Rafa rejects new contract offer - BREAKING NEWS

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Postby account deleted by request » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:03 pm

NANNY RED wrote:I remember years ago Shanks saying

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques".

I am 100/% behind Rafa on this but an im absolutly terrified he will walk , Dont forget hed just won the league, an the Eufa cup with Valencia an he walked because of the same situation.

WTF does Parry know about players Rafa should not have to go cap in hand to him, dont forget he was one of the :censored: who :censored: brought these yanks here in the first place, cause it made good buissnes sense . Ha dont make me laugh if he cant spot a :censored: pair of shysters how the :censored: can he have a say on who we buy.

Stick to your guns Rafa lad

I can't say I agree Nanny. I think Parry is a waste of space, but I also think you need controls over the manager, and not only budgetary ones.

Paisley AND Shankly ..... and presumably every other manager we have had since, never had control of buying the players. They submitted a list of the players they wanted at the end of every season.

Ray Kennedy for example wasn't bought by Shankly or Paisley, neither of them even knew of his purchase until AFTER the deal had been done. Shankly even had to ask who the new signing was.

Football is at the end of the day a business, while we may not like that fact..... it is. A manager is more concerned with the success of the team than the success of the business (quite rightly), but you need someone weighing these decisions up from the business side as well.

Pay £35million for Henry may improve the team and results, but would it be good business to pay so much for a 32 year old (not sure how old he is but hopefully you get the idea), who will have to be replaced in a couple of seasons.

Its a balance at the end of the day between business and results, get either wrong and the club is in trouble.

As for the youth system :- The idea of having the youth system totally independant of the Manager, is for continuity. The manager leaves and a new one comes in and everything changes, new ideas, new goals, new priorities. By having the youth system totally independent it allows it to be unchanged and unaffected by the whims of each manager.

If the system is not working ...... bring in a youth director who can make it work, don't sacrifice that independance because a manger feels HE knows best.
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Postby NANNY RED » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:33 pm

Saint im not saying give Rafa a carte blanch cheque book  but what i would agree with is if the manager identifies a player that he wants he should not be made to go to Parry with a begging bowl. and wait for him to put a valuation fee on him. thats what has happend in the past an that is why we have lost out on a couple of players . Remember Simou, The manager should be in charge of all things football matters , if we cant afford the player so be it , You know as well as i do how many times Shanks an Paisley went an approached the player themselves after they were given permission to speak to them,. then went to the board an blagged the funds. but most of the time they were in on the deal. Football men talk better with football men , Not some gobsh.ite in a stupid tie. Whos :censored: son is ruining the academy.

By the way good shout on the Kenny thing , thats what im talking about football men with football men all on the same wave length
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Postby lakes10 » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:41 pm

Hicks expects Benitez stay
Anfield co-owner undeterred by manager's contract rejection

Liverpool co-owner Tom Hicks has told Sky Sports News that he is confident manager Rafa Benitez will remain at Anfield for the long term.

The Reds boss has been in negotiations with the Premier League leaders, who he joined in 2004, for a number of months regarding a new five-year deal.

But the Spaniard revealed on Friday that he had turned down a contract offer because he was not satisfied with the amount of control he would be handed regarding transfer activity and the club's academy.

Hicks, though, remains positive that it will be possible to iron out any problems with Benitez and expects the former Valencia boss to stay on Merseyside.

"As Rafa says we have a strong relationship," said Hicks. "We understand Rafa's frustrations and we are committed to working with him.

"We will keep talking and find a solution."

Hicks insists he and co-owner George Gillett, who suffered a much-publicised bust-up with Benitez last season over the club's recruitment policy, understand their manager's decision to reject the deal.

However, the American businessman is adamant problems will be resolved and he expects to reach agreement in a meeting with Benitez when in England to watch Liverpool's home clash with Chelsea on 1st February.

"We are coming over for the Chelsea match and we had already planned to get together on 30th and 31st (January). We will clear up anything we need to," added Hicks.

"Rafa has been frustrated for a long time about the length of time it takes to make things happen and I think he is just trying to put himself in a better position to do his job. We can fix that and we will.

"I am absolutely comfortable that Rafa loves it at Liverpool, wants to be the manager and will be the manager.

"I will be working with Rafa to get this resolved - and I am just not worried about it at all.

"Rafa is going to be coach of Liverpool for the next five years, and we will work through all this.

