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Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 7_Kewell » Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:55 pm

parchpea wrote:Suarez has apologised to the manager, club and his team mates and not to Evra. He will never apologise to Evra and Evra will not be offering anyting in return either.

The handshake was a gesture for the greater good, for Liverpool FC and all that goes with being an employee of the football club.

Unfortunately, despite agreeing to shake the hand with his employers he chose not to see it through, heaping yet more misery and grief upon everyone connected with the football club.

He has clearly had a bollocking and on the back of that has offered this apology, but where this mistrust leaves him long term would have to be the question at this point.

the club have hung him out to dry and it'll be interesting to see how things progress now....if he gets his head down, plays his game and keeps his mouth shut then it might be ok.

sadly, i can't see that happening and expect him to go in the summer.
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Postby metalhead » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:08 pm

worcester_red wrote:
redtrader74 wrote:I Think his apology says it all, 'I got things wrong' ' I made a mistake' I honestly think that he felt that the kunt was pulling away and thought I'm not being embarrassed here. The pictures are clear the kunt had his hand out for everyone else, and was a lot lower for Luis. In this pathetic day and age once the race card is pulled you cant win. Like mistyred said the real racism of the 70s and 80s was never dealt with, the stuff with Luis is nothing, and I'm gutted for him.

The stupid W*nk stains that have been criticizing him on these boards need to think for a minute, how would you feel if you had been charged, found guilty and then vilified for something you did not do?

If I was Suarez and was genuinely innocent I would have sued the FA, anyway he has apologised now so that is a good first step. Clearly the club is in damage limitation mode and are taking positive action which is good to see.

He IS innocent
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Postby metalhead » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:15 pm

Reds accept rivals' apology
Manchester United thanks Liverpool for the apologies issued following Saturday's game.

Everyone at Old Trafford wants to move on from this. The history of our two great clubs is one of success and rivalry unparalleled in British football.

That should be the focus in the future of all those who love the clubs.



What about apologizing for Ferguson's comments? or Evra's antics?
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Postby 7_Kewell » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:16 pm

metalhead wrote:Reds accept rivals' apology
Manchester United thanks Liverpool for the apologies issued following Saturday's game.

Everyone at Old Trafford wants to move on from this. The history of our two great clubs is one of success and rivalry unparalleled in British football.

That should be the focus in the future of all those who love the clubs.



What about apologizing for Ferguson's comments? or Evra's antics?

looks like the statements have been issued with both clubs speaking to each other...lets draw a line under it and move on.
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Postby worcester_red » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:17 pm

metalhead wrote:
worcester_red wrote:
redtrader74 wrote:I Think his apology says it all, 'I got things wrong' ' I made a mistake' I honestly think that he felt that the kunt was pulling away and thought I'm not being embarrassed here. The pictures are clear the kunt had his hand out for everyone else, and was a lot lower for Luis. In this pathetic day and age once the race card is pulled you cant win. Like mistyred said the real racism of the 70s and 80s was never dealt with, the stuff with Luis is nothing, and I'm gutted for him.

The stupid W*nk stains that have been criticizing him on these boards need to think for a minute, how would you feel if you had been charged, found guilty and then vilified for something you did not do?

If I was Suarez and was genuinely innocent I would have sued the FA, anyway he has apologised now so that is a good first step. Clearly the club is in damage limitation mode and are taking positive action which is good to see.

He IS innocent

then he should have sued and the club should have appealed.

Anyway he's apologised now so time to move on.
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Postby metalhead » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:21 pm

7_Kewell wrote:
metalhead wrote:Reds accept rivals' apology
Manchester United thanks Liverpool for the apologies issued following Saturday's game.

Everyone at Old Trafford wants to move on from this. The history of our two great clubs is one of success and rivalry unparalleled in British football.

That should be the focus in the future of all those who love the clubs.



What about apologizing for Ferguson's comments? or Evra's antics?

looks like the statements have been issued with both clubs speaking to each other...lets draw a line under it and move on.

I will move on, but not until Ferguson apologizes for his comments
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Postby Greavesie » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:24 pm

metalhead wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
metalhead wrote:Reds accept rivals' apology
Manchester United thanks Liverpool for the apologies issued following Saturday's game.

Everyone at Old Trafford wants to move on from this. The history of our two great clubs is one of success and rivalry unparalleled in British football.

