Rafa benitez - My thoughts

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Postby Fowler_E7 » Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:08 pm

kuyt better than Pongolle, now ive heard it all. Has any one actually watched Pongolle in spain? id have him over kuyt any day
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Postby Effes » Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:04 am

redhayesy wrote:
Effes wrote:
LegBarnes wrote:Stu is WUM and there for should be kicked of forums imo.

Listen, just because Stu says get rid now doesn't mean he's on a wind up.
My mate who's been a season ticket holder since he was a kid says Rafa out too.
He has his reasons, and dont we all?

Some people like to get their view in before anyone else irrespective of whether it's premature - just to say
"I told you so" - which is Stu's calling card.

isn't your mate on a wind up when he says raffa out?

No mate he isn't.

Over the years he's become very sceptical whether he has what
it takes to win the league.

The home draws against Fulham, W Ham and Hull were the final straw. The theory being
that you need to win such games to win the Prem. I wouldn't argue with that.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:13 am

Fowler_E7 wrote:kuyt better than Pongolle, now ive heard it all. Has any one actually watched Pongolle in spain? id have him over kuyt any day

Did you ever watch Morientes in Spain?

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:14 am

redhayesy wrote:
Effes wrote:
LegBarnes wrote:Stu is WUM and there for should be kicked of forums imo.

Listen, just because Stu says get rid now doesn't mean he's on a wind up.
My mate who's been a season ticket holder since he was a kid says Rafa out too.
He has his reasons, and dont we all?

Some people like to get their view in before anyone else irrespective of whether it's premature - just to say
"I told you so" - which is Stu's calling card.

isn't your mate on a wind up when he says raffa out? what are his reasons mate, i'd love to hear them. i still think he's in the minority
cause for me i still can't think of anyone at this moment in time i would want to see as our manager - [just my opinion]  other than raffa.

            we are still top of the table,with raffa in charge
                         never stop believing!

Bless him - he can't help being on Meds...

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Postby Espionage » Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:23 am

Fo Dne wrote:
Espionage wrote:I am just glad that you are not in charge, give Rafa his 10 year contract now so I can rest easy.

But seriously, we are a big club with a top manager (not just a top coach) and we would be stupid to mess with what is showing progress. You know, I dont think that you would even want Liverpool to win this year, you would take more pleasure from watching it crumble and not having to eat bitter humble pie. Don't worry, its a coping mechanism and many people on here use it to manage their expectations of their club.

No one doubts your knowledge of footy (some might disagree with some opinions) but you would have a better case for these arguments if they were not just after bitter results. Once you learn to stay on top of your emotions you will get more respect as a poster, because dooming and glooming at a time like this just reeks of someone who needs a punching bag for christmas.

Blow off your steam somewhere else

So your first point is you think I want my football club to fail just because of personal pride? :laugh: Yeah ok mate. That shows how much you don't know me. I moved house to be closer to the ground to make traveling to match easier so don't come out with :censored: like that when the chances are you don't even know where Liverpool is, let alone been here.

I want whats best for the club and a manager who's not interested in the youth academy (who's been there 2 times in a year) and a manager who's interested in releasing Warnock and Guthrie and replacing them with Dossena and Lucas aswell as siging the likes of Ngog, Leto, Josemi and Nunez, aswell as signing players for £20,000,000 then refusing to play them just because he wants to show he's the boss and making stupid changes to show he's the boss is not whats best for this club.

Secondly you then say I always make these comments after "bitter results"? Yet we're sitting at the top of the league and I've been saying this since the start of last season... So what is? Slightly contradicting yourself there. I firmly believe the best way to learn and improve is not to analyse where you went wrong when you lose, but to analyse where you may go wrong when you're winning and where the problems MAY arise when you're doing well. That way if you deal with them before they arise you can often eradicate any chance of that problem happening. 

I said at the start of the season about the defence being poor in the air and poor from set peices and winning first balls. I also believed Dossena is a poor a player, sure enough, these problems are costing us points on occassions (Spurs and Hull especially).

Liverpool FC will NEVER win the league with Benitez in charge. I hope am wrong, but I can't see it. This season so far we've blew so many chances to open up a lead at the top due to a lack of quality and we've been so lucky with the other teams results. If the stanard of the league was as good as in the past and the likes of United, Chelsea and Arsenal hadn't weakened themselves so much then we'd probably be a good few points behind already.

