Portsmouth v liverpool - 7/2/09  17:30

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Postby account deleted by request » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:33 pm

dawson99 wrote:What happened to the Kuyt thread? And wheres all the moaning biatches now?

You talking to me ?

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Postby DAV » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:33 pm

I'm here (moaning bitch)
What annoys me, and i posted before kick off. Is that RB was willing to gamble a potential league title by putting out what can only be described as a joke of a team. which i must say in a game i was pleased to win.
So i ask you - tactical genius or guy who has cracked up?
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Postby bigmick » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:39 pm

dawson99 wrote:What happened to the Kuyt thread? And wheres all the moaning biatches now?

Well I'm here Daws' and I've been a moaner about Kuyt on many occasions. I thought he did very well when he came on yesterday. He was far more effective than N'gog had been in the previous hour, and although he had a smidge of fortune with his goal was very unlucky I thought with the offside decision. He did very well and deserves all the credit that he'll no doubt get.

I still don't think he's a front player in a million years for what it's worth, but credit where credit's due, he, Alonso and Torres changed the game when they came on. Mind you, I have to say that it wasn't exactly news to me that Kuyt, Alonso and Torres were better players than Dossena, N'Gog and whoever the feck else we brought off (sorry, minds gone).

On the subject of the "ah, where are they all now  :D  ??? " which you sometimes get after a win, there is an element of damned if you do damned if you don't. I was on here straight away after the final whistle yesterday, and didn't exactly get the best reception I think it's fair to say. I'd called the selection ridiculous before the game so thought it was only right to be around, but it didn't seem to make much odds. The Worlds a strange place sometimes, but none the less interesting for it.
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:42 pm

The selection was awful, but it worked, we should have won comfortable. the only worrying bit for me really was the keeper making some very silly mistakes.
I won;t mention zonal marking as I still dno't understand it (neitehr do half the players) but the ones who slagegd off Kuyt, give credit where it's due the lad done good.
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Postby redrover » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:53 pm

dawson99 wrote:What happened to the Kuyt thread? And wheres all the moaning biatches now?

always amazes me how after 1 good game out of about 20 you get people coming on saying this rubbish. the guy is not consistently good enough to play at this club and thats the fact. how fickle are people that they think they can justify a players existence after 1 good display i mean come on.
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Postby oakton » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:56 pm

yeah Kuyt was great, probably MOM for Liverpool.  But it doesn't mean his previous games were good.  You asked people to give credit when it's due, you've got to also acknowledge that he's rubbish in his ordinary games.
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Postby bigmick » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:59 pm

dawson99 wrote:The selection was awful, but it worked,

It's an intersting one this. Did the selection "work"? If we eventually won the game, does it by definition mean the selection "worked", or is there more to it than that? We were 2-1 down to Portsmouth after 86 minutes and got an equaliser and a winner within the last four minutes, courtesy of two substitutes who would feature in our strongest eleven but who weren't selected. We brought Alonso on to try and get something going (ditto the first eleven bit) as we'd fallen behind.

We did though eventually win the game. Does that mean the selection worked? If we lost any games then, does that mean the selection was wrong? It's definately an interesting one.

I think the selection certainly worked in the sense it made the game more interesting, but I'm not totally sure that's what we were actually trying to achieve.
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:00 pm

I've always stood by Kuyt. I think he's not good enough to be a first teamer in our 'ultimate squad maybe' but he's not as bad as you guys make out. when we win its a team effort, when we lose we lay all blame on him.

that's all im saying. It's good to rub your faces in it when he does something right lol
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Postby Number 9 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:09 pm

bigmick wrote:
dawson99 wrote:The selection was awful, but it worked,

It's an intersting one this. Did the selection "work"? If we eventually won the game, does it by definition mean the selection "worked", or is there more to it than that? We were 2-1 down to Portsmouth after 86 minutes and got an equaliser and a winner within the last four minutes, courtesy of two substitutes who would feature in our strongest eleven but who weren't selected. We brought Alonso on to try and get something going (ditto the first eleven bit) as we'd fallen behind.

We did though eventually win the game. Does that mean the selection worked? If we lost any games then, does that mean the selection was wrong? It's definately an interesting one.

I think the selection certainly worked in the sense it made the game more interesting, but I'm not totally sure that's what we were actually trying to achieve.

I think the selection was a gamble but with insurance on the bench.Had we been 3-0 up at HT I doubt we'd have seen either of the 3 subs.Rafa said the players were tired and he had no choice.So the plan was obviously to do it with the 11 we put out and hopefully not have to bring any of the "big guns" on!
Obviously when Pompey seen the starting 11 they thought it was bloody Christmas and it gave them a lift..they raised their game and it gave them a bit of belief,fair play to them.

And we know the rest.Alonso came on and began to pick passes out and control the MF more so than we had been doing
Kuyt came on and injected a bit of passion into the team that was also missing.
Nando came on and done what he does best..bingo!

