Ohhhhhhhhh no bloody murder

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Ciggy » Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:27 pm

Bleedin millwall fans murder has broke out I know we are winnin 2-0 but no need for fighting :angry:
Disgrace :angry:
Dirty fans hate scumbags :angry:
Last edited by Ciggy on Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LFC #1 » Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:15 pm

any more news on it lyndsey?
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Postby zarababe » Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:27 pm

.. I think the fight started in the LFC fans area.. how and why not known yet .. but grt result on the pitch ..



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Postby Dalglish » Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:33 pm

Millwall's always been a  hellhole to go to ....... Been escorted out of the ground with Millwall fans 6 deep like a baying mob ..... VERY frightening..

Without wanting to be presumptuous it kicked off almost immediately after the second goal which gives you a big clue why the trouble started ! ???

I'm sure the media will find a way to blame Liverpool fans though , old habits die hard in the media ???
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:15 am

about ten years back my mate was amassive watford fan and i went to a few of the infamous watford-luton-millwall games
pure scum, but good to see we did the hurting where it conted, on the pitch
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Postby simic_ie » Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:12 am

Apparently it all kicked off cos some Millwall fans started abusive chants bout Hillsborough. Liverpool fans didn't take too kindly to it and began ti surge towards the Millwall area's of the stand. Sixty-eight seats broke/thrown in the Liverpool supporters end. Thats what I gather from any of the papers I've seen so far. Dirty shower of Millwall scum, no respect for anything, Phil Neal was shocked by it and couldn't talk for about 20mins while it was going on.... bet it's gonna be the Liverpool supporters who get the bad label for this. Granted they were no angels in the reaction they gave but the kind of provoction they got was disgusting :angry:
Last edited by simic_ie on Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dalglish » Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:15 am

Wouldn't expect anything less from Millwall supporters, like their manager (Thugs) ???
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:50 am

watched the game live, while it was going on Baros was tackled heavily by Muscat. when they got up Muscat grabbed Baros by the throat. baros pointed towards the trouble in the stand and seemed like he was telling Muscat that he should be in the stand with the other hooligans or he was pointing out that his actions on the pitch could incite more trouble.

Muscat spent the whole game going round kickingg people.

anyway the youngsters did well, as did biscan and henchoz etc

Postby The Manhattan Project » Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:54 am

Why are Millwall fans such d*ckheads?

What's their f*cking problem?

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Postby Ciggy » Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:33 am

Yer people just cant resist throwing hillsborough up all the time, you think they would let have some symapathy as victims families still attend games but no they just cant let it lie. :(
Dennis wise little sh.it :angry: .
LIVERPOOL fans clashed with riot police at The Den after reacting to sick taunts over Hillsborough.

Some of the 3,000 visiting supporters chucked coins, ripped out 68 seats and threw them at officers towards the end of the Kop outfit’s League Cup win.

They also accidentally knocked over their own disabled fans to get to Millwall rivals chanting songs about the 1989 Hillsborough tragedy when 96 fans died.

Former Kop star Phil Neal said: “If they were taunting about Hillsborough or Heysel it is totally unnecessary. I just wanted to forget both those experiences. I wanted to see Millwall play Liverpool in normal circumstances.”

Neal, who was commentating for Radio City, added: “Watching what was happening, I became rather subdued. I had to apologise to listeners because I stopped talking for 20 minutes.”

A Millwall spokesman said: “Two Liverpool fans were arrested inside the crowd. Two Millwall fans were arrested in other incidents.”

Kop boss Rafa Benitez insisted: “You never want this in a stadium. You only want to see good football.”

Millwall chief Dennis Wise declared: “It wasn’t our punters. It was the Liverpool fans, so we’ll leave it at that.”
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:47 am

Maybe none of this would have happened if that idiot from the other week had kept his mouth shut :angry: .
Im sure most millwall fans are to young to remember hysell and hillsborough and that b.astard has opened up old wounds.
Rooney couldnt even remember so how can most of this lot?
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Postby Woollyback » Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:50 am

Millwall are the rotten underbelly of English football. The team, their fans, and especially their manager all come from the same place - the gutter. The team showed it on the pitch and their supporters showed it in the stands.

As Dalglish says, the London-centric media will paint a picture of cheeky-chirpy cockneys being senselessly attacked by Scouse thugs but do you think anyone reading that sh*te will seriously believe Millwall fans were innocent bystanders? It's pretty obvious what's happened - it's kicked off at Millwall AGAIN. Anyone with half a brain can make the connection = Milwall and trouble are inseparable and go together like twins.

Throwing revolting insults about Hillsborough just shows the country what SCUM Millwall are. Not even ManU come out with that filth.      :angry:
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:59 am

Millwall chief Dennis Wise declared: “It wasn’t our punters. It was the Liverpool fans, so we’ll leave it at that.”

Errrrrr....... no Wisey we won't just leave it at that you jumped up little tw@t!

I hate this guy's arrogance, he was a sh!te player and an even worse manager.
Do Millwall have a forum??? I'll look and if they have I feel some abuse coming on.

Im fuming!!
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Postby Boocity » Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:00 am

Is'nt it obvious to everyone in the media that week in week out in the PL there is no trouble at all in the grounds. As soon as we play Millwall (who are well reknowned for this) the trouble kicks off.
I remember when I was a kid at school in Liverpool and there was a thing going around with kids hitting each other over the heads with tightly rolled up newspaper bent over as a cosh and it was known as a Millwaller.
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:03 am

Yer and thank god they got kicked out of europe, they would have caused murder there, didnt 2 of there fans get stabbed and nearly left for dead a few weeks ago? I dreaded it when they got through, they are nothing but scumbags the lot of them :angry:
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