Portsmouth v liverpool - 7/2/09  17:30

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Postby tubby » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:19 pm

Yeah I hope they do get more chances. Still Misty that miss into an open goal was scandalous from Babel. What on earth was he thinking I will never know.
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Postby ste123lfc » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:32 pm

Watching Liverpool should be like a packet of fags, it needs a health warning. Rafa certainly knows how to put us through the ringer.
I don,t know what everyone else thinks, but would it not be better if he started games against the likes of Pompy with a full strength team, get a couple of goals up and then bring the better players off?
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Postby tubby » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:38 pm

They must have been really tired for Rafa not to start any of the spanish players. I just hope they don't get worn out even further after the England game.
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Postby heimdall » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:45 pm

Sabre wrote:I agree the victory is not all down to Rafa. Neither are the frustrating draws. The things that often decide the frontier between draws and victories are moments of brilliance of Torres, gifts from the opposition, sitters missed... the players always have their very important share of importance, which is probably much more influential than Manager's decissions.

But subs at half time without injuries Heimdall? that's a big no no unless you got something very wrong or you have an injury.

It's a bad sign to makes subs at half time.

Perhaps you saw the things very difficult at half time and deemed necessary a change? IMHO, games are "worked out" or ripen and subs have to be made from min 60 and later.

Why is it a bad idea to sub at half time I don't understand that, surely giving Kuyt, Alonso and Torres 45 minutes instead of 10-15 makes sense?
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Postby Ciggy » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:49 pm



Last edited by Ciggy on Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:08 pm

Ciggy wrote:



:laugh: Cigg he was goin of his head it was brilliant to see.the passion. :censored: knows what hes gonna be like if we actualy win it :laugh:
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Postby heimdall » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:09 pm

NANNY RED wrote:
heimdall wrote:My post was not intended to be negative and I did say that I liked the fighting spirit and of course that I'm delighted with the win. I just don't think that win was completely down to Rafa, yes he made the rights subs but he left it a bit late didn't he and personally I would have liked to see those 3 players start the match! I would have at least liked to see Torres, Kuyt and Alonso come on at half time because towards the end of the first half we were not creating anything but Rafa never makes a sub before the 60th minute, I guess he's too stubborn or is there a good reason to always wait for the 60th minute that I don't know about?

Bottom line I'm delighted with the win but I think we made it harder for ourselves than we needed too and I still feel we have to up our game massively if we are to have any chance of winning the CL or the Prem, but as long as we can get these scrappy wins I'm a lot happier than when we were getting scrappy draws in January.  :D

Hiemdell im not being sarky here but without some of those strange decisions by Rafa the fans wouldnt of had moments like they did yesterday an a couple of times this season. Im still buzzin from it. It was great.

Im not even gonna read this thread. im that made up, In case that stupid gobsh.ite from Bosnia was prattlin on an puts me n a downer. Now for the Hammers to beat the Mancs

That's a fair point, it was quite a roller coaster yesterday and fecking great end to the game.
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Postby Dundalk » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:10 pm


Very Good
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:21 pm

heimdall wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
heimdall wrote:My post was not intended to be negative and I did say that I liked the fighting spirit and of course that I'm delighted with the win. I just don't think that win was completely down to Rafa, yes he made the rights subs but he left it a bit late didn't he and personally I would have liked to see those 3 players start the match! I would have at least liked to see Torres, Kuyt and Alonso come on at half time because towards the end of the first half we were not creating anything but Rafa never makes a sub before the 60th minute, I guess he's too stubborn or is there a good reason to always wait for the 60th minute that I don't know about?

Bottom line I'm delighted with the win but I think we made it harder for ourselves than we needed too and I still feel we have to up our game massively if we are to have any chance of winning the CL or the Prem, but as long as we can get these scrappy wins I'm a lot happier than when we were getting scrappy draws in January.  :D

Hiemdell im not being sarky here but without some of those strange decisions by Rafa the fans wouldnt of had moments like they did yesterday an a couple of times this season. Im still buzzin from it. It was great.

Im not even gonna read this thread. im that made up, In case that stupid gobsh.ite from Bosnia was prattlin on an puts me n a downer. Now for the Hammers to beat the Mancs

That's a fair point, it was quite a roller coaster yesterday and fecking great end to the game.

As long as we win id take them rollercoasters every week. I love it, the intensity, the exitement, the ohs an ahs, an thats only eating a pie at half time. mnd you i dont know how much longer the heart an blood pressure is gonna be able to withstand it all . I felt like id been in the ring with Hatton after the game ,i was washed out an knackerd ,batterd an bruised , But thats what supporting this team does to you an i wouldnt have it any other way, I :censored: love us,
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Postby mistyred » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:23 pm

bavlondon wrote:Yeah I hope they do get more chances. Still Misty that miss into an open goal was scandalous from Babel. What on earth was he thinking I will never know.

I know Bav i had to bite my tongue, i just put my head in my hands.

I would just like to see what he could do if he was give a run of games upront with Torres or in a front 3 attacking formation, i don't know really but i can see the player in Babel trying to get out but really it's all in his hands.

