Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Grimly Fiendish » Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:56 pm

AB's Red Army wrote:
Grimly Fiendish wrote:Is what you asked right, the answer is three out of four and when it's proved that you are talking out of your ar.se claiming United hadn't etc. you then make out you have proved you are right??! Truly as thick as pigsh.it  :D

Did they not teach you how to read in your school?

So you are restating what I've said once more. That only Chelsea have won there in the last 2/3 seasons.

Yes? Yes, I think so. Therefore you've proven my point.

The only correction you've made to my original statement that United won the same year we beat Pompey the last time. I made a mistake there, however the fact is that they haven't won in the same amount time as we. 2 seasons [including this one as we have both played them already.]

Perhaps if I wrote it in Spanish,Portuguese or Italian you might understand.

Is English your native tongue?  ???

So what you where trying to ask is how many top four sides have won there every season?
Which of course would only be Chelsea
I guess English not being your first language sometimes makes things difficult although I admire your attempts at it.
Sometimes the nuances take a little while, keep at it though you're doing great. :D

As you say, you made a mistake which I was happy to point out, no thanks needed just trying to help.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:56 pm

peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:ah the fickle word springs up again, and again used totally out of context,

Well why don't you explain it then so there's no confusion?

read my post above, its called honesty, we have the right to praise us when we play well and criticise us when we play badly, thats not being fickle, thats just being honest.

you should try it sometimes and see the performances for what they are instead of trying to dress everything up and refusing to find fault with rafa, i am sure even rafa knows when he gets it wrong

I think the only person not reading posts is you.

To contradict oneself is to display hypocrisy. To have a love-in with Rafa's effigy one minute, then burn the fecking thing the next, is fickle - plain and simple.

"Fickle: 1. Likely to change. 2. Not constant or loyal in affections."

Is that not a fitting summary of the emotions displayed on this board on an almost weekly basis?

again i think its you thats not fully understanding, someone can not be fickle if its based on fact.

a good result deserves praise, a bad result does not deserve praise. so please explain again how its fickle to give an honest opinion on a poor performance.

for you to suggest that peoples loyalties fade because of a poor result is just plain stupidity, are you now suggesting that people can not criticise a poor performance or they are no longer supporters?

so in answer to your question, no thats not what is displayed and you are wrong to questions peoples loyalties, in fact lando its a quite disgraceful thing to say that supporters must have blind faith to be supporters.

i am sure there are people who havent missed a game in years who question performances and you are classing them as fickle or hypocrites.

just give it a rest, i think this is one discussion you wont win with dictionary definitions or even if you resort to your usual abuse     :;):

Are you stupid? I'm beginning to think you are.

Listen to me for a minute - you may learn something:

"Rafa is a genius and we will win the league" after Derby (and 5 changes from the previous game).

"Rafa doesn't grasp the league and we'll never win it until he stops rotating." (After Portsmouth and 5 changes from the previous game, one of which was the return of Carragher (which every supporter in the land would have sanctioned)).

These are examples of a fickle attitude. The views expressed in the quotes are not based on fact - they're based on opinions - contradicting opinions.

Now - you tell me HOW you fail to understand this.

BTW - your habit of putting words in my mouth, then using your own words as though they were uttered by me, will win you no points. Stop it. (Example: "for you to suggest that peoples loyalties fade because of a poor result is just plain stupidity, are you now suggesting that people can not criticise a poor performance or they are no longer supporters?...in fact lando its a quite disgraceful thing to say that supporters must have blind faith to be supporters." - Your words, not mine.

I'd love to see you get out of this one.

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Postby jeff capes » Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:56 pm

i know you guys don't want to hear this but pompey technically look more comfortable on the ball than us.

i'm a passionate liverpool fan there is no way this team can or should win the league.

for people to be deluded into thinking Yossi Benayoun will turn us into barcelona or even arsenal is just daydreaming.

let me see ronaldino,fabregas or Yossi Benayoun.

the truth is liverpool have nobodys in the team.

guys who thought they would come to liverpool live of the shadows of the big stars by contributing every now and then.

but once they found there are no big stars there and its their responsibility to provide the success, suddenly they would rather leave and  be a big star at a small club where not much is expected from them.

the truth is all liverpool need is a 60 goal a season partnership to cover over the cracks.

its clear to everybody that nobody wants to stick around the club if they are not in the team.even jimmy traore was begging to go to everton in benitez 1st season. and we had to suffer the embarrassment of benitez publicly pleading to traore to stay and the rest is history.

all that singing of the kop seem to mean nothing to guys like dudek.

yet the nobody wants to leave the prawn sandwich brigade .

even the scousers seem to want to get away. mcmanaman,owen and even gerard twice.caragher has never tried to leave because nobody important has come knocking.

something is not right in the club no matter how loud the kop sing.

we drew with pompey because crouch was not happy and so he played instead of the inform torres.

torres needs 5 chances to score 1 goal so you need to give him longer and he will score .
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Postby tubby » Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:56 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Typical over-reaction from certain quarters...