"There are no issues between Rafa and the owners in any way. They are issues he wants to work out to make things better for the club"

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Postby Zidane » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:42 pm

I think this is all stemming from this summer, I believe Rafa wanted Barry and was all for overspending for him and Parry wasn't.  I'd even go so far as to say that Parry may have said if you sell Xabi for this then we'll pay for Barry.  Parry preferred to overspend for Keane and this is what has Rafa fighting against him in this contract dispute.  Someone will always watch how much he spends, I don't know why people are assuming he will have 100% control over not only players but funds too, that's stupid.  He'll be given a budget and all he's asking for is the freedom to do what he wants with the money available even if it means overpaying for some particular player.  Ala Ferguson, yeah he has a budget but why do you think every so often he dishes out some big numbers for certain players he really likes.  I believe this is all Rafa is asking for, no behind the back from a CEO to get a player the CEO prefers and not one Rafa wants.

This is all it comes down to really and that said I agree entirely with Rafa, Parry or anyone for that matter shouldn't have a say in the players coming in imo unless the guy wants to put up his own money towards a player then by all means go for it.  As for the youth system I agree with S@int but when you think about it Rafa wants to be here for many, many years from everything he has ever said he wants to stay here for a long time.  If he manages to do so him having control over the youth system is not that bad of an idea since continuity is the best thing for those guys and working in a similar system as the first team would surely help players settle in faster.

Rafa is looking for trust, loyalty and commitment in this contract from ownership, unfortunately these guys aren't here for the long haul so he'll have a hard time finding that.  That said in the end I think they'll bend and give in to Rafa then leave the new owners to deal with him just to keep fans happy until they are forced to sell.
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Postby account deleted by request » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:52 pm

NANNY RED wrote:Saint im not saying give Rafa a carte blanch cheque book  but what i would agree with is if the manager identifies a player that he wants he should not be made to go to Parry with a begging bowl. and wait for him to put a valuation fee on him. thats what has happend in the past an that is why we have lost out on a couple of players . Remember Simou, The manager should be in charge of all things football matters , if we cant afford the player so be it , You know as well as i do how many times Shanks an Paisley went an approached the player themselves after they were given permission to speak to them,. then went to the board an blagged the funds. but most of the time they were in on the deal. Football men talk better with football men , Not some gobsh.ite in a stupid tie. Whos :censored: son is ruining the academy.

By the way good shout on the Kenny thing , thats what im talking about football men with football men all on the same wave length

I still see the problem as being Parry not the system. If Parry and Rafa had a better relationship they would be able to discuss players and Rafa would be able to not only identify the players he wanted but why they were so important and why we should be willing to pay a little extra for them.

As an example, I think that Rafa if given the option in the summer might well have preferred Barry to Keane. Both players of similar age and price, yet we end up with Keane. Was that Rafa's decision or was it Parry thinking Keane was better value for money, because we could "live" without another midfield player, but needed another striker because we only had Torres.

I am sure that Rafa wanted both players. Just not so sure given the choice which he would have preferred. If the relationship beteen the two was better, difficulties and misunderstandings would be sorted BEFOREHAND.

It the unworkable relationship between Parry and Rafa that is causing the problems not the system imo.

Managers get desperate at times and as with ALL people they will make decisions that are to their benefit rather than their companies, that is why I think checks and balances need to be in place.
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Postby ste123lfc » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:53 pm

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting p*ssed off with this whole situation. This is the best chance we have had of winning the league in nearly 20years and all the muppets behind the scenes are hell bent on ruining it. Lets face it, Rick Parry is only interested in Rick Parry, he is the one who orchestrated the yanks deal to save his own job and Twit and tw*t are fighting with each other all the time. Shanks will be turning in his grave.
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Postby tubby » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:04 pm

Hicks wants Parry gone, he said so ages ago. But Gillette wants Rafa gone and is siding with Parry. I know both cant sell their shares without the others consent but does the same go for sacking someone? If so then this could go on for ages. But they should be careful as if they let it drag out too long who knows what might happen. We are at such a critical point in the season Rafa would not have done this unless he was looking to make a real point and he has everyones attention as well. I hope the sing his name loud and clear on Monday.
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Postby NANNY RED » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:10 pm

Saint i agree the propblem is Parry but could that be why Rafa whats more say because he knows hes not worth a carrott . An has not got a clue
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Postby account deleted by request » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:39 pm

NANNY RED wrote:Saint i agree the propblem is Parry but could that be why Rafa whats more say because he knows hes not worth a carrott . An has not got a clue

I am sure Rafa knows he's not worth a carrott  :D The problem is how to get rid of him and still maintain a balance in the boardroom. The one thing I don't want to see is Gerrard and Torres playing for Citeh next season, and if the power is all in those two tw@ts hands I could see it happening.         
What baffles me is if Parry is as incompetant as everyone says.....how has he managed to stay at the club as long as he has. Which again leads back to Moores maybe allowing friendship over reason.
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Postby Alex G. » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:40 pm

It seems clear that Rafa hates Parry and considers him an obstacle in general, but especially when it comes to signing new players.

