Michael owen - Do we want him ?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 76-1115222408 » Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:32 pm

stu_the_red wrote:
:p :D

This thread has had some good debate and has been good reading, just like to add my two pence to the argument.

I have to say that Owen is NOT a 'World Class' striker.

He is a good striker and if you go on his scoring record then this is easily backed up and you cold even argue that he has a 'world class' scoring record, which to be honest, probably cant be argued against.
However in my opinion this DOES NOT make him a world class striker by any means. Maybe a contradiction of terms but i dont think it is!!

His all round game is poor and apart from puting it in the back of the net, what does he actully bring to the team as a whole. I know some will argue that bringing goals is all that matters when talking about strikers, which to a point is correct, but for ME you need to bring and show more (main reason we are looking at crouch IMO).
He cannot hold the ball up well, and when he does he tends to be selfish with his passing. What makes me say this is that, i have seen Owen MANY times, play a ball to say a winger, but in such a way that the only otion for the player receiving the ball is to play Owen in, he tends to play the ball very wide or behind the oncoming teammate as to give HIMSELF time to get in the box!!  For me this shows a selfish attitude (though this can be expected from strikers you might say,but then you look at Henry and this isnt the case).

Michael Owen has very little skill, and often gets between defenders, not through skill, but through getting lucky knocks off the defenders legs etc; (anyone who disagrees....you need to really need to check this out), and being so small he is able to squirm past players,who are often worried about fouling him in the area.

I dont think Rafa likes his style of play and on the whole doesnt really rate him,hence he was allowed to leave without much of a fight. He simply doesnt fit into Rafa's style of play. Owen is at his best when playing off the shoulder of defenders and relying on his pace to get onto the through balls.
With rafa, i see a more methodical style of play, and personally i dont think owen has the attributes to play this way, he is a SIMPLE player and wants it put through so he can run on to it, otherwise he finds it difficult to score.

After the 2001 treble,why do you think we struggled - in my opinion - it was because teams had cottoned on to the way that we played and always looked for Owen via a SG long through ball.
So it comes as no surprise that we win the CL after he left, IMO, if he was still here we would ave played a lot differently and the players would still have focused the attention on getting the ball to SG, in the hope he would find Owen and thats how we would get our goals.

Owen hardly EVER scored from outside the box, and was unable to score an array of different types of goals - he just reminded me of Lineker to be honest. Compare to another Anfield hero - Fowler - he could score from outside the box, volleys and even free kicks!!  Cant imagine Owen taking a free kick can you?

Some people will obviously disagree with a lot i ave said no doubt, but personally i look at football and footballers as a whole package, and although Owen does score a lot of goals, his WHOLE package is poor IMO.
The thing is IF he ISNT scoring, then WHAT DOES HE BRING that will benefit the team??
For example we know that Mori will not be a 20-30 goal a season man, but he REALLY can link play properly and create for OTHERS (of course he still has to show this to us, but we still know he CAN do that).
Another example is Cisse, just the other night he was played out wide, though not his natural position e was still able to make a decent impact and cause problems and create chances for OTHERS. Can you imagine Owen playing out wide?? Hmmmm, dont think so!!

As (john craig i think) said, the stats dont tell the whole story, yes he does have a 1:2 ratio, which is up with the best, but a lot of these goals were against 'weaker' opposition and then we have the 10 in 6 games type of thing followed by a spell of 7 without a goal for example.

If he was world class and he supposedly wants out of Real at the moment, then how come the likes of Barca, Milan(either one) and the rest of the usual suspects dont seem to be interested?
If he was world class, then why does he have extreme problems getting past real class strikers such as raul/ronaldo??
Three managers cant all be wrong in their estimations of owen, by placing him on the bench.
Madrid only bought him, to appease their fans clamouring for a 'big name' signing, not a big player, but a big name!!

