Owens secret diary

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby kopite_1232002 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:15 pm

This mite be the wrong topic iv so someone plz move it. got this of a newcastle fourm

30th aug 2005

Well I eventually signed for Newcastle, not ideal but it's only a year I suppose. To be honest, Alan played a big part in it. After he rang me at 3 a.m. on Saturday Louise shouted "oh for gods sake, sign for them, I might be able to get some sleep!". Nice bloke Alan but he does drone on a bit.

Anyway there were loads of people taking my photograph when I signed, we were squashed in like sardines! Mr Shepherd in particular squeezed right up close to me, I could feel his glasses case in his trouser pocket against my leg. He gave me a big wink of encouragement; I think I'll enjoy working with him.

After that we went to the ground which is OK, not as good as the one where Madrid played (I never did figure out what it was called) and of course nothing like my beloved Anfield. I can't wait to go back there. Oops! Silly me, I'll be playing for the wrong team won't I! At least this year!

There were lots of fans there. I was on TV! Afterward every single one of the fans shuffled past and asked me for "10p for the bus home mister" It must be a tradition here.

Then I was straight off to the airport to go and meet up with Sven and the boys. Mr Shepherd took me in his big car. "Is Louise staying up here tonight?" he asked. I said she was, staying behind to look round for a house for us to stay in for the next year until I go to Liverpool. He patted me on the knee. "Don't worry son", he said. "I'll look after her tonight". What a nice man!

When I eventually got to the England camp I immediately made sure I'd been put in the same room with Jeeeenas (I think thats how Alan said it was spelt anyway). I've got so much to ask him about my new club! The poor lad has been sold to go to Spurs. I hear they've got so many midfielders now they have to share pegs in the changing room and sleep in the same bed on away trips!

He's a bit quiet though, is Jeeeenas. I couldn't seem to catch his eye at lunch, he kept staring at his plate. That nasty Stevie was poking fun at me, something about no more medals. I didn't get it. In the end I got annoyed and told him I'd seen a photo where his girlfriend looked like a banana; it's a good job I can run fast, he was really mad. I gave him the slip and went up to my room.

Eventually Jeeenas came up to bed. Just as he walked in the door my phone rang; it was Mr Shepherd! "Is Jeeenas there?" he asked. "Tell him Uncle Freddie just wants a quick word". I passed the phone over to Jeeenas, who sat down on the bed with a very funny expression on his face. I went to brush my teeth and when I came back Jeeenas was laid on his bed facing the wall. I think he was crying! I guess leaving a big club like Newcastle is a bit emotional for anyone. I decided to leave him alone for the night - I'll try and get some info out of him tomorrow.

1st September - 2 am!

I had a very odd dream just now that I was on the phone to Alan and he was telling me about his golf clubs that he keeps in an empty cabinet he's got at home. He was going on and on and on. Then I woke up and realised I was on the phone to him! He'd called and I must have picked it up in my sleep. He didn't seem to have noticed I wasn't talking back to him! "I've signed now Alan", I said. "You don't have to keep calling me now". "I know" he replied. Then he started going on about Kenny Dalglish and how funny he is. After a few minutes I pretended the line was going funny, rustled some paper next to the reciever to sound like interference and hung up. Nice of Alan to try and make me feel like one of the family though.

I noticed Jeeenas stirring and thought I must have disturbed him.Then I realised he was talking in his sleep. "No.. no.. no!", he murmured "No.. please Uncle Freddie!". He must have been having a nightmare about leaving Newcastle and calling for Mr Shepherd to come and save him. Poor lad. Nice how the younger lads call Mr Shepherd "Uncle".

As I lay back down and tried to nod off I heard a mobile ring upstairs in the posh suite where Becks gets to stay (he always got the good rooms at Madrid as well, him and Raul and the others, while me and Woody had to sleep in bunk beds sometimes). I could have sworn I heard Becks shout "I've told you Shearer... fook off!" then heard a sound like a phone being thrown across the room. Can't have been though, surely Alan doesn't just spend all night ringing other footballers up.

