Michael owen - Do we want him ?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:30 pm

TheoRacle wrote:For what its worth...

I agree with Stu - MO is a class act and scores goals full stop.

I'm in Brisbane Queensland a regular reader of the forums and a Red since our European Cup win against Borussia Monchengladbach in 1977.

Viewing the EPL from afar and so maybe missing out on some of the gossip and rumour leading up to MO’s departure – I distinctly got the impression that Michael jumped ship at the last minute rather than be forced out by a the change of management. I have no evidence of that of course but at the time and from the press reports we got down under – that’s what I thought.

Maybe there is a personality clash between RB and MO at the bottom of this… after all the press seem to think that RB prefers Crouch FFS! Now I admire RB as much as anyone but someone please tell me that the Crouch link is just a ruse to keep the press away from our real intended signings!  Mori on top of his game offers everything that Crouch does plus a whole heap more so why on earth would you want to gamble 8 million quid on an ‘effective’ striker but someone who is just not in the same league (literally at the moment) as Owen, Mori, Cisse, Henry, Van Horsehead, Rooney, Drogba and yeah even Baros. Let’s face it, to compete for the trophy its players of this calibre that we need – not I’m sorry to say a Peter Crouch.

To those who are slagging MO off at the moment perhaps you should put yourself in both Stevie G and Michael’s position at end of last season.  New manager coming in, trophies coming in on the trickle rather than the flood we all want and expect, discontent amongst players and friends you’ve played your entire career with and uncertainty over the direction the club you love is going in.  We all know that Stevie ummed and aaghed over his decision and people labelled him a turncoat and immature and all sorts of other names not worth repeating.  In the end (finally!) he tossed a coin (?)  and decided to stay.  So last year, MO’s toin coss landed the other way and he walked. Rash, immature, wrong advice, pushed - who here can really say with 100% certainty? I for one do not think it was ego. Whenever I’ve seen him speak on the box, he always displays respect, humility, intelligence and poise. Take the ‘midget’ incident for example with Carlos Alberto.  MO’s response to Alberto showed that he is a true diplomat and great ambassador for the game.  Compare him against the definition of ego in Mourinho and you’ll see my point.

So yes, I’d like to see Michael Owen back where he belongs… the options provided by Cisse, Owen, and Mori upfront with Gerrard, Alonso, Sissoko, (an in form) Kewell, Garcia and maybe Figo providing the service really is a mouth watering prospect!

michael owen wasnt pushed mate, quite the opposite, in fact rafa flew out to the england team hotel in portugal to basically beg gerrard and owen to give him a season to prove he could turn the club around as both players were preparing for the off after becoming dissillusioned with the clubs direction under houllier.
owen had already made up his mind to leave long before that and we the fans knew it because his stalling tactics on signing a new contract had been widely covered in the local press for over a year. at first owen told the fans through the local media that he would sign as soon as his agent came back off holiday but when it transpired this holiday was going to last six months we started to suspect we were getting given the runaround. everyone in football knows that when a player stalls on signing a deal on the table its basically a come and get me to other clubs. ferdinand is doing it now at united but his high wage demands and mercinary nature is scaring off potential buyers but this didnt stop united fans shouting "why dont you f@ck off to chelsea" at him this weekend during a freindly. they may be united fans but they know the score.
liverpool were at a critical point in their history last summer, we had spent the last 14 years spending toe to toe or rather pound for pound with other clubs trying to regain our place as the premier side in england. no other club had spent so much for so long without success and many once big clubs who had more recent success in the title race like blackburn and leeds couldnt compete. but liverpools board kept on trying but after houllier had wasted millions on average players it looked like we had to admit defeat and fall back into the pack of proud provincial clubs who were once the dominant force in the english game like everton and spurs.
we had one hope and that was we had two world class players who we could build a side around without costing the earth but when the club needed loyalty the most one of these players decided to leave. he knew the club was peering into the chasm but owen decided to even take a pay cut to leave the sinking ship.
then came a miracle in the shape of rafa benitez and the rest is history. but i think rafa as well as being a winner is a proud man and he wont forget those conversations in that hotel in portugal very quickly.

