Maybe its time for rafa to go ?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby lakes10 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:18 pm

Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Yeah then maybe your the type of person that listens to one radio interveiw and thinks all is rosy!

Go and sheep!

Open your eyes and look at the broader picture,what has been done to Rafa is bang out of order and i for one stand behind the man with upmost respect and admiration!
He has spoken once about transfers and since then held a dignified silence when it was easy to speak out!

The most respectful man at LFC since Shankly,his conduct can not be faulted.2 out of 3 C/L finals is not bad either!

Rafa knows the LFC way!

When did i say its rosy , i know the owners have been slating rafa ,  well u come on here and refuse to look at other views and when some1 gives another view different from ur's u curse at time . Wow u must really be mature , yes rafa has gotten us 2/3 champions league finals but look at our position in the league , so everytime we drop pints or some1 talks abt maybe its time for rafa to go , u gonna remind them of past achievements? we may be doing well in the european front or in cup competitions but in the league , we're still back where we were 4 years back , not much improvement and  we can't keep thinking that we are always gonna get that champions league spot , the league is improving compared to 10 years back , no longer are the top 4 so much more superior , now e are being challenged by the likes of villa , city , everton , the competition is getting stiffer

This  season has been an absolute fu.cking circus lad!

We cannot judge any one,not Rafa not the players!The only thing progressive for LFC this season is that we know that we have 2 idiots in charge..FACT!

I knew this would happen..Tom Hicks gives one carefully spoken interveiw and Wan.kers like you listen and turn on Rafa! :no

listen mate my judgment has nothing to do with tom hicks or george gillet , my judgements are based on results , what i have seen happening in games , based on our performance , Yes we have too idiots in charge
Look if this discussion is getting too intense , lets leave it at here

We can argue till the cows come home but for a fact , the only 2 people who decide whether rafa stays or go are the 2 owners

Take a look at the new posts in the Hicks thread, Hick is hear to stay.
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Postby account deleted by request » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:18 pm

metalhead wrote:
s@int wrote:
Let me ask this though, would mourinho win us the title in his first season though

A better question might be will Benitez win us the title?

I don't believe are players are as bad as they have been playing, and I don't believe we are as far away from challenging as some seem to think, but we need them to start playing to their full potential, and I am no longer sure Rafa will ever get them to do that in the league.

I don't think we have the players capable to challenging the title mate. Yes we have good players, but some of them are not good enough to play for Liverpool. Lets take our strikers for example, we have 1 out 4 who is more than good enough for Liverpool. The other 3 are either not Liverpool material or just squad players (Crouch or Kuyt) who aren't fit to play every week. Plus, our backline still looks shaky (ok, agger's injury, the sooner he gets back the better it becomes). We need another left back, who isn't injury prone and very good defencively and going forward (I really like aurelio, but too injury prone, unless he consistanly stays fit and healthy then left back is covered).

Benitez has potential to win us the title, it depends on him though, weather he signs the right players and stops overrotating.

I still don't think Mourinho would win us the title quickly, maybe in 2 or 3 years of his tenure, when he builds his own team in his own way.

Rafa has spent approx £50 million on our forwards, not counting the ones that he has tried and moved on.

Babel      £11.5
Crouch    £7.5
Torres     £20+
Kuyt       £10
Voronin    £0

So if we only have 1 who's any good, who's fault is it? Maybe another manager could get more out of them, or more likely sell a couple of them and bring in another good one?

As I said, I am still clinging to faint hopes with Rafa, but I am begining to think maybe he has taken us as far as he can. I just hope I am wrong.
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:18 pm

Toffeehater wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Then again lad maybe hes the type of person who just supports Liverpool Football club trophy or no trophy i support my team cause i love LFC of couse i want us to win things but id still be a red mate and love my team even if we were in division three cause they are the club i love but some fans lad actualy do support us with or with out the glory

nanny i don't mind us not winning silverware but look here , ask urself yes u love the club and so do i , but it's time liverpool stand up and end that 18 year curse of us not winning the league title , Don't u think players like stevie and carra haven given their heart and sole for this club and its only fair if they get a premier league title back? Stevie turned his back on top clubs to stay with us , saying that he loved this club dearly and would play till the end of his career , he has also kmade it known that the premier title is what he wants to lift the most , the medal which he wants the most

I wouldnt say it was a curse id put it down to not being good enough with the players weve had.
Stevie and Carra are scousers they are playing for the club they support of couse there gonna give there heart and soul but support the club for who and what we stand for not what were going to win.
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Postby Scottbot » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:19 pm

It's a decent thread and the two posts at the top probably echo what quite a few reds are feeling at the moment. I'm glad no-one has indicated the manager should go now, that would be ridiculous. It's all speculative at the moment because we have no idea how things are gonna pan out for the rest of the season. When you look at Rafa's first three seasons at the club he has delivered something every time, there's been exctitement, drama and some truly glorioius nights at Anfield. First season we had the miracle of Istanbul, 2nd time around it was the FA Cup and a good season in the league and last year it was another run to Champions League Final. FWIW, last season's run to the final is MASSIVELY underplayed and under-appreciated on here, it's like it never happened.

