Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby woof woof ! » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:46 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
stmichael wrote:Just on another note, our set pieces are still f#cking abysmal.

I think you have just made Lando's day complete, I was trying not to mention Alonso's freekicks  :D

To be fair, I think he only took 2 and they were both W*nk.

You fickle swine ! Last week you wanted to marry him, How can anything Alonso does be W'ank , unless of course thats what he was doing .

He's just messin' with yer Lando . hock the ring mate .

(ps , I'm just messin' with yer as well    :D  )

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Postby Ciggy » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:49 pm

The Grudge wrote:Bad day but could have been worse...Fratton Park is notoriously hard for any team to go to and take all 3 points.They play with an organised confidence,defend well and their supporters are superb,a credit to Pompey!


Why rest Gerrard and Torres when they are obviously our 2 best and on form players?His arguement at the start of the game was that he thinks they are tired and need a rest...BULLSH.IT.
Regardless of playing for their countries during the week it is early days in the season and both players would have been more than able to play!

Last season we took 1 point from 6 over our 2 games with Pompey...How the hell can Raffa justify leaving out 2 such important players after that?Pompey have held their own aginst Arsenal,Chelsea and UTD this season on top of that.Surely our manager could take that into acoount and start his best 11!

No...its the usual arguement of 'I thought i picked a team good enough to win'
Well Raffa you were wrong....again!

So far this season we have been robbed of 2 points by a daft referee,today i feel our own manager robbed us of another 2 with incompetent decisions so early in the season.

Im disgusted to put it mildly....There is no sugar coating the fact that as great a manager Raffa can be at times today he got it wrong bigtime and must shoulder the blame for 2 points lost!

Is about right.
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Postby nobybob » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:50 pm

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:51 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:I'd love to see you get out of this one.

and now your second pearl of wisdom

"Fickle: 1. Likely to change. 2. Not constant or loyal in affections."

ok you wrote this, you are saying that if someone changes their opinion on something or gives an honest opinion on a performance that makes them fickle, so you are suggesting that a supporter must praise his team, he is never allowed to praise his team for a good performance and then criticise his team for a poor performance as this makes him fickle.

i point out that for you to say someons loyalties have been weakend because they criticise a poor performance is wrong, and make no mistake about it thats what you are doing.

ok i will use myself as a point, i went to more games before you were born that you have even been to after you were born, now by your definition you are saying i am fickle,(and fickle means according to you Not constant or loyal in affections) my loyalty and affections have never wavered for my home town club, never but i have every right to criticise them when they perform badly, every right, just as every supporter does.

thats is not being fickle, as my loyalty has never wavered and my affection has never wavered, also my opinion has changed based on fact, two weeks ago we played well, today we didnt, my opinion is an honest one based on performance, not based on my support for the club.

over to you

Once again - you miss the point entirely.  :down:

If a person (be the a supporter or otherwise) alters their opinions regularly, then yes, they are fickle. There are no ifs or buts. It is fact that this chain of events is regarded as fickle.

If a supporter were to say, post Derby game, "I think we will win the league. That performance was brilliant", then the same supporter said post Portsmouth;
"That performance was shocking, but I still think we will win the league because we still have a god side" - this is NOT fickle. This is simply stating their beliefs and reflecting on the game.

But had they changed their beliefs after such a short space of time, then this would be fickle. No doubt about it.

I never questioned any one persons loyalties - once again you are using your interpretation of my posts, rather than my actual posts, to win the arguement. What I did was, I quoted a dictionary definition of "fickle". Nothing more. It was a sweeping statement, which you yourself seem to have become embroiled in.

(But the fact is, if people DO have fickle emotions, then their loyalties are questionable, obviously.)

Aha! The old "I've been to more games than you" nugget! I wondered how long it would take a seasoned pro like yourself to resort to such a bullsh*t angle.

Right - you have been to more matches, blah blah blah. OK then - how many have you been to since the season began, hmmm...? Remember, matey, that we can't use examples of seasons gone by - oh no! That's got "no relevance" to this little conundrum, has it, pee?

