RAFA FAITH-O-METER Mark 2 - Lets see how every one feels now.

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Rafa faith-o-meter mark 2 - Lets see how every one feels now.

10. he is god
9. he is hercules
8. he is great
7. he done ya wife but you would forgive him
6. he won't win prem but we love him any ways
5. he is good
4. he almost there
3. he is frank spencer
2. he ate all the pie's
1. he's lost the plot
Total votes : 71

Postby 7_Kewell » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:52 pm

dawson99 wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
dawson99 wrote:We never wanted Keane and had to get rid. Rafa needs one more season with his 'complete control' to show us he can win it.

I don’t know if I can honestly believe Rafa didn’t want Keane. In fact, I find it impossible that we spent 20 million on a player after Rafa said “I don’t want him”.

you think its more believable we brought him, wanted him then sold him 4 months later?

i have no idea, its a mess whatever happened tho and i hold Rafa as accountable as Parry to be honest.
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:53 pm

dawson99 wrote:We never wanted Keane and had to get rid. Rafa needs one more season with his 'complete control' to show us he can win it.

:laugh:  :laugh:  :wwww yeah....right

fk off redtildead you complete and utter numpty  :veryangry
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:56 pm

dawson99 wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
dawson99 wrote:We never wanted Keane and had to get rid. Rafa needs one more season with his 'complete control' to show us he can win it.

I don’t know if I can honestly believe Rafa didn’t want Keane. In fact, I find it impossible that we spent 20 million on a player after Rafa said “I don’t want him”.

you think its more believable we brought him, wanted him then sold him 4 months later?

Its not as if its the first time though is it mate ? We have had quite a few "short timers" under Rafa. How long did KromKamp last?
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Postby access » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:56 pm

OK I am a fairly new poster on here infact this is my third perhaps my last? and find myself for many hours reading other peoples comments some downright negative some always positive but now I find myself staring at the Poll and wondering if we are starting to lose some faith … ‘some’ faith? and now I wonder what is really going on for example the result on Saturday against Boro and like myself I find myself asking questions of Benitez himself I am not here to start a witch hunt but ultimately it is down to the Manager.

Whilst we seem to up our game for the Champions League and find another gear where Benitez has an ultimate game plan and it works when it comes down to the basics or the Premier League we seem to fall short.

Now its OK for all of us on here to scream about Babel being s**t and Kuyt being s**t and Lucas being s**t  and …. YES whatever you think or I think and read on here sometimes it beggars belief … for example I was sat in my car on Saturday and like you as soon as the team was announced …Skrtel ?? WHAT at right back….?

There wasn’t one paper or one pundit who picked on that …its almost like its plain to all of us but not to him… and ‘yes’ whatever we say Benitez has brought in a majority of the players that ‘he’ wants primarily to build a team [no-one else] so as supporters if we want Benitez we cant really moan at the players - as my old boss told me once ‘you cant blame a person on the shop floor for poor productivity its down to the manager who employs them’ we could go on about how much he has spent but so has other teams in the Premiership.

Whatever I say its down to one person and one person only Benitez so whilst I type this I really don’t know what the answer is …?

So today Benitez comes out in the press today saying it because Torres wasn’t fit …so why let Keane go back to Spurs?

SO today I was reading the tabloids and we know that a certain amount they write about Liverpool  IS sh*te but the more I read this article the more I was starting to wonder??

