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Postby Thommo's perm » Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:03 am

BKrimmel wrote:Evra shouldn't be ashamed for reporting what he felt Luis said to him. Racism has no place in society nor in football.

When Luis refused to shake Evra's hand, I don't think he was thinking about racism. I don't think he was thinking at all. It was an incredibly stupid move. It embarrassed me. It embarrassed me so much that I am now sure I will never again wear my Luis Suarez Kit.

Luis apology seemed appropriate, but it will not fix the problem. Luis has severely damaged his reputation and brought shame to this club and this sport.

I will always remain loyal to my club, but I am not sure if I can remain loyal to Luis. He has a lot of work to do to get me again to sing his name. And that work has nothing to do with scoring goals or winning matches.

How old are you? Seriously, grow up
Suarez has been ignorant in all of this by not understanding how our enemies have been looking for the perfect excuse to attack us. Stupid, probably, but to punish him and demonise him the way the media has is Fu*king disgraceful and far worse than anything he has done.
If only. if only....KK has to take the majority of the blame in all of this as he should have known better. His stubborness and unwillingness to play the game brought the full fury of the vile FA and the press down on us.
However, these people are hypocritical gobsh'ites and I wouldnt give a shiny sh'it about what they think or say and neither should you. This will hopefully go away soon and some decent performances and some wins will get us back on track. If you want to hate someone for damaging our reputation and bringing shame on LFC then look no further than Evra the cu'nt and the purple nosed tw@t who backed him.
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:54 am

Back in October the day this all kicked off I was on my way to Spain so missed the whole game, but I phoned me mum from the airport to see how the game was going she said Evra had kicked off over the coin toss.  Just before take off I rang back she said we should have won and Henderson should have bagged a couple.

The following day she joined us in Spain and said Suarez is in a bit of trouble Evra said to Canal+France that Luis had called him a n*gger 10 times.........Oh dear.

Anyway we enjoyed our weeks holiday away from TV and internet.  Thought it would probably be all sorted out that could be no further than the truth 5 months on its worse than ever. 

Conrad Murray the man who killed Michael Jackson the worlds greatest pop icon didnt get this much coverage, even Fred & Rose West Englands worse serial killers that story dissappeared from the news and back pages within a week.

Murray lied to the police as did The Wests, as did Evra to the FA & Canal+ the only thing that matters here is Patrice Evra forget these cold blooded killers, what Luis Suarez did or did not do is more important than these cold blooded killers.

If you read the FA report Evra actually made comments about Suarez's sister's vagina for some reason? Luis didnt hear him but Kuyt did but no one heard n*gger 10 times, not even Evra as he claimed back in October that he did.  So he changes his story again, and again, and again.

It proves one thing that Patrice Evra is a liar and wanted to get a fellow pro into hot water because said fellow pro runs rings around him on a football pitch.  So he pulls out the race card to get said fellow pro banned so he doesnt have to face him in the next fixture.

Isnt it strange that Evra did not mention anything to the referee during the 90 odd minutes of football about Luis racially abusing him?

Instead he goes into the changies makes up a story to that arl p!ssed up bitter b@stard and gets frog marched into the officials changing rooms, where the officials probably got more than a hairdryer thrown at them and where probably told to make sure Luis Suarez never plays for Liverpool Football Club ever again.

A few months earlier he said Suarez was a diver then his wineclub buddies Moyes & Co toe the partyline and say the same thing.  Rewind 12 months ago when he said the same thing about Fernando Torres but there was noway The Owl was sticking up for his player rather than fall out with his wine drinking buddy.

Because good old uncle Roy was not a threat to him, he was probably laughing his fuckin head off the minute Hodgson got the Liverpool job, he used to be at war with Wenger cause he was a threat, Mancini & even Mourhino where wise never to take him on because you will never win.

Look at the "Beyond The Pale" comment when we beat Bolton another one of his wine club collegue's that fat headed gobsh!te Allardyce.  What did that game have to do with fergie? Why stick his purple bulbus nose in for actions what Rafa did on the touch line to Alonso meaning they dont listen.  No this arl kunt made sure that the man who won us No5 and dared to take him on would be gone from these shores with the help of the press and his wine club buddies.

Rafa didnt have a rant he wasnt cracking up all he done was tell the truth about this evil, bitter dispicable man, thats all he is.  And he rules English football and the FA and you will NEVER win against him NEVER, take him on you get banned from Old Trafford, take him on and he refuses to give any more interviews, take him on and you could lose your job.  So its best to sit in silence and let him do what he wants.

Exhibit 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XPinFCIM3Q&feature=related

They even have a song for it THEY DO WHAT THEY WANT!!!

