Phase one ! - My ******!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby babu » Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:15 am

bigmick wrote:Well for me you might as well bang your head against a brick wall, because you are talking utter nonsense. There is barely a word in your post I agree with, it is mis-informed, incorrect and demonstrates a total lack of knowledge about the modern game and the way it works. I don't do forum rows so I will say my piece and then let you have the last word, but this in a nutshell is why I disagree with your post.

On the question of players "earning" their money, it depends which way you look at it. You could actually make the case that none of them "earn" their money purely on the grounds that they get paid such an obscene amount. Even the less glamorous types, the likes of Finnan ("who does the job with little or no reward") would be on considerably in excess of one million pounds a year. Does he earn it when the Prime minister gets about half that, or a surgeon about a tenth of it? It is of course not about "earning" it, (and you could of course argue that as 40,000 people turn up to watch eleven blokes every week and pay £35 and upwards to get in, then maybe they do earn it) it's actually about the going rate. If you pay it, you keep your best players, if you don't then you don't. That is the simple law of modern football economics.

On your assertion that key players have come before and been replaced. While it is true to say that Keegan, Dalglish etc were major players who took some replacing, Hunt to a lesser extent and Clemence being frankly a silly comparison, I think it is fair to say we had a better team overall then so the load wasn't quite so heavy. Also, when Keegan left we were able to buy Dalglish who I think most people would agree was a better player anyway, replacing Gerrard may not be so easy I wouldn't have thought.

Next is your question about Shankly. If he was around today of course he would have given Gerrard a new contract, because he was football man who understood the importance of good players. Modern day managers who are from the Shankly, no nonsense mode still pay top money. Ferguson would be the modern manager closest to Shankly and he hardly baulks at paying players top dollar if they are top performers.

As for letting top players contracts like Gerrard and Alonso run into the last season, I can only assume you don't remember the Steve Macmanaman fiasco, or more recently the Michael Owen robbery. With the greatest respect, to state on a Liverpool forum that this is what you would do demonstrates that you have a lack of understanding of the situation. Even if we were thinking of selling Gerrard anytime soon, you STILL give him a new contract to tie him in for longer and get a bigger transfer fee. That's just the way it is as the song goes.

Lastly, you imply that Gerrard has had a massively disappointing season and doesn't really care about the club. Well in my opinion he is, and was, our best player in practically every single game he played in, and as he has never kicked a ball for another club I wonder what you base the last bit on.

I'm sorry but the whole post is nonsense. You have the last word mate and I'll take over from you on the brick wall head banging.  :no

you keyboard gangsta mick !!! :p

good post.  :)
Last edited by babu on Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby metalhead » Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:40 am

bigmick wrote:Well for me you might as well bang your head against a brick wall, because you are talking utter nonsense. There is barely a word in your post I agree with, it is mis-informed, incorrect and demonstrates a total lack of knowledge about the modern game and the way it works. I don't do forum rows so I will say my piece and then let you have the last word, but this in a nutshell is why I disagree with your post.

On the question of players "earning" their money, it depends which way you look at it. You could actually make the case that none of them "earn" their money purely on the grounds that they get paid such an obscene amount. Even the less glamorous types, the likes of Finnan ("who does the job with little or no reward") would be on considerably in excess of one million pounds a year. Does he earn it when the Prime minister gets about half that, or a surgeon about a tenth of it? It is of course not about "earning" it, (and you could of course argue that as 40,000 people turn up to watch eleven blokes every week and pay £35 and upwards to get in, then maybe they do earn it) it's actually about the going rate. If you pay it, you keep your best players, if you don't then you don't. That is the simple law of modern football economics.

On your assertion that key players have come before and been replaced. While it is true to say that Keegan, Dalglish etc were major players who took some replacing, Hunt to a lesser extent and Clemence being frankly a silly comparison, I think it is fair to say we had a better team overall then so the load wasn't quite so heavy. Also, when Keegan left we were able to buy Dalglish who I think most people would agree was a better player anyway, replacing Gerrard may not be so easy I wouldn't have thought.

Next is your question about Shankly. If he was around today of course he would have given Gerrard a new contract, because he was football man who understood the importance of good players. Modern day managers who are from the Shankly, no nonsense mode still pay top money. Ferguson would be the modern manager closest to Shankly and he hardly baulks at paying players top dollar if they are top performers.

