Rafa rejects new contract offer - BREAKING NEWS

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Postby bunglemark2 » Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:56 pm

Number 9 wrote:THE ONLY REASON THESE TWO KUNTS ARE SAYING THIS IS TO GET FANS ONSIDE!If Rafa was out of favour with fans,this would be their perfect chance to pull the trigger!

People are starting to accept them and note their authority! :talktothehand
JUST WRONG.My instincts say that they are playing a game here.YOU CANT BELIEVE THEIR OATH.
They are just waiting for the right time,Rafa knows it thats why he always relates to the fans and gives us respect.He's fighting to keep his job and fans are on his side.Make no mistake them two geriatric kunts want him out..they want control full stop.They'll probably wanna bring in :censored: B rod or Rod A, some young yank protege that knows everything about soccer with a big stupid haircut and lines down the side of his fro!

They can Fuc'k off
Throw all the smoke in my face,I can see through it..
Get the fuc'k out ya Yank kunts..nothings changed..its still LFC!

Mate, if you keep sitting on the fence you're bound to get piles :-)
What exactly are you trying to say ?

Nah, I jest, and agree to a point....I wouldn't go so far as the bigoted comment about Yanks however....I mean, you gotta have pity on anybody born over ther, don't you ?

I'd go so far as to say that I think Rafa is treading on thin ice as far as calling their bluff. What matters most to fans is success on the domestic front - and we ain't won the league in donkeys years. I'd take that over another Champions League for one. Rafa has not delivered on that and let's face it, he's been here a while, he's been very hit and miss on the transfer front, he's acted petulantly as far as Keane and others are concerned, he doesn't go for the jugular (Arsenal, Stoke, West Ham, Fulham results....). If I were paying his salary, I'd be asking if he's ruthless enough to put his personal differences aside (e.g. when Carew questioned him at Valencia; when Keane "allegedly" questioned his lack of playing time this season...) and kill off the opposition....

Food for thought....
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Postby Number 9 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:03 am

bunglemark2 wrote:
Number 9 wrote:THE ONLY REASON THESE TWO KUNTS ARE SAYING THIS IS TO GET FANS ONSIDE!If Rafa was out of favour with fans,this would be their perfect chance to pull the trigger!

People are starting to accept them and note their authority! :talktothehand
JUST WRONG.My instincts say that they are playing a game here.YOU CANT BELIEVE THEIR OATH.
They are just waiting for the right time,Rafa knows it thats why he always relates to the fans and gives us respect.He's fighting to keep his job and fans are on his side.Make no mistake them two geriatric kunts want him out..they want control full stop.They'll probably wanna bring in :censored: B rod or Rod A, some young yank protege that knows everything about soccer with a big stupid haircut and lines down the side of his fro!

They can Fuc'k off
Throw all the smoke in my face,I can see through it..
Get the fuc'k out ya Yank kunts..nothings changed..its still LFC!

Mate, if you keep sitting on the fence you're bound to get piles :-)
What exactly are you trying to say ?

Nah, I jest, and agree to a point....I wouldn't go so far as the bigoted comment about Yanks however

Stopped reading there.I will never call an American a Yank again!
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Postby bunglemark2 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:05 am

Number 9 wrote:Stopped reading there.I will never call an American a Yank again!

Do you jest, perchance ?
See yooo, Judas. Yoo're gettin' on mah titz !
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Postby Number 9 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:06 am

bunglemark2 wrote:
Number 9 wrote:Stopped reading there.I will never call an American a Yank again!

Do you jest, perchance ?

No I really never read the rest! :laugh:  :laugh:
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Postby bunglemark2 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:09 am

Never mind anyway....I think Rafa will go whatever deal is offered after this fiasco.
Put it this way: If I had to go to those lengths to secure a contract myself, knowing full well that it wasn't forthcoming from my employer to start with, I'd be out the door. Difference is, I don't have the same credentials as Rafa...But if I did, I'd be off
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Postby bunglemark2 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:09 am

Number 9 wrote:
bunglemark2 wrote:
Number 9 wrote:Stopped reading there.I will never call an American a Yank again!

Do you jest, perchance ?

No I really never read the rest! :laugh:  :laugh:

Nice wan... :D
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Postby HacksawJimDuggin » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:14 am

This is Rafa trying to get out and jump on the Man City bandwagon!!
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Postby Effes » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:17 am

HacksawJimDuggin wrote:This is Rafa trying to get out and jump on the Man City bandwagon!!

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Postby redhayesy » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:18 am

NANNY RED wrote:
s@int wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:Saint i agree the propblem is Parry but could that be why Rafa whats more say because he knows hes not worth a carrott . An has not got a clue

I am sure Rafa knows he's not worth a carrott  :D The problem is how to get rid of him and still maintain a balance in the boardroom. The one thing I don't want to see is Gerrard and Torres playing for Citeh next season, and if the power is all in those two tw@ts hands I could see it happening.         
What baffles me is if Parry is as incompetant as everyone says.....how has he managed to stay at the club as long as he has. Which again leads back to Moores maybe allowing friendship over reason.