1st September

Thought I might as well write todays entry in here now as I've got to sit out training. Feels like my hamstrings have gone again. They were stiff when I woke up this morning. Bright and early as usual. Not as early as Jeeeenas though, who was gone when I woke up. To be honest I've felt like I could have problems with my hamstrings for a few days now. I mentioned it to Juan the Madrid trainer when I said I'd be going to Newcastle for a medical. He looked a bit concerned and arranged for a man to come and give me some injections in my legs. When I asked what this was for the man said something like 'Venganza para el Woodgate'. I don't speak Spanish but Juan just chuckled and said it was OK, just something to help me relax and make sure I didn't get stiff legs in the plane on the way to Newcastle. "You can't be too careful", he said. "You can get deep vein thrombosis and all sorts these days on planes". I've heard of that. Poor Mr Houllier had it in his eyes I think.

I was late getting down to breakfast, I spent ages trying to get hold of Louise on the phone. I guess she's been busy - Mr Shepherd has probably been taking her all over the place. The boys were all finishing off by the time I got there. Stinky Stevie and Jamie were sniggering to each other about something. Jamie is my friend, Stinky can bog off if he thinks he can nick him off me.

Then I went off to find Sven and give him my new phone number. He had been ringing me like mad the other night when I was at that big house talking to Mr Shepherd, Alan and his assistant Graeme. I'd excused myself to answer the call but only heard him say "Michael? Don't si.." when just at that moment Mr Shepherd accidentally knocked the phone out of my hand and into the beer glass he was reaching for. It was ruined! Not to worry though, Alan has given me one of his (he has several). I must ask him who this Craig person is that keeps texting me though, the messages are very odd.

The door to Sven's office was open when I got there and his big chair was facing out of the window. He was talking to himself - "going over tactics before the big game" I thought. Very commendable. "I've got the credentials" I think I heard him say. I cleared my throat but when the chair span round I got a shock! It wasn't Sven at all, but Mr McClaren! He looked a bit embarrassed, glanced at his watch then excused himself, saying he'd better get the cones put out. I'm not actually sure what he does apart from that and the half time oranges to be honest.

Shortly after, Sven came in. "Before you congratulate me on my move Sven", I said, "I've a special present from Mr Shepherd for you". I passed him the big brown envelope Mr Shepherd had handed me just as I got out of his car yesterday. "He said it's some specially framed photos from your last visit to Newcastle, and that he has plenty of copies for Nancy if she wants one". Sven opened the envelope and gasped. He was obviously overcome by Mr Shepherds generosity, there may have even been tears in his eyes! I tried to take a peek but he ushered me out of the office and shut the door behind me. I just remembered I didn't even get chance to give him my number!

Out on the training pitch and I was a bit miffed because I was put in the 'B' team. Just because I can't play on Saturday! Now I'm at a big team like Newcastle things had better change round here. Anyway I'd only been playing a couple of minutes when Stinky and Jamie got me in a sandwich. Ouch! That was my session over. I'll get my own back on Stinky, just see if I don't.

1st September - 8 pm

You know I've just realised that this horse racing diary I'm writing in has several pages missing. I had to look at the Sporting Life to check what day it is today. It was a christmas present from Robbie Fowler as well - how cheap can you get? And him with all that money.

Being away with England is very boring when you're injured. Tonight I wandered round trying to find things to do while everyone else prepared for the game. I popped down to 'Bobby Charltons' - the barbers - for a quick trim. It's a little known fact that the training camp has bits of it unofficially named after England players. After that I put a few pounds into the Paul Merson (fruit machine), had a go on the David James (playstation) and had a quick orange juice in the Bryan Robson (bar). For some reason Bryan also has the ladies toilets named after him. Of course theres been lots of England players over the years so there wasn't much left to put my name name on - I do hope that members of future England teams will remember me though as they jump off the Michael Owen diving board into the swimming pool.

