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Postby 115-1073096938 » Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:59 pm

Leonmc0708 wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:After that game all our good work is now out of the window and we're rubbish. Crouch is not good enough, we need a right winger, we need this, we need that, this must change etc etc etc.


What happened against them horrible bastards was more confirmation that we are clearly going in the right direction.

Does that sound silly? Well hear me out.

At the start of this season we struggled to score goals. Really struggled. Everyone was saying how we needed a winger and a striker. Nothing has changed, however these mumurings went very quiet during our winning run. We played some excellent stuff, scored plenty of goals an kept numorous clean sheets.

The "problems" were still there. There were games (such as Newcastle) where we wiped the floor with them and could have had 5 or 6, yet it finished 2-0. However the critics went quiet. To be fair, i've said for most of the season we will struggle to score goals against the better sides at present and i stand by that. We don't yet have the capability to do to teams like Chelsea what they done to us. If we did beat them we'd win 1-0. We don't have the amunition to score twice past the better sides in my opinion.

However, we shown yesterday and have shown against Chelsea that we can now control games against the better sides. We've shown we can create chances against them and cause them problems. We've shown that they struggle to create chances against us but we also shown we are still not the finished article.

We're getting there, two players is all we need imo.

What we've now got is a system that is working but needs fine tuning and the correct players integrated into it without having to change much.

I believe we need more pace. However not in the front line. We need a right winger who has pace to burn, its a shame Overmars isn't 10 years younger :D . We need a lad who has the pace to get in behind and help us on counter attacks, however we need someone with skill and the ability to contribute defensively aswell. Kewell has won his place back in my opinion now and is making the left hand side his again, against that lot the other day things didn't go for him but the effort was good and he was willing again which to me says he's finally turned the corner.

As for the striker i don't believe we need a pacey one, more a poacher with the ability to link up and make clever passes to on running players. Someone with immense finishing prowess, exellent technique and character. I feel a player like this (yes i am talking about a certain premiership striker) will suit the system perfectly as he'll have runners to link up with, he'll get chances in and outside the box, he'll get space and he's able to link with other players intelligently. He'll also get crosses from Finnan, Gerrard, Kewell, Warnock when he plays and hopefully a new winger. This player was at his best in a counter attacking side that attacked down the wings and dilivered crosses for him, i think he'd suit this system down to the ground.

I genuinely believe two players like these wouldn't upset the balance and system and would be the right type of players. One of them won't cost much money either and has a couple of years left in him.

Infact if anything they'd improve the balance of the side and would certainly help us make the next step up.

We aren't far away as it is, Rafa will improve these positions with his players, hopefully one of them will be the one every true red wants to see back in a Liverpool shirt.

Couldn't agree more, but maybe you should read your own posts before calling other people out.

Exhibit A - your tirade against Cisse, over reaction or what ?

Exhibit B - your demands that we buy Bullard after two good games, over reaction or what ?

Exhibit C - your request that we sign Joaquin, over reaction or what ?

So whats you're point? We need a right mid and Cisse isn't good enough... Thats what i've basically just said, thats in perspective, so what exactly are you getting at? ???

Postby el_stinger » Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:22 pm

MaccaLFC wrote:
el_stinger wrote:
MaccaLFC wrote:Quality post, trust the manager boys, he always comes up trumps. It's proved that the one man who wasn't a Rafa signing is the one getting a lot of stick. :-)

Josemi, Pellegrino, Mori, Nunez have all copped a spray from members of this forum.

Exactly, at least Rafa can admit his mistakes, and 3 of those you mentioned have all now moved on.

No sh1t sherlock! That's exactly my point.
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Postby John Barnes » Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:47 pm

if we want to be great again we need a top striker like van nistlerooy, rooney, or henry. someone of that calibre.

the biggest thing that strikes you when we play man utd, is the lack of fight from LFC players. If you look at the MAn Utd players, like giggs, keane, rooney etc etc, they are all fired up for a game like this. we need more "physical game players" like a greame souness, and thats what the likes of Alonso and sissoko dont posess.

although we look solid at the back, we dont often look like scoring much in games like all of the 0-0 games versus chelsea.

