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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:09 pm

Greavesie wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:Circle the wagons boys and girls and stick together like clue. We are Liverpool football club and we fight injustice to our own . F.uck the press , f.uck sky , f.uck ferguson , f.uck evra and f.uck the FA F.UCK THEM ALL AND FIGHT OUR CORNER, FIGHT FOR KENNY AND FIGHT FOR SUAREZ

as much as I want to applaud this...

...we can't. In doing so we alienate others. I absolutely love being part of Liverpool FC but the way we're being destroyed at the moment isn't good for anyone. Everyone across the world will have their idea of us now and the trouble is the 'r' word sticks, it's hard to remove - the more we fight the more mud will get thrown in our direction. We really could be without the seige mentality, I fully believe all of this should be reversed as soon as is pracitcable and we start talking about Liverpool FC in a footballing context

Ok then , we'll just lie down , get shafted by fergie and the press and the FA and take it like the bitch of a club them mancs think we are. Better . I'd of hated to be with you in the trenches greivsie lad
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Postby mistyred » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:10 pm

dawson99 wrote:
mistyred wrote:I'm gonna have my say so far i haven't really said anything.

Firstly i'm Black, and i can tell you this is all a load of sh it, so what he said "Negro" when i go to spain they say "Negro" they smile and shake my hand i understand what language barriers are all about.

The word Negro coming from Suarez  is by no means as offensive as "Black C unt" coming from Terry, if anybody thinks it is they need a darker suntan.

When an English speaking born and bred English man makes a blatant racist reference to somebody's colour be it white black chinese indian, they know what the frigg they are doing.

Barnes is 100% right it's all a loud of to ss, i wouldn't shake Evra's hand because he's a slimey two faced  t wat (it's in his eyes study them), i would rather kick his face in.

You think whiskey nose gives a sh it, Rooney the prostitute shagging while his wife was pregnant tw at,Giggs the wife of his brother f ucking re tard,Cantona the kung fu king fan basher,Keane the leg breaking
end your career in football wan ker and all while under the guidance of Ferguson give me a break.

Lot's more disgusting things have happened in football, this is the fA's way of brushing the 80's under the carpet.

Liverpool have will be here when we are all dead and gone i wouldn't worry to much he didn't do a Terry and
there wasn't one Banana in sight.

Just my humble opinion.

You're black?!?!

humble opinion it may be but you are bang on the money mate

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Postby aCe' » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:11 pm

supersub wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
aCe' wrote:Im sick of this. Suarez is childish, deserved his ban, should have shook hands with Evra, and shouldnt have booted the ball the way he did at half time. That said, the reaction to the whole thing is way overboard. The media were always going to pick up on it and it was always going to cause some more negative publicity in our direction. The fans however should know better imo. Calling for Suarez to be suspended further or for him and Kenny to be sacked from the club over this are just crazy. Like many have pointed out the whole handshake thing isnt a big deal in football. Sure people will talk about it for a few days but thats as far as it should go imo. Ferdinand did the same for Suarez and no one seems to give that a mention. Evra's actions at the end of the game and reportedly during half time are far worse than what Suarez did on the night and even then I dont think anything should be made of them.

This whole PR thing is something I thought we should have worked on from the day the Suarez racism thing came to light. The players AND Kenny dont seem to know what to say or how to act when asked the hard questions and thats always going to put us under unneeded pressure.

top post and totally agree

not surprised you 2 are in agreement :laugh:

If you wanna be a naive fck about things then go right ahead sunshine. Its idiots like you who b!tch about the media being biased against us yet refuse to see any wrongdoing on our behalf. Hypocrisy at its best.
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:11 pm

mistyred wrote:I'm gonna have my say so far i haven't really said anything.

Firstly i'm Black, and i can tell you this is all a load of sh it, so what he said "Negro" when i go to spain they say "Negro" they smile and shake my hand i understand what language barriers are all about.

The word Negro coming from Suarez  is by no means as offensive as "Black C unt" coming from Terry, if anybody thinks it is they need a darker suntan.

When an English speaking born and bred English man makes a blatant racist reference to somebody's colour be it white black chinese indian, they know what the frigg they are doing.

Barnes is 100% right it's all a loud of to bs, i wouldn't shake Evra's hand because he's a slimey two faced  t wat (it's in his eyes study them), i would rather kick his face in.