But Kenny is a different ball game he calls him Fergie when the rest of them bow down before him and kiss his feet with the Sir Alex bollox, Kenny knows this fecking bulling inside out and fergie doesnt like that he is back at Liverpool they actually despise each other.  And once Kenny was back and Liverpool where armed with one of the best players in the world and would become a threat to knocking him off his fucking perch he made sure that was not going to happen.

So the best thing to do is get rid of one of the best players in the world and disrupt our entire season in the process.
You have to hand it to him he's played a blinder and we have fallen for it and been done up like a kipper.

Suarez admitted to calling Evra a negro in other parts of the world this is not racisist or offensive but in England this is worse than a serial killer, terrorist, or mass murderer.
Pat Nevin on saturday Suarez bit a players ear off :laugh: did he Pat? when was that? you mean the player he bit on the neck didnt break the skin and they walked off the pitch hugging each other?  yes I am sure I would hug someone walking off a pitch after him bitting my ear off aswell.

Then we had George Galloway ”If Dalglish doesn’t sack Luis Suarez the Home Secretary should deport him.”
Yes George lets deport him for not shaking a mans hand who has ruined his entire career and has him branded as the worlds biggest racist, meanwhile back in London Al Quaeda's next Osama Bin Laden cannot be deported.

And finally Luis Suarez is as bad as General Pinocet yes thats right Thats what The Guardian headlines where on sunday !!!

I havent finished with my rant yet will grab a coffee then finish it off

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Postby supersub » Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:06 am

Hi Lynds,
you go and grab a coffee and settle in...I'm glad to see you back...There's plenty of truths in that rant of yours, although the " Henderson should have bagged a couple" is a stretching the imagination.
Last edited by supersub on Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby jacdaniel » Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:39 am

Lets just win the Carling Cup and shut all the C.unts up!
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:01 am

In hindsight kenny should have said on saturday morning listen Luis I know you want to play but I am leaving you behind in liverpool. Or even left him on the bench to avoid the handshakegate, my own opinion is Luis was going to shake his hand and once he came face to face with the lying b@stard he couldnt bring himself to do it.  And if I was him I would'nt either.

In hindsight the t-shirts where all a bit cheesy and we shouldnt have done that either, not because we didnt back Luis just because thats all they where a bit mingy.

But the biggest fuck up Liverpool made was not getting a PR person in since Ian Cotton departed we havent replaced him, Kenny is our manager not our spokesperson and Comolli is French and look at the trouble we have got into through things being lost in translation from that other French fella  :glare:

And Ayre's comments 5 months on, on the offal on sunday where pathetic and a disgrace and the appoligies ohhhhhh the shame.  I cringed at them.

John Henrys coming over this week and he must be told in no uncertain terms what we are up against down the East Lancs Road.  LFC need to look for a PR spokesman immediatley because this isnt over not by a longshot and it needs to be.

Because they all smell blood and we have exposed ourselves as being weak something I never believed Liverpool football Club would do.

Manchester United have excepted our appoligy well thank you, its very nice of you. Fuck off  :angry:

Being a scouser Everton have always been my number 1 rival I disliked United but not on the same level as some of our fans do. I hate their songs about us, but also hate Evertons songs about us, I dont mix with United fans I have none in my family but know loads of Evertonains and have plenty of bitter b@stards in my family.

Even when they won No19 it really didnt bother me,  but this whole debarcle has put United head and shoulders above my hatred for Everton.  Dont get me wrong Ive always known what he is an evil bitter old bully.  But come on now who the fuck does he think he is telling another football club who can and cannot play for them?

Why is he aloud to get away with these comments?  Why arnt LFC kicking up a fuss about it?  Would The Redsox allow such comments from The Yankies? If not then NESV cannot allow Fergie to get away with it either.  Kenny is probably absolutly livid about it and what was poor Kenny made to do?
Say Sorry !!!

Thats not from the Liverpool I grew up loving and they where not kennys words as we all know he doesnt give two sh!ts about SKY or Geoff Shreeves it must have killed him having his name attatched to some half @rse appoligy on the offal and it was another massive balls up from Liverpool Football club.

Who have handled the whole situation from day 1 distatrously.

One thing I learned from saturday's debacle was the amount of spiltters in our support/fan base, you are every bit as bad if not worse than SKY, you do not represent Liverpool Football Club with your towing the line opinions, so please do not go on radio phone ins and forums and proclaim The Liverpool Way.

