Rafa benitez - My thoughts

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Petar » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:25 pm

GYBS wrote:
Petar wrote:
GYBS wrote:Its a simple question Stu ? surely you can answer that ? no ?

crowd knew better on saturday,FACT.  90 percent of people would have 2 strikers,one holding midfielder. 90 percent of people would put third striker at half time if it`s still 2-2. And I think that we would won that game. SOMETHING THAT TITLE CONTENDERS MUST DO,take some risk,cause every game is a must win game,especially at home.

So it is OBVIOUS that a lot of people would do better.

it was not one of the performances where you can say,WE WeRE GREAT,BUT UNLUCKY,cause we were rubish,just like about 50 times at home under Benitez. WILL HE EVER LEARN?

Im sorry but why is it FACT that the crowd knew better ? how do you know if we played they way the crowd wanted we would of definatly won - we could of easily lost ? so how is it FACT ?

And im sorry but the players who played out on that pitch were and are good enough to beat Hull or whoever but they didnt play well enough - thats the players who take responsibilty as soon as that whistle goes .

no. how come our supeiror players can not beat Hull,W Ham,Fulham,Stoke? MAYBE,there was not real tactic for breaking 10 men defense? JUST FUKCIN MAYBE,eh?
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Postby we all dream... » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:25 pm

Petar wrote:
we all dream... wrote:
Petar wrote:Many of you are crazy! Rafael Benitez screwwed our chance for winning the title,when we did not beat stoke,fulham,west ham,hull. If we won at least 3 games of these 4(which we should),we would be in chance. Now it is very difficult cause further mistakes are very likeable.
Really,he has so many weaknesess as a manager...

Buying players-he is absolute joke in that category... I don`t know what he is looking when he wants new player. I think that he doesn`t want good,skillfull player. In first place,it is workrate,which  can not be our only force if we want to win the league.


Tactics-How he can be the best tactician in the world if he can not realise how to beat 10 men who parked the bus. for four seasons.HOW? I would for example HAVE 2 FORWARDS AGAINST HULL AND WOULDN`T HAVE 2 HOLDING MIDFIELDERS AND THAT`S JUST A START!

STUBBORN-yes and too much

rotation-he don`t use it anymore and we are better team. I wonder what would happen if he could get rid of other weaknessess

Yes u are right, our chances are screwed, we're only top of the league.

Be realistic... has scolari and fergie thrown away their chances by getting beat by us and drawing with westham and spurs...etc? yes, in your thinking... so where does that leave us, oh yeh, no one is going to win the league this year because we have all drawn to many games for anyone to win the league.

Think about it.

Chelsea and Man U will raise their form. We will raise it when we are out of the title race. FACT

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Postby Leonmc0708 » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:25 pm

Fo Dne wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:
andy_g wrote:
Petar wrote:further mistakes are very likeable.

i beg to differ

I think he meant likely. And while the poster quoted is a WUM I 100% agree with this. There will be more baffling decisions between now and the end of the season. There will be more stupid team selections and there will be more points dropped down to the manager thinking he always knows best when the crowd can see otherwise.

What Level ?

what team ?

What league ??

And this is ya forum moderator... :laugh:

I just want clarification on the following :

What Level ?

what team ?

What league ?

Is that too much to ask ?

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Postby Fo Dne » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:25 pm

GYBS wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:Infact, ya not even worth talking to. A monkey has more intelligence.

Ah right back to the insults i see then .

And when will we be out of the title race then seeing as we are sat top at the moment and still without the best striker in europe/world ?

I haven't got a crystal ball lad, all am saying to ya is we won't win the league.

Simple as that.

Come the end of the season though you won't sit there and say, "Stu was right, how did he know?" you'll go "give the manager more time, if only this, if only that, you didn't know for sure, it was just a guess" and all the otehr rubbish mongs excuses.
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Postby Petar » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:28 pm

Fo Dne wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:
GYBS wrote:So do fans know more than managers now ? Fans see the players every single day during training ? Fans get the inputs from the coaches ? Is the crowd a better judge than managers ?

Who knows more? Forty thousand people or one man?