I am sorry but Owen made the decision to leave, and now he is regretting it, we should not pander to his need of playing regularly so he can be a starter at the world cup next year.
IMO Rooney/defoe would be alot more devastating than Rooney/Owen - Why, we know what Rooney can do, but Defoe has a lot more to his game than Owen does and will in time be a lot better than Owen (IMO of course!)

First of all i ask are you completely stupid or are you a child who doesn't understand the game of football. Its 8pm on a friday night and i'm that sick of having to explain the basics i'll do it one last time. This is to educate on the game, don't be offended, just shut up, listen and learn.

He is a good striker and if you go on his scoring record then this is easily backed up and you cold even argue that he has a 'world class' scoring record, which to be honest, probably cant be argued against.
However in my opinion this DOES NOT make him a world class striker by any means. Maybe a contradiction of terms but i dont think it is!!

Agreed. Robbie Fowler the prime example. A true world class goalscorer. That made him a top class player, the rest of his game was very average. He had a smart brain, was technically very good, but wasn't particulally fast or strong which made him pretty average all round, however he could score any type of goal.

His all round game is poor and apart from puting it in the back of the net, what does he actully bring to the team as a whole. I know some will argue that bringing goals is all that matters when talking about strikers, which to a point is correct, but for ME you need to bring and show more (main reason we are looking at crouch IMO).
He cannot hold the ball up well, and when he does he tends to be selfish with his passing. What makes me say this is that, i have seen Owen MANY times, play a ball to say a winger, but in such a way that the only otion for the player receiving the ball is to play Owen in, he tends to play the ball very wide or behind the oncoming teammate as to give HIMSELF time to get in the box!!  For me this shows a selfish attitude (though this can be expected from strikers you might say,but then you look at Henry and this isnt the case).

Thats quite simply :censored:. Baros for the comparrison. He has NO awareness of whats around him, he doesn't caluculate his passes or movement. Owen does. As i've previously mentioned, Owen recieves the ball, lays it off to a player who 8/10 times is in a very good position with alot of time and space. This is something that improved dramatically in his game over the years. Now can you imagine giving the ball to Ryan Giggs in 30 yards of space and one full back infront of him? Owen played passes with intelligence into space for others to use it. If they didn't use the space, thats not his fault.

To say he "can't" hold the ball up is simple stupidity. We all know he can't fend of Campbell and Ferdinand and Terry by using size and can't bring down a high ball against these players then hold them off. But thats about service, if the balls played into Owen's feet, 8/10 times he finds his own team mate, usually with one of the good passes i was just talking about. He brings othre players into the game ALOT, if you actually went to games over the last 6/7 years, you'd see that.

You're point on his "selfishness" is absoloutely shocking. I'm sorry, but the idea of having a world class striker is he knows how to get people to create chances for him, he knows how to finish. I'm telling you now, Owen knows how to do that better than most. He often forced the likes of Murphy and Gerrard to play particular passes into his runs which created goals. Any fool who can't see this is the sign of a good striker doesn't understand football.

I'd rather have Owen through on goal, than Xabi Alonso or Gerrard. If you actually watched Henry, Henry is a very different player from Owen. Henry uses the wings, Owen plays through the centre. If i had a striker who could finish, i'd tell him to push the ball out wide and get in the box, i'm sorry but to say that for doing his job he's selfish is a rediculous comment.

I remember a goal at highbury the season before last when everyone was praising Gerrard's "wonderful" pass. Gerrard's pass was nothing more than good... Owen's run and the way he got away from Campbell and in behind and finished shown exactly what he's all about. he physically pushed Campbell to give him a start, then bang the runs made, he's recieved the ball and he scores.

Another example... Rooney's goal for England against Croatia was it? Owen pulled off the front line, and recieved a pass from Rooney, he then instantly (one touch) played the one two which put Rooney through. It was basic vision and awareness, but thats ALOT more than the Baros has shown, Baros would never in a million years have spotted the pass that Rooney or Owen played in that move, he also wouldn't have had the intelligence to be in either position.