You think whiskey nose gives a sh it, Rooney the prostitute shagging while his wife was pregnant tw at,Giggs the wife of his brother f ucking re tard,Cantona the kung fu king fan basher,Keane the leg breaking
end your career in football wan ker and all while under the guidance of Ferguson give me a break.

Lot's more disgusting things have happened in football, this is the FA's way of brushing the 80's under the carpet.

Liverpool have and will still be here when we are all dead and gone i wouldn't worry to much he didn't do a Terry and
there wasn't one Banana in sight.

Just my humble opinion.

Amen to that misty lad  :bowdown  :buttrock  :bowdown
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Postby aCe' » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:13 pm

Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has today issued the following apology:

"I have spoken with the Manager since the game at Old Trafford and I realise I got things wrong.

"I've not only let him down, but also the Club and what it stands for and I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I regret what happened.

"I should have shaken Patrice Evra's hand before the game and I want to apologise for my actions.

"I would like to put this whole issue behind me and concentrate on playing football."
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:13 pm

just because some other posters have a different view to things, they aren't supporters of the club. this whole fiasco HAS tarnished our image, and yesterday's incident further tarnished our image. every party, from Kenny to Fergie, Suarez and Evra, and especially the PFA, FA and media played their part in this. right now, the club needs to do some damage control. the PR dept sure has one helluva mess on their hands now. having said that, f.uck Evra and Manure Utd.
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:15 pm

aCe' wrote:Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has today issued the following apology:

"I have spoken with the Manager since the game at Old Trafford and I realise I got things wrong.

"I've not only let him down, but also the Club and what it stands for and I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I regret what happened.

"I should have shaken Patrice Evra's hand before the game and I want to apologise for my actions.

"I would like to put this whole issue behind me and concentrate on playing football."

that just makes it worse in my view. Stand by your convictions at least.

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Postby Greavesie » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:15 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:
Greavesie wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:Circle the wagons boys and girls and stick together like clue. We are Liverpool football club and we fight injustice to our own . F.uck the press , f.uck sky , f.uck ferguson , f.uck evra and f.uck the FA F.UCK THEM ALL AND FIGHT OUR CORNER, FIGHT FOR KENNY AND FIGHT FOR SUAREZ

as much as I want to applaud this...

...we can't. In doing so we alienate others. I absolutely love being part of Liverpool FC but the way we're being destroyed at the moment isn't good for anyone. Everyone across the world will have their idea of us now and the trouble is the 'r' word sticks, it's hard to remove - the more we fight the more mud will get thrown in our direction. We really could be without the seige mentality, I fully believe all of this should be reversed as soon as is pracitcable and we start talking about Liverpool FC in a footballing context

Ok then , we'll just lie down , get shafted by fergie and the press and the FA and take it like the bitch of a club them mancs think we are. Better . I'd of hated to be with you in the trenches greivsie lad

I know Igor and I admire your mentality but this has been getting me down for ages. It's as if any move this club makes is the wrong one. We won't win. I just don't feel we can fight this and come out with any glory. I've defended Suarez to the hilt and will absolutely continue to do so mate. I genuinely believe Suarez has done little wrong in terms of the negro issue and all of that, I think the witch hunt is bang out of order and I'll fight against that every step of the way.

But the way we've handled it has been a PR disaster. I appreciate sticking to our principles I do but FSG bought this club as a business and want to appeal to as many people as possible, I bet in no way they want this club's name dragged through the mud in the manner it is.

I'm fighting for Suarez and defending him, but too many people have their minds made up and it's proper depressing listening to people who are so sure of themselves that he's guilty and then they all turn into Sepp Blatter by saying 'it would have been solved with the hand shake'. It's all hugely ironic  :D
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Postby metalhead » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:15 pm

Reg wrote:Evening MH.  :laugh:

Shame we didnt watch teh match together, that would have been fun!

Not so sure in this modern age you can circle the wagons and still attract the right sort of player and backing.