Yes we were poor. That happens to teams you know - it's not a new thing exclusive to Rafa Benitez.

"So and so should have started..." - are these ramblings coming from the same people who were banging on about our rotation now being "class for class"?

Hmmm.... We got a point today, at a venue where the reigning champs got a point. At a venue where we lost last season.

Now - grow up and stop spitting out the dummy, dummies.

If we'd started with the team we finished with we would've sown up the game in the first half while Portsmouth were still playing "Rope a Dope" .

Stick to hurling abuse Lando , they're more amusing and make more sense than your footy analysis.

Is that right? It makes more sense that the ramblings I've read so far.

Still - here I was thinking that fickle attitudes and emotional posts were those that made the least sense...

So whadya think ?

Rafa was right with his starting 11 ?

You don't think that starting with Torres instead of Crouch/Voronin or Gerrard instead of Sissoko would have made a difference ?

Woof - what is the point of having a squad, then playing the same team every week?

Had Gerrard started, he'd have played 3 games in less than 7 days.  Torres travelled to Iceland, then to Spain, then back to England in the same space of time.

Now - MAYBE Rafa wanted them to play. Maybe they said they weren't feeling too good. Maybe it wasn't Rafa's decision to drop them at all.

Ever thought of that?

"Ever thought of that ? "

Erm .............. No I haven't , and to be perfectly honest I'm still not thinking of that . I'll tell you what really happend .

Every player wanted to play, Rafa had one eye on the Porto game, figured he could maybe rest his biggest names and get away with it. It backfired and he had to field them anyway if only to salvage something from a game that despite our superiority we never looked like winning.

Now , if were looking for a top four finish I'd say a point at Portsmouth was a decent result . If however we're looking to win the prem then todays result was a dent in that bid. Not the end of the world but by no means the kind of intent required .

Rafa got it wrong imo , and right now i'm really f'ucked off .

Couldnt have put it better myself.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:57 pm

bavlondon wrote:If we want to challange for the title we need to be able to take 3 points from days like these. Scrappy games where we didnt play well or create much but still get the points! Utd done it today and we should have aswell.

Oooh, watch it, bav! - Don't you know? You can't cite opposition results/performances - it's not allowed...  :no

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Postby tubby » Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:59 pm

Yellow card for me I guess.

Today was a fustrating day. It was always going to be something of an acid test after those internationals.
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Postby AB's Red Army » Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:59 pm

Grimly Fiendish wrote:
AB's Red Army wrote:
Grimly Fiendish wrote:Is what you asked right, the answer is three out of four and when it's proved that you are talking out of your ar.se claiming United hadn't etc. you then make out you have proved you are right??! Truly as thick as pigsh.it  :D

Did they not teach you how to read in your school?

So you are restating what I've said once more. That only Chelsea have won there in the last 2/3 seasons.

Yes? Yes, I think so. Therefore you've proven my point.

The only correction you've made to my original statement that United won the same year we beat Pompey the last time. I made a mistake there, however the fact is that they haven't won in the same amount time as we. 2 seasons [including this one as we have both played them already.]

Perhaps if I wrote it in Spanish,Portuguese or Italian you might understand.

Is English your native tongue?  ???

So what you where trying to ask is how many top four sides have won there every season?
Which of course would only be Chelsea
I guess English not being your first language sometimes makes things difficult although I admire your attempts at it.
Sometimes the nuances take a little while, keep at it though you're doing great. :D

As you say, you made a mistake which I was happy to point out, no thanks needed just trying to help.

Mind answering my question from earlier on, when did Spurs and Everton become top four sides?  :D

Perhaps there is some miscommunication. My question to you was a rhetorical question, and the fact that only Chelsea are the consistent winners there was supposed to point the difficulty that Harry Redknapp has given top sides in the top four.

Apologies for the heated insults and what not.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:59 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:"Rafa is a genius and we will win the league" after Derby (and 5 changes from the previous game).

"Rafa doesn't grasp the league and we'll never win it until he stops rotating." (After Portsmouth and 5 changes from the previous game, one of which was the return of Carragher (which every supporter in the land would have sanctioned)).

These are examples of a fickle attitude. The views expressed in the quotes are not based on fact - they're based on opinions - contradicting opinions.

no problem, i will deal with this one first.

did i make those comments?  and you accuse me of putting words in peoples mouths

Postby Lando_Griffin » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:00 pm

peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Hmmm.... We got a point today, at a venue where the reigning champs got a point. At a venue where we lost last season.

its quotes like this that let you down, so what? we lost there last season, the mancs drew there this season.

so what?   so we have to be grateful for a point when we should be celebrating 3 points against a team that has won one game all season.

its not relevant what other teams do there, or what we did there last season.

what is relevant is what happened today and today we were p*ss poor, and as supporters we have the right to comment on this, just as we have the right to comment when we play well, thats not being fickle mate, thats being honest

No, saying "we're going to win the league and Rafa is a genius" one game, then "Rafa lost us the game because he doesn't understand the league" IS fickle. Or hypocritical. Take your pick.