So, Rafa Benitez has won the Liverpool power struggle. Rick Parry, the chief executive, is leaving. And Rafa will now presumably have total control over transfers and get a nice big pay rise. But while agreeing that Parry was an interfering old busybody, am I the only one who isn't so convinced by Benitez's supposed genius?
The Rafa show: He's going, he's staying, he's the biggest star at Anfield
But the most annoying thing about him is that he could be so much more successful if he just managed to find a few seconds in every day to stop thinking about himself and dwell on his team for a moment.
Benitez has to be the most arrogant manager ever to grace the Premier League. Which, when you consider the competition, is a pretty amazing achievement. Jose 'I'm the Special One' Mourinho has an ego the size of several planets, Sir Alex Ferguson makes Emperor Nero look timid and dear old Sam Allardyce is still banging on about how he should be England manager, when most of us think he'd struggle to run a pub side these days.
Liverpool were cruising at the top of the League at the turn of the year. They looked strong in depth and focused and I genuinely thought, if Gerrard and Torres stayed fit, they might go on and win the title. Then came Dossier Day. The moment that Benitez decided to make it all about himself again.
Instead of exuding a firm air of menacing confidence about his players, which would have instilled fear and panic into the ranks of Liverpool's already struggling opponents, he exploded in a veritable orgy of selfindulgence. Out he marched, jowls twitching, goatee glistening, brow furrowed, and positively dripping with prickly defensiveness. And for the next half an hour he laid into Sir Alex in a fit of indignant pique that was toe-curling to watch.
When he'd finished going through his ridiculous fact-file, he sat back like a smug geography teacher having just administered another tedious lecture to the class on their collective shortcomings. And I sat back and chuckled loudly to myself, exactly as I suspect Sir Alex did in Manchester.
'Game over,' he must have thought. Dossier Day was not the only time Benitez has made it all about himself. For most of the season, Liverpool's achievements on the field have been overshadowed by their manager's contractual wranglings. He's going, he's staying, he's angry, he's frustrated, he's . . . he's . . . he's Rafa Benitez, the biggest star at the club! This week Liverpool fans will forgive him anything given their excellent win at Real Madrid. 'Give Rafa the freedom of the city!' was the cry from the world's most emotional supporters. To which I reply: 'Calm down, calm down.'
Particularly after yesterday's terrible performance against Middlesbrough.
Benitez is, indisputably, tactically astute, massively experienced and worthy of considerable praise as a coach. But Liverpool are not an exciting team to watch. They're hard to beat, granted. They're also, however, a bunch of boring long-ball merchants prepared to grind out results and catch opposition sides on the break. And when you analyse Benitez's actual record as manager, from a historical perspective, the position looks even less impressive.
He won the Champions League in his first season at Liverpool, making himself an instant Kop god in the process. But that was four years ago and since then he's added only one FA Cup and a Community Shield to the mix (I'm not knocking that joke of a trophy, by the way. We Arsenal fans would do cartwheels of ecstasy for the Shield right now).
This season was the closest Liverpool have come to winning the Premier League and they almost certainly blew it when they had it in their hands. Because, at the crucial moment, when the players looked to their manager for the kind of supreme Churchillian 'Let us go forward together' speech that might drive them on to victory, he turned it into the Rafa Benitez show.
The best manager Liverpool ever had was not the magnificently eloquent Bill Shankly. It was Bob Paisley. A humble, absurdly modest, quietly-spoken man who won six league titles, three European cups, one UEFA cup, three League Cups, a UEFA Super Cup, and five Community Shields. Paisley would rather have inserted electrodes into his spinal cord than constantly big himself up ahead of his players. And I bet he never once asked for a pay rise.
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Postby stmichael » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:03 pm

Its games like Boro where his over analytical play is shown up. It works a treat in Europe but fails badly at times in the premiership due to the fact we dont need to negate the threat of teams that havent scored for around 6 games as much as we do Real Madrid. He tries to out think everyone all the time and seems to forget that we need to win the game rather then show everyone how clever he is.
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Postby dawson99 » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:08 pm

You all think Arsenal fans are being even more harsh about Wenger?
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Postby 7_Kewell » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:11 pm

I think Rafa has to go in the summer. I've been dismayed by our manager’s antics off the field and its not the Liverpool way to air your dirty laundry in public.

Unfortunately, Rafa seems to think it is fine to slag off the chairman and talk about his contract to the media. I also think it is bang out of order that our manager is telling players to “wait” until he has sorted his contract out before discussing theirs. I’m sorry, the CLUB comes FIRST and the players are contracted to LFC, not Rafa!