Do you think they spend 20m+ for players like Essien and drogba for a laugh? this is why they are sitting miles clear at the top. and this is why Rafa is badly mistaken if he thinks he can win the premiership on the cheap! (swap deals for kromkamp-the only reason rafa gave for signing him was a language barrier-krom couldnt speak spanish!)

We need big money for top drawer players, this is the only way, or we could be second fiddle to chelsea for a long time yet.

remember we have been very consistent so far, but can we keep it up for the next 2/3 seasons?

Rafa....30m for Ronaldhinio please. :D
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:10 am

Do-one Hustler, no-one cares what you have to say.

Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:55 am

John Barnes wrote:if we want to be great again we need a top striker like van nistlerooy, rooney, or henry. someone of that calibre.

the biggest thing that strikes you when we play man utd, is the lack of fight from LFC players. If you look at the MAn Utd players, like giggs, keane, rooney etc etc, they are all fired up for a game like this. we need more "physical game players" like a greame souness, and thats what the likes of Alonso and sissoko dont posess.

although we look solid at the back, we dont often look like scoring much in games like all of the 0-0 games versus chelsea.

Do you think they spend 20m+ for players like Essien and drogba for a laugh? this is why they are sitting miles clear at the top. and this is why Rafa is badly mistaken if he thinks he can win the premiership on the cheap! (swap deals for kromkamp-the only reason rafa gave for signing him was a language barrier-krom couldnt speak spanish!)

We need big money for top drawer players, this is the only way, or we could be second fiddle to chelsea for a long time yet.

remember we have been very consistent so far, but can we keep it up for the next 2/3 seasons?

Rafa....30m for Ronaldhinio please. :D

You thick b*stard.

Regarding the actual thread, rather than the punk I've quoted - I agree with Stu 110%

I just cannot believe people are blind to the fact that all Fowler is lacking is a bit of fitness (which is coming), and sharpness (which comes with games).

All the talent for scoring is still there, and if he'd been here and injury free for this season, he'd quite probably be our top scorer.

What is it with people who think that a player who never relied on pace, is now finished because he has no pace!?! It's nonsense.
He has more talent than any of our current strikers, and would give more than ever before if we signed him back.

I guarantee you all that if we get him until the summer, and he stays free of injuries, Rafa will offer him a contract at the end of the season due to him out-scoring everyone in the club in the second-half of the season.

I f*cking bet you.
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby A.B. » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:06 am

John Barnes wrote:if we want to be great again we need a top striker like van nistlerooy, rooney, or henry. someone of that calibre.

the biggest thing that strikes you when we play man utd, is the lack of fight from LFC players. If you look at the MAn Utd players, like giggs, keane, rooney etc etc, they are all fired up for a game like this. we need more "physical game players" like a greame souness, and thats what the likes of Alonso and sissoko dont posess.

although we look solid at the back, we dont often look like scoring much in games like all of the 0-0 games versus chelsea.

Do you think they spend 20m+ for players like Essien and drogba for a laugh? this is why they are sitting miles clear at the top. and this is why Rafa is badly mistaken if he thinks he can win the premiership on the cheap! (swap deals for kromkamp-the only reason rafa gave for signing him was a language barrier-krom couldnt speak spanish!)

We need big money for top drawer players, this is the only way, or we could be second fiddle to chelsea for a long time yet.

remember we have been very consistent so far, but can we keep it up for the next 2/3 seasons?

Rafa....30m for Ronaldhinio please. :D

Lack of fight you say. I don't know what was the second half of the final of Istanbul, was that lack of fight for you? Alonso can dish out and take tackles, no problems. He doesn't have to be a dirty c#nt to be able to have a fight in him. Sissoko doesn't have it in him? The lad has fire in his belly, the only worry I have is that that fire will lead to a lot of red cards. But like Vieira and Gerrard, he will eventually learn.

Secondly, did you even watch the game on Sunday? Because the Mancs did not win due to fighting more than us, they won because they scored a goal in the last minute of the game. We fought for every ball for 89 minutes. We made the Mancs look like the away team at OT.

Do they spend 20 million for a laugh? They spent 20 million on Shauwn Wright Phillips and all that he's had so far is splinters up in his ar$e from the bench. So yes, they spend money because they can.

