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Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby tel » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:32 am

A.B. wrote:
tel wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Precisely Dawson.

It's not about hype and price, it's about the right qualities in the right areas.

Its not about price? Why do you think players like Ronaldinho or Henry cost big money??? Because they guarentee you goals and points and trophies.

Ronaldinho is THE biggest difference between a Barca team that hadnt won a trophy for many years, and the won that did last year. If you didnt see the Barca game against Madrid this season when they played in Madrid, I suggest you get a copy. Then come back to me and talk about players and what they cost. Those 2 teams hate each other as much (nearly anyway) as we hate the mancs. And they friggn clapped him.

What is Arsenal without Henry? Would they have been an unbeaten team 2 seasons ago? You look at the past 5 seasons we've played them. Who is the difference between the 2 teams? Lehman?

Barcelona did pay a hefty amount of money for Ronaldinho, but that was because he was doing well for PSG and had a great World Cup run. However, Arsenal payed peanuts compared to what he's worth now. Remember, Henry was a winger it wasn't until he signed for Arsenal that Wenger converted him into a striker.

He was unknown and didn't cost much but look at the impact he made. So technically it's not all about the price, it wasn't at the time. Of course after all the years at Arsenal he's improved and his price has rised. But just because a player costs a great amount of money, it doesn't necesseraly guarantee anything.

I'm not talking about what he cost then. Its a different discussion why we have not been able to unearth young foreign talent in the past like Henry.

I am talking about what he costs NOW. He costs a bundle because he is a proven talent that would guarentee goals and trophies whatever league he is playing in. And he is worth every pound.
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Postby A.B. » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:37 am

Chelsea cant buy every top class striker in Europe. They'll buy Etto, Adriano or Schevchenko, but not all 3. Look at how much trouble they're having keeping Crespo happy already. There are currently 10 strikers in this category to choose from. And these players move all the time for the right price. Henry will be plaing in Spain next year. Etto will go to Chelsea. So its time for us to step up for someone like Adriano or Ibrahimovic.

I don't understand the logic of that part of your post. Based on what events will influence Eto'o to leave Barcelona a club with history,money,respect,good enough team to dominate Spain and Europe to Chelsea?

Chelsea may have the money to afford Eto'o but Barcelona have the money to increase his wages and make him happy. What does Chelsea offer that Barcelona doesn't?

Most players would rather play in the city of Barca than in London which is known for it's :censored: poor weather. In fact Eto'o did not sign with us because of the weather. That's right, Houllier was set to sign Eto'o. And according to Eto'o, one of the reasons he did not sign with us is because the weather.

As far as I know, there's not much difference in the weather between Liverpool and London.

Secondly, what logic did you use to conclude that we can persue Ibrahimovic to leave Juve and Adriano to leave Inter? And how can we afford them? We simply can't and even if we could I exactly sure that Benitez would want to spend huge amounts of money on one player.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:37 am

tel wrote:
A.B. wrote:
tel wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Precisely Dawson.

It's not about hype and price, it's about the right qualities in the right areas.

Its not about price? Why do you think players like Ronaldinho or Henry cost big money??? Because they guarentee you goals and points and trophies.

Ronaldinho is THE biggest difference between a Barca team that hadnt won a trophy for many years, and the won that did last year. If you didnt see the Barca game against Madrid this season when they played in Madrid, I suggest you get a copy. Then come back to me and talk about players and what they cost. Those 2 teams hate each other as much (nearly anyway) as we hate the mancs. And they friggn clapped him.

What is Arsenal without Henry? Would they have been an unbeaten team 2 seasons ago? You look at the past 5 seasons we've played them. Who is the difference between the 2 teams? Lehman?

Barcelona did pay a hefty amount of money for Ronaldinho, but that was because he was doing well for PSG and had a great World Cup run. However, Arsenal payed peanuts compared to what he's worth now. Remember, Henry was a winger it wasn't until he signed for Arsenal that Wenger converted him into a striker.