Also, from what i've seen of Cisse, Owen's as good at holding the ball up as him and his link up play is far better so far.

Michael Owen has very little skill, and often gets between defenders, not through skill, but through getting lucky knocks off the defenders legs etc; (anyone who disagrees....you need to really need to check this out), and being so small he is able to squirm past players,who are often worried about fouling him in the area.

Very little skill? Are you having a laugh? I remember numourous goals wheres he's dribbled past 2/3/4 players over 40 yards and in the space of about 10 yards, goals against Coventry, West Ham, Argentina, Forest, Birmingham and Porto spring to mind off the top off my head. One game last season against Newcastle, he recieved a 50 yard pass from Gerrard and had two defenders around him, his touch killed the ball instantly, the pass then switched the play to Gerrard who played it inside to Hamann, who should have shot but instead lost the ball by trying to be to clever, he often controls the ball away from defenders so they can't get a tackle in and he keeps the momentum going. Unlike our own, Baros, Head down... "run run run, oooops the balls gone out... :censored: it keep running".

Also i can see where you're coming from the fact he gets "lucky" every time, i mean its surely all luck, as you say he has no skill. And the fact that he uses his low centre of gravity to his advantage isn't allowed to be a quality is it? In the same way that being 6'7 and being able to win a header isn't.

The reason defenders don't lunge in aswell, is simple, they'll foul him, they'll then conceed a penalty, because they know he's good enough to whip the ball away then get the defender to commit the foul.

I dont think Rafa likes his style of play and on the whole doesnt really rate him,hence he was allowed to leave without much of a fight. He simply doesnt fit into Rafa's style of play. Owen is at his best when playing off the shoulder of defenders and relying on his pace to get onto the through balls.
With rafa, i see a more methodical style of play, and personally i dont think owen has the attributes to play this way, he is a SIMPLE player and wants it put through so he can run on to it, otherwise he finds it difficult to score.After the 2001 treble,why do you think we struggled - in my opinion - it was because teams had cottoned on to the way that we played and always looked for Owen via a SG long through ball.
So it comes as no surprise that we win the CL after he left, IMO, if he was still here we would ave played a lot differently and the players would still have focused the attention on getting the ball to SG, in the hope he would find Owen and thats how we would get our goals.

Right well thats a complete contradiction. Look at his goalscoring record the seasons after the treble lad. It got better, so i can't see where you're coming from there. If they defended deep he scored goals in other ways, headers, volleys etc. His goalscoring record kept improving, so i don't see how you can blame the teams lack of quality on one player who was the only one to keep performing at the same level. At the end of the day, its not his fault the team started to play like :censored:. He was a class player playing in an average side and if it wasn't for his goals (as we've saw this season domestically at least) we'd have been in serious trouble.

Ahh :censored: i can't be arsed arguing.

Another one tho on work rate...

Defenders = w
strikers = x
ball = o

How many times do we see Baros chasing the ball like this...
w      wo      w       w
w      w        wo      w

w       w       w        wo

Answer? :censored: loads... he's wating his energy.



wo       w          w          w

w        w          wo           w

w        w          w            wo

It saves energy, Baros lets teams play across the backline, Owen always closes from the centre of the pitch which stops the switch of play which gives the opposition less time.

Its called brains. :)

Good reply Stu and i appreciate the time taken to come to a well reasoned argument. BUT there is no need to tell me to 'shut-up' and listen, because you have qouted me in your post, so obviously i AM gonna read your reply. Also dont ASSUME that because someone DISAGREES with you, this makes them a child, or that they dont understand the game of football.
Believe me you DO NOT NEED to educate me on the world of football, as i am SURE i got further than you in the game anyway :p(but thats another matter altogether!).