This season, there's no doubt the manager is under a lot of pressure and i've certainly be having my own doubts. Pre-season and early expectation was high and this was fuelled by comments fromt he players and the manager himself. You know you've got a good/great manager on your hands if he can battle through lean spells such as this. Can he rebuild the confidence of the players? play out a few scrappy wins and swing momentum back the other way? I guess we will find out. Hopefully the clowns will keep their gobs shut for a few weeks, the boardroom boll..o...x will relent, the fans can concentrate on supporting the team and maybe we can finish the season strongly.

I agree with Saint on the Assistant Boss side of things and i still can't see past Gary McAllister. Loves the club, loved by the fans, would form a good link with the likes of Gerrard, Carra, Hyppia and Riise. The perfect choice for me.

Overall though, it's simple. Everyone needs to get behind the team and support the manager. the questions can be asked at the end of the season.
Last edited by Scottbot on Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ConnO'var » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:19 pm

Bamaga man wrote:I think I'm coming to the conclusion that it maybe better if Rafa left Liverpool at the end of the season.

Firstly let me just put it out there that I despise G&H and what they've done at the club, and I think undermining Rafa like they did was disgraceful. I think I'd stick up for any manager who found himself in the same predicament as Rafa Benitez did. There is no doubt that since they've come in they've made life hell for the Spaniard, how is he supposed to work under those sort of conditions ?
Hicks has come out and said that they'll give him their full support and hope to try and build a bridge over this whole situation. Fact of the matter is the two Yanks and Rafa will never be in unison when it comes down to football and transfers alike. It wouldnt surprise me, and I wouldnt blame Rafa for holding a grudge against those two, and for that I just cannot see this matter being a good foundation to get Liverpool going again, they'll always be friction between the trio, then add Parry into the pot and there seems a recipe for disaster. I would like to see the Yanks go before Rafa does, but I cannot see this happening now.  :(

Secondly and for purely footballing reasons now, I have to say that I've lost faith in Benitez somewhat. I cannot see him taking us any further than where we are currently situated in terms of league status. I'd hoped at the begining of this season he'd of put any doubts in my mind I had about him in the previous season, and erased them. For me he hasnt, hes just mirrored what he did from the season before and persisted with methods that just have not worked. So many people will tell me he wont change, and they're right he wont. So in my mind thats why I've lost faith in him. He doesnt seem willing to change and adapt his methods and thats costing us again this season.
I also think there is a lot of room for his man-management skills to be improved on, and I dont see him as a real motivator to his players. For me now in the way that we play and the lack of grit, determination and seemingly passion we're showind, he's becoming the equavilant of Sven Goran Erricksson during his tenure in charge of England. That may come accross as a tad harsh, but its the only comparrison I can make to try and get my point accross.
He hasnt got an assistant, he needs one as much as the players need one there clearly is a missing link there and its a void Rafa isnt able to fill. He hasnt brought anyone in to help him out, I dont know, he may not of worked with many people to know who are good coaches, he may of only worked with and handful of coaches, which possibly shows a shallow depth in his recruiting department. I maybe wrong and he may know many more able coaches to help him out, but if so why hasnt he got one in ?

Another gut feeling I get is that the players themselves dont have much hope in Rafa's methods anymore, didnt Carra say something along those sort of lines in an interview shortly or give that impression anyway ? If it is true and some of the players are feeling like this, Rafa's own chances of making us successful are slim to none, everything is stacking up against him now, and it might be better for him and us if he were to swallow his pride and move on.
There isnt any cohesiveness to our football anymore, there doesnt seem that kind of winning mentality and togetherness that all title winning sides need. Yes with whats gone on at the club will certainly of not done us any favours nor Rafa, but I feel this debacle has luckily for Rafa IMO turned our attention elsewhere, and as the football has become a distant second in most fans minds, its kind of made a valid excuse for poor performances, but even before all this it wasnt clear we were heading any further in the right direction.

This is a $hit time for the fans and the club I know, but I dont think it will get any better between Rafa and the board and between Rafa and our football.

