Player personalities - What are the lads like off the pitch?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Flo-Po » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:37 pm

First of all, first time poster, long time reader  :D

Anyway, with all the firey discussion going on due to our poor start to the season, I thought I would start off with something a bit more light hearted.

I have always wondered what the lads are like off the pitch, personality wise. And how they get on with each other. i.e. who is best mates and what players dislike each other?

I know the vast majority of people wont know the lads personally but I think you can gather a personality through interviews, actins etc.

I believe Cisse is a very flambuyont (Sp) character, very confident and sometimes a bit OTT. Id say he gets on the nerves of some of the quieter plyers. It seems him, sinema, troare and Momo Sissoko are cloest mates.
And id say the spanish lads are best mates with Alonso being the boss of that group and Garcia being a bit of a bitch! (its just the impression I get!)

I know its not strictly to do with football but it is related as team bonding and closeness can only be good fot the team on the pitch!

Anyway, what do you guys think/Know.
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Postby stoney » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:41 pm

Reina and Dudek are closest mates  :D
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Postby Sabre » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:52 pm

San Sebastian is a small town of approx 200.000 people (but our team has been in primera division 40 years  :buttrock in a row) so it's quite easy to see players here and there.

Thus, I saw Alonso a couple of times. I'm quite ashamed of talking with players, because I think "The last thing they want to do is to have to talk with ANOTHER fan when they have spare time" (1), but dared to yell an "Aupa Alonso" when he was in a bar with his friends. I must say he was with a bottle of water, good discipline of the lad, no alcohol between matches (here it's very strange and disliked a player who drinks on season a la  Paul Gascoigne). He was very nice and said "Aupa" . I liked his friends which were not arrogant and "look who is my friend" guys, actually, they were more interested on the girls around rather than in Alonso.


(1) this thinking isn't considered by the dozens of girls who were around Alonso, as the flies are around of the sh*t. Somebody should make an investigation about the "female" factor in concentration of the players.
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Postby Flo-Po » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:10 pm

ye alonso comes across as a quiet and professional guy.

I live down the road from where Damien Duff lived and went to his school. the guy is a lazy :censored: and is a bit slow tbh. When we were in school he had to choose between rugby and soccer (he was a great rugby player) and he choose football. The rugby coaches were :censored: with him
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Postby bigmick » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:50 pm

I can't add much to this other than to say I've met Steve Finnan a couple of times and he is a smashing young fella. Very quiet and unassuming you would guess that he worked in a bank or local government if you didn't know better.
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Postby JBG » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:12 pm

I have seen interviews with Jerzy Dudek and he strikes me as a very nice fella. He seems to be rather shy though!

Carragher is supposed to be a complete character, very down to earth. Apparently he lived with his parents for the first couple of years when he was in the first team. There's a story going arounf of Rio Ferdinand and (I think) Joe Cole coming over to Liverpool one night for a party with Carra. Ferdinand has made a big money move to Leeds and was very flash with the cash: bling clothes and a fast car. After the party Carra told the guys that they could crash in his place. Ferdinand thought Carra would bring him back to a Footballers Wives/Cribs type pad. Instead Carra brought the boys back to his mother's house and pulled out a sofa bed in the living room for Ferdinand to kip on!

There are dozens of stories on other sites about Carra's antics. For all his fame and wealth he lives a fairly modest lifestyle and I've heard stories about him trying to haggle with plumbers/electricians/carpenters in his house.

Gerrard has the reputation of being a bit of an arrogant git who loses the head a lot. Rumour has it he went mental with nerves in Istanbul before the big match and nobody could calm him down.

I've heard Cisse is a very decent fellow and very down to earth, despite his crazy appearance. He had Guy Rioux as his best man at his wedding and his wife is not Footballers Wives material (a good thing). I've heard stories of Cisse getting hassle on the streets of Liverpool from teenage Everton fans: apparently he was involved in an incident last Friday.

There was a radio phone in about Xabi Alonso on Irish radio a few months ago. When Xabi was 17 he came to Ireland for a summer to learn English. He stayed in a small rural town and even played Gaelic Football (almost a cross between rugby and football for those who haven't seen it). Some of the lads who played Gaelic football with Xabi rang in and said he was a very decent fellow.
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Postby H_K_LFC » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:20 pm

i think cisse would be a gd laugh in the dressing room
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Postby Gareth G » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:22 pm

I've met Robbie Fowler before and he was a top bloke, couldn't get any more decent. My uncle's mate who idolises Robbie went over to watch Liverpool for his Birthday present, in a pub ( sorry don't know it's name ) after the game his mate's told him to close his eye's as there was a surprise for him, when he turned round it was Robbie Fowler! He stayed for about 10 minute's or so chatting then had to leave. Micheal Thomas was also a decent fella as is John Barnes, they chat to you as if they have nothing better to do. :D