Make no mistake, this is our best chance, but its not due to the improvement of our team, its due to the other sides around us getting slightly worse, we need to take advantage of this and I almost garauntee we won't.

Fair post.

Ok, I concede, you probably don't want Liverpool to lose, but this is the way you act. You cry and cry about Benitez and say how its all going wrong, when its not. I seriously think that you cant make it through the day without taking shots at our manager, its your coping mechanism until we win the league 2 years in the row. Its a bit hard on Rafa when Chelsea, Man United and Arsenal all expect the same. Take this for an example: One of either Liverpool or Chelsea absolutely collapses, does not win anything this year and finishes fourth, what would happen? I would guess that Scolari would definitely be fired whereas (depending on the circumstances of course) Rafa would have a reasonable chance of survival. Which system would you rather? Sure by replacing Rafa you are rid of his weaknesses, but there is no guarantee that whoever replaces him is going to be any good. In fact the players seem to have tremendous respect for Rafa (but I concede what they say in the media may not always be their true opinion).

We do not want to turn into the joke that Newcastle has become over recent years, managers come in where short-term results are valued so highly that there are no incentives to think long-term. If you look at what Benitez is doing, he has improved our team every year, we have a great spine of young players and despite your post I am optimistic about our youth system (though if you want to talk about that in detail start a new thread a voice your opinions).

I guess you have been saying these things for a lot of the season, but why post this thread now? Because you thought you might get more support and jostle for internet position of where you stand on the matter? I guess posting it after good results you would get shouted down just as bad, but your opinion deserves to be shouted down by fans.

Also you say that the teams around us are getting worse, I say take a look at the quality in some of the lower teams this season. Smaller teams are spending more money and the quality of football across the table has improved. I think a more accurate interpretation of the performance of the top four is that other teams are taking points off us because they are improving. Despite that we are in the CL and our league position is a dream, all without the best striker in the world. If you told me that Torres would be injured up until the new year, I would be content with 3-5 points off the lead and qualified to the CL. But you rode the glory of our early results and lost sight of the bigger picture.

Liverpool FC will NEVER win the league with Benitez in charge

This is such a laugh, I call your bluff. If Benitez wins the league before he resigns/retires/is sacked I call that you take a photo of yourself with a big sign saying "I was wrong, forgive me Rafa (and sorry newkit)!" I would not be scared of putting my pride on the line to voice something if I was so sure. Were you not taught from a young age, never say never?

I wonder when you groan first at games, are you first, or somewhere in the middle when still others have faith. At first a few groans grow into a larger collective groan. One person's groan is contagious just as one person's cheer. What would have happened if there was less passion in our YNWA at half-time when we were 3-0 down in Istanbul? Maybe it was not just one person, maybe it was 10, but somewhere a tipping point was breached and the players could not help but be overwhelmed by it. The last thing we need from our fans are groaners. The example above of a game is a small-scale example, a manager's career is a marathon and more is at stake when you decide what kind of supporter you are going to be.

Its a question of character, its a big picture focus, and its something that you need to work on.
Last edited by Espionage on Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GOAT_2.0 » Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:57 am

Effes wrote:
redhayesy wrote:
Effes wrote:
LegBarnes wrote:Stu is WUM and there for should be kicked of forums imo.

Listen, just because Stu says get rid now doesn't mean he's on a wind up.
My mate who's been a season ticket holder since he was a kid says Rafa out too.
He has his reasons, and dont we all?

Some people like to get their view in before anyone else irrespective of whether it's premature - just to say
"I told you so" - which is Stu's calling card.

isn't your mate on a wind up when he says raffa out?

No mate he isn't.

Over the years he's become very sceptical whether he has what
it takes to win the league.

The home draws against Fulham, W Ham and Hull were the final straw. The theory being
that you need to win such games to win the Prem. I wouldn't argue with that.

But he thinks we can bring in somebody who's going to win all them games and stroll to the title?

Rafa done a great job here imo from what he's had to work with
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Postby DanAn » Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:28 am

Rafa has wasted a hell of a lot of money but by and large he's done a good job IMO. Put someone else in charge of transfers and I am happy.
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:16 am

Fo Dne wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:Pongolle - did not and has not since set the World alight. he wwas not good enough.

But Dirk Kuyt is? :laugh:

Behave yourself. Anyone who things Kuyts better than Sinama-Pongolle doesn't have a clue!