It’s not on and the Robbie Keane saga was the icing on the cake.  :veryangry
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:14 pm

dawson99 wrote:You all think Arsenal fans are being even more harsh about Wenger?

Net Spend 04 - 09
Liverpool £110,460,000
Arsenal     £20,330,000

Wenger may have one or two excuses though mate ?
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Postby dawson99 » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:17 pm

s@int wrote:
dawson99 wrote:You all think Arsenal fans are being even more harsh about Wenger?

Net Spend 04 - 09
Liverpool £110,460,000
Arsenal     £20,330,000

Wenger may have one or two excuses though mate ?

4 0-0s in a row, not won a trophy in 3 years, probably out of the champions league?

He's more stubborn than Rafa by refusing to spend.
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Postby Sabre » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:26 pm

I just wanted to say thank you to all who voted.

I had suspicions, but the votes confirmed what I thought: that the Pro Rafa people were able to face reality and did admit Rafa makes mistakes, and the inmense majority of them are in 8, or 7.

Another misconception destroyed.
Last edited by Sabre on Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:30 pm

dawson99 wrote:
s@int wrote:
dawson99 wrote:You all think Arsenal fans are being even more harsh about Wenger?

Net Spend 04 - 09
Liverpool £110,460,000
Arsenal     £20,330,000

Wenger may have one or two excuses though mate ?

4 0-0s in a row, not won a trophy in 3 years, probably out of the champions league?

He's more stubborn than Rafa by refusing to spend.

I think he would have given Darby his chance against Middlesbrough though mate ..... don't you ?
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Postby ConnO'var » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:34 pm

If you tally up the votes.... its a close call sabre..... almost a clean 50-50 split from 10-6 and 5-0.
In all my time on this forum, never has any one particular issue polarized the members as the Rafa issue.

I've lost count of the number of the quarrels, spats, accusations and counter accusations, sniping, bans etc etc that has arised because of it. Not even the end of the Houllier reign brought so much drama..... it's like freakin' Dallas!
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Postby Sabre » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:39 pm

ConnO'var wrote:If you tally up the votes.... its a close call sabre..... almost a clean 50-50 split from 10-6 and 5-0.
In all my time on this forum, never has any one particular issue polarized the members as the Rafa issue.

I've lost count of the number of the quarrels, spats, accusations and counter accusations, sniping, bans etc etc that has arised because of it. Not even the end of the Houllier reign brought so much drama..... it's like freakin' Dallas!

Yes, who wins is not important. What it's important (IMHO mate) is to realise that we shouldn't polarise too much, and when both sides start accussing the others or complaining, realise that we're probably exagerating.

Sometimes you see so much criticism, that much of it you don't agree it and defend Rafa from that. Since you are defending Rafa a lot of time, people may think wrongly that you are happy with dissapointing results or are not able to see mistakes.

Similarly, we have learned in the poll that most of the antis say good bye with an amigo, so being an anti, doesn't mean they hate Rafa.

Believe it or not this poll meant to show that we're not that different all of us.  :D
Last edited by Sabre on Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mistyred » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:43 pm

I read this morning on the BBc that Rafa blames our dip in form
on Torres bieng injured so much and it had quotes an all  :glare: .

It's got nothing to do with not enough attacking options in the side and the rest
of the supposed strikers bieng kack, this is what get's me about Rafa.

It's unfair to pass the buck to Torres, he ain't the manager, the manager
should make sure we have enough cover in all areas to not feck up.
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:53 pm

mistyred wrote:I read this morning on the BBc that Rafa blames our dip in form
on Torres bieng injured so much and it had quotes an all  :glare: .

It's got nothing to do with not enough attacking options in the side and the rest
of the supposed strikers bieng kack, this is what get's me about Rafa.

It's unfair to pass the buck to Torres, he ain't the manager, the manager
should make sure we have enough cover in all areas to not feck up.

Spot on Misty 10/10 (I know you like the points  :D )
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