However all that you say basically is the opposite to what i say, and if i make a further reply, i will also do the same - say the opposite to you. And we will end up going in circles!!
So I think it is clear we disagree on the abilities of MO, and therefore will have to agree to disagree.

Again, though, i dont agree with (the majority) of your post, I CAN see where you are coming from.

I simply do not see Owen as having World Class attributes, though the statistics of his scoring, do (admittedly) make this a very hard point to make - as people will always revert back to his scoring ratio!!

I think we will NOT see him back at Anfield whilst rafa is in charge though, and personally i think this (will?) speaks volumes.

But the one point i will make (as i strongly disagree with your viewpoint on it!!) is that he DOES HAVE VERY LITTLE skill. Maybe my view of skill (and what it is) are different from yours, but I am sorry, MO has very little all round skill, he has no 'tricks', very little craft, a lack of creativity, poor ball control, a lack of RELIABLE dribbling skills, and this is to name but a few.

Also on a quick side point -  I did not mention Baros in my post so fail to understand why you have used him to TRY and clarify your points...Why didnt you choose a 'world class' striker to do this?
Also i DID NOT say that Owen did not have a brain or was stupid, so i dont understand why you mention that either!!
Last edited by 76-1115222408 on Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:40 pm

michael owen had a new contract infront of him for over a year at anfield but we the fans got fed all that `dont worry i`ll sign, its just that my agent is on holiday for 6 months` cr@p in the echo, he knew by not signing he was sending the signals out to other clubs that he wanted to leave long before he actually did, he was playing in a red jersey for a year knowing he was off and he certainly got his wish. rafa raced to portugal to see gerrard and owen to convince them to stay and obviously michael was having none of it, and the fact rafa couldnt play him in the cl qualifyers weeks before he went says everything. rafa probably felt a bit vunerable when he first came, his first job abroad and all it entails and he certainly didnt want our best two players to leave, one showed loyalty and won the cl, the other left and now wants to come back because he fears lack of gametime might scupper his world cup place especially if defoe has a storming season. when owen left us he thought we were a club in freefall and he didnt want to be around to see the mess when we hit the bottom, talk about standing strong when a club needs you - he couldnt get out quick enough even taking a pay cut, but now were succesful again we`ll probably get the `its my home` rubbish.
in the week the real madrid manager hit out at owens team saying michael signed for madrid so if madrid choose to start him on the bench he has to accept it like a professional, he also said that whilst in public michael says he doesnt want to leave his agent and representatives are trying to engineer a move behind the scene`s.........what? i cant believe that! anyway it cant be true because his agents on holiday.
michael owen is a good player but i`ve seen better in a red shirt, but obviously from the hero worshiping on this board a lot of the people arent old enough to have. but thats okay, i was like that about keegan when he went.
it was his choice not ours.
by the way this is nothing personal, if gerrard would have went i would have said the same.

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Postby El Nino_#9 » Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:45 pm

to answer the question......
yes i do want michael owen.
short and sweet!
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Postby 5th_Hokage » Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:02 am

With all these arguments, why can't somebody just name a striker who is better than Owen, scores more than him and will possibly sign for Liverpool? I agree Owen may not be world class or the best player on the planet. There are probably a few names you can think of who are better than Owen, but how many will actually sign for LFC or that LFC can afford? IMO, Owen will add value to the current team and I don't think there's much argument against that. Unless of course Arsenal is willing to sell Henry for 15 million... but we know that is not possible.

If Chelsea signs Owen, I will be very very worried.
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Postby captainduck » Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:55 am

Lee J wrote:Michael Owen??  Back at Liverpool?? 

Finnan, Hyppia, Carra,  Riise
Figo, Alonso, Gerrard, Zenden,
Cisse, Owen


Mmm, that should just about win us the league me thinks.

no kidding!!! not only that but if we get some fresh defenders also we could be unstoppable. you cant doubt his talent. he is still class, even if he was only here for a year, i wouldnt complain.. that way we can throw rocks at him when he moves to another club on another glory hunt :grinning: he would have to make a statement to win me over, but i totally agree with you also, jbg
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Postby azriahmad » Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:34 am

I would take Owen back, he will score loads of goals with the way Liverpool plays and create chances now.