What I have read, seen and heard this week has been disgracefull and its shocked me it should'nt have shocked me with the treatment Rafa got from so called Liverpool fans at a time when your club needs you, you agree that Suarez should be sold and never play for LFC again and take your side but not our side no thats to PC you believe what is being said by fergie, your Man United mates and SKY you lap it up like its the gospel.  You slate Kenny how fucking dare you !!! Kenny has done more for this club than anyone.

I cannot believe some of our fans want Suarez & Kenny out?  its absolutley shocking, sickening infact, these are the same people that told us to shut up over Hicks & Gillet that everything in the garden was rosy, and it was that nasty SOS bunch causing trouble.

Hasnt history taught you nothing if something doesnt feel right then it probably isnt.  And you dont need to be Einstein to work out what Ferguson and the media are up to with this Suarezgate, yet you believe them rather than your own, rather by sticking to one of your own you abondon him and liverpool football Club to spout your utter drivel on 5live & talksport do you get a kick out of it? Knowing that kenny, the players and fans are listening? What do you get out of it? seriously I want to know !!! You dont do the club or fans any favours what so ever, infact you make things 10 times worse.

We are hated in England for our past success most of these pundits played when we where winning everything so they still hold a grudge, so therefore their opinions are swayed because of it they dont need the help of some of our so-called fans and ex players agreeing with them, people are entitled to their opinions even if they differ from mine but please dont go on phone ins expressing them in a negative manor keep it behind closed doors because you are not helping our situation what so ever.

The problem is the want it all and now generation can't be arsed with any turmoil and blame the wrong people and since this Suarezgate our form has been terrible we are 16th in the form table, so for things to improve on the pitch we have to get back to what's important and thats winning matches and for that to happen we need everyone behind us not splitters that when the going get's tough they split.
Dont give the media any more ammunition they have had enough from us already.

This is not about racism this is about LIVERPOOL & UINTED!!!
Get behind Kenny, Luis and Liverpool football club but don't sing "You'll never walk alone" when you make them "Walk alone" when times are tough. 

Liverpool as a City has never backed down to no one we have been through tougher times than this and me and many others are not prepared to let Sir Alex ferguson, The FA, and anyone else walk all over us and back down? NEVER !!!!
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Postby devaney » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:44 am

Ciggy just who the fk do you think you are telling other supporters what to do? Just go back and have a look at the bile you wrote about Hodgson before a ball was even kicked under his tenure as manager. He was never my choice of manager and like everybody else I was glad to see the back of him but don't preach to Liverpool fans about YNWA. At least I gave Hodgson a chance unlike the likes of you who seem to think you are some special kind of supporter.
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Postby metalhead » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:53 am

Well said Ciggy *applause*  :bowdown  :buttrock

At times like these we need everyone together not divided
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:57 am

supersub wrote:Hi Lynds,
you go and grab a coffee and settle in...I'm glad to see you back...There's plenty of truths in that rant of yours, although the " Henderson should have bagged a couple" is a stretching the imagination.

Hi Kev had my coffee, well me mum said Henderson could have bagged a couple in the last 15  :D
I only popped in for a rant wont be staying around as the usual suspects prefer a Ciggy free forum ciggy bans everywhere these days   :;):

Hope you and the family are ok and enjoy Wembley  :cool:
Last edited by Ciggy on Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

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Postby supersub » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:00 pm

Ciggy wrote:
supersub wrote:Hi Lynds,
you go and grab a coffee and settle in...I'm glad to see you back...There's plenty of truths in that rant of yours, although the " Henderson should have bagged a couple" is a stretching the imagination.

Hi Kev had my coffee, well me mum said Henderson could have bagged a couple in the last 15  :D
I only popped in for a rant wont be staying around as the usual suspects prefer a Ciggy free forum ciggy bans everywhere these days   :;):

Hope you and the family are ok and enjoy Wembley  :cool:

family and myself doing just fine....

wembley jaunty will be great

don't let the b'stewards grind you down ...always welcome on this site so don't be making any excuses to stay away  :D
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:18 pm

supersub wrote:don't let the b'stewards grind you down ...always welcome on this site so don't be making any excuses to stay away  :D

My rambunctious attitude combined with wit, charm and an overly-generous dollop of good looks and good fortune often results in young ciggy bringing out the worse from some Newkitters.