As for letting top players contracts like Gerrard and Alonso run into the last season, I can only assume you don't remember the Steve Macmanaman fiasco, or more recently the Michael Owen robbery. With the greatest respect, to state on a Liverpool forum that this is what you would do demonstrates that you have a lack of understanding of the situation. Even if we were thinking of selling Gerrard anytime soon, you STILL give him a new contract to tie him in for longer and get a bigger transfer fee. That's just the way it is as the song goes.

Lastly, you imply that Gerrard has had a massively disappointing season and doesn't really care about the club. Well in my opinion he is, and was, our best player in practically every single game he played in, and as he has never kicked a ball for another club I wonder what you base the last bit on.

I'm sorry but the whole post is nonsense. You have the last word mate and I'll take over from you on the brick wall head banging.  :no

Well said mick!
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Postby Kharhaz » Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:59 am

Since when have contracts meant anything? If Alonso, Reina, Gerrard, Carragher, Agger want to leave they will. Phase one was to get key players under contract. Why? to make sure we make money from them if they want to leave in the future? All I hear is LFC is the place to be, we are making progress, and suppose we dont? It remains to be seen, but im not confident, all im seeing is silver spoons being made. Lets see what attitudes are shown end of season.
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:02 am

Kharhaz wrote:Phase one was to get key players under contract. Why? to make sure we make money from them if they want to leave in the future?

In one word, yes.
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Postby Kharhaz » Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:07 am

LFC2007 wrote:
Kharhaz wrote:Phase one was to get key players under contract. Why? to make sure we make money from them if they want to leave in the future?

In one word, yes.

So from that id be right in saying its not because the player deserved it its because its securing the future of LFC, despite its current investment.
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:12 am

Kharhaz wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
Kharhaz wrote:Phase one was to get key players under contract. Why? to make sure we make money from them if they want to leave in the future?

In one word, yes.

So from that id be right in saying its not because the player deserved it its because its securing the future of LFC, despite its current investment.

It's a balance and a combination of both. Traore may have had the best season of his life in 04/05, you could say given his performances he deserved a new contract. He was clearly not up to scratch in terms of quality, so you move players on. Alonso, Agger, Reina and Gerrard may have a very poor season by their own standards - but still much better than Traore - and they are clearly up to the standard and as such they are part of the future. It's about protecting the long term future of the club by ewnsuring your best players are secure. By securing them you are also ensuring that should they leave for whatever reason - you will be compensated.
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Postby Kharhaz » Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:21 am

But my point is, Phase one is utter rubbish, if we create a team capable of winning trophys then it doesnt matter who stays and who goes because we will continue to win, Phase one, in my opinion is simply to insure that the possible failure we do endure is compensated. So like I said, Phase one is an :censored:, it is simply to make sure that should we fail to win the premiership, at least we have compensation. And that to me isnt good enough, If I want a bright future, I want to see progress being made, and in Rafa it has, but all the board has been seen to do is make sure the current set of key players are secured, Carra will never leave, he deserves his contract, what of the rest?
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:24 am

Kharhaz wrote:But my point is, Phase one is utter rubbish, if we create a team capable of winning trophys then it doesnt matter who stays and who goes because we will continue to win, Phase one, in my opinion is simply to insure that the possible failure we do endure is compensated. So like I said, Phase one is an :censored:, it is simply to make sure that should we fail to win the premiership, at least we have compensation. And that to me isnt good enough, If I want a bright future, I want to see progress being made, and in Rafa it has, but all the board has been seen to do is make sure the current set of key players are secured, Carra will never leave, he deserves his contract, what of the rest?

It's about securing the long term futures of our best players, just like every other sane club will do. Phase one is something every club will do at some stage, it's part of football. Gerrard may not reach his optimum level every season but invariably he's our best performer in each season - that is why he needs to be secured on a long term basis.
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Postby babu » Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:45 am

Kharhaz, seriously dude, what are you thinking?

Phase 1 is from the perspective of the new owners. They have just bought Liverpool Football Club. What would be the first thing you would do? For me, it would be to consolidate, this means securing my prized assets (players) and personnel (rafa & co). Having done that, i would next look to improve my assets. I assume that's phase 2.