Oh for the times of John Smith an Peter Robinson, Saint what i wouldnt give to have one of them there now,

top reply NR for me this wouldn't of been an isue in their day, they would have backed the manager 100% cause they would have had totall belief in him! it sums up the yank tw@ts for me, i only hope & pray this situation doesn't rear it's ugly head again before the end of the season. we have done well lately to let our talking be on the pitch - keep believing, raffa will stay & the rest is up to the players,imho they will give raffa as well as the majority of the fans his new contract,as i can't think of anyone else i'd rather have to manage us now.
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:34 am

Ripped this from rawk , it gives a little bit of the background history of the parry /rafa relationship and could help you understand why we are where we are at.

Courtesy of shanklyboy on rawk .

I've tried to stay out of this thread as much as I can as I didn't want to have to keep responding to some of the drivel that seems to creeping into every other post since Rafa's press conference last week. It's not that easy when you see things repeated  30 seconds after SSN have said it and another myth is perpetuated ad infinitum and ad nauseum.
So I'm going to give an honest opinion based on fact. People can take it or leave it but those that know will understand. Those that want to just use any platform of perceived negativity to have a crack at Benitez will continue to do so because its been festering in their heads for too long to change. Those that only have an opinion dependant on what they see in the media will only change their opinion when they are told what it is by the same.

I've worked with Rick Parry and as you say Alan there is far more to this man than just being an accountant. His commitment to Liverpool F.C is undoubted and his workload would make most of us buckle after a week.
The job he inherited from Peter Robinson was one of if not THE biggest challenge to anyones abilities in recent football history.
The lack of foresight from his illustrious predecessors over many years has probably got more to do with our current plight than people care to see. Simply because it's easier to blame the 'clown' than anyone else. There is no smoke without fire though and therein lies part of the story.
Behind the scenes, he has worked tirelessly to haul our club back to where we once were. Both in terms of financial muscle and administrative excellence.
His ability to do this has been questioned many times within the club and some of the methods employed have actually left us further behind and not even close to be drawing level with our competitors.
Part of the blame for this has been the remnants of Liverpools administrative past. How things had to be done 'The Liverpool Way', while still dragging the club into the modern day. Liverpool as a footballing business model would be the team equivalent of the 2nd Division when Parry arrived while our main competitors were swanning around The Champions League, such was the ground we had to make up.

The problem with Parry is that his role and responsibilities have changed dramatically at the same time as we tried and failed to play catch up. So no sooner did we look as though we were getting there,then he was loaded with further responsibilities. This created difficulties, compounded by the changes in the managerial structure of the club and the rapid responses needed in the modern game. He was in effect doing 3 jobs.
One he was qualified for as an accountant. One he had experience of, effectively, as a senior administrator with the Premier League  and one he was never going to manage effectively alongside the other two. That was as C.E.O of Liverpool F.C.

How a club like Liverpool F.C could be the only one who didn't employ a marketting executive until Ayres was appointed is testament to the reliance of keeping things done a certain way so as not to rock the boat. They didn't learn by past mistakes. See the farcical 'joint manager' roles of Evans & Houllier as further evidence of that type of reasoning.

The job was too big for Parry but nobody within the club was prepared to change the situation. Instead more responsibility and therefore more power was given to Parry.

Once Benitez arrived at the club, things started to change almost immediately.
Benitez realised that from a footballing aspect the club was not geared up to the needs of the modern game and certainly not to the needs of Liverpool F.C. Some of the things Benitez was informed were in place when he was offered the managers position were clouded in half truths. Many of those things were paramount to Benitez in his decision to come to the club. They represented many of the things he saw as being vital for the club's long and short term future.

Benitez came to the club believing there was a platform for him to put his ideas in place and take the club to where they told him they wanted to be. The reality of what he found was so far removed from the initial promises. Initially this was put down to clashes of personality, which in some cases it was. However Benitez found himself running down blind alleys at almost every turn.He was continually meeting Parry down there. The main stumbling blocks being cash, the buying and selling of players and the youth structure. All things that a footballing man needed to run smoothly and effectively. Benitez was renowned for being one of the widely respected youth coaches during his time in Spain and this was a major part of his CV. Yet he was told to keep his nose out at Liverpool. The fragmentation of the senior and junior set ups at the club was beyond his comprehension. As was the fact that he, as manager was being prevented from having any effective input in to it's running or effectiveness.
Benitez decided to restructure those areas he was 'allowed' to and that started some major problems.
He effectively bypassed the youth system and brought his own players in, to train with the senior squad. Once Steve Heighway left,many of the successful youth team were promoted to the reserves and therefore came under his overall control.