Excellent post, Bamaga....

It is unfortunate but I have to say that I agree.
The way that Rafa's been treated by the yanks is disgraceful.... we should never wash our dirty linen in public.... However, you reap what you sow..... If you're gonna to stir the hornets nest, then be prepared to get stung. We'll never know the complete story behind the whole sordid mess but neither side covered themselves in glory with the way it was handled in the media. My own opinion is that the Yanks are more to blame than Rafa but I don't think think you can conclude that Rafa is completely blameless.

From a footballing standpoint, I have said before that I don't think his methods are good enough. All the talk about the quality of available players doesn't wash with me either.... With essentially a similar or lesser talented squad, Rafa took us to our highest ever points total.

LFC comes 1st and foremost.
I don't think selling our soul to the new owners was a good idea (completely with the benefit of hindsight).
Neither do I think that keeping faith with Rafa is good for us in the long run.

I disagree with the choice of Mourinho either. There are others out there and I would look to an ex-manager with a proven track record. One who has won an english league title not only for us but for another club. If he still wants it, give King Kenny a call at the end of the season.
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Postby Number 9 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:19 pm

Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Yeah then maybe your the type of person that listens to one radio interveiw and thinks all is rosy!

Go and sheep!

Open your eyes and look at the broader picture,what has been done to Rafa is bang out of order and i for one stand behind the man with upmost respect and admiration!
He has spoken once about transfers and since then held a dignified silence when it was easy to speak out!

The most respectful man at LFC since Shankly,his conduct can not be faulted.2 out of 3 C/L finals is not bad either!

Rafa knows the LFC way!

When did i say its rosy , i know the owners have been slating rafa ,  well u come on here and refuse to look at other views and when some1 gives another view different from ur's u curse at time . Wow u must really be mature , yes rafa has gotten us 2/3 champions league finals but look at our position in the league , so everytime we drop pints or some1 talks abt maybe its time for rafa to go , u gonna remind them of past achievements? we may be doing well in the european front or in cup competitions but in the league , we're still back where we were 4 years back , not much improvement and  we can't keep thinking that we are always gonna get that champions league spot , the league is improving compared to 10 years back , no longer are the top 4 so much more superior , now e are being challenged by the likes of villa , city , everton , the competition is getting stiffer

This  season has been an absolute fu.cking circus lad!

We cannot judge any one,not Rafa not the players!The only thing progressive for LFC this season is that we know that we have 2 idiots in charge..FACT!

I knew this would happen..Tom Hicks gives one carefully spoken interveiw and Wan.kers like you listen and turn on Rafa! :no

listen mate my judgment has nothing to do with tom hicks or george gillet , my judgements are based on results , what i have seen happening in games , based on our performance , Yes we have too idiots in charge
Look if this discussion is getting too intense , lets leave it at here

We can argue till the cows come home but for a fact , the only 2 people who decide whether rafa stays or go are the 2 owners

And people like you support it!

Do me a favour lad and look the word'support' up in the dictionary!
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Postby Ciggy » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:21 pm

If G & H stay there will be no more money spent on big name signings world class players, so whether Rafa goes or stays the current situation we find ourselves in at the moment.

Even if Wenger, Fergie, or Jose took over we still wouldnt win the prem.

I just feel if all the sh!t had not have hit the fan things could have been a lot different but it did hit the fan so its hard to predict how this season might have turned out.

One things for certain that was a team of strangers on that pitch yesterday.
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

Kenny Dalglish 1/2/2011

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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:23 pm

Number 9 wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Yeah then maybe your the type of person that listens to one radio interveiw and thinks all is rosy!

Go and sheep!

Open your eyes and look at the broader picture,what has been done to Rafa is bang out of order and i for one stand behind the man with upmost respect and admiration!
He has spoken once about transfers and since then held a dignified silence when it was easy to speak out!

The most respectful man at LFC since Shankly,his conduct can not be faulted.2 out of 3 C/L finals is not bad either!

Rafa knows the LFC way!

When did i say its rosy , i know the owners have been slating rafa ,  well u come on here and refuse to look at other views and when some1 gives another view different from ur's u curse at time . Wow u must really be mature , yes rafa has gotten us 2/3 champions league finals but look at our position in the league , so everytime we drop pints or some1 talks abt maybe its time for rafa to go , u gonna remind them of past achievements? we may be doing well in the european front or in cup competitions but in the league , we're still back where we were 4 years back , not much improvement and  we can't keep thinking that we are always gonna get that champions league spot , the league is improving compared to 10 years back , no longer are the top 4 so much more superior , now e are being challenged by the likes of villa , city , everton , the competition is getting stiffer

This  season has been an absolute fu.cking circus lad!

