Milan baros! - Facts...

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Postby 66-1112520797 » Mon May 02, 2005 11:03 am

Eazy-E wrote:Fact- Baros scored 11 in the first half of the season, got injured...was never the same. I think he just needs the goal to get back on track.
Fact- He only scored one from open play against Palace. But, how nervous would you be standing in front of the Kop, 90th minute and you have a chance to win the game ??? .
Fact- Scored a beautiful individual goal against Monaco.
Fact- Baros is the only striker who has proved his worth this season.

P.S Garcia ain't a striker :D .

If you could give me a lot  more FACTS about Baros iin such a positive light.I would agree with you.But four facts are know where near convincing ehough.
Bit like Baros im afraid to say.

ps Garcia has scored as many goals as Baros and hasnt been played as an out and out striker. :rasp

Postby 115-1073096938 » Mon May 02, 2005 11:03 am


Postby DAV » Mon May 02, 2005 12:04 pm

for his country he is class
4 us he dosent seem to have it
maybe he carnt get to grip with the premiership or he dosent like the way we play, either way (a bit like diago forlan when at man utd, in spain he is having a great season)
so i don't think he's a bad player, but just not a player we should have up front.
so i would sell him at the end of the season
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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Mon May 02, 2005 12:46 pm

stu_the_red wrote:
The main reason baros hasn't scored more is the service.  No one that has played up front this season has had a great goals-games ratio.  Yeah i know people will say that he missed those sitters against everton and juve but the fact is that people were ripping him to shreds on here even before that. 


The one against Juve, the two against Everton, if he'd buried 1 he'd be on 14, which is better than 13, theres 3 chances he's fluffed Owen wouldn't have.

Thats three only. Owen would be on 20 odd by now, easy in this side.

Bannana, All i hhave to say is, get a clue, go to a match, come back. Owen's scored more from the bench this season than Baros has in total. Shows what ur knowledge on the subject is.

Nuff said. :cool:

come off it stu you`re living in dreamland or obviously didnt watch owen if you think he didnt miss chances, i saw owen miss loads - in fact i got involved in heated arguments inside the ground because some people wanted to SELL him, i didnt want to because i know how hard it is to find a replacement, but he ****** off on us whichever way you want to package it. it was hard sometimes to fight owens corner when he missed a string of penalties by kicking the ball like a big fairey.
i remember sticking up for owens missess by saying he`s under too much pressure to put away any chances coz he`s only getting one a game where van nistelrooy and henry are getting lots of them. owens conversion rate of chances was a talking point so it pissess me off to see the boo boys have just moved on to baros. milan has proved on the international stage and to be fair with us when houllier wouldnt hardly play him that he has goals in him, so instead of selling him let the lad find a bit of form in the reserves or something, people forget how young he is, and i`m convinced one day it will all just click for the lad and the ones that are flying inches past the post will start going in.

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Postby 115-1073096938 » Mon May 02, 2005 1:06 pm

Won't ever happen.

Owen missed chances. ALL great strikers do, but his conversion rate of goals to actual clear cut chances was superb. The amount of games he had 2 or 3 chances and took everyone is alot higher than Baros'.

Granted Baros does good work and can get you 15 a goals a season, maybe even 17 or 18 at his best, but he's not a great striker, never has been, never will be.

I'm not a boo boy, i like the lad, if he was willing to be third choice (which still involves alot of games) then i'd happily keep him, of that there is no question, he's definately good enough for that, but as a first choice he isn't good enough.

There were times last season where Baros should have started ahead of Owen but it didn't happen, now he's had his chance to fill Owen's boots and hasn't hit the 20 mark in all compititions. He hasn't even hit 15 as yet.

He's not the sort of striker who is going to to score regularly away from home and away against decent sides like Newcastle, Arsenal, Man Utd, Roma, Chelsea, we need someone of that class as our first choice and i'm sorry to say it, Baros never will be.

Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Mon May 02, 2005 1:31 pm

stu_the_red wrote:Won't ever happen.

Owen missed chances. ALL great strikers do, but his conversion rate of goals to actual clear cut chances was superb. The amount of games he had 2 or 3 chances and took everyone is alot higher than Baros'.

Granted Baros does good work and can get you 15 a goals a season, maybe even 17 or 18 at his best, but he's not a great striker, never has been, never will be.

I'm not a boo boy, i like the lad, if he was willing to be third choice (which still involves alot of games) then i'd happily keep him, of that there is no question, he's definately good enough for that, but as a first choice he isn't good enough.

There were times last season where Baros should have started ahead of Owen but it didn't happen, now he's had his chance to fill Owen's boots and hasn't hit the 20 mark in all compititions. He hasn't even hit 15 as yet.

He's not the sort of striker who is going to to score regularly away from home and away against decent sides like Newcastle, Arsenal, Man Utd, Roma, Chelsea, we need someone of that class as our first choice and i'm sorry to say it, Baros never will be.

for once i agree with much you say but finding strikers isnt an exact science, look at johnson at palace - birmingham sold him to get flavour of the month clinton morrison (who was even giving michael owen tips on how to score at one time, remember that?) and now look at the situation.
things just click like with rushie who looked to be on his way from liverpool after his long barren dry spell when he first got into the side, and he didnt look half as effective on the ball as baros back then so there`s hope for milan yet.
to say baros wont be a 20 goal a year striker is a bit harsh, he`s had an awful season and has 13, and all strikers go through bad patches, even bad seasons like lineker abroad (which is what baros is.)
the truth is no one can see into the future and its all about opinions, but in my opinion someone who is still young and is a proven goalscorer in international football (top scorer in euro 2004 outscoring henry,rooney, owen etc) and he is in his first full season as a striker which is a culture shock in itself - playing week in and week out, okay having a bad time but still gets 13 (possibly more) is worth keeping.

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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Mon May 02, 2005 1:52 pm

Baros is not good enough to be first choice at Liverpool, that is for sure.

Good backup player...Yes.

Will he be sold in the summer... most probably.

About a week ago I suggested that we needed a proven Premiership goal scorer to act as a backup to Moreietes and Cisse next season as neither is guaranteed to get goals, I epically mentioned that our attack could use a strong and aggressive striker, I suggested Yakubu Ayegbeni of Portsmouth, most people dismissed my suggestion:

Baros: appearances - 33(8), Goals - 13
Yakubu: appearances - 31(3), Goals - 16

Last season he scored 16 Premiership goals (the same as Michael Owen). Now I'm not saying that he is the best striker in the world, but if he can score goals consistently at a 'lesser' club like Portsmouth then I don't see why he couldn't do well for us. He has pace and strength and has scored as many goals than any of our strikers in the past 2 seasons at a poorer club.

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Postby dawson99 » Mon May 02, 2005 2:12 pm

the problem i have with baros is that he doesnt seem to gel with any other striker we put next to him. His head goes down and he just runs. He is a great player and could do well possibly in a side like juventus with nedved passing to him but for us i just cant see it working. id like it if he stayed but if we could get a fair wad of money for him id be just as happy.

In all honesty we should have got rid of him after he got top scorer in 2004 but wed already sold heskey and owen so we couldnt get rid of anyone else.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon May 02, 2005 6:08 pm

stmichael wrote:I have to admit that it is a strange situation that Milan holds a regular starting place in a team which Fifa in its recent ranking ranked second of the world behind Brazil and above Argentina. The guy has a phenomenal international scoring record but at the same time plays off-form for a Liverpool team struggling for 4th place. Why?

There were only few efforts here to explain and agreed, it's difficult and always up to speculation. But it is clear that the one argument repeated here was "He's just not good enough".