That should be the focus in the future of all those who love the clubs.



What about apologizing for Ferguson's comments? or Evra's antics?

looks like the statements have been issued with both clubs speaking to each other...lets draw a line under it and move on.

I will move on, but not until Ferguson apologizes for his comments

personally, yesterday fergie and Evra were the biggest kunts. Evra started a confrontation next to that kid when he should have just ignored it, chased Luis down the tunnel at HT, then celebrated in front of him. Fergie, well the less said the better
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Postby worcester_red » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:25 pm

metalhead wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
metalhead wrote:Reds accept rivals' apology
Manchester United thanks Liverpool for the apologies issued following Saturday's game.

Everyone at Old Trafford wants to move on from this. The history of our two great clubs is one of success and rivalry unparalleled in British football.

That should be the focus in the future of all those who love the clubs.



What about apologizing for Ferguson's comments? or Evra's antics?

looks like the statements have been issued with both clubs speaking to each other...lets draw a line under it and move on.

I will move on, but not until Ferguson apologizes for his comments

you'll standing still for a long long time then.  :wwww
in seriousness Ferguson won't apologise, maybe Evra will for his post match celebrations but it's unlikely.
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Postby Kukilon » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:25 pm

I'm not moving on. If Evra wants to behave like a god damn shitnugget it's up to him. I hope we gloat Evra every time we have the chance.
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Postby Dalglish » Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:54 pm

Whatever your opinions or the media's it's patently clear here than both Evra and Suarez believe they are right over the circumstances surrounding last October's incident.

Evra believes he was racially insulted.

Suarez believes he did not insult Evra in a racial manner.

Since then it has been a battle of the PR teams and United's have wiped the floor with ours !

Ian Ayre has been brilliant for Liverpool Football Club from renegotiating sponsorship deals to the brave way he stood up and was counted when the Texan Two tried to take the club to the wall for a few dollars more but his absence over the Suarez saga has been noticeable. 

It's taken his first public statement on the matter to bring Dalglish and Suarez into line and provoke apologies from both. The conspiracy theorists will tell you KD and Luis have been cohersed into it and I tend to lean toward that opinion. Suarez has caused THIS furore because of a change of mind between the dressing room and the short walk to the line up, if thats the case he's more changeable than a woman !

Football is NOT the pretty sentimental fluffy product that SKY would have you believe. No matter how many pictures of fans in painted faces walking to the ground arm in arm they show you, it's not a fair representation of the game. Whilst the game can be beuatiful I have to tell you as a supporter most of the time it's downright ugly and distasteful.

At Bolton recently I was stood next to a couple of the most unsavoury individuals you would like to meet. Their body language and verbals were beyond passionate support. Maybe I noticed more because my 7 year old son was attending his first away game and of course things were not going well on the pitch but nowhere else would we deem it acceptable to swear and remonstrate like they did.

Footballs sick and its not just the players who need help !
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Postby kartiek » Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:58 pm

metalhead wrote:
Greavesie wrote:
metalhead wrote:Do you really think Ferguson will apologize for his comments? never :laugh:

I'm sorry but I'm very dissapointed in all this

in what way MH?

I'm dissapointed in the club, seriously, I understand they want to keep their global image intact but why the hell would they change their stance from the first moment they sent out a fierce statmement condemning the FA, and then our GM who kept quite the whole time comes out now and sends out a statement like that.

Very very dissapointed, if you believe in a cause and believe its your right to fight for it then you stick with it, you don't change your mind to appease people, load of BS

MH, I agree with you on a lot of football opinions, but not this.

You know why has our reputation been tarnished?

Because in our frenzy of supporting our player, we overlooked what the most important issue is - eradication of racism. In our unquestioning support of Suarez, we told the world what we care most about - supporting our player (regardless of what he may have done).

Suarez is a very talented player, but he's not above LFC, and neither is he perfect. He clearly has temperamental issues. We should have acted maturely and not made this an issue of "my player" vs. "your player". We needed to tell everyone and show everyone then that we considered racist verbiage abhorrent and if possible apologized. We should have said that we would be extremely disappointed with Suarez in case he said something like that. I'm not asking for us to have pronounced Suarez guilty before trial, but we should have been reserved in our support and have had a tone of "I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings, we never would intend to". We should have tried to initiate a reconciliatory dialogue between Evra and Suarez, but we brashly refused to.