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There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:22 pm

devaney wrote:Ciggy just who the fk do you think you are telling other supporters what to do? Just go back and have a look at the bile you wrote about Hodgson before a ball was even kicked under his tenure as manager. He was never my choice of manager and like everybody else I was glad to see the back of him but don't preach to Liverpool fans about YNWA. At least I gave Hodgson a chance unlike the likes of you who seem to think you are some special kind of supporter.

to me the general theme of her post seems to be lets circle the wagons and stick together, i dont see whats so wrong about that sentiment mate.
we`ve just seen probably after bill shankly the greatest figure in our entire history have to get on his knee`s and offer a grovelling apology to the likes of the press, sky, manchester united and alex ferguson just because he has done what he has always done - back this club and it`s players.
i`m not sure what more you want mate?
how would you like to read about the history of this club and then find that shanks had to get on his knee`s and grovel to the people that have been putting the boot into this club and city for years?
dalglish is more than a manager, he was the figurehead of this club through our darkest days, when the whole world was kicking f##k out of the club and the city in the thatcher days when it when it was in vogue to have a go at anything to do with liverpool kenny stood up for us.
the press and ferguson must have been dreaming about kenny having to grovel to them for years but they must have thought that it was never going to happen.
i still cant believe the club let him apologise even if he wanted to, obviously no one at the club has got a clue about the history of this club.

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Postby supersub » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:28 pm

yckatbjywtbiastkamb wrote:
devaney wrote:Ciggy just who the fk do you think you are telling other supporters what to do? Just go back and have a look at the bile you wrote about Hodgson before a ball was even kicked under his tenure as manager. He was never my choice of manager and like everybody else I was glad to see the back of him but don't preach to Liverpool fans about YNWA. At least I gave Hodgson a chance unlike the likes of you who seem to think you are some special kind of supporter.

to me the general theme of her post seems to be lets circle the wagons and stick together, i dont see whats so wrong about that sentiment mate.
we`ve just seen probably after bill shankly the greatest figure in our entire history have to get on his knee`s and offer a grovelling apology to the likes of the press, sky, manchester united and alex ferguson just because he has done what he has always done - back this club and it`s players.
i`m not sure what more you want mate?
how would you like to read about the history of this club and then find that shanks had to get on his knee`s and grovel to the people that have been putting the boot into this club and city for years?
dalglish is more than a manager, he was the figurehead of this club through our darkest days, when the whole world was kicking f##k out of the club and the city in the thatcher days when it when it was in vogue to have a go at anything to do with liverpool kenny stood up for us.
the press and ferguson must have been dreaming about kenny having to grovel to them for years but they must have thought that it was never going to happen.
i still cant believe the club let him apologise even if he wanted to, obviously no one at the club has got a clue about the history of this club.

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Postby supersub » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:30 pm

Ciggy wrote:
supersub wrote:don't let the b'stewards grind you down ...always welcome on this site so don't be making any excuses to stay away  :D

My rambunctious attitude combined with wit, charm and an overly-generous dollop of good looks and good fortune often results in young ciggy bringing out the worse from some Newkitters.

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore  :nod

lynds hope you can get yourself to Wembley for a good old chinwag and lashings of ginger beer :)
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Postby Igor Zidane » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:50 pm

Top post lynds and what a way to come back . Ignore that devaney ,you know he's a first class pleb . Mr mocking bird dude has it spot on aswell , good to see you back posting aswell lash .

DEVANEY , HODGSON NEVER WAS AND NEVER WILL BE AN LFC MANAGER . He deserved everything that we threw at him the owl faced c.unt ..

Keep posting newkitters the site is awakening from it's slumber and starting to get interesting again .  :buttrock
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Postby metalhead » Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:12 pm

yckatbjywtbiastkamb wrote:
devaney wrote:Ciggy just who the fk do you think you are telling other supporters what to do? Just go back and have a look at the bile you wrote about Hodgson before a ball was even kicked under his tenure as manager. He was never my choice of manager and like everybody else I was glad to see the back of him but don't preach to Liverpool fans about YNWA. At least I gave Hodgson a chance unlike the likes of you who seem to think you are some special kind of supporter.

to me the general theme of her post seems to be lets circle the wagons and stick together, i dont see whats so wrong about that sentiment mate.
we`ve just seen probably after bill shankly the greatest figure in our entire history have to get on his knee`s and offer a grovelling apology to the likes of the press, sky, manchester united and alex ferguson just because he has done what he has always done - back this club and it`s players.
i`m not sure what more you want mate?
how would you like to read about the history of this club and then find that shanks had to get on his knee`s and grovel to the people that have been putting the boot into this club and city for years?
dalglish is more than a manager, he was the figurehead of this club through our darkest days, when the whole world was kicking f##k out of the club and the city in the thatcher days when it when it was in vogue to have a go at anything to do with liverpool kenny stood up for us.
the press and ferguson must have been dreaming about kenny having to grovel to them for years but they must have thought that it was never going to happen.
i still cant believe the club let him apologise even if he wanted to, obviously no one at the club has got a clue about the history of this club.

good post mate
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