Alan called again - he was out playing golf on his own and gave me a running commentary as he went round the course. I'd heard Alan had something in the training ground named after him but when I went to look for it it seems to have gone. Theres just a patch of bare wasteland there now - no interesting features at all.

From there I popped into the Darren Anderton (treatment room) and had a quick word with the staff. They've told me I may as well go home. I'll watch the match on TV - and I'll secretly be rooting for Wales to do well. Sven has been looking at playing one up front! I don't want young "grab a granny" nicking my place.

I rang Louise with the news. To my surprise Mr Shepherd answered her phone. He was just round the hotel dropping off some papers he said. He made a joke that he'd worn Louise out. I bet he has! Showing her all kinds of sights in our new city no doubt. He passed the phone over to her but she sounded a bit subdued to be honest. Probably didn't want to say too much in front of Mr Shepherd in case she embarrassed him, talking about all the stuff he's done for us. We've a lot to thank him for.

Before hanging up I spoke to Mr Shepherd again. He said that he'd arranged for all our stuff to be shipped over from Madrid - his brother has a warehouse he can store it in apparently, and as it's family he'll be able to get us a good deal. Smashing or what? He asked me to pop into his office and see him when I get back up there.

Went back to the room to pack. Jeeenas has gone! He didn't turn up for training and looks like he's taken all his stuff. All that was left was a magazine on his bed - I had a look and it had pictures of men in it with no clothes on! Crikey! It must have been left there by the cleaner. I do hope Jeeenas didn't think it was mine.
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Postby drummerphil » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:16 pm

i posted this months ago
my reason for living


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Postby BOODIDDY » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:25 pm

great read. i wonder what the 26th of dec says?
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Postby mighty mo » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:25 pm

yeah i remember this before,was it your creation phil
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Postby dawson99 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:28 pm

Owen Diary

26 Diary

Bollox, i have ruined my career signing for a team where the manager still wants shearer to play for ANOTHER year. and titus bramble smells and is rubbish

:p :laugh:
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Postby mighty mo » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:30 pm

dawson99 wrote:Owen Diary

26 Diary

Bollox, i have ruined my career signing for a team where the manager still wants shearer to play for ANOTHER year. and titus bramble smells and is rubbish

:p :laugh:

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Postby kopite_1232002 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:36 pm

drummerphil wrote:i posted this months ago

sorry drummer only just come across it now. ment no harm
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Postby drummerphil » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:39 pm

kopite_1232002 wrote:
drummerphil wrote:i posted this months ago

sorry drummer only just come across it now. ment no harm

no problem matey,there will be loads of people who havent seen it before.
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Postby zarababe » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:47 pm

dawson99 wrote:Owen Diary

26 Diary

Bollox, i have ruined my career signing for a team where the manager still wants shearer to play for ANOTHER year. and titus bramble smells and is rubbish

:p :laugh:

:D or "where Titus Bramble gets a huge roar when coming on..  :down: oh the woes of betraying Liverpool FC  :down:




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Postby kopite_1232002 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:50 pm

newcastle have got big problems there. the squad they have got should be challaging the gunners for 4th
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Postby drummerphil » Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:04 pm

kopite_1232002 wrote:newcastle have got big problems there. the squad they have got should be challaging the gunners for 4th

the problem is Souness.....nothing more
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Postby Dundalk » Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:57 pm

well maybe because the money is there
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:40 pm

December 27th.

"Woke up after a terrible nightmare. I dreamt I had signed for Newcastle.....oh wait.....erm....damn".

Last edited by The Manhattan Project on Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
china syndrome 80512640 reactor meltdown fusion element
no uniquely indefinable one 5918 identification unknown 113
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:25 pm

That's brilliant.  I hadn't saw that before.

Postby kopite_1232002 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:56 pm

jamie and stinky lol
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