Rafa and Parry hate each other.

Hicks and Gillet hate each other.

Rafa and Hicks hate Parry.

Gillet and Parry hate Rafa.

Typical of a soap opera. :hearts

(Yes GYBS it´s my own speculation)
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Postby Madmax » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:45 pm

Alex G. wrote:Rafa and Parry hate each other.

Rafa and Hicks hate Parry.

Gillet and Parry hate Rafa.

:D  sounds like a theme you would see on the jeremy kyle show ...
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Postby NANNY RED » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:47 pm

s@int wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:Saint i agree the propblem is Parry but could that be why Rafa whats more say because he knows hes not worth a carrott . An has not got a clue

I am sure Rafa knows he's not worth a carrott  :D The problem is how to get rid of him and still maintain a balance in the boardroom. The one thing I don't want to see is Gerrard and Torres playing for Citeh next season, and if the power is all in those two tw@ts hands I could see it happening.         
What baffles me is if Parry is as incompetant as everyone says.....how has he managed to stay at the club as long as he has. Which again leads back to Moores maybe allowing friendship over reason.

Oh for the times of John Smith an Peter Robinson, Saint what i wouldnt give to have one of them there now,
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Postby JoeTerp » Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:45 pm

from a man management POV it seems a bit awkward to have the same man who is your day to day boss also control whether you leave, stay, or get a promotion.  I already think that Rafa doesn't have the greatest of personal connections with his players (and certainly it should never get too close), but if he had total control, he would have to back off even more in order to make objective decisions.  Players might be afraid to ask rafa questions or inform him of niggling injuries because "oh well if Rafa thinks I am a player who is secretly hurt all the time, maybe he will offload me in the summer" 

I know Rafa's priority is to get things done quickly, but I don't know how he would be able to do that if he was in charge, he is very busy during the summer with getting the team ready in the pre-season and he is preparing for league and FA Cup matches in January.

I think we just need a replacement for Parry, somebody that comes from the same footballing philosophy as Rafa, but who is a strong character and wont just be a puppet either.
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Postby jono » Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:08 pm

lakes10 wrote:Hicks expects Benitez stay
Anfield co-owner undeterred by manager's contract rejection

Liverpool co-owner Tom Hicks has told Sky Sports News that he is confident manager Rafa Benitez will remain at Anfield for the long term.

The Reds boss has been in negotiations with the Premier League leaders, who he joined in 2004, for a number of months regarding a new five-year deal.

But the Spaniard revealed on Friday that he had turned down a contract offer because he was not satisfied with the amount of control he would be handed regarding transfer activity and the club's academy.

Hicks, though, remains positive that it will be possible to iron out any problems with Benitez and expects the former Valencia boss to stay on Merseyside.

"As Rafa says we have a strong relationship," said Hicks. "We understand Rafa's frustrations and we are committed to working with him.

"We will keep talking and find a solution."

Hicks insists he and co-owner George Gillett, who suffered a much-publicised bust-up with Benitez last season over the club's recruitment policy, understand their manager's decision to reject the deal.

However, the American businessman is adamant problems will be resolved and he expects to reach agreement in a meeting with Benitez when in England to watch Liverpool's home clash with Chelsea on 1st February.

"We are coming over for the Chelsea match and we had already planned to get together on 30th and 31st (January). We will clear up anything we need to," added Hicks.

"Rafa has been frustrated for a long time about the length of time it takes to make things happen and I think he is just trying to put himself in a better position to do his job. We can fix that and we will.

"I am absolutely comfortable that Rafa loves it at Liverpool, wants to be the manager and will be the manager.

"I will be working with Rafa to get this resolved - and I am just not worried about it at all.

"Rafa is going to be coach of Liverpool for the next five years, and we will work through all this.

"There are no issues between Rafa and the owners in any way. They are issues he wants to work out to make things better for the club"


wow that is brand new information  :bump
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Postby Number 9 » Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:42 pm

THE ONLY REASON THESE TWO KUNTS ARE SAYING THIS IS TO GET FANS ONSIDE!If Rafa was out of favour with fans,this would be their perfect chance to pull the trigger!

People are starting to accept them and note their authority! :talktothehand
JUST WRONG.My instincts say that they are playing a game here.YOU CANT BELIEVE THEIR OATH.
They are just waiting for the right time,Rafa knows it thats why he always relates to the fans and gives us respect.He's fighting to keep his job and fans are on his side.Make no mistake them two geriatric kunts want him out..they want control full stop.They'll probably wanna bring in :censored: B rod or Rod A, some young yank protege that knows everything about soccer with a big stupid haircut and lines down the side of his fro!

They can Fuc'k off
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Get the fuc'k out ya Yank kunts..nothings changed..its still LFC!
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