We showed the world, in some sense, that we could care less about what really matters in real life. And we are getting what we asked for. It's time to take the humble pie and try and apologize and improve our image finally. Good move by KD, Suarez, and the club.

Do you see my point?
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Postby burjennio » Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:08 pm

Dalglish wrote:Whatever your opinions or the media's it's patently clear here than both Evra and Suarez believe they are right over the circumstances surrounding last October's incident.

Evra believes he was racially insulted.

Suarez believes he did not insult Evra in a racial manner.

Since then it has been a battle of the PR teams and United's have wiped the floor with ours !

Ian Ayre has been brilliant for Liverpool Football Club from renegotiating sponsorship deals to the brave way he stood up and was counted when the Texan Two tried to take the club to the wall for a few dollars more but his absence over the Suarez saga has been noticeable. 

It's taken his first public statement on the matter to bring Dalglish and Suarez into line and provoke apologies from both. The conspiracy theorists will tell you KD and Luis have been cohersed into it and I tend to lean toward that opinion. Suarez has caused THIS furore because of a change of mind between the dressing room and the short walk to the line up, if thats the case he's more changeable than a woman !

Football is NOT the pretty sentimental fluffy product that SKY would have you believe. No matter how many pictures of fans in painted faces walking to the ground arm in arm they show you, it's not a fair representation of the game. Whilst the game can be beuatiful I have to tell you as a supporter most of the time it's downright ugly and distasteful.

At Bolton recently I was stood next to a couple of the most unsavoury individuals you would like to meet. Their body language and verbals were beyond passionate support. Maybe I noticed more because my 7 year old son was attending his first away game and of course things were not going well on the pitch but nowhere else would we deem it acceptable to swear and remonstrate like they did.

Footballs sick and its not just the players who need help !


Sometimes you have to take a step back and remember that its only football. Some of the OTT reactions and behaviors that surround the game at times would have a visitor from another world absolutely mystified. Its 22 men kickin around a wee plastic thing, not two armies going to war for the worlds last clean water supply.
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Postby RedSi35 » Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:30 pm

burjennio wrote:
Dalglish wrote:Football is NOT the pretty sentimental fluffy product that SKY would have you believe. No matter how many pictures of fans in painted faces walking to the ground arm in arm they show you, it's not a fair representation of the game. Whilst the game can be beuatiful I have to tell you as a supporter most of the time it's downright ugly and distasteful.

At Bolton recently I was stood next to a couple of the most unsavoury individuals you would like to meet. Their body language and verbals were beyond passionate support. Maybe I noticed more because my 7 year old son was attending his first away game and of course things were not going well on the pitch but nowhere else would we deem it acceptable to swear and remonstrate like they did.

Footballs sick and its not just the players who need help !

This ^^^

My 7 year old boy plays kids footie on a weekend. Only kick about 7 a side stuff.

But :censored: me....................some of the parents who take their kids to play are truly in the gutter of behaviour and decency.

Shouting and swearing from the touchlines at their kids and other kids over a little kick about, ive seen full scale punch ups, mums and dads heckling 6 & 7 year old kids................and the kids learn from it.

Society is :censored:
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Postby sgs » Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:44 pm

Suraez's cardinal sin was not his refusal to shake Evra's hands. Frankly, in an ironic way I respect his refusal to partake in what was always a charade.

His mortal sin was to mislead his manager into believing and publicly acclaiming that he would shake PE's hands, which in turn means he deliberately misled the club and the thousands of fans who have supported him thru this witch hunt.

Having said that, the reputation of LFC is not and can never be determined by how others see us. I do not give a rat's behind how 'others see us' or whether 'they are laughing at us'. ENOUGH WITH THAT ALREADY! Frankly it is despicable for any true Liverpool fan to assess the club's rep on the basis of how others see us.

Liverpool's destiny is written by us, by us the fans, by our players and our managers.

It is us that Suarez should be accountable to for having misled. Thats the lesson Luis Suarez needs to learn...
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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:20 pm

to me it looks like the owners have become involved and told everyone at the club to draw a line under the whole issue right now. looks like suarez has fallen on his sword for the good of the club to me.

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