Evening mate, how's Singapore? god I would love to go back and visit :D

I don't agree Reg, you get players who have controversies, but it doesn't mean we should sell him if he isn't the ''right'' sort of player. There is no such thing as a perfect player, or a saint. Look at Manchester United, Ferdinand was found guilty of taking illigal drugs, Cantona karate kicked a fan, its even worse than abusing a player on the pitch in my book, Wayne Rooney and Giggs had off field matters that shook their club, but does it really matter? These players showed their quality on the pitch and won major honors with their club with controversies looming over them, I expect the same with Suarez, I want him to do the talking on the pitch and ignore the media bile. You might tell me that they ''represent the club and should show respect'', well its the 21st century and Football has evolved to a large extent. Do you agree that Suarez is one of the best players this club has or not? does he offer more than our current players? is he good enough for a title winning team? Ask yourself these questions, forget about his temper, or his troublemaking incidents.
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Postby woof woof ! » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:20 pm

mistyred wrote:Firstly i'm Black,  when i go to spain they say "Negro" they smile and shake my hand i understand what language barriers are all about.

Sorry can't accept this.

Knowing Misty the way we do I can't believe that when he goes to Spain the word "Negro" isn't prefaced by the words "F*ck Off"


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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:21 pm

dawson99 wrote:
aCe' wrote:Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has today issued the following apology:

"I have spoken with the Manager since the game at Old Trafford and I realise I got things wrong.

"I've not only let him down, but also the Club and what it stands for and I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I regret what happened.

"I should have shaken Patrice Evra's hand before the game and I want to apologise for my actions.

"I would like to put this whole issue behind me and concentrate on playing football."

that just makes it worse in my view. Stand by your convictions at least.

There are definately higher powers at work here

Attempt by the club and suarez to draw a line under the matter . We'll see hey comrades/
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Postby metalhead » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:23 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
aCe' wrote:Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has today issued the following apology:

"I have spoken with the Manager since the game at Old Trafford and I realise I got things wrong.

"I've not only let him down, but also the Club and what it stands for and I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I regret what happened.

"I should have shaken Patrice Evra's hand before the game and I want to apologise for my actions.

"I would like to put this whole issue behind me and concentrate on playing football."

that just makes it worse in my view. Stand by your convictions at least.

There are definately higher powers at work here

Attempt by the club and suarez to draw a line under the matter . We'll see hey comrades/

Basically, heard FSG aren't happy with how the incident blew way out of proportion and not happy with how Manager/Players handled it.
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Postby aCe' » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:24 pm

dawson99 wrote:
aCe' wrote:Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has today issued the following apology:

"I have spoken with the Manager since the game at Old Trafford and I realise I got things wrong.

"I've not only let him down, but also the Club and what it stands for and I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I regret what happened.

"I should have shaken Patrice Evra's hand before the game and I want to apologise for my actions.

"I would like to put this whole issue behind me and concentrate on playing football."

that just makes it worse in my view. Stand by your convictions at least.

There are definately higher powers at work here

Two wrongs dont make a right. I have no problems with him refusing the handshake but with everything that has gone on over the past couple of months ending with him kicking the ball at the dugout and Evra's celebration something needed to be done to get the side focused on football again and not off-field matters. Whether you like it or agree with it or not, the club's reputation has taken a hit with everything that gone on in recent times and the manager of all people hasnt come out of it looking that great. I'm not sure if he genuinely didnt know what happened regarding the handshake thing or not but his interview suggested that he didnt see it coming.

His apology is a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned. Hes a big player for us and we need him at his best, and to be honest we can do without all the media scrutiny atm.
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Postby metalhead » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:27 pm

Liverpool Managing Director Ian Ayre has today released the following statement.

"We are extremely disappointed Luis Suarez did not shake hands with Patrice Evra before yesterday's game. The player had told us beforehand that he would, but then chose not to do so.

"He was wrong to mislead us and wrong not to offer his hand to Patrice Evra. He has not only let himself down, but also Kenny Dalglish, his teammates and the Club. It has been made absolutely clear to Luis Suarez that his behaviour was not acceptable.

"Luis Suarez has now apologised for his actions which was the right thing to do. However, all of us have a duty to behave in a responsible manner and we hope that he now understands what is expected of anyone representing Liverpool Football Club."
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Postby mistyred » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:28 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
mistyred wrote:Firstly i'm Black,  when i go to spain they say "Negro" they smile and shake my hand i understand what language barriers are all about.

Sorry can't accept this.

Knowing Misty the way we do I can't believe that when he goes to Spain the word "Negro" isn't prefaced by the words "F*ck Off"


Woof come on mate i'm trying to make a point  :D
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