And the comparisons with last season are there simply to point out that it's not exactly an easy place to visit. It's what people do, you know.

its neither fickle or hypocritical, its belief.

we look good and people say we are good enough to win the league, then we put in a performance thats similar to last season and people think "oh, maybe we had a false start"

thats not fickle, thats saying what they believe

and comparing results to last seasons results, or comparing other teams results is just pointless mate, i am sure you know that really

i am not going to get into a slanging match with you lando, you have you thoughts and i have mine, i just think mine or more balanced and based on observation, rather than based on blind faith that you seem to have

So would it be more accurate to say that you are fickle in your beliefs?

Because it's one or the other.

And do yourself a favour Peewee - drop the arrogance.

It doesn't wash with me.

ah so because you fail to win this discussion now i am arrogant, fickle and hypocritical    :laugh:

where am i arrogant, you make a comment i anwser it, i didnt realise i was just to bow down to your thoughts (however wrong they are)

Fail to win? You really are a prat, aren't you, Peewee? Read through it again - there's only one loser, if that's how you want to play it.

"i am not going to get into a slanging match with you lando, you have you thoughts and i have mine, i just think mine or more balanced and based on observation, rather than based on blind faith that you seem to have" - Arrogance. Like it or lump it.

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Postby The_Rock » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:02 pm

Ciggy wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:Every player wanted to play, Rafa had one eye on the Porto game, figured he could maybe rest his biggest names and get away with it. It backfired and he had to field them anyway if only to salvage something from a game that despite our superiority we never looked like winning.

Now , if were looking for a top four finish I'd say a point at Portsmouth was a decent result . If however we're looking to win the prem then todays result was a dent in that bid. Not the end of the world but by no means the kind of intent required .

Rafa got it wrong imo , and right now i'm really f'ucked off .

Totally agree you wont see Mourhino, wenger or Fergie resting players after internationals and all three managers have won this league due to not chopping and changing players for no reason atall.

Its a good job I havent had a drink Id be F, ing and blinding Rafa now.

Just curious....what beverage do chicks like u drink ?

Long island tea ?
Vodka Orange ?

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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:03 pm

we should have won this game. people who say a draw is good enough really lack ambition. and then they will complain about not winning the title for so long.
so annoying!
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:04 pm

peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:"Rafa is a genius and we will win the league" after Derby (and 5 changes from the previous game).

"Rafa doesn't grasp the league and we'll never win it until he stops rotating." (After Portsmouth and 5 changes from the previous game, one of which was the return of Carragher (which every supporter in the land would have sanctioned)).

These are examples of a fickle attitude. The views expressed in the quotes are not based on fact - they're based on opinions - contradicting opinions.

no problem, i will deal with this one first.

did i make those comments?  and you accuse me of putting words in peoples mouths

Did I EVER say YOU said them? No.

Once again, Peewee jumps in with his size 3s without checking the facts.

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Postby Grimly Fiendish » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:04 pm

AB's Red Army wrote:
Grimly Fiendish wrote:
AB's Red Army wrote:
Grimly Fiendish wrote:Is what you asked right, the answer is three out of four and when it's proved that you are talking out of your ar.se claiming United hadn't etc. you then make out you have proved you are right??! Truly as thick as pigsh.it  :D

Did they not teach you how to read in your school?

So you are restating what I've said once more. That only Chelsea have won there in the last 2/3 seasons.

Yes? Yes, I think so. Therefore you've proven my point.

The only correction you've made to my original statement that United won the same year we beat Pompey the last time. I made a mistake there, however the fact is that they haven't won in the same amount time as we. 2 seasons [including this one as we have both played them already.]

Perhaps if I wrote it in Spanish,Portuguese or Italian you might understand.

Is English your native tongue?  ???

So what you where trying to ask is how many top four sides have won there every season?
Which of course would only be Chelsea
I guess English not being your first language sometimes makes things difficult although I admire your attempts at it.
Sometimes the nuances take a little while, keep at it though you're doing great. :D

As you say, you made a mistake which I was happy to point out, no thanks needed just trying to help.

Mind answering my question from earlier on, when did Spurs and Everton become top four sides?  :D

Perhaps there is some miscommunication. My question to you was a rhetorical question, and the fact that only Chelsea are the consistent winners there was supposed to point the difficulty that Harry Redknapp has given top sides in the top four.

Apologies for the heated insults and what not.

Yeah apologies from me too, it was all a bit......grimly fiendish!  :;):  :D
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Postby Ciggy » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:05 pm

The_Rock wrote:Just curious....what beverage do chicks like u drink ?

Long island tea ?
Vodka Orange ?


How about anything with alchol in :D
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:08 pm

everyone is arguing with everyone.
im bored
will someone argue with me too? :p
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