We cannot judge any one,not Rafa not the players!The only thing progressive for LFC this season is that we know that we have 2 idiots in charge..FACT!

I knew this would happen..Tom Hicks gives one carefully spoken interveiw and Wan.kers like you listen and turn on Rafa! :no

listen mate my judgment has nothing to do with tom hicks or george gillet , my judgements are based on results , what i have seen happening in games , based on our performance , Yes we have too idiots in charge
Look if this discussion is getting too intense , lets leave it at here

We can argue till the cows come home but for a fact , the only 2 people who decide whether rafa stays or go are the 2 owners

And people like you support it!

Do me a favour lad and look the word'support' up in the dictionary!

When did i say i support it?
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:23 pm

Scottbot wrote:It's a decent thread and the two posts at the top probably echo what quite a few reds are feeling at the moment. I'm glad no-one has indicated the manager should go now, that would be ridiculous. It's all speculative at the moment because we have no idea how things are gonna pan out for the rest of the season. When you look at Rafa's first three seasons at the club he has delivered something every time, there's been exctitement, drama and some truly glorioius nights at Anfield. First season we had the miracle of Istanbul, 2nd time around it was the FA Cup and a good season in the league and last year it was another run to Champions League Final. FWIW, last season's run to the final is MASSIVELY underplayed and under-appreciated on here, it's like it never happened.

This season, there's no doubt the manager is under a lot of pressure and i've certainly be having my own doubts. Pre-season and early expectation was high and this was fuelled by comments fromt he players and the manager himself. You know you've got a good/great manager on your hands if he can battle through lean spells such as this. Can he rebuild the confidence of the players? play out a few scrappy wins and swing momentum back the other way? I guess we will find out. Hopefully the clowns will keep their gobs shut for a few weeks, the boardroom boll..o...x will relent, the fans can concentrate on supporting the team and maybe we can finish the season strongly.

I agree with Saint on the Assistant Boss side of things and i still can't see past Gary McAllister. Loves the club, loved by the fans, would form a good link with the likes of Gerrard, Carra, Hyppia and Riise. The perfect choice for me.

Overall though, it's simple. Everyone needs to get behind the team and support the manager. the questions can be asked at the end of the season.

One of the most sensible posts ive read :nod
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Postby ConnO'var » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:24 pm

Number 9 wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Then again lad maybe hes the type of person who just supports Liverpool Football club trophy or no trophy i support my team cause i love LFC of couse i want us to win things but id still be a red mate and love my team even if we were in division three cause they are the club i love but some fans lad actualy do support us with or with out the glory

Well said Nanny!

Scum on here turn my gut at fuc.king interveiw from a briefed yank and they turn on Rafa like a pack of wolves!

True colours always show in the end!
All they want is glory,respect,the way its done matters nothing now to so called fans!
Yeah just get Rafa out and buy a better manager now we have money.....Some things are more important than a pound sign,dignity and respect cannot be bought!


Disagree completely.
You don't know the people who post on here, lad.

Totally unnecessary accusation.
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:26 pm

NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Then again lad maybe hes the type of person who just supports Liverpool Football club trophy or no trophy i support my team cause i love LFC of couse i want us to win things but id still be a red mate and love my team even if we were in division three cause they are the club i love but some fans lad actualy do support us with or with out the glory

nanny i don't mind us not winning silverware but look here , ask urself yes u love the club and so do i , but it's time liverpool stand up and end that 18 year curse of us not winning the league title , Don't u think players like stevie and carra haven given their heart and sole for this club and its only fair if they get a premier league title back? Stevie turned his back on top clubs to stay with us , saying that he loved this club dearly and would play till the end of his career , he has also kmade it known that the premier title is what he wants to lift the most , the medal which he wants the most

I wouldnt say it was a curse id put it down to not being good enough with the players weve had.
Stevie and Carra are scousers they are playing for the club they support of couse there gonna give there heart and soul but support the club for who and what we stand for not what were going to win.

yes , i know that they will keep on fighting and playing with all their heart and their souls , but stevie has made it known , that is why he almost jumped ship
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:27 pm

ConnO'var wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Then again lad maybe hes the type of person who just supports Liverpool Football club trophy or no trophy i support my team cause i love LFC of couse i want us to win things but id still be a red mate and love my team even if we were in division three cause they are the club i love but some fans lad actualy do support us with or with out the glory

Well said Nanny!