Quantity doesnt always beat quality . One qualified and proven manager both domestically in various countries and in europe is expect knows more about his own set of players and the game they are player than 40 thousand fans . He is the guy that see thoses players on a daily basis and sees what happens during the week not the 40 thousand guys who see for 90 mins.

So Lucas is a fantastic player?

Keane's worth £20,000,000?

Dossena's worth £7,000,000?

Lucas and Dossena are better than Guthrie and Warnock?

Josemi is a good player?

Kromkamp's a good player?

Nunez is a good player?

Ngog's even a footballer?

Ngog's worth £1,500,000 with add ons but Owen's not worth a £3,000,000 public bid?

Leaving Lucas on the pitch ahead of Xabi?

Starting Lucas in games we need to win?

Leaving your only decent striker on the bench in a game you need to win?

Playing Gerrard upfront?

Playing Kuyt upfront with a midfielder playing as a drop off striker?

Playing your best (and worst) players out of position?

Spending £11,000,000 on rubbish like Babel then not even playing him...

Building a very strong and quality footballing team then dismanteling it starting from sctratch and failing to replace the quality you once had...

Spending £100,000,000 on a team that finish on 82 points and managing to take them backwards?

Yeah Rafa knows best. Thats without even thinking about it.

there can be more of it in that list
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Postby GYBS » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:30 pm

Fo Dne wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:
GYBS wrote:So do fans know more than managers now ? Fans see the players every single day during training ? Fans get the inputs from the coaches ? Is the crowd a better judge than managers ?

Who knows more? Forty thousand people or one man?

Quantity doesnt always beat quality . One qualified and proven manager both domestically in various countries and in europe is expect knows more about his own set of players and the game they are player than 40 thousand fans . He is the guy that see thoses players on a daily basis and sees what happens during the week not the 40 thousand guys who see for 90 mins.

So Lucas is a fantastic player?

Keane's worth £20,000,000?

Dossena's worth £7,000,000?

Lucas and Dossena are better than Guthrie and Warnock?

Josemi is a good player?

Kromkamp's a good player?

Nunez is a good player?

Ngog's even a footballer?

Ngog's worth £1,500,000 with add ons but Owen's not worth a £3,000,000 public bid?

Leaving Lucas on the pitch ahead of Xabi?

Starting Lucas in games we need to win?

Leaving your only decent striker on the bench in a game you need to win?

Playing Gerrard upfront?

Playing Kuyt upfront with a midfielder playing as a drop off striker?

Playing your best (and worst) players out of position?

Spending £11,000,000 on rubbish like Babel then not even playing him...

Building a very strong and quality footballing team then dismanteling it starting from sctratch and failing to replace the quality you once had...

Spending £100,000,000 on a team that finish on 82 points and managing to take them backwards?

Yeah Rafa knows best. Thats without even thinking about it.

So Lucas is a fantastic player? Who says he is ?

Keane's worth £20,000,000? No one believes he is but its the price we had to pay , i bet rafa didnt want to pay it

Dossena's worth £7,000,000? same as above .

Lucas and Dossena are better than Guthrie and Warnock? Yes

Josemi is a good player? Had a decent start when he arrived then went poor and got shipped out

Kromkamp's a good player? Only with us for 6 months and enabled us to get rid of josemi. had a few decent games

Nunez is a good player?  Do you think rafa really really wanted him ? was pretty much forced on us and the guy hardly played

Ngog's even a footballer? Yes he is .

Ngog's worth £1,500,000 with add ons but Owen's not worth a £3,000,000 public bid? Not going to get Owen for 3 mil in a million years and not when we bought Ngog

Leaving Lucas on the pitch ahead of Xabi? Lucas is good enough

Starting Lucas in games we need to win? Needed to win against PSV when he played and we did - have we lost because lUcas has played ? when ?

Leaving your only decent striker on the bench in a game you need to win? The guy is not scoring at the moment .

Playing Gerrard upfront? The guy can play anywhere and had a great season playing just off torres up front last season

Playing Kuyt upfront with a midfielder playing as a drop off striker? Kuyt is playing better than any other options in the team at the moment

Playing your best (and worst) players out of position? Who ?

