New offside rule - A joke

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Postby anfieldadorer » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:13 am

I can't believe this new offside rule
according to the rule; the linesmen must decide within one or two second whether a player is actively involved in play with motion associable to the play by interfering with play (including touching and making a motion toward the ball) and deliberately taking advantage of the ball released  :suspect:  :upside:  :Oo:  :no  :sniffle

After a meeting in London, the International Football Association Board amended the offside rule in July last year in an attempt to clarify when a player is regarded as “actively involved in play”.

The rule states that a player in an offside position should be penalised if, at the moment the ball touches or is played by a team-mate, he is “interfering with play, or interfering with an opponent, or gaining an advantage by being in that position”.

“When the situation developed the guy (Cissé) is clearly offside,” Hughes said. “He has made a movement towards the ball. All right, he has not touched it, but as soon as he makes a movement for the ball, as far as I’m concerned, he is interfering with play. The rule needs clarifying. It’s a grey area. It’s very difficult to understand all the interpretations.”

Benítez agreed. “The offside rule needs to change because the only thing it does is create problems for the referee,” the Spaniard said. “If the player is offside, he is offside. If you say this player is not offside because he didn’t touch the ball it’s still an advantage if he is offside. They tried to change things and in the end they have created a lot of problems for referees.”
Last edited by anfieldadorer on Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby el_stinger » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:38 am

If that happened to us, and the goal was allowed, we would be spitting chips too. I think this passive offside rubbish that was introduced in 94 world cup needs to be scrapped. If anyone is offside, then your offside, regardless of being passive or not active. The americans ruined the game with the introduction of the passive offside rule. Its gay!!
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Postby anfieldadorer » Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:04 am

...and, in accordance with the rule, then fowler's goal was NOT offside
cisse didn't "take the advantage of and being in motion associable to the play"
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Postby Hotrod » Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:13 am

The main problem with the rule is everyone seems to have a different interpretation of it. Cisse was offisde in Fowler's goal against Charlton a few weeks back but not active and that was disallowed but the same thing happens again and it is allowed, I dont get it remmeber a goal Kluvert scored against us a few seasons ago that was the most offside goal in history but it stood, this active/passive first/second stuff is rubbish.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:20 am

anfieldadorer wrote:...and, in accordance with the rule, then fowler's goal was NOT offside
cisse didn't "take the advantage of and being in motion associable to the play"

I disagree, we were lucky to get the goal. As soon as Cisse made 'a motion' towards the pass, i.e. went to play it with his foot, he became active. It would of been different if he had been still all the time.

Its needs to be sorted cos that would p!ss me right off if a goal is scored like that by chelsea next week
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Postby adamnbarrett » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:12 am

It's swings and roundabouts. These things usually equal themselves out over the season for example Fowler's goal that was ruled out wrongly against charlton has now been cancelled out by yesterday's goal.
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Postby AussieKopite » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:21 am

adamnbarrett wrote:It's swings and roundabouts. These things usually equal themselves out over the season for example Fowler's goal that was ruled out wrongly against charlton has now been cancelled out by yesterday's goal.

I wouldn't say that occurs. Take the last Ashes test series, bad decisions littered the series inclusind the caught behind decision of Kasperwich's loose hand which was never evened out.
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Postby Mikz » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:33 am

It certainly needs to be sorted out. Its the not interfering with play scenario- if they changed it to mean completely out of the action or area of play it would be easier for everyone concerned .
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Postby dawson99 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:46 am

theres loads of times when players are 2 feet from the goalie but are said to be not interfering with play. i dont care what the moaners say, it was a goal and we got the 3 points. until the rules are changed people will take advantage, and fair play to them
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Postby Kukilon » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:13 pm

I happy about the three points but Cisse should have been ruled offside on that goal sequence.
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Postby adamnbarrett » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:14 pm

AussieKopite wrote:
adamnbarrett wrote:It's swings and roundabouts. These things usually equal themselves out over the season for example Fowler's goal that was ruled out wrongly against charlton has now been cancelled out by yesterday's goal.

I wouldn't say that occurs. Take the last Ashes test series, bad decisions littered the series inclusind the caught behind decision of Kasperwich's loose hand which was never evened out.

but I'm talking about football offside decisions not cricket  :Oo:
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:31 pm

For those that are talking about something they didn't see...

The goal didn't come about because the offside rule is stupid, it came about because the ref and linesmen made an absolute howler. It should have been hauled back, but credit to Fowler and Morientes for getting on with it. Play to the whistle and all that. At least two Blackburn defenders stopped dead and turned to the ref, when they could've easily got themselves in front of Fowler as the ball came back in to him.

Was a bit disappointed with Cisse's attempt at cracking on that he wasn't interfering after the event. Wasn't exactly helpful, and it's no wonder he was on the end of some questionable challenges after that.

From Blackburn's point of view, I'm just glad it didn't happen in the last five minutes of the match. If we'd have been in their position, I'd have been livid, but still would've expected to get something from the match from 1-0 down. If Blackburn end up a draw short of a CL place next season, I'll really feel for them.

All this said, the rule on the whole isn't being implemented well. Any rule that asks the officials to have an opinion on a situation as opposed to one thing being alright and another being wrong always ends up conning most teams over the course of a season. Yes, they do seem to even themselves out, but I'd rather they weren't there to start off with.

And I have a horrible feeling that bad refereeing on this matter will end up having a say in the destiny of the World Cup.
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Postby KennyisGod....still » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:38 pm

Lets quit whingin, we won!! Jesus, decisions like that happen too often to dwell on this one. Yes, we'd all be p!ssed if it happened to us but it didnt, get over it. I'm more concerned about the blatent cheatin by the likes of Drogba and Essien than this kinda stuff. Football DOES involve opinions, like it or not. Fact is until we get the replay option that FIFA detest so much its gonna be there. And yes, it evens itself out over the season.
As for the cricket, I honestly believe England had a lotta luck and the Aussies had possibly their worst team in years. Again, get over it.
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Postby woof woof ! » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:52 pm

When players ,managers and even some officials are openly stating that they don't understand how the offside laws apply 100% of the time then obviously the laws need to be reviwed .

To paraphrase Brian Clough "If a player ISN'T active , what the hell is he doing on the pitch ? "   :D

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Postby ivor_the_injun » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:05 pm

It's a broader issue than we won or we lost though. While the law exists, it's a situation that can happen in any game.

Human error has a part to play in football matches. Missed fouls are part and parcel of the game, and I have no problem with that. It's when diving wins penalties and gets people sent off, or when a player scores with his hand, or offsides get missed and result in goals. That's when I worry about football.

It could've happened in last year's Champions League final. Can you imagine how we'd all feel if Milan had got the benefit of that kind of decision in the last minute of injury time? What about if it happened in the last minute of the World Cup final?

Officials make mistakes, that's just a fact. When Henchoz handled on the line in the FA Cup Final, it went unpunished and we won the trophy. As a result, that trophy win never has sat quite right with me. This season, we've already been conned out of the World Club Championship by poor decisions. These are trophies, for f*ck's sake, not some two bit mid table Division Two matches with nothing at stake. Refs don't always get the simple decisions right, and when it comes to offside, I'm just worried that bad active/passive interpretations are going to have a legacy that will haunt the game for decades to come.

Yesterday it was Blackburn that lost out. I must admit I smiled a bit, but you can bet your ar*e we'll all be screaming blue murder when it next happens to us. And while the law's there, it will happen to us.
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