The initial bid for Essien was 10 million pounds. And if you seriously believe that Didier Drogba is worth 24 million pounds then you are seriously mistaken. They're miles ahead on the top ahead of everyone else because Mourinho recieves blank cheques. He can buy anyone for any amount. We can go out and spend 50 million and Chelsea will double that. We're behind because we don't have the same finances.

Can Benitez win the title without spending 200 million pounds? Yes I think we can. The fact that Benitez won the La Liga with a side that had no where near the amount of money the likes of Barca and Madrid have says it all. Benitez won the CL without spending millions and millions where as Chelsea have still yet to win the Champions League despite spending millions.

We haven't even spent the same amount as they have but have an equal defencive record. Obviously we need a striker that fits Rafa's plans alongside Crouch but it is all about progression. It takes time, Rome was not built in a day.

Benitez brought in Kromkamp because:
1. Josemi wanted to leave
2. He's better than Josemi
3. Had difficulty with the language barrier

You're writing off a player because he couldn't learn Spanish


Perhaps 30 million will buy you Ronaldinho on Championship Manager, but in real life his price tag is untouchable. Barca have no reason to sell and he has no reason to leave.

Do-one Hustler, no-one cares what you have to say.

Doesn't this lad ever give up? His posts are instantly recognizable
Last edited by A.B. on Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:19 am

And Kromkamp speaks fluent English - the language Rafa insists everyone speaks.

Hustler - you are the contents of a serial kebab-eater's unflushed toilet.

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Postby ivor_the_injun » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:42 am

I've written off the Man U result in the same way I wrote off the Sao Paolo result. Another game where we absolutely dominated, but paid for a lack of polish in the penalty area.

Rafa's been first rate at trimming the fat off the squad - letting guys like Josemi and Pellegrino go was spot on, because the squad was actually made worse by their presence, even if we were left shorter on cover without them (this was before Agger and Kromkamp arrived, obviously).

Now I think the time has come to look at our four strikers and make a difficult call. Mellor's moved on because - rightly - he was fifth choice. Crouch, for me, has been the best English striker this season apart from Rooney. Cisse, Morientes and Pongolle have all had their chances, and while all three have shown glimpses, they just haven't sustained the levels of performance we need to mount a really lethal attacking threat.

The question, then, is this - does our squad really benefit from having them all in it?

For me, Pongolle is safe, as he's pulled out top drawer performances in big games, and is young enough to be moulded into a better player.

Cisse has the youth, but not the same guile. To be fair his better performances have tended to be against lesser teams, and his lack of panache in front of goal is starting to look more the rule than the exception.

Morientes doesn't have the same benefit of youth, and should be better in this league than he has proved, but Rafa paid £6.3m for him - and unlike the case of Josemi - that's not the kind of money you can write off, even if he's not working out for us. Woefully, woefully anonymous and ineffectual in the majority of games he's started though.

We could probably sell Cisse tomorrow for £5-£6m. We could probably buy Robbie Fowler for £500,000.

Straightaway our squad would have been improved, and - at a stroke - £5m+ would be in the kitty to go towards the right-winger fund.

I know that some of you have your doubts, but look at it this way - Fowler has come back for Man City and has immediately shown composure in the box, sure touch but he still lacks a little fitness. Cisse has fitness, but has shown criminally poor touch and a glaring lack of killer instinct in front of goal.

Games will improve Robbie's fitness. The signs are starting to show that Cisse's flaws are permanent.

And we aren't talking about silly money to bring the lad in, and nor are we suggesting that he walk into the team. It would take f*cking buttons, and I'm at a loss as to why so many of you are blind to the logic of it.
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Postby el_stinger » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:51 am

John Barnes wrote:although we look solid at the back, we dont often look like scoring much in games like all of the 0-0 games versus chelsea.

What a load of utter stupidity! Go back to LFC.TV and post between the hours of 1am and 1.15am.

Biggest load of BS i've ever heard on here.  :no  :veryangry

What do you say about that last post Houllier??

Last edited by el_stinger on Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:11 am

He says "I was a complete tw*t to sell Fowler, and the only two jobs I deserve are the Man U one, and the Sh*tski one. The I can f*ck them up, get them relegated, and sell all their players for an equal number of semi-digested Dried Roasted Peanuts."

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Postby el_stinger » Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:16 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:He says "I was a complete tw*t to sell Fowler, and the only two jobs I deserve are the Man U one, and the Sh*tski one. The I can f*ck them up, get them relegated, and sell all their players for an equal number of semi-digested Dried Roasted Peanuts."