Hoisted by your own petard AGAIN! You should really be more careful, Peter.  :no

And once again - I have no problem with people saying we were garbage on any given day - it's when they say we'll win the title one week, then we'll never win it the next, and so on and so forth that really gets my goat and deserves the label "fickle".

Your move, Sherlock...

nice try but you are arguing with yourself now, maybe you didnt read my earlier post, i made my point, its all in the open for people to read and decide on who is right and who is wrong.

to be honest i don't really care, i just like to see you struggle to come up with answers and make a fool of yourself, and you never let me down.

and i think you will find it is "hoist by your own petard" as opposed to hoisted, i know hoisted is the past simple but 'hoist by your own petard" is a saying so maybe stick with that

Well well well - Peewee the great deigns it a necessity to post once again - thought you'd struggle to resist.  :;):

I would open this discussion to the forum - a few dullards will side with you, the rest of intellectual humaity will see you for the scabby pustule you really are and side with me.

Hey ho - who cares?

But one thing before you nip off to have your knuckles waxed:

As I was describing an event that has taken place, rather than one which was about to happen, it's "Hoisted."

Maybe you should get an education sometime - it might just help you out.  :nod

and like i point out i am aware that the past simple for hoist is hoisted, but i am also aware that the comment you made "hoisted by your own petard" is actually "hoist by your own petard".

seems i have an education after all, and i don't know if you noticed but my reply is very deliberate is not continuing the 'fickle' argument with you as its best to let people decide for themselves now, and they seem to be agreeing with me. I made it clear thats the argument i won't be continuing and in fact i did not continue it.

its nearly bed time now here, i will leave my knuckles until tomorrow if thats ok? maybe you can go the hairdressers and get them highlights touched up eh.

ho hum, what to do

Postby murphy0151 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:52 pm

stmichael wrote:Xabi needs a kick up the backside. The guy's a class act but he's just not playing up to anything near his best.

One thing for this Mascherano.
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Postby Emerald Red » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:54 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:I would rather people gave their honest opinion on a game than be forced into presenting a false opinion because they don't want to be called fickle.

Rafa got it wrong today in my opinion, next time hopefully he gets it right and I will give him full credit, that doesnt make me fickle, I am just giving an honest opinion.

No. But had you said last week "We'll win the league and Rafa is a genius", then followed it up today with "Rafa's a gimp and we'll never win the league", then it would.

I don't thnk anyone honestly saiid that. Though a few people (myself included) were just a little confused and disappointed at Rafa's team choice. I really don't think you beleive that we wouldn't have still picked up three points instead of one if the three players he brought on off the bench had have started, or at least had a far better chance of winning. If our best players are fit and ready, then why not play them? Do you think Rafa will field the same team as today against Porto in mid week? I certainly don't think so, though I would have prefered the strongest team possible today, and a rested and rotated team in the CL. This match today in the league was more important, imo.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:56 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
stmichael wrote:Just on another note, our set pieces are still f#cking abysmal.

I think you have just made Lando's day complete, I was trying not to mention Alonso's freekicks  :D

To be fair, I think he only took 2 and they were both W*nk.

You fickle swine ! Last week you wanted to marry him, How can anything Alonso does be W'ank , unless of course thats what he was doing .

He's just messin' with yer Lando . hock the ring mate .

(ps , I'm just messin' with yer as well    :D  )

Yeah, I know. I have no problem with Saint, and I reckon he knows that.

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Postby Emerald Red » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:58 pm

stmichael wrote:Xabi needs a kick up the backside. The guy's a class act but he's just not playing up to anything near his best.

I've heard this for about two years now.
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Postby woof woof ! » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:58 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
stmichael wrote:Just on another note, our set pieces are still f#cking abysmal.

I think you have just made Lando's day complete, I was trying not to mention Alonso's freekicks  :D

To be fair, I think he only took 2 and they were both W*nk.

You fickle swine ! Last week you wanted to marry him, How can anything Alonso does be W'ank , unless of course thats what he was doing .