He was unknown and didn't cost much but look at the impact he made. So technically it's not all about the price, it wasn't at the time. Of course after all the years at Arsenal he's improved and his price has rised. But just because a player costs a great amount of money, it doesn't necesseraly guarantee anything.

I'm not talking about what he cost then. Its a different discussion why we have not been able to unearth young foreign talent in the past like Henry.

I am talking about what he costs NOW. He costs a bundle because he is a proven talent that would guarentee goals and trophies whatever league he is playing in. And he is worth every pound.

Right and you don't think its acceptable for Liverpool to uncover that sort of talent? They have to go out and buy it at its top price? I'm sorry but very few teams can afford to do that and we're not one of them.

What if we go and sign Adriano from Inter for 25million (being generous) then he breaks his leg in his first month or gets his career ended? Where are we then? I'll tell you... shits creek is where because if we done that we certainly couldn't afford to replace him.

Do you think players like Rush came here with "proven talent"?

Its all rubbish what you're saying and your arguement holds very little weight if any at all.

Postby A.B. » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:39 am

I'm not talking about what he cost then. Its a different discussion why we have not been able to unearth young foreign talent in the past like Henry.

I am talking about what he costs NOW. He costs a bundle because he is a proven talent that would guarentee goals and trophies whatever league he is playing in. And he is worth every poun

You're missing the point. We can find a player who costs peanuts but will still make an impact. You don't have to spend 450 million on a player to do that for you. My point was that Arsenal didn't spend an arm and a leg to get a prolific striker. Now he's worth that, but not then.
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Postby tel » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:42 am

Bamaga man wrote:I agree with you in some respects about spending large amounts of wonger to get a top class player Tel.
But there are two major factors that dont allow us to do this, one, we cannot afford it. Two, we all know now what Rafa's policy is in the transfer market. He will not go and do " a Houllier" , he doesnt work that way, slow and steady wins the race my friend.

If you look back at this time last year we had recently lost to Southampton 2-0 and we're appalling ,twelve months later we've won the CL and are now fighting it out with ManU for second place,- oh as well as competing in the CL. So you see we have come on leaps and bounds since then, this time next year we may find ourselves even better placed.

Rafa cannot go and splash cash willy nilly and the fans have to be patient he has to be sure when buying a player. I agree with you that we lack a goal poacher someone like Fowler , but for now the huge big bulk of the team is set in place and its the last couple of pieces to the jigsaw we are waiting on, but in the meatime I think we'll be ok. :)

We are not just doing alright in the meantime, we are doing wonders.

All I'm saying is yes, there's only a couple of pieces in the jigsaw left. And one of those is a top class striker.

Since Rafa came on board, we've had hits and misses in the transfer market. Josemi, Pellegrino. Even guys like Garcia are hit and miss. Zenden may be good on a free, but anyone want to embarrass themselves by saying he's a better player than Cristiano Ronaldo or Arjen Robben?

His great transfer success is Xavi Alonso. Who, incidentally, is also the most expensive transfer he has done. And who says it aint about the money?
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:46 am

tel - shut up.

You are yakking out of your a*sehole lad.

Ronaldinho was offered to Man U for £12m - hardly a record fee.

Henry was signed for peanuts, as was Viera.

You say "so what - it's the now that counts" - stop humiliating yourself.

Unless you are a state-funded, or sugar-daddied club, you can't go around spending stupid money on players who are "proven" in other leagues. "Proven", I might add, like Morientes, Luque, Veron, Drogba, Crespo and Kezman. Not forgetting Cisse (In France).

Thicker than a triple thick sandwich of thick ham, thick mustard, a thick wedge of cheese and all encased in extra thick crusty bread.  :no
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:47 am

Alonso is Rafa's best signing at 10million.

Houllier's was Hyypia at 3million.

Wenger's was Vieira at 3.5million.