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Postby neilE » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:38 pm

Benitex is undoubtedly a proud man, but before that he's Liverpool's manager - what I mean is, he won't let his personal thoughts get in the way of the best thing for this club - see how he handled Gerrard last week, when a lot of high profile managers would have publicly told Gerrard to get lost. He played it with respect for his player, even though his patience must have been tested. So as far as Owen goes, it won't matter whether he pssed Benitez off last year - Rafa will sign him anyway IF he thinks the club would benefit.
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Postby TheoRacle » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:39 pm

yckatbjywtbiastkamb your viewpoint is noted however...

Sometimes pride=stupidity.  Does Rafa seriously believe that Crouch provides more/better options than Owen or is it his 'pride' talking?  Owen has swallowed his apparently.

I would like to think that NeilE is spot on and Rafa is big enough and smart enough to see LFC would bemore potent with Owen than Crouch.
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Postby neilE » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:45 pm

I think Rafa's interest in Crouch comes from our abject failure to get results agajnst ordinary teams in the league last season. He wants a big bastrd who won't mind the physical stuff, and won't go missing just because it's only Birmingham etc. And he is different to anything else. If we end up buying him, I wouldn't expect him to play at all in Europe, and not that often in the league IMHO he's still not worth it, but then I don't expect to get offered the manager's job for a while yet :D  :suspect:
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Postby supersub » Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:11 am

Nobody wants him......why?...stu says he is :censored: top 10 and every other :censored: is :censored: mental and hasn't got a :censored: clue .....he can't pass, he can't control a ball he has a shot like a pansy..can't kick with his left foot and he won't fit in with Rafa's revolution .....and he is a parasite looking for a host.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:12 am

This is a former europian player of the year we're talking about here?

Your pathetic attempt to argue with everything i say stops you seeing how good a player Michael Owen actually is?

Your problem lad.

Postby The_Rock » Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:00 am

as most of you know by now, i am a huge baros fan.... but if i had to choose between baros & owen, i will have owen anytime.

i know, he sort of betrayed us..... and stuff like that, but if he comes back, (i don't care what carra says), we will win the league title for sure.

Owen & Cisse partnership...will score loads of goals. This is a fact.

But if Owen comes back, he will have to understand that he is not a top dog anymore...... Gerrard is. If Owen understands that, i would be happy to take him back...if not...bring on crouch (i hate crouch...but in rafa i trust).
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Postby A.B. » Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:12 am

Imo Owen comming back won't happen, supposedly Parry is keen on getting him back but Benitez isn't and if that is true, as good as a manager Benitez is then he must have a really good reason why he doesn't Owen back.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:12 am

I dont think there are too many people doubting Owens abilities but the fact of the matter is he done the dirty on LfC.
And somebody said that they would have Owen back even if his main priority was to go to get a place in the world cup.

I would like to think that 99% of Liverpool supporters would disagree that particular statement.You want a player that is going to play for the club and not himself and i know these days in football that is becoming rarer and rarer .

Owen wanted to move not LFC, he wanted to go and win cups with Madrid not LFC.
Now he claps his hands and wants a return because it hasnt worked out for him.What? We are expected to welcome him a move back with open arms ?

Owen made his bed and now he can lay in it....

Postby RED ANT » Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:59 am

I don't think Owen stitched us up as much as is being made out. He said right through his career that he wanted to play abroad at some point in his career so we shouldn't have been to surprised at events.

Also to say that players don't show any loyalty anymore shouldn't be an issue here. I mean did clubs show loyalty to the hundreds of players released up and down the country this summer? no they didn't but you don't here fans complaining about that do you. We expect loyalty from our best players but if Salif Diao was refusing to sign a new contract we wouldn't care would we, we want it both ways but it dosen't always work like that i'm afraid.

I'd love to see Owen back here again and i hope it happens maybe aswell as Crouch if Baros can be offloaded but we'll just have to see, won't we?
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Postby supersub » Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:14 am

stu_the_red wrote:This is a former europian player of the year we're talking about here?

Your pathetic attempt to argue with everything i say stops you seeing how good a player Michael Owen actually is?

Your problem lad.

To be honest ..your undying love for MO prevents you from seeing how limited a footballer Owen is.

One individual and might I add undeserved personal award ,hardly makes a player world class or indispensable.