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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:23 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:He says "I was a complete tw*t to sell Fowler, and the only two jobs I deserve are the Man U one, and the Sh*tski one. The I can f*ck them up, get them relegated, and sell all their players for an equal number of semi-digested Dried Roasted Peanuts."

Respect Lando...

Postby John Barnes » Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:47 am


some of the characters in here, you have to laugh.

This is aimed at A.B.

Just because Rafa won la liga, doesnt mean he is destined to win the prem. What if he doesnt in 5 years? he is by no means GOD. the past does in no way influence the future.

First of all he needs to learn how to beat the big three in "6 pointer" games.

Since Rafa has been in charge to date:

Versus Arsenal:  Played: 2  Won:0   Drawn:1   Lost:1
Versus Man Utd  Played:4   Won:0   Drawn:2   Lost: 2
Versus Chelsea   Played:8   won:1   Drawn:5   Lost:2
(4 Champions league, 3 league, 1 Carling cup)

I think thats correct, im sure we lost at highbury last season.

So total:      P: 14   Won:1    Drawn:8    Lost: 5

Never mind the excuses "we should have won this game, we should have won that game, we had more chances, we had total possession" it's all cr*p. the fact is we didnt win.

If you want to win the title, you need to beat the teams around you.

I did watch the AC milan game, apart from the 15 minute spell second half when the "Miracle" happened, thereafter MIlan were the likely winners over 120 mins, and should have won with that shevchenko chance. I also thought Stevie Dived for the pen, he fell like he had been shot. and dudek was four yards off his line for the pirlo penalty.If they had been Milan incidents versus LFC I would have been fuming.

So lets not get into that.

And finally, people in here (stu the red and lando) talking of re-signing fowler. You've just proved you know nothing about football beyond all doubt.

I've had some laughs:
:D  :D
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Postby babu » Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:10 am

John Barnes wrote:Just because Rafa won la liga, doesnt mean he is destined to win the prem. What if he doesnt in 5 years? he is by no means GOD. the past does in no way influence the future.

Hi Hustler you muppet,

No one is saying Rafa is God .... yet. He will need to do similar things that Shanks and Co., did for the club.

How on earth can you say the past has no influence on the future? are you retarded?

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:17 am

John Barnes wrote::D

some of the characters in here, you have to laugh.

This is aimed at A.B.

Just because Rafa won la liga, doesnt mean he is destined to win the prem. What if he doesnt in 5 years? he is by no means GOD. the past does in no way influence the future.

First of all he needs to learn how to beat the big three in "6 pointer" games.

Since Rafa has been in charge to date:

Versus Arsenal:  Played: 2  Won:0   Drawn:1   Lost:1
Versus Man Utd  Played:4   Won:0   Drawn:2   Lost: 2
Versus Chelsea   Played:8   won:1   Drawn:5   Lost:2
(4 Champions league, 3 league, 1 Carling cup)

I think thats correct, im sure we lost at highbury last season.

So total:      P: 14   Won:1    Drawn:8    Lost: 5

Never mind the excuses "we should have won this game, we should have won that game, we had more chances, we had total possession" it's all cr*p. the fact is we didnt win.

If you want to win the title, you need to beat the teams around you.

I did watch the AC milan game, apart from the 15 minute spell second half when the "Miracle" happened, thereafter MIlan were the likely winners over 120 mins, and should have won with that shevchenko chance. I also thought Stevie Dived for the pen, he fell like he had been shot. and dudek was four yards off his line for the pirlo penalty.If they had been Milan incidents versus LFC I would have been fuming.

So lets not get into that.

And finally, people in here (stu the red and lando) talking of re-signing fowler. You've just proved you know nothing about football beyond all doubt.

I've had some laughs:
:D  :D

I take it Mellor didn't score the winning goal in the last minute last season Vs Arsenal then?

It must have been a very different injury-hit side that beat the reigning champions 2-1 with a first-half Alonso goal.

And Patrick Viera definately did NOT score after about 70 minutes.

Huh! My imagination, eh!?!  :no

I don't know why I post on here - it's obvious I don't know anything about LFC or football in general.  :sniffle
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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