Only a few of you will deny that Milan had a decent first half of the season. He delivered and had some really good games (C. Palace, Newcastle). Come Christmas and the situation changed: injury, long-term injuries to Alonso and Kewell, and -IMO the most important - the arrival of Morientes. It was clear that Benítez wanted his star to shine, with the other strikers' only task to support him.

It's a heavy blow in anybody's professional career if you realize that performing well and showing commitment are not the only criteria for being favoured. I guess that was Milan's experience and frustration. He probably had the feeling not to be needed anymore, he possibly overreacted (CC final) and lost confidence. Instead of building up the lad's strength and trying to improve the flaws of his game, the only thing Benítez reached was a loss of confidence. It is easy to say the guy is just cr@p. But as he shows with another team that he is not, I would say that the coach has to take responsibility, and a great deal of it.

Benítez never rated Milan and after the arrival of Morientes there was no longer the need to hide that. And for many of the so-called supporters it was a very safe ride to follow the coach and abuse an unwanted player. It seems Milan is an ideal scapegoat now for all the frustration of a not all too good season.

His international scoring record is helped by the fact that they play a lot of cr*p teams, and he has Koller "doing a Heskey" and knocking balls into his path frequently. Don't forget Smicer had a brilliant international goals record when he joined us. He'd got about 33 goals in as many games, and he really IS cr*p. Up the 'pool! :buttrock

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Postby banana » Mon May 02, 2005 6:14 pm

Will you trashcans please do me a favour?

Stop criticising the lads until AFTER tomorrow's game. What is it good for? Lets stand united behind the team.

Come wednesday you may criticize 24/7, I don't care. But right now we need faith and togetherness.
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Postby bigmick » Mon May 02, 2005 6:22 pm

Since this is a FACT thread I thought I'd throw in a couple of my own.

FACT: None of our strikers have cut the mustard this season. That's probably why we are looking increasingly unlikely to qualify for the CL. Personally I think Baros is the best of a mediocre bunch though Cisse has potential but I repeat, NONE of them look absolute top-drawer to me.

FACT: Those of us who slagged Owen underestimated his value to the team. That said, his attitude stunk to high heaven and if the same player with the same attitude was at Madrid this season he wouldn't have scored half the goals he has. HE ISN'T COMING BACK.

FACT: Owen missed lots of chances. Also, the whole team played with the express desire to play Owen in every game. That was our sole line of attack. Consequently, he was always going to be top scorer and was always going to score most of the teams goals. Very similar to Johnson at Palace, they try to play him in EVERY time they go forward. Next top scorer there has about 3 goals or something ridiculous.

FACT: If we are going to mount any sort of sustained challenge to the top three we will need to buy at least one top striker, two if Baros goes. Kick names around all you like, sneer all you like at blokes like Yakubu, but we will definately need a striker who has a nuisance value to the opposition. Someone who exudes menace in a Drogba, Henri, Van Nistelroy kind of way. I don't know any off the top of my head but I do know this, unless Cisse developes apace we haven't currently got one, and Michael Owen isn't one either.
Last edited by bigmick on Mon May 02, 2005 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Mon May 02, 2005 6:37 pm

Cool Hand Luke wrote:Baros is not good enough to be first choice at Liverpool, that is for sure.

Good backup player...Yes.

Will he be sold in the summer... most probably.

About a week ago I suggested that we needed a proven Premiership goal scorer to act as a backup to Moreietes and Cisse next season as neither is guaranteed to get goals, I epically mentioned that our attack could use a strong and aggressive striker, I suggested Yakubu Ayegbeni of Portsmouth, most people dismissed my suggestion:

Baros: appearances - 33(8), Goals - 13
Yakubu: appearances - 31(3), Goals - 16

Last season he scored 16 Premiership goals (the same as Michael Owen). Now I'm not saying that he is the best striker in the world, but if he can score goals consistently at a 'lesser' club like Portsmouth then I don't see why he couldn't do well for us. He has pace and strength and has scored as many goals than any of our strikers in the past 2 seasons at a poorer club.