Spending £11,000,000 on rubbish like Babel then not even playing him...
Has played him plenty of times and the guy has scored and played his part in crucial wins
Building a very strong and quality footballing team then dismanteling it starting from sctratch and failing to replace the quality you once had... replaced sissoko with masher ?!? kewell with reira ?!? Crouch/bellamy with Torres

Spending £100,000,000 on a team that finish on 82 points and managing to take them backwards? Taking them backwards ? or maybe the other teams improved at a great rate than us ?

Yeah Rafa knows best. Thats without even thinking about it
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Postby Ace Ventura » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:31 pm

GYBS wrote:Oh happy to admit he has flaws - every single manager does , no one is perfect . But also happy to state he knows more about the game and our players than any fan on here . And will happily back the guy while he is liverpool manager and will try to understand why he does things or doesnt do things .

There is nothing wrong with the fans that blindly back him, different people offer support in different ways.
Some get frustrated far easier, i am sort of in the middle ground, which sounds like i am sitting on the fence a bit, perhaps i am.
What i mean is, i can clearly see that Rafa has restablished us as a top top side in europe again.
Before he came we were in the quarters just once, since we have been in semi's, lost a final and won a final, thats outstanding.
I can see he has brought in some world class players, Torres and Mascherano.
But i think he still hasnt learned that he cant get away with playing some of his poorer signings in games and still is far too negative in some games.
Hull at home, and we played 4-5-1, now thats not that bad if the one is Torres...someone who can stretch the team, but not what we should be playing with Kuyt as the lone striker.

To make things worse he doesnt then make the right changes, i know he may have forgotten more than i know argument, maybe he also forgot he had a 20 million pound striker on the bench.

Stubborness is costing us, i am convinced of that.

The fact that the other teams have not taken advantage of this is all we can be thankful for over the last month or so.

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Postby GYBS » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:31 pm

Petar wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Petar wrote:
GYBS wrote:Its a simple question Stu ? surely you can answer that ? no ?

crowd knew better on saturday,FACT.  90 percent of people would have 2 strikers,one holding midfielder. 90 percent of people would put third striker at half time if it`s still 2-2. And I think that we would won that game. SOMETHING THAT TITLE CONTENDERS MUST DO,take some risk,cause every game is a must win game,especially at home.

So it is OBVIOUS that a lot of people would do better.

it was not one of the performances where you can say,WE WeRE GREAT,BUT UNLUCKY,cause we were rubish,just like about 50 times at home under Benitez. WILL HE EVER LEARN?

Im sorry but why is it FACT that the crowd knew better ? how do you know if we played they way the crowd wanted we would of definatly won - we could of easily lost ? so how is it FACT ?

And im sorry but the players who played out on that pitch were and are good enough to beat Hull or whoever but they didnt play well enough - thats the players who take responsibilty as soon as that whistle goes .

no. how come our supeiror players can not beat Hull,W Ham,Fulham,Stoke? MAYBE,there was not real tactic for breaking 10 men defense? JUST FUKCIN MAYBE,eh?

cause the players didnt play well enough on that day - simple as that .
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Postby GYBS » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:32 pm

Fo Dne wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:Infact, ya not even worth talking to. A monkey has more intelligence.

Ah right back to the insults i see then .

And when will we be out of the title race then seeing as we are sat top at the moment and still without the best striker in europe/world ?

I haven't got a crystal ball lad, all am saying to ya is we won't win the league.

Simple as that.

Come the end of the season though you won't sit there and say, "Stu was right, how did he know?" you'll go "give the manager more time, if only this, if only that, you didn't know for sure, it was just a guess" and all the otehr rubbish mongs excuses.

If you havent got a crystal ball how come you know we wont win the league then ?
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Postby GYBS » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:34 pm

Petar wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:
GYBS wrote:So do fans know more than managers now ? Fans see the players every single day during training ? Fans get the inputs from the coaches ? Is the crowd a better judge than managers ?

Who knows more? Forty thousand people or one man?