Did the starting 11 work?...Nope they were shi'te and worringly clueless!
Did the subs work?...silly question,two of them scored and won the game for us!
Was it good for the heart?Not at the time but thoroughly enjoyable all the same!

Just a pity the Mancs won today,I wonder what their fans are saying..cause they were mostly 2nd best IMO!
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Postby bigmick » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:10 pm

dawson99 wrote:It's good to rub your faces in it when he does something right lol

Fortunately for those who don't like having their faces rubbed in it, it's not something they have to put up with very often.

I actually don't mind having my face rubbed in it (in a football sense obviously  :cool:) and would be quite happy if Dirk gave people the ammo to do it on a regular basis. I'd be more than happy for my face to chapped and friction burnt to within an inch of its life such was the frequency and the intensity of the said face rubbing. I won't it has to be said though be booking a corrective session down the dermatologist just yet, I think they charge a cancellation fee.
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:12 pm

I don't think the selection was far off. We were without key players, and that got to the players mindset. We should have been ahead earlier with a couple of sitters but nerves came into play. there was no shoulder to lean on in the shape of Stevie or Torres.
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Postby Effes » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:14 pm

I dont think you can say the team selection worked, when we only won the game by putting on the players who should have started anyway?

Then again, the counter-argument is that they were so tired that the best "impact" they could have had was putting them on at
the end when the opposition were tired as well.

I think the crunch is - not many people would pick that starting 11 again.

However - Im not sure what choice we have against Man City.
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Postby bigmick » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:15 pm

dawson99 wrote:there was no shoulder to lean on in the shape of Stevie or Torres.

Or indeed cry on. "Score us a goal Stevie, come on Nando FFS   :sniffle I know we've played sh!t but c'mon guys, do it for us one more time, c'mon Stevie, whaddaya say hmm. Dig us out of the sh!t again will ya    :down: "

  :D Just kidding before I got fecking dogs abuse.
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:18 pm

bigmick wrote:Turned out to be a good thread in the end, one of the better match ones.

The excitement is great, and as long as you win the match it's much more exciting to come back from 2-1 down with four minutes to go and win it with a header 90 seconds from time than it is to go there and win 2-0. Even I can see that, and yes I enjoyed the moment just like everyone else did. To the fella a couple of pages back who quoted a post of mine when I was in the middle of a disagreement and asked why I couldn't just enjoy it without long posts all the time, he ought to read back further. Fifteen seconds after the game finished, I posted "Tactical genius :laugh: :laugh: :D ". I can't post any shorter than two words, although to some sometimes I can think of shorter words :laugh: .

But anyway, the excitement was great, and though lacking in real quality from a football sense it has to be said it was a brilliant game. Absolutely magnetic on the eyes, and about as far removed from the turgid Wigan Away as you could possibly get. I commented in the rotation thread that it was really hard to pick formations and stuff, simply because the game was so broken up, "crazy" in Rafa's words of previous weeks. There is part of me that wishes we could play like that more often in all honesty (not with the bonkers team selection obviously) but with the same intensity. It kind of seems to suit us. Like kids who are given the chance to not wear uniforms for the day, it seems to bring our personality out more. Suddenly we seem more passionate, more connected with proceedings.

Sometimes our attacking play can look as well drilled as our defensive play, and as a consequence we seem to have a reluctance to go "off the cuff", to try something, to commit into an area where we haven't been previously or you couldn't pick. Our obsession with "control" can translate into predictability, and as against Everton it's no good "controlling" the game if you don't make a chance. Not for the first time this season when we have been deep, deep in the sh!te (and it doesn't come much deeper than 2-1 down to a relegation team with 4 minutes to go when you're going for the title), we've thrown the shackles off and produced something. I'm coming around to the idea that this kind of cup-tie, freestyle mode actually works in our favour to some extent and I'd like to see us use it more. Gerrard is made for that game, the high tempo, Roy of the Rovers stuff and even Kuyt's particular "gifts" lend themselves perfectly to it. It's just a thought but I like us when we really go for it, and not just because it's exciting to watch.

The last thing which needs to be said about the team selection is that bonkers or not, now we've won it while giving Alonso, Kuyt and Torres a rest, it is a bit of a result it has to be said. I wouldn't have risked losing the game so readily in order to achieve this, but no matter we did risk it, it was very fecking close to backfiring but we came through. The Manc result again shows how big a risk it was, even a draw would probably have seen the engraver sharpening his tolls for the 2008-2009 winners slot around the side of the Premiership trophy. It was a huge result, they don't come much bigger. Onwards and upwards, and of course, get in there   :;):

Top post mick . Us off the cuff ,, would you adam and eve it mate . :D
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Postby Masch79 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:21 pm

bavlondon wrote:They must have been really tired for Rafa not to start any of the spanish players. I just hope they don't get worn out even further after the England game.

In this case hopefully it will be the English players who are tired having chased the ball for 90 mins!!   :;):
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