Even if Gerrard and Alonso played like cack (which by no means they did... ) they would still get new contracts from me (if i were the new owners). Because if i didn't, it would be a massive signal to them that i thought they were uneeded. Then they would probably leave for less than they are valued.

Now, thats only if you want to be cynical, and looks like you do.

Why don't you tell us what Gillete & Hicks should have done? Given Carragher a new contract and told the rest if they want a new & improved contract, they had better perform better next season? despite finishing 3rd (while dissapointing, not the end of the world) and making the finals of the champions  league?

I can understand criticism, but follow it up with suggestions, otherwise you are begining to sound like a WUM (ps i know you are not).
Last edited by babu on Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Thingy » Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:18 am

For what Gerrard has done for us,Kharhaz, to say he dosent deserve a New Contract/Pay Rise, an also to say let his an Alonsos contract to run to its last year, Is utter nonense. If you were in his Shoes, would you expect a new contract? Of course you would. And to say if we create a Team capable of winning trophies it dosent matter who stays or goes is just down right Bull. :censored:. Chelsea Have a team like that, So if Drogba, Lamps, Terry, Cech And Essien Left, theyd still be just as good? God help the club if youre ever in charge :D
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Postby ajaxs21 » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:03 am

so what we waitting for lets start Phase Two and fast I'm not gettng young :p
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:20 am

this is the most one-sided debate ive ever seen.
kharhaz VS the rest.
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Postby woof woof ! » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:22 am

Phase two apparently well underway

News of the World (online)

Rafa Kops Torres

LIVERPOOL will this week smash their transfer record and complete the £25million signing of Atletico Madrid superstar Fernando Torres.
Sport of the World can reveal the two clubs have agreed a fee in principle and all that remains for Kop boss Rafa Benitez is to agree terms with Torres. The Spain ace is on a £5.1million a year contract with Atletico and will expect at least the same terms from Liverpool. Torres' people have been told that Liverpool chief executive Rick Parry will open talks with them next week to conclude a deal.

A source close to 23-year-old Torres told Sport of the World: "We are expecting a call from Mr Parry next week to discuss personal terms. And although for Fernando it is heartbreaking to leave Atletico, the club he's loved all his life, the prospect of playing for Liverpool fills him with pride hope and great expectations."

The massive fee eclipses the £14million Gerard Houllier had splashed on Kop flop Djibril Cisse. Atletico Madrid have accepted a bid slightly lower than Torres' £28m get-out clause and are desperate to clinch the signing of Diego Forlan from Villareal to replace their talisman. The Reds will definitely pay £18million in cash and it remains to be see whether Luis Garcia will be part of the deal. One thing is for certain, Garcia's Liverpool career is over after three seasons at Anfield. He's keen to return to Spain and Benitez will not stand in his way - even though Garcia's recovery from a knee injury that kept him out most of this season could determine whether he completes the move to Atletico where he played a season in 2003.

It means Benitez will have spent half of his £50million warchest to finally land a big-name star to take Liverpool to the next level. The Kop chief will now turn his attentions to his pursuit of Lyon's Florent Malouda - even though the Frenchman wants to join Chelsea. Benitez - who wants to offload hothead Craig Bellamy - is set to rekindle his interest in Portugal and Benfica star Simao

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Postby account deleted by request » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:27 am

One thing is for certain, Garcia's Liverpool career is over after three seasons at Anfield. He's keen to return to Spain and Benitez will not stand in his way

I am quite shocked if this is true, while he isn't the greatest thing on two legs he's our one true flair player. Now we may understand why Rafa went for Benayoun.

Hopefully we sign Torres quickly as the mancs are reportedly sniffing round him.
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Postby Sabre » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:31 am

I agree Mick.

The only reason that Barcelona and Madrid are not ramming Liverpool's door to sign up a player like Gerrard is that they know there can't be a deal.

I'm happy to read some pundits as of late, who have talked about Gerrard as he deserves, he might not get the attention of big rags this days, but whenever a Spanish pundit, coach, or ex player talks about Gerrard is to sing a lot of praises. And I'm talking about after this "supposed" "below the par" season.
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