Quantity doesnt always beat quality . One qualified and proven manager both domestically in various countries and in europe is expect knows more about his own set of players and the game they are player than 40 thousand fans . He is the guy that see thoses players on a daily basis and sees what happens during the week not the 40 thousand guys who see for 90 mins.

So Lucas is a fantastic player?

Keane's worth £20,000,000?

Dossena's worth £7,000,000?

Lucas and Dossena are better than Guthrie and Warnock?

Josemi is a good player?

Kromkamp's a good player?

Nunez is a good player?

Ngog's even a footballer?

Ngog's worth £1,500,000 with add ons but Owen's not worth a £3,000,000 public bid?

Leaving Lucas on the pitch ahead of Xabi?

Starting Lucas in games we need to win?

Leaving your only decent striker on the bench in a game you need to win?

Playing Gerrard upfront?

Playing Kuyt upfront with a midfielder playing as a drop off striker?

Playing your best (and worst) players out of position?

Spending £11,000,000 on rubbish like Babel then not even playing him...

Building a very strong and quality footballing team then dismanteling it starting from sctratch and failing to replace the quality you once had...

Spending £100,000,000 on a team that finish on 82 points and managing to take them backwards?

Yeah Rafa knows best. Thats without even thinking about it.

there can be more of it in that list

come on then - add more .
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:34 pm

Fo Dne wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:
GYBS wrote:So do fans know more than managers now ? Fans see the players every single day during training ? Fans get the inputs from the coaches ? Is the crowd a better judge than managers ?

Who knows more? Forty thousand people or one man?

Quantity doesnt always beat quality . One qualified and proven manager both domestically in various countries and in europe is expect knows more about his own set of players and the game they are player than 40 thousand fans . He is the guy that see thoses players on a daily basis and sees what happens during the week not the 40 thousand guys who see for 90 mins.

So Lucas is a fantastic player?

Keane's worth £20,000,000?

Dossena's worth £7,000,000?

Lucas and Dossena are better than Guthrie and Warnock?

Josemi is a good player?

Kromkamp's a good player?

Nunez is a good player?

Ngog's even a footballer?

Ngog's worth £1,500,000 with add ons but Owen's not worth a £3,000,000 public bid?

Leaving Lucas on the pitch ahead of Xabi?

Starting Lucas in games we need to win?

Leaving your only decent striker on the bench in a game you need to win?

Playing Gerrard upfront?

Playing Kuyt upfront with a midfielder playing as a drop off striker?

Playing your best (and worst) players out of position?

Spending £11,000,000 on rubbish like Babel then not even playing him...

Building a very strong and quality footballing team then dismanteling it starting from sctratch and failing to replace the quality you once had...

Spending £100,000,000 on a team that finish on 82 points and managing to take them backwards?

Yeah Rafa knows best. Thats without even thinking about it.

Can I add three questions ot that list ?

What league ?

What level ?

what team ?

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Postby Roger Red Hat » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:35 pm

what a first class k.unt 'Fo Dne' is. I'm really begining to hate his guts. Thats just my opinion though. fk'ing manc fan coming on here stiring sh!t up like he does. :angry:
Sex, drugs and sausage rolls!
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Postby GYBS » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:35 pm

Ace Ventura wrote:
GYBS wrote:Oh happy to admit he has flaws - every single manager does , no one is perfect . But also happy to state he knows more about the game and our players than any fan on here . And will happily back the guy while he is liverpool manager and will try to understand why he does things or doesnt do things .

There is nothing wrong with the fans that blindly back him, different people offer support in different ways.
Some get frustrated far easier, i am sort of in the middle ground, which sounds like i am sitting on the fence a bit, perhaps i am.
What i mean is, i can clearly see that Rafa has restablished us as a top top side in europe again.
Before he came we were in the quarters just once, since we have been in semi's, lost a final and won a final, thats outstanding.
I can see he has brought in some world class players, Torres and Mascherano.
But i think he still hasnt learned that he cant get away with playing some of his poorer signings in games and still is far too negative in some games.
Hull at home, and we played 4-5-1, now thats not that bad if the one is Torres...someone who can stretch the team, but not what we should be playing with Kuyt as the lone striker.