He still didn't have any real input into the youth set up which was being overseen and run by Rick Parry. Parry's reluctance to sanction or back the overhaul of the youth system has been a major problem for Benitez. A none footballing man effectively preventing a football man from doing what he was brought in to do in the first place.
It is well known within the club that Benitez wants to develop our own players. He is extremely passionate about it, yet feels this won't happen quickly enough under the present structure.Even though that long term the club will benefit both financially and in terms of having a local heart to the club. Something that he spoke of only today.

On top of all of this is the farcical situation regarding protracted transfers we are all aware of. This all came to a head, just before the Gerrard fiasco made the headlines. Parry's reticence to get the Gerrard's contract sorted out was seen within the club and by Rafa in particular as an indication of how much power Parry thought he had. This was a further indication of his lack of footballing mentality. He was actually prompted to get this sorted from within the club but still dragged his heels.This caused major problems internally and is the catalyst for many of today's difficulties. The almost catastrophic outcome was seen as a watershed. It wasn't!

On top of that Benitez had the unfortunate misfortune of having to go through Parry for every transfer.
I'm not going into who they were, but certain players at home and abroad had approached Liverpool F.C and had agreed to come after speaking with Benitez only for the deal to fall through after Parry became involved. Some were high profile, some were not. The biggest deals having been well documented. Some equally as big which have not been.were already agreed with players without massive wage demands or contract terms only to fall away yet again. This caused severe professional embarrassment for Benitez and restricted the progress of the team.

Once the takeover came about and the club was restructured once again, Benitez was once again made promises regarding transfers.Certain operating procedures were put into place by Hicks  & Gillette to try and smooth things along. Without going into too much detail about what they were here, they failed when the H & G relationship started to wobble. The operating procedures fell by the wayside, which Benitez wasn't happy about as they appeared to be working. Once H & G lost the day to day 'hands on ' contact with club matters,apart from Ayres 'input', things reverted to type and Parry just went about things The Parry Way.

As I said initially, Parry works tirelessly for the club. However he is not the man for the job. Certainly not working with Benitez, or any other forward thinking manager, who knows the buck stops with him under the current structure.
As the public face of Liverpool Football Club, you couldn't meet a more insipid, grey, uninspiring man. He is the archetypal accountant, who's lack of personality and charisma is exactly what you would imagine it to be by his public image.
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Postby HacksawJimDuggin » Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:37 am

Rafa needs to be given full control over transfers. For too long we've f*cked about in the transfer market and lost potential players because of this. As much as it pains me to say, Man Utd have this process finely tuned. Their dealings in the transfer market are to be admired. They go about their business quietly, efficiently and quickly. Looks at this window. 2nd Jan and they sign 2 guys for £16m and then announce "that's us for now".

As good a job as Rick Parry has done I think he needs to step aside on this particular subject and the owners should recognise that when it comes to transfers it's Rafa supported by Parry and not the other way around.

I don't doubt for a minute that there is some kind of background politics going on between the Yanks, Parry and Rafa (i.e. Hicks want's Parry out) but we cannot let this drag on. We go top of the league playing some great football, have a pretty much full strength squad going into the New Year and then BANG....Gerrard get's arrested, Rafa refuses a new contract and Agger looks on the way out. Talk about derailment. We are in danger of f*cking up the season (and the best chance we've had for 20 years of a title) and it's no one else's fault but our own!!
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Postby heimdall » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:03 pm

Rafa should be given a budget for transfers and allowed to pick the players he wants but there should still be checks and balances to make sure he isn't spending unwisely. Having said that in almost all cases the board should trust the opinion of the manager but maybe just maybe they have seen a few too many cr@p signings from Rafa to give him that kind of trust, maybe that's where the problem is.

BTW I think it's extremely unlikely that the bloke from RAWK wins employee of the year  :D
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Postby Number 9 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:07 pm

heimdall wrote:Rafa should be given a budget for transfers and allowed to pick the players he wants but there should still be checks and balances to make sure he isn't spending unwisely. Having said that in almost all cases the board should trust the opinion of the manager but maybe just maybe they have seen a few too many cr@p signings from Rafa to give him that kind of trust, maybe that's where the problem is.

BTW I think it's extremely unlikely that the bloke from RAWK wins employee of the year  :D

So who would you recommend to oversee the managers transfers?
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Postby aCe' » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:27 pm

good... hope he doesnt sign jack sht until the end of the season...
if we end up winning the league then okay... give him a new contract under his conditions..etc etc
if not, he can fck right off to madrid or mancity or whatever where he'll be nowhere near the transfer dealings imo.. anyone with half a brain wouldnt trust him with 10pounds never mind a multimillion transfer budget... im with the owners on this one for now
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Postby Number 9 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:34 pm

aCe' wrote:good... hope he doesnt sign jack sht until the end of the season...
if we end up winning the league then okay... give him a new contract under his conditions..etc etc
if not, he can fck right off to madrid or mancity or whatever where he'll be nowhere near the transfer dealings imo.. anyone with half a brain wouldnt trust him with 10pounds never mind a multimillion transfer budget... im with the owners on this one for now


With the owners are we??

True colours showing now
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