football is baldy!! :laugh:  :nod

:laugh:  :laugh:
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:35 pm

On the plus side, after this season, he's no longer our problem.

If we can get him off the wage bill in January, great. If we can get a fee, bonus. But thankfully this time next year, he's someone else's problem.

The board indulged Houllier, and sanctioned the deal at the time. So to be honest, the bed's long been made. Thankfully, they don't have to lie in it too much longer.
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Postby Ciggy » Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:45 pm

PhiLFC wrote:Cause thats just the way football is baldy!! :laugh:  :nod

:laugh:  :laugh:
Your so ugly even your avatar wears a mask :p[/quote]
:laugh:  :D
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Postby Kukilon » Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:23 pm

I hope Rafa doesn't give him any more PR. Let him rot and then when his contract runs out he will never be able to get a new deal with a club in any top division around the world. Ok I just lied because he would probably cut it in Swedens Allsvenska. When a club phones LFC we should just tell them that we have never heard of a person that is called Salif Diao.
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:39 pm

We should sell him to Olympique Lyonnais.
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Postby Festy » Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:16 pm

The Manhattan Project wrote:We should sell him to Olympique Lyonnais.

Is that a joke or something?? :D

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Postby vlady16.1 » Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:35 am

salif makes me laugh. it really grates me that players have absolutely no problems breaking their contracts to move on but he milks it to stay. how many players demand a transfer so they can get a raise even though they just signed a new contract. salif is doing the opposite-- he knows this is it, so he stays--- why didn't he have a buyout clause in his contract. its really common on this side of the pond and salif is a poster boy for using one
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:57 am

If anything this situation again highlights the need for the power to shift back in the direction of the clubs.

Ever since that spoon Bosman thought "F*ck this - I'm almost French, so I must kick up SOME sort of fuss", the clubs that pay the players' wages have been stripped naked, forced into a corner, and spanked by the new Dominitrix - the Agent.

The amount of corruption n the game is soley down to their scummy interferance, and snot-nosed little upstarts such as Mr Cole would rather believe the hype these yes men vultures feed him than open their own selfish eyes.

WHat I would suggest (although it will never happen as FIFA are spineless), is that tough rules be brought forward which regulate Agents, and the amount of Commission the scrubbers get.

First off, I would have a list, not dissimilar to that of the GMC. Once struck off, they are not allowed to represent any player again.


A player enters a transfer request.
Mr Leech must then wait until the request has been accepted before contacting other clubs. (Thus removing the "tapping up" that goes on.) Breaking this rule would have the agent struck off the list.

When the deal is brokered, the Agent recieves commission from the player himself (NOT the clubs, as the dingy little scrote isn't working for them), and this one-off fee must NOT exceed the player's half-annual wage.

SHould a club decide to sell a player, the AGent again works for the player, so no money would change hands between the club and the  scavenger.

In contract negotiation with an existing player, the agent may solicit the deal, but all payment must be made by the represented player, again not exceeding half the player's annual wage.

Coming back to the subject of players "doing a Salif", I would call for FIFA to amend it's rules, and state quite clearly that all contracts MUST include a release-clause, where the player is liable to instant dismissal.
(The only exception I would make is that players injured whilst playing for their club MUST recieve pay until such time as they are fit again, or until the end of the contract, whichever comes first. All injuries must be independantly varified, and any proven cases of feigning/deliberate injury would result in instant termination of contract and a fine of 1 month's wages, at the discretion of the clubs.)

In short - give the clubs the power, and make the players work.
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Ciggy » Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:44 am

What he is doing is not setting a very good exampl, to our other players, the youngsters, and the likes, what if Cisse follows suit to p.iss the club off?

He can if he wants to and others can also, what Diao has also done has spoiled it for his fellow country men because LFC will think twice now about buying players from 3rd world countries, he is a disgrace to himself and is making little of the club.
As a footballer he is finished.
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Postby Fowler_E7 » Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:37 pm

Ciggy wrote:what Diao has also done has spoiled it for his fellow country men because LFC will think twice now about buying players from 3rd world countries,

and why is that? because diao is poo, u think we wont buy any players from third world country's? didnt stop Rafa buying Sissoko and Antwi did it.
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Postby red37 » Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:47 pm

good news ?  lets hope he pulls his finger out for these. yeah right, just like he did when he had the chance to join a premiership club...or a la liga side.....what could possibly upset him about playing for the potters  ???

we'll see.


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