Alex Ferguson's was probably Schmeichal at 2million?

Ranieiri's was probably Gallas at 4.5million.

Money means nothing lad. How stupid are you? Read the posts above. You can sign quality and improve teams without spending stupid money.

Postby tel » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:49 am

stu_the_red wrote:
tel wrote:
A.B. wrote:
tel wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Precisely Dawson.

It's not about hype and price, it's about the right qualities in the right areas.

Its not about price? Why do you think players like Ronaldinho or Henry cost big money??? Because they guarentee you goals and points and trophies.

Ronaldinho is THE biggest difference between a Barca team that hadnt won a trophy for many years, and the won that did last year. If you didnt see the Barca game against Madrid this season when they played in Madrid, I suggest you get a copy. Then come back to me and talk about players and what they cost. Those 2 teams hate each other as much (nearly anyway) as we hate the mancs. And they friggn clapped him.

What is Arsenal without Henry? Would they have been an unbeaten team 2 seasons ago? You look at the past 5 seasons we've played them. Who is the difference between the 2 teams? Lehman?

Barcelona did pay a hefty amount of money for Ronaldinho, but that was because he was doing well for PSG and had a great World Cup run. However, Arsenal payed peanuts compared to what he's worth now. Remember, Henry was a winger it wasn't until he signed for Arsenal that Wenger converted him into a striker.

He was unknown and didn't cost much but look at the impact he made. So technically it's not all about the price, it wasn't at the time. Of course after all the years at Arsenal he's improved and his price has rised. But just because a player costs a great amount of money, it doesn't necesseraly guarantee anything.

I'm not talking about what he cost then. Its a different discussion why we have not been able to unearth young foreign talent in the past like Henry.

I am talking about what he costs NOW. He costs a bundle because he is a proven talent that would guarentee goals and trophies whatever league he is playing in. And he is worth every pound.

Right and you don't think its acceptable for Liverpool to uncover that sort of talent? They have to go out and buy it at its top price? I'm sorry but very few teams can afford to do that and we're not one of them.

What if we go and sign Adriano from Inter for 25million (being generous) then he breaks his leg in his first month or gets his career ended? Where are we then? I'll tell you... shits creek is where because if we done that we certainly couldn't afford to replace him.

Do you think players like Rush came here with "proven talent"?

Its all rubbish what you're saying and your arguement holds very little weight if any at all.

Thanks for bringing up Ian Rush so we can end this.

When Ian Rush went to Juventus, we didnt just buy one player to replace him, we bought 3. And they were the 3 best players in the league to be exact.

Beardsley, Barnes and Aldridge.

2 of them, were the 2 best attacking players in the league. And they cost top dollar. And they year they joined, we won the double for the first time. Only the 2nd team to ever achieve it.

And we still had Kenny with his boots on on the bench in case one of them broke their legs.

Ian Rush wasnt a proven talent, but John Barnes and Peter Beardsley were, and they cost 2m+ in those days each which is 20+ in todays terms. And look at what an immediate impact they had and what that a team that was!
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:51 am

Schmeichal cost them £500k

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Postby LiverpoolMadman » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:51 am

You can sign quality and improve teams without spending stupid money.

Any player that you know who have quality and low cost ?
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:52 am

Do you want me to show you're knowledge up completely embaress you or are you going to shut up and admit you are wrong and clueless about football?
Last edited by 115-1073096938 on Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:52 am

LiverpoolMadman wrote:
You can sign quality and improve teams without spending stupid money.

Any player that you know who have quality and low cost ?

Fuck off you idiot.

Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:53 am

tel wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:
tel wrote:
A.B. wrote:
tel wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Precisely Dawson.

It's not about hype and price, it's about the right qualities in the right areas.

Its not about price? Why do you think players like Ronaldinho or Henry cost big money??? Because they guarentee you goals and points and trophies.