He's just messin' with yer Lando . hock the ring mate .

(ps , I'm just messin' with yer as well    :D  )

Yeah, I know. I have no problem with Saint, and I reckon he knows that.

I was talkin' about Alonso not Saint .

Duh   :p


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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:58 pm

peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:I'd love to see you get out of this one.

and now your second pearl of wisdom

"Fickle: 1. Likely to change. 2. Not constant or loyal in affections."

ok you wrote this, you are saying that if someone changes their opinion on something or gives an honest opinion on a performance that makes them fickle, so you are suggesting that a supporter must praise his team, he is never allowed to praise his team for a good performance and then criticise his team for a poor performance as this makes him fickle.

i point out that for you to say someons loyalties have been weakend because they criticise a poor performance is wrong, and make no mistake about it thats what you are doing.

ok i will use myself as a point, i went to more games before you were born that you have even been to after you were born, now by your definition you are saying i am fickle,(and fickle means according to you Not constant or loyal in affections) my loyalty and affections have never wavered for my home town club, never but i have every right to criticise them when they perform badly, every right, just as every supporter does.

thats is not being fickle, as my loyalty has never wavered and my affection has never wavered, also my opinion has changed based on fact, two weeks ago we played well, today we didnt, my opinion is an honest one based on performance, not based on my support for the club.

over to you

Once again - you miss the point entirely.  :down:

If a person (be the a supporter or otherwise) alters their opinions regularly, then yes, they are fickle. There are no ifs or buts. It is fact that this chain of events is regarded as fickle.

If a supporter were to say, post Derby game, "I think we will win the league. That performance was brilliant", then the same supporter said post Portsmouth;
"That performance was shocking, but I still think we will win the league because we still have a god side" - this is NOT fickle. This is simply stating their beliefs and reflecting on the game.

But had they changed their beliefs after such a short space of time, then this would be fickle. No doubt about it.

I never questioned any one persons loyalties - once again you are using your interpretation of my posts, rather than my actual posts, to win the arguement. What I did was, I quoted a dictionary definition of "fickle". Nothing more. It was a sweeping statement, which you yourself seem to have become embroiled in.

(But the fact is, if people DO have fickle emotions, then their loyalties are questionable, obviously.)

Aha! The old "I've been to more games than you" nugget! I wondered how long it would take a seasoned pro like yourself to resort to such a bullsh*t angle.

Right - you have been to more matches, blah blah blah. OK then - how many have you been to since the season began, hmmm...? Remember, matey, that we can't use examples of seasons gone by - oh no! That's got "no relevance" to this little conundrum, has it, pee?

Hoisted by your own petard AGAIN! You should really be more careful, Peter.  :no

And once again - I have no problem with people saying we were garbage on any given day - it's when they say we'll win the title one week, then we'll never win it the next, and so on and so forth that really gets my goat and deserves the label "fickle".

Your move, Sherlock...

nice try but you are arguing with yourself now, maybe you didnt read my earlier post, i made my point, its all in the open for people to read and decide on who is right and who is wrong.

to be honest i don't really care, i just like to see you struggle to come up with answers and make a fool of yourself, and you never let me down.

and i think you will find it is "hoist by your own petard" as opposed to hoisted, i know hoisted is the past simple but 'hoist by your own petard" is a saying so maybe stick with that

Well well well - Peewee the great deigns it a necessity to post once again - thought you'd struggle to resist.  :;):

I would open this discussion to the forum - a few dullards will side with you, the rest of intellectual humaity will see you for the scabby pustule you really are and side with me.

Hey ho - who cares?

But one thing before you nip off to have your knuckles waxed:

As I was describing an event that has taken place, rather than one which was about to happen, it's "Hoisted."