The only thing is, and this is the crux of it, does Benithez want him? If not, we all could argue till the cows come home and yet will be nothing doing.

IMHO, Owen is a far better striker than Fowler or even Rushie. Owen scored loads of goals in a Liverpool team playing primiraly defensive football and most laterly route 1, this is the hallmark of the Houllier regime. Imagine how many he could have scored had he played alongside Kenny with the service by Souness?

It is inconcievable to belive that he has no or very little skills. If fully fit, he has fast footwork and can get past defenders on far many more occassions than Baros ever would. He loses out to Fowler's natural finishing abilities but he makes up with a lot more abilities - being able to sniff opportunistic chances (beinf at the right place at the right time) is a skill and not luck. You can't get lucky every time to reach 20+ goals a season or thereabouts. Just ask John Aldrige - useless at anything but very uncanny at being able to be at the right place at the right time and can put away chances even if he is half blind. Also, he scored with a few angled shots, surely this is not just pure luck?

Because he is small, don't expect him to win duels alone against 2 towering defenders by punting up the ball every time and hope he chases and beats these two hulks.

However, like I said, it boils down to whether Benithez really wants him and how Madrid wants to play if Benithez does want him.
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Postby azriahmad » Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:37 am

Guys, check this out at the Guardian's on-line website:

Guardian on line

It's heading is 'Liverpool Consider Deal to Bring Unhappy Owen Home'
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Postby El Nino_#9 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:38 am

i want owen to come to liverpool,
it will benefit us and england for when the world cup comes along.
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:20 am

If hes so desperate to come back its simple! Offer him a year or try and get him on loan(which IS an option)! And let him prove himself! But hes gonna have to show a lot more passion and commitment than he did in his last season!But he does deserve a chance! No 1 should forget the great service he gave us!

Postby tubby » Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:40 am

He could be the solution to Rafas problem for lack of goals and is already proven at Anfield and still in his prime. He should be welcomed back but i havea feeling that we could no longer afford him seeing as Real have whacked an extra 10Mil on what we sol dhim for.
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Postby woof woof ! » Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:43 am

bavlondon wrote:we could no longer afford him seeing as Real have whacked an extra 10Mil on what we sol dhim for.

Are you saying Real want £18 million for Owen ? Where did you see this ?

Provided he was affordable ,if the choice was between Owen or Crouch I'd take Owen any day of the week even if he was to cost £10-12 million I'd consider we'd saved £6-8 million by not buying Crouch .
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Postby siti_zaiton1982 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:47 am

I say take Owen back but for now,its a doubt Rafa would want him as he's still wants Crouch as his top shopping list.
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Postby tubby » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:58 pm

jonnymac1979 wrote:Did the Echo say if I'm not mistaken that it will be a years loan deal?  Or are we signing him permanently if you've heard something Murf?

Whats happend, is MO coming back? Ive been away for like an hoiur whats happend?
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Postby tubby » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:59 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
bavlondon wrote:we could no longer afford him seeing as Real have whacked an extra 10Mil on what we sol dhim for.

Are you saying Real want £18 million for Owen ? Where did you see this ?

Provided he was affordable ,if the choice was between Owen or Crouch I'd take Owen any day of the week even if he was to cost £10-12 million I'd consider we'd saved £6-8 million by not buying Crouch .

Thats old news. I saw it on the official site under media news.
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Postby MilitiaRusher » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:03 pm

if Rafa's budget for a striker is around 10 million, I would no doubt want Owen ahead of Crouch, though im not sure whether he fits into Rafa's plan. Speaking of which, Kuyt is a big and strong striker with similar characteristics with Crouch (not physically) and this would be the most favourable option out of the 3.
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