Ronaldinho is THE biggest difference between a Barca team that hadnt won a trophy for many years, and the won that did last year. If you didnt see the Barca game against Madrid this season when they played in Madrid, I suggest you get a copy. Then come back to me and talk about players and what they cost. Those 2 teams hate each other as much (nearly anyway) as we hate the mancs. And they friggn clapped him.

What is Arsenal without Henry? Would they have been an unbeaten team 2 seasons ago? You look at the past 5 seasons we've played them. Who is the difference between the 2 teams? Lehman?

Barcelona did pay a hefty amount of money for Ronaldinho, but that was because he was doing well for PSG and had a great World Cup run. However, Arsenal payed peanuts compared to what he's worth now. Remember, Henry was a winger it wasn't until he signed for Arsenal that Wenger converted him into a striker.

He was unknown and didn't cost much but look at the impact he made. So technically it's not all about the price, it wasn't at the time. Of course after all the years at Arsenal he's improved and his price has rised. But just because a player costs a great amount of money, it doesn't necesseraly guarantee anything.

I'm not talking about what he cost then. Its a different discussion why we have not been able to unearth young foreign talent in the past like Henry.

I am talking about what he costs NOW. He costs a bundle because he is a proven talent that would guarentee goals and trophies whatever league he is playing in. And he is worth every pound.

Right and you don't think its acceptable for Liverpool to uncover that sort of talent? They have to go out and buy it at its top price? I'm sorry but very few teams can afford to do that and we're not one of them.

What if we go and sign Adriano from Inter for 25million (being generous) then he breaks his leg in his first month or gets his career ended? Where are we then? I'll tell you... shits creek is where because if we done that we certainly couldn't afford to replace him.

Do you think players like Rush came here with "proven talent"?

Its all rubbish what you're saying and your arguement holds very little weight if any at all.

Thanks for bringing up Ian Rush so we can end this.

When Ian Rush went to Juventus, we didnt just buy one player to replace him, we bought 3. And they were the 3 best players in the league to be exact.

Beardsley, Barnes and Aldridge.

2 of them, were the 2 best attacking players in the league. And they cost top dollar. And they year they joined, we won the double for the first time. Only the 2nd team to ever achieve it.

And we still had Kenny with his boots on on the bench in case one of them broke their legs.

Ian Rush wasnt a proven talent, but John Barnes and Peter Beardsley were, and they cost 2m+ in those days each which is 20+ in todays terms. And look at what an immediate impact they had and what that a team that was!

Do you not realise that we could afford to pay those prices then, but we can't compete with the top level bidders now.

Are you understanding yet?

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Postby tel » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:55 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:tel - shut up.

You are yakking out of your a*sehole lad.

Ronaldinho was offered to Man U for £12m - hardly a record fee.

Henry was signed for peanuts, as was Viera.

You say "so what - it's the now that counts" - stop humiliating yourself.

Unless you are a state-funded, or sugar-daddied club, you can't go around spending stupid money on players who are "proven" in other leagues. "Proven", I might add, like Morientes, Luque, Veron, Drogba, Crespo and Kezman. Not forgetting Cisse (In France).

Thicker than a triple thick sandwich of thick ham, thick mustard, a thick wedge of cheese and all encased in extra thick crusty bread.  :no

Stop felching yourself matie. You'd make more sense if your head was were its supposed to be. So take it out so we can discuss properly.

If you are state funded or sugar daddy, you buy the most expensive player in every position.

We're only arguing about one position. The striker's. And we can develop all the young talent we want over the next 50 years, but if you ask me whether I think we're going to take it to the likes of Chelsea or Madrid to domiate Europe over the next 5 years with the likes of Crouch, I say you're more likely to do it with the likes of Crespo or Etto.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:55 am

LiverpoolMadman wrote:
You can sign quality and improve teams without spending stupid money.

Any player that you know who have quality and low cost ?

Look at Stu's list on page 5, numbnuts.

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