You idolise Owen like a school-girl crush on the P.E.teacher...sit and watch how many times he miss controls a pass,loses the ball when he tries to dribble and please watch his contribution to a game..if he don't score the lad is anonimous.Michael Owen is surviving on his exploits 4 years ago and beyond.He won't be back get over it
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Postby begintoend » Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:32 am

I was one of those for the leaving of Owen to Madrid. Owen was a good striker but never world class. What he had achieve in Madrid is an improvement and if he had stayed on in LFC, I seriously dun see that improvement.

About the fact that Owen is not world class has been strongly and correctly supported by SS post. Take away his speed and what do you have? I even rate Owen below Bergkamp who is immaculate.

If there's only Crouch and Owen, I will consider Owen though.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:04 am

I'm gunna be honest i'd prefer owenover Crouch and Baros and if i'm being really honest Morientes. I'm not saying get rid of Morientes cos he's a valuable european player but Owen knows the premiership - his goals per game ratio proved that (it was better than Alan Shearers!)

Owen back will only boost our league chances.

And think also if we don't have him the manc's will, whats worse a ex-liverpool returning to Anfield or and ex-liverpool player plaing at Old Trafford?? I know which one i'd choose
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:08 am

supersub wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:This is a former europian player of the year we're talking about here?

Your pathetic attempt to argue with everything i say stops you seeing how good a player Michael Owen actually is?

Your problem lad.

To be honest ..your undying love for MO prevents you from seeing how limited a footballer Owen is.

One individual and might I add undeserved personal award ,hardly makes a player world class or indispensable.

You idolise Owen like a school-girl crush on the P.E.teacher...sit and watch how many times he miss controls a pass,loses the ball when he tries to dribble and please watch his contribution to a game..if he don't score the lad is anonimous.Michael Owen is surviving on his exploits 4 years ago and beyond.He won't be back get over it

One undeserved award? How the hell can you sit there and say it was undeserved? What planet are you from? He single handedly won about 50 games that year and destroyed some of the world best teams in extremely high pressured situations. Something "God" never once done in his life time.

You either have a short memory, or simply didnt' see the games at all that year. The lad was simply unstoppable and if he hadn't have had the injuries before the league cup final, his season would have been even better.

The lads in a class of his own and is by long distance the best player to pull on the shirt of this club since at least 1992 and i'd stick my neck on the line and say he was a better footballer than the likes of Rush aswell, with the exceptipn the team around him was of nowhere near the same standard.

I'll put it simply for you, last season, by his standards he was woeful. He scored 19, 16 in the league, he got 4 assists in the league, 5 overall. Baros has 3 assists, 1 in the league. Baros has 9 goals in the league and 13 overall.

Are you telling me Owen's alround play is as bad as Baros?

I seem to remember you telling us all how good Fowler's alround game was and how that made him a better player than Owen. Well, all Fowler was, was vision and a goalscorer, he was worse than Owen outside the box.

Infact i don't know why am bothering to argue, any match going fan or anyone with a clue would would tell you how good he is. Thats why he's at madrid and has the respect he does anyway. Thats why he's won these games for us, thats why he won awards and thats why since he left, our away record has gone to pot and the team struggles to score goals.

The fact that the people who go to matches or the people who have a bit of knowledge instead of spouting :censored: all the time, IE... JohnBull, Leon, woof woof + 1 or two others on here all have the same opinion speaks volumes. At the end of the day, you ask every manager in world football if they want Owen in their team, i garentee EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM would take him. Without question. But what would they know eh? :laugh:

Postby SouthCoastShankly » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:14 am

Bamaga man wrote:Owen wanted to move not LFC, he wanted to go and win cups with Madrid not LFC.
Now he claps his hands and wants a return because it hasnt worked out for him.What? We are expected to welcome him a move back with open arms ?

Owen made his bed and now he can lay in it....

And we all weren't telling Steven Gerrard to let the door hit him on the way out but as soon as he returned we all acted all sorry and happy he was staying. Ian Rush left liverpool to play abroad and returned the season after and he is a legend and forever will be. Why can't Michael Owen?

Michael Owen has the abililty to do the same, we need that "fox in the box" player to score those tap ins and be in the right place at the right time.

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