Scum on here turn my gut at fuc.king interveiw from a briefed yank and they turn on Rafa like a pack of wolves!

True colours always show in the end!
All they want is glory,respect,the way its done matters nothing now to so called fans!
Yeah just get Rafa out and buy a better manager now we have money.....Some things are more important than a pound sign,dignity and respect cannot be bought!


Disagree completely.
You don't know the people who post on here, lad.

Totally unnecessary accusation.

he comes on here , joining only in jan with 100 posts and contradicts all of us just because some of us share a different view from him
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Postby Number 9 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:28 pm

ConnO'var wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Then again lad maybe hes the type of person who just supports Liverpool Football club trophy or no trophy i support my team cause i love LFC of couse i want us to win things but id still be a red mate and love my team even if we were in division three cause they are the club i love but some fans lad actualy do support us with or with out the glory

Well said Nanny!

Scum on here turn my gut at fuc.king interveiw from a briefed yank and they turn on Rafa like a pack of wolves!

True colours always show in the end!
All they want is glory,respect,the way its done matters nothing now to so called fans!
Yeah just get Rafa out and buy a better manager now we have money.....Some things are more important than a pound sign,dignity and respect cannot be bought!


Disagree completely.
You don't know the people who post on here, lad.

Totally unnecessary accusation.

True i dont!

But i know that its not just a coincedence that Tom Hicks talked of LFCs future today and now the fans are calling for Rafas head?

He dangles a dollar bill and supporters are like flies to shi'te!
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Number 9
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Postby Number 9 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:30 pm

Toffeehater wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Then again lad maybe hes the type of person who just supports Liverpool Football club trophy or no trophy i support my team cause i love LFC of couse i want us to win things but id still be a red mate and love my team even if we were in division three cause they are the club i love but some fans lad actualy do support us with or with out the glory

nanny i don't mind us not winning silverware but look here , ask urself yes u love the club and so do i , but it's time liverpool stand up and end that 18 year curse of us not winning the league title , Don't u think players like stevie and carra haven given their heart and sole for this club and its only fair if they get a premier league title back? Stevie turned his back on top clubs to stay with us , saying that he loved this club dearly and would play till the end of his career , he has also kmade it known that the premier title is what he wants to lift the most , the medal which he wants the most

I wouldnt say it was a curse id put it down to not being good enough with the players weve had.
Stevie and Carra are scousers they are playing for the club they support of couse there gonna give there heart and soul but support the club for who and what we stand for not what were going to win.

yes , i know that they will keep on fighting and playing with all their heart and their souls , but stevie has made it known , that is why he almost jumped ship

When to Chelsea ? How long ago was that?
Wise up...Our captain has pledged his career to LFC and thats good enough for me!
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:32 pm

Number 9 wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Number 9 wrote:I totally catagorically with every ounce of my very existance..DISAGREE!

So this is the way its gonna be ?

Fuc.king disgusted at the post and disgusted with the sheep...This is not LFC!

Go on Jonny boy!

Keep a close watch on your hearts,soon you may not have one!

then maybe ur the type of person that can't accept the truth , the truth hurts, open ur eyes mate we're 5th 12 points adrift from the leader and battling for 4th place , this is NOT LFC , LFC should be challenging for the premier league title but at the momnet 4th places seems like our best bet and only thing we can get this season. Chmapions league , i have faith in us and it would be a bonus

Then again lad maybe hes the type of person who just supports Liverpool Football club trophy or no trophy i support my team cause i love LFC of couse i want us to win things but id still be a red mate and love my team even if we were in division three cause they are the club i love but some fans lad actualy do support us with or with out the glory

nanny i don't mind us not winning silverware but look here , ask urself yes u love the club and so do i , but it's time liverpool stand up and end that 18 year curse of us not winning the league title , Don't u think players like stevie and carra haven given their heart and sole for this club and its only fair if they get a premier league title back? Stevie turned his back on top clubs to stay with us , saying that he loved this club dearly and would play till the end of his career , he has also kmade it known that the premier title is what he wants to lift the most , the medal which he wants the most

I wouldnt say it was a curse id put it down to not being good enough with the players weve had.
Stevie and Carra are scousers they are playing for the club they support of couse there gonna give there heart and soul but support the club for who and what we stand for not what were going to win.

yes , i know that they will keep on fighting and playing with all their heart and their souls , but stevie has made it known , that is why he almost jumped ship

When to Chelsea ? How long ago was that?
Wise up...Our captain has pledged his career to LFC and thats good enough for me!

He wanted to go and that was the seaon rafa JOINED
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