At portsmouth his play in the middle of the park was good
but upront was most of the time left wanting.

But we won in the end and i made up about it.
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:33 pm

mistyred wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Yeah I hope they do get more chances. Still Misty that miss into an open goal was scandalous from Babel. What on earth was he thinking I will never know.

I know Bav i had to bite my tongue, i just put my head in my hands.

I would just like to see what he could do if he was give a run of games upront with Torres or in a front 3 attacking formation, i don't know really but i can see the player in Babel trying to get out but really it's all in his hands.

At portsmouth his play in the middle of the park was good
but upront was most of the time left wanting.

But we won in the end and i made up about it.

Misty i know you rate him,an think highly of him, an i hate slating our players but hes seriously not gonna make it here . He was terrible again yesterday, He doesnt seem interested, on two occasions he should of gone in for a fifty fifty ball but he seemed to bottle it, Thats what i cant get me head round when he plays. i mean hes no yossis size hes a big strong lad should be rageing an gettin stuck in. but it doesnt happen mate, An i wish he would look up when he does get the ball
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Postby Rorschach26 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:57 pm

NANNY RED wrote:
Ciggy wrote:



:laugh: Cigg he was goin of his head it was brilliant to see.the passion. :censored: knows what hes gonna be like if we actualy win it :laugh:

Love him

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Postby fivecups » Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:04 pm

mistyred wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Yeah I hope they do get more chances. Still Misty that miss into an open goal was scandalous from Babel. What on earth was he thinking I will never know.

I know Bav i had to bite my tongue, i just put my head in my hands.

I would just like to see what he could do if he was give a run of games upront with Torres or in a front 3 attacking formation, i don't know really but i can see the player in Babel trying to get out but really it's all in his hands.

At portsmouth his play in the middle of the park was good
but upront was most of the time left wanting.

But we won in the end and i made up about it.

One of his problems is he's so one-footed. He was trying to shape his body to tap in with his right foot when it would have been much easier to score with his left. It does argue against him being played as a left  winger because he nearly cuts inside to use his right foot.

I agree with Misty that both Babel and Ngog would need a few games in yesterday's position to settle - hopefully Torres will stay fit, Stevie will get back and they won't get them!
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Postby bigmick » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:18 pm

Turned out to be a good thread in the end, one of the better match ones.

The excitement is great, and as long as you win the match it's much more exciting to come back from 2-1 down with four minutes to go and win it with a header 90 seconds from time than it is to go there and win 2-0. Even I can see that, and yes I enjoyed the moment just like everyone else did. To the fella a couple of pages back who quoted a post of mine when I was in the middle of a disagreement and asked why I couldn't just enjoy it without long posts all the time, he ought to read back further. Fifteen seconds after the game finished, I posted "Tactical genius :laugh: :laugh: :D ". I can't post any shorter than two words, although to some sometimes I can think of shorter words :laugh: .

But anyway, the excitement was great, and though lacking in real quality from a football sense it has to be said it was a brilliant game. Absolutely magnetic on the eyes, and about as far removed from the turgid Wigan Away as you could possibly get. I commented in the rotation thread that it was really hard to pick formations and stuff, simply because the game was so broken up, "crazy" in Rafa's words of previous weeks. There is part of me that wishes we could play like that more often in all honesty (not with the bonkers team selection obviously) but with the same intensity. It kind of seems to suit us. Like kids who are given the chance to not wear uniforms for the day, it seems to bring our personality out more. Suddenly we seem more passionate, more connected with proceedings.

Sometimes our attacking play can look as well drilled as our defensive play, and as a consequence we seem to have a reluctance to go "off the cuff", to try something, to commit into an area where we haven't been previously or you couldn't pick. Our obsession with "control" can translate into predictability, and as against Everton it's no good "controlling" the game if you don't make a chance. Not for the first time this season when we have been deep, deep in the sh!te (and it doesn't come much deeper than 2-1 down to a relegation team with 4 minutes to go when you're going for the title), we've thrown the shackles off and produced something. I'm coming around to the idea that this kind of cup-tie, freestyle mode actually works in our favour to some extent and I'd like to see us use it more. Gerrard is made for that game, the high tempo, Roy of the Rovers stuff and even Kuyt's particular "gifts" lend themselves perfectly to it. It's just a thought but I like us when we really go for it, and not just because it's exciting to watch.

The last thing which needs to be said about the team selection is that bonkers or not, now we've won it while giving Alonso, Kuyt and Torres a rest, it is a bit of a result it has to be said. I wouldn't have risked losing the game so readily in order to achieve this, but no matter we did risk it, it was very fecking close to backfiring but we came through. The Manc result again shows how big a risk it was, even a draw would probably have seen the engraver sharpening his tolls for the 2008-2009 winners slot around the side of the Premiership trophy. It was a huge result, they don't come much bigger. Onwards and upwards, and of course, get in there   :;):
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:26 pm

What happened to the Kuyt thread? And wheres all the moaning biatches now?
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