Maybe you should get an education sometime - it might just help you out.  :nod

and like i point out i am aware that the past simple for hoist is hoisted, but i am also aware that the comment you made "hoisted by your own petard" is actually "hoist by your own petard".

seems i have an education after all, and i don't know if you noticed but my reply is very deliberate is not continuing the 'fickle' argument with you as its best to let people decide for themselves now, and they seem to be agreeing with me. I made it clear thats the argument i won't be continuing and in fact i did not continue it.

its nearly bed time now here, i will leave my knuckles until tomorrow if thats ok? maybe you can go the hairdressers and get them highlights touched up eh.

ho hum, what to do

Then why mention it if you knew you were chatting sh*te?

Bizarre... :D

Oh, and just to clarify the point - anyone who agrees with peewee in this little tryst is as blind and archaic as he is.

De de de de tishhh....

P.S. Yeah - I need to get an appointment booked - can't be settling for some transsexual attention...
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:01 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:I would rather people gave their honest opinion on a game than be forced into presenting a false opinion because they don't want to be called fickle.

Rafa got it wrong today in my opinion, next time hopefully he gets it right and I will give him full credit, that doesnt make me fickle, I am just giving an honest opinion.

No. But had you said last week "We'll win the league and Rafa is a genius", then followed it up today with "Rafa's a gimp and we'll never win the league", then it would.

I don't thnk anyone honestly saiid that. Though a few people (myself included) were just a little confused and disappointed at Rafa's team choice. I really don't think you beleive that we wouldn't have still picked up three points instead of one if the three players he brought on off the bench had have started, or at least had a far better chance of winning. If our best players are fit and ready, then why not play them? Do you think Rafa will field the same team as today against Porto in mid week? I certainly don't think so, though I would have prefered the strongest team possible today, and a rested and rotated team in the CL. This match today in the league was more important, imo.

But as I've speculated earlier - do we all know for fact that they are 100%?

The answer to that is no...

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Postby nobybob » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:01 pm

Surly if RAFA is worried about players getting tired or burning out he should play his strongest 11 . Then when we get a couple of goals up he can bring off the gerrards torres etc. game won, players rested ,2nd string kept happy cos they got to play, and who knows if they impressed maybe next game they would be in the strongest 11 . RAFA just seems to be juggling trying to keep everyone happy at the mo and its not working.
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Postby Emerald Red » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:02 pm

Is it safe to ask for some of you to put your 'forum ego's' aside for a bit and actually discuss the game and with some of the other posters? Or shall I open a new thread discussing the debate about the definition of the word 'fickle'?
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Postby Raoul » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:03 pm

I've nothing against rotation in essence, but I expected the sort of teamsheet we had today, next week instead.  I'm not surprised Gerrard was on the bench, I thought Sissoko and Alonso, with Pennant and Babel (I guess away, playing a team with 5 in the midfield, Benayoun instead of Babel was a good shout) on the flanks would do the job for us - but no Gerrard and no Torres was one to many 'no's IMHO.

However, I can't help asking myself:

Finnan           Carra         Agger         Arbeloa
Pennant        Alonso       Sissoko       Benayoun
                  Voronin       Crouch

Thats not a bad team, is it?  Shouldn't they be good enough?

Guess not - perhaps our strength in depth is a little more shallow than we like to think?

And wasn't Pennant anonymous!  Perhaps because a lot of our play came from the back straight to Crouch (sometimes with good effect).  It seems to me than when Crouch is on the field we lose the ability to pass short, and rely on the long ball far too much.
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Postby The Grudge » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:05 pm

murphy0151 wrote:
stmichael wrote:Xabi needs a kick up the backside. The guy's a class act but he's just not playing up to anything near his best.

One thing for this Mascherano.

I agree ! Mascherano must feel gutted!! Both Xabi and Sissoko were poor today!
TBH i have a bit of faith in Alonso and feel he should start more games hopefully finding his feet.We cant just forget his performance against Derby but his lack of consistancy is worrying.As for Sissoko i thought he was dreadful today,someone should remind him that its a lot easier to play footbal while vertical and a lot more difficult when lying on yer :censored:!!
His passing again was pathetic....he really is a player that should be on the bench.I find it hard to believe that Mascherano did not travel today..the man is pure class and has never put a foot wrong in every chance he has been given...maybe Raffa was 'resting' him for Tuesday night??
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