I have made what I wrote bigger just to make sure you can read what it says and dont make the mistake of totally mis reading it again.

I have not said here that one player is better then the other, in fact I have not even mentioned Dirk Kuyt in this thread to the best of my knowledge*, so the only reason you have brought up another debate is cus you cant win this one.

Just for clarification, on the Dirk Kuyt versus Sinaman Pongolle debate, in my opinion:

1) Pongolle is the better out and out striker of the two
2) Kuyt is better in terms of work rate
3) For what we have needed since Torres signed, Kuyt is the best option - that is right wing/inside right

As an aside, apparently goals is a measure of a striker - Kuyt (29 in 129**) and Pongolle (21 in 125**) puts them on about hte same level - so for me (personally) Kuyt shades it on his overall input to the side in terms of workrate and assists I personally would go ith Kuyt (and therfore I dont have a clue).

* If I have I apologise
** I include only English Premier League, Spanich Premiera Leagua and Internation games and goals



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Postby Leonmc0708 » Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:17 am

DanAn wrote:Rafa has wasted a hell of a lot of money but by and large he's done a good job IMO. Put someone else in charge of transfers and I am happy.

Where ?

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Postby Ciggy » Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:38 am


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Postby Petar » Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:54 am

Fo Dne wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:Skill, Knowledge, Beleif and Motivation - the four key areas for performace of individuals.

Lucas clearly has plenty of skill, and the level of knowlege to be a success at the club, he simply needed some self beleif and the motivation to see that the manager will bring off Mascherano, arguably the best midfielder of his type on the planet off and entrust Lucas with the running of the midfield.



hahahaLucas has skills,hahahahha... If Lucas has skills,Carragher is fukcin Maradona and Agger Pele
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Postby GYBS » Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:55 am

good input to the discussion there - well done you
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:12 am

Effes wrote:
LegBarnes wrote:Stu is WUM and there for should be kicked of forums imo.

Listen, just because Stu says get rid now doesn't mean he's on a wind up.
My mate who's been a season ticket holder since he was a kid says Rafa out too.
He has his reasons, and dont we all?

Some people like to get their view in before anyone else irrespective of whether it's premature - just to say
"I told you so" - which is Stu's calling card.

Your way off mate. Stu has an ego problem that won't allow an opinion that is different than his own. That's fact, check the archives.

As for Stu's credentials - he once had a kick around with Dean Ashton. If that isn't enough to prove his worth I don't know what is.
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Postby Petar » Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:15 am

Many of you are crazy! Rafael Benitez screwwed our chance for winning the title,when we did not beat stoke,fulham,west ham,hull. If we won at least 3 games of these 4(which we should),we would be in chance. Now it is very difficult cause further mistakes are very likeable.
Really,he has so many weaknesess as a manager...

Buying players-he is absolute joke in that category... I don`t know what he is looking when he wants new player. I think that he doesn`t want good,skillfull player. In first place,it is workrate,which  can not be our only force if we want to win the league.


Tactics-How he can be the best tactician in the world if he can not realise how to beat 10 men who parked the bus. for four seasons.HOW? I would for example HAVE 2 FORWARDS AGAINST HULL AND WOULDN`T HAVE 2 HOLDING MIDFIELDERS AND THAT`S JUST A START!

STUBBORN-yes and too much

rotation-he don`t use it anymore and we are better team. I wonder what would happen if he could get rid of other weaknessess
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Postby babu » Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:25 am

Petar wrote:Many of you are crazy! Rafael Benitez screwwed our chance for winning the title,when we did not beat stoke,fulham,west ham,hull. If we won at least 3 games of these 4(which we should),we would be in chance. Now it is very difficult cause further mistakes are very likeable.
Really,he has so many weaknesess as a manager...

Buying players-he is absolute joke in that category... I don`t know what he is looking when he wants new player. I think that he doesn`t want good,skillfull player. In first place,it is workrate,which  can not be our only force if we want to win the league.


Tactics-How he can be the best tactician in the world if he can not realise how to beat 10 men who parked the bus. for four seasons.HOW? I would for example HAVE 2 FORWARDS AGAINST HULL AND WOULDN`T HAVE 2 HOLDING MIDFIELDERS AND THAT`S JUST A START!

STUBBORN-yes and too much

rotation-he don`t use it anymore and we are better team. I wonder what would happen if he could get rid of other weaknessess

Go back to redcafe or where-ever you came from please.

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