Steve McManaman on the other hand was a complete w*anker if I'm honest, didn't want to know even when kid's where begging for his autograph.
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Postby JBG » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:25 pm

I remember a few of my mates met John Aldridge in a Dublin club about 10 years ago. Aldridge has family in Athlone which is in the midlands in Ireland and a lad I used to know in Athlone said that Aldo had a bit on the side over there. :D

Anyway, the boys said Aldo was a riot, dribbling drunk, and the whole nightclub was in thrall of him. Then again, my mates weren't better. I think one of them walked up to Denis Irwin, shook his hand and said "Ray Houghtan: you're a legend!" :D
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Postby neil » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:39 pm

I'm led to believe that Hamman is quite deadpan when he is seen in the bookies in Prescot, where he frequents more often than not. Now this comes from a guy who I have known for about 6 years and has never bulls.hitted about anything that I am aware of. Does sound like bulls.hit though
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Postby murphy0151 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:51 pm

I offered Zak Whitbread a line on sunday night in bar red.  He was orite considring he had a big lout telling him to tell sami hyppia hes shiteeee :D :D :D
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Postby Flo-Po » Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:08 pm

ye didi seems real quiet and deadpan, a typical German!

But surprised about Cisse, thought he wpould be a bit mad.

Id say coruchy and risse are quiet enough aswell. The whole team comes across as being real quiet imagine the converstaion!

On the other hand Joesmi is a real loud mouth, was at a match in Anfield and was sitting behind Benitez and the subs. Joesmi didnt shut up shouting and messing about, Hamann seemed to be getting :censored: off. pongo just kept laughing at him!
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:12 pm

I'd assume that Garcia is the cheeky chappie, and he and Cisse clown around. I bet they get on with everyone, particularly Garcia. Mori will be a recluse, only seeing Xabi (the thinker, and font of all knowledge of the group) to play the occasional round of Mahjong. Josemi will only be visable for 20 minutes each night whilst scavenging for medium-sized quadrapeds to eat, and Barragan will be a heavy rock fan.
Traore will be a volunteer Traffic Warden, as per his onpitch persona.
Gerrard will be too busy banging Alex to worry about his personality.
JC is, as we've heard, down to earth and unassuming.
Steve Finnan will own a bakery shop, and a florists.
Sami Hyypia will have a postage stamp collection, and shy away from the club scene.
Didi Hamann likes a bet, and had a stint as a German Dictionary saleman. Has a train set.

Riise is the wannabe popstar.
Warnock will be the fidgety paranoid szchitso. Both personalities are better that Traores.
Sissoko has an unnerving interest in Ferretts and popcorn.
Crouch is a painter, and in some circles he is regarded as the next Picasso.
Pongolle is a curb-crawler.
Dudek is a top chap. Still, he likes collecting dandruff and marbles.
Reina has a keen interest in hair-restoring methods and strawberry jam.
Zenden is regularly the runner up in the World Chess Championships held in Russia. The winner is always Robben.
Kewell is a Witch Doctor for the Tatafornow tribe in New Guinea. He's sh*t at it though.

Thats what I reckon anyway!!!!! :D :p

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Postby Gaunt » Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:17 pm

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Postby 66-1120597113 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:31 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:I'd assume that Garcia is the cheeky chappie, and he and Cisse clown around. I bet they get on with everyone, particularly Garcia. Mori will be a recluse, only seeing Xabi (the thinker, and font of all knowledge of the group) to play the occasional round of Mahjong. Josemi will only be visable for 20 minutes each night whilst scavenging for medium-sized quadrapeds to eat, and Barragan will be a heavy rock fan.
Traore will be a volunteer Traffic Warden, as per his onpitch persona.
Gerrard will be too busy banging Alex to worry about his personality.
JC is, as we've heard, down to earth and unassuming.
Steve Finnan will own a bakery shop, and a florists.
Sami Hyypia will have a postage stamp collection, and shy away from the club scene.
Didi Hamann likes a bet, and had a stint as a German Dictionary saleman. Has a train set.

Riise is the wannabe popstar.
Warnock will be the fidgety paranoid szchitso. Both personalities are better that Traores.
Sissoko has an unnerving interest in Ferretts and popcorn.
Crouch is a painter, and in some circles he is regarded as the next Picasso.
Pongolle is a curb-crawler.
Dudek is a top chap. Still, he likes collecting dandruff and marbles.
Reina has a keen interest in hair-restoring methods and strawberry jam.
Zenden is regularly the runner up in the World Chess Championships held in Russia. The winner is always Robben.
Kewell is a Witch Doctor for the Tatafornow tribe in New Guinea. He's sh*t at it though.

Thats what I reckon anyway!!!!! :D :p



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