To make things worse he doesnt then make the right changes, i know he may have forgotten more than i know argument, maybe he also forgot he had a 20 million pound striker on the bench.

Stubborness is costing us, i am convinced of that.

The fact that the other teams have not taken advantage of this is all we can be thankful for over the last month or so.

yeah understand the fustrations mate and in some ways i was wanting keane to be on the field but then i think would he of really made a difference ? the guy has been poor most of the time .
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Postby Fo Dne » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:36 pm

we all dream... wrote:Unfortunately I do agree with a lot you have to say, not because I don't want to aagree with you but becasue what you are saying is pretty damming on our club...

"Rafa Benitez will never lead Liverpool to a title with his current style of management. Of that I can absoloutely gaurantee." This is what annoys me tho.. you cannot gaurantee it.

You think it wont happen... and you are allowed this opinion and in all honesty I ejnoy your post they have been very incitfull and thought provoking. But at the end of the day they are your opinion, and you believe them because you believe in what you are saying the information that you have.

It is difficult becasue you are fighting against a current of happy clappers who are excited about our prospects this season. I for one am not questioning your support.. you are a die hard fan. People question what you say becasue it isn't what they wana here...

I also agree about Guthrie and Warnock, id much rather have warnock at left back... but if he was, everyone on here would be saying yeh hes young, english, cheap... but he isnt good enough for a title winning team... buy someone. swings and roundabouts sometimes more like a merry go round.

Ok, in football you can very rarely be 100% sure, as thats the beauty of the game. Liverpool could batter a Confernce side 999 out of a 1000 but they could always lose that one game, no matter how good they are, be it luck or whatever.

Now, what I am saying is the constant mistakes and gambles Benitez does will cost us far to many points to challenge for the league title. Mark my words, this club (baring exceptionally fortunate circumstances) will not win this league. If those circumstances arise and we do, then great stuff, I'll be made up, even then I won't agree its the managers doing.

If the manager stops acting like a fool, does the right things, stops the stupid signings, dedicates more time to bringin in good youth players, and stops trying to be to clever, allowing his best team to play against sides and realising that one win and one loss is better than two draws then I will again start to back him.

With regards to Guthrie and Warnock, I don't think either are really good enough to be honest, but as second and fourth choice they are more than good enough. Also, I would much rather have those two there who cost us nothing than wasting £14,000,000 on Lucas and Dossena who are rubbish.

Its more the waste of money that annoys me when we already had better. I also don't like Benitez buy a centre mid approach. He buys to many, he bought Lucas and Mascherano when we already had a good central midfield, why wasn't the money used elsewhere?
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Postby Ace Ventura » Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:36 pm

GYBS wrote:
Petar wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Petar wrote:
GYBS wrote:Its a simple question Stu ? surely you can answer that ? no ?

crowd knew better on saturday,FACT.  90 percent of people would have 2 strikers,one holding midfielder. 90 percent of people would put third striker at half time if it`s still 2-2. And I think that we would won that game. SOMETHING THAT TITLE CONTENDERS MUST DO,take some risk,cause every game is a must win game,especially at home.

So it is OBVIOUS that a lot of people would do better.

it was not one of the performances where you can say,WE WeRE GREAT,BUT UNLUCKY,cause we were rubish,just like about 50 times at home under Benitez. WILL HE EVER LEARN?

Im sorry but why is it FACT that the crowd knew better ? how do you know if we played they way the crowd wanted we would of definatly won - we could of easily lost ? so how is it FACT ?

And im sorry but the players who played out on that pitch were and are good enough to beat Hull or whoever but they didnt play well enough - thats the players who take responsibilty as soon as that whistle goes .

no. how come our supeiror players can not beat Hull,W Ham,Fulham,Stoke? MAYBE,there was not real tactic for breaking 10 men defense? JUST FUKCIN MAYBE,eh?

cause the players didnt play well enough on that day - simple as that .

But its not that simple though surely.

Otherwise Rafa could just pick the side and not bother even being there, there are loads of other factors.
Tactics, substitutions etc.

In no way is it down to just the players that we havent managed to break these teams down.

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