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Postby Jari's mullet » Sat Sep 25, 2004 10:19 pm

he was awesome, he just pinged it about like a dream

he also wasn't afraid of getting stuck in when he had to, him and didi complimented his style of play
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Postby azriahmad » Sun Sep 26, 2004 4:50 am

An unnoticed part of his game was the Monaco match. Very little was said of Alonso who played the patient midfield partner to Gerrard by sitting back and letting Gerrard roam forward.

Great passer, better than Gerrard.
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Postby The_Rock » Sun Sep 26, 2004 4:51 am

fivecups wrote:
The_Rock wrote:I don't think real was that serious in buying him. I think real likes to buy players who are marketable instead of those who are talented. No wonder, they have more established forwards than defenders in their team.

They lost again tonight, and they were absolutely awful.

You can have all the talent you want (and they have), but if theres no direction, no understanding and no leadership, your still going to get hammered.

I think Rafa understands that.

This is wat u get when the chairman selects the team not the manager.
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Postby azriahmad » Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:09 am

Not qute right, Rock.

Their crazy Chairman buys the players who their manager/head coach did not ask for. The manager, in dire need of a defensive midfielder, instead has to make do with the players he does need and then given extra pressuer to make sure the newly signed galactcos will get some games, more often than not undeserved based on the then form, so that their marketing and merchandising value to the club is not diminished.

He shouldn't have sacked Del Bosqe who, although hardly a spectacular person, is a spectacular coach who can get the best out of his galacticos.
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Postby whylongball? » Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:09 am

azriahmad wrote:An unnoticed part of his game was the Monaco match. Very little was said of Alonso who played the patient midfield partner to Gerrard by sitting back and letting Gerrard roam forward.

Great passer, better than Gerrard.

"Great passer, better than Gerrard. "
and more patient, knowing when to make a short/long pass
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Postby anfieldadorer » Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:59 am

whylongball? wrote:and more patient,

exactly, his playing is more mature than Gerrard (who's more "wild"), however, Gerrard's vision for goal creation is a bit better than him.  Both are simply Class.
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Postby azriahmad » Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:55 pm

I'd like to see Alonso getting on the end of a great pass/move and score a couple of goals himself. Would do wonders for his confidence and fulfill Benithez's criteria of a midfield player who can help in the defending, pass well, create chances, works hard ans also score goals.
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Postby whylongball? » Sun Sep 26, 2004 1:27 pm

azriahmad wrote:I'd like to see Alonso getting on the end of a great pass/move and score a couple of goals himself. Would do wonders for his confidence and fulfill Benithez's criteria of a midfield player who can help in the defending, pass well, create chances, works hard ans also score goals.

not easy for him considering his accurate long passing skill...he won't be able to cover lots of space intime to support  :D  :;):
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Postby stmichael » Sun Sep 26, 2004 2:29 pm

best passer of a ball i've seen at anfield since big jan. the guy's football brain is extraordinary for one so young. i think gerrard could learn a lot off xabi alonso from watching him during his injury layoff. :)
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Postby A.B. » Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:00 pm

Great player but I don't want to jinx him with too much praising
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Postby LeRouge » Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:15 pm

the reporter on 5 live i think, said it was one best midfield performances he had ever seen in the premiership. was he that good or was that over the top.
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Postby JBG » Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:53 pm

A.B. wrote:Alonso is Gerrard's twin.

I'm not having a go at you A.B., but I disagree with your comment.

Alonso is a much different player from Gerrard. He is far more economical with his running and is far smarter player on the ball.

Of course, he doesn't have Gerrard's extraordianry power, but then, who has?

Its early days yet but I reckon I'm a good judge of a player, but from the early signs I'd say Alonso is a superior player to Gerrard.

However, when Stevie returns and the two of them gel (they already have showed signs that they will) then I think we will have the best central midfield partnership in the Premiership.

Another point which I think needs to be made is that Didi Hamman's last three performances have been excellent. The guy is starting to take responsibility on the ball and playing from the back which is a major, major improvement.
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Postby Scottbot » Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:00 pm

I agree that Hamman has been immense when given the nod so far this season. I think perhaps he had become pigeonholed into the role of 5th defender under the Houllier regime, although this is a role he performed very well, this season he looks more mobile, less inhibited and his passing has been more positive which is testament to the better movement going on around him this season. I just hope we can keep him an Xabi fit otherwise its Igor or Diao in there!
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Postby JBG » Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:04 pm

From what I have seen the new regime has given a lot of players a bit of a lift and the thought of Diao or Biscan playing doesn't depress me as it did last year.

All the same, I'm hoping Hamman and Alonso keep fit.
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Postby A.B. » Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:07 pm

John Barnes' Granny wrote:
A.B. wrote:Alonso is Gerrard's twin.

I'm not having a go at you A.B., but I disagree with your comment.

Alonso is a much different player from Gerrard. He is far more economical with his running and is far smarter player on the ball.

Of course, he doesn't have Gerrard's extraordianry power, but then, who has?

Its early days yet but I reckon I'm a good judge of a player, but from the early signs I'd say Alonso is a superior player to Gerrard.

However, when Stevie returns and the two of them gel (they already have showed signs that they will) then I think we will have the best central midfield partnership in the Premiership.

Another point which I think needs to be made is that Didi Hamman's last three performances have been excellent. The guy is starting to take responsibility on the ball and playing from the back which is a major, major improvement.

I was referring to his role in the midfield, Alonso dominates in the midfield just like Gerrard, that is what I ment by Alonso being Gerrard's twin.
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