i`m not sure why you posted them stats - they look pretty similar to me.
there`s always someone at another club doing well and looking the part but as united found out in the eighties with the likes of peter davenport and gary birtles when they get to your club there`s no guarentee they`ll carry on the scoring run.
villa`s excellent side of the early eighties had a young lad called gary shaw who everyone thought was going to overtake rushie as the best striker in the league, everything he hit seemed to go in but within a couple of seasons he just dissapeared off the scene.
all those strikers could be considered proven in the top division of england at the time but went on to do nothing after looking outstanding. finding forwards is not an exact science.

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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Mon May 02, 2005 6:46 pm

Basically I was just saying that many people dismissed my suggestion of Yakubu, and the same ones are saying that Baros shouldn’t be sold and should be a first teamer.

I think Yakubu has real potential to play at a higher level, I would love for someone to give me some solid reasons as to why he is not good enough for us in our current situation?

He has pace, power, aggression and has scored goals 2 seasons running in the Premiership at a club that is struggling in the bottom half. In the last two seasons none of our strikers have scored more than him in the Premiership. He may be 'Unfashionable' but he would be a real weapon.

I just couldn’t bare going into next season with no strikers that are proven Premiership goal scores. Yakubu would be a good safety net for us, because Cisse and Morinetes are not guaranteed to score goals for us next season, neither have proven that they can cut it in the Premiership YET.

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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Mon May 02, 2005 6:53 pm

Cool Hand Luke wrote:Basically I was just saying that many people dismissed my suggestion of Yakubu, and the same ones are saying that Baros shouldn’t be sold and should be a first teamer.

I think Yakubu has real potential to play at a higher level, I would love for someone to give me some solid reasons as to why he is not good enough for us in our current situation?

He has pace, power, aggression and has scored goals 2 seasons running in the Premiership at a club that is struggling in the bottom half. In the last two seasons none of our strikers have scored more than him in the Premiership. He may be 'Unfashionable' but he would be a real weapon.

I just couldn’t bare going into next season with no strikers that are proven Premiership goal scores. Yakubu would be a good safety net for us, because Cisse and Morinetes are not guaranteed to score goals for us next season, neither have proven that they can cut it in the Premiership YET.

personally i`d stick with baros, yakubu does look a decent player but heskey looked the same for leicester, he used to go on powerfull runs and score from all angles with rocket shots.
heskey looked like a one man army for the foxes.
i wouldnt be gutted if we got yakubu and i`d rather have him than johnson but i`d keep baros.

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Postby JC_81 » Mon May 02, 2005 7:02 pm

yckatbjywtbiastkamb wrote:
Cool Hand Luke wrote:Basically I was just saying that many people dismissed my suggestion of Yakubu, and the same ones are saying that Baros shouldn’t be sold and should be a first teamer.

I think Yakubu has real potential to play at a higher level, I would love for someone to give me some solid reasons as to why he is not good enough for us in our current situation?

He has pace, power, aggression and has scored goals 2 seasons running in the Premiership at a club that is struggling in the bottom half. In the last two seasons none of our strikers have scored more than him in the Premiership. He may be 'Unfashionable' but he would be a real weapon.

I just couldn’t bare going into next season with no strikers that are proven Premiership goal scores. Yakubu would be a good safety net for us, because Cisse and Morinetes are not guaranteed to score goals for us next season, neither have proven that they can cut it in the Premiership YET.

personally i`d stick with baros, yakubu does look a decent player but heskey looked the same for leicester, he used to go on powerfull runs and score from all angles with rocket shots.
heskey looked like a one man army for the foxes.
i wouldnt be gutted if we got yakubu and i`d rather have him than johnson but i`d keep baros.

Yeah i said the last time this was mentioned that yakubu is a decent player and might well turn out to be a good signing.  He is still a gamble though and wouldn't be my first choice.  He does remind me also of heskey at leicester, hate to say it!
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