Maybe its time for rafa to go ?

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Postby puroresu » Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:08 pm

I think Milan will get Mourinho.  I am shocked that Ancoletti is still in the job.  They have only won 2 home games and there rivals Inter are long past Milan.  Barca could be an option for Mourinho if Rijkaard leaves and he could end up at his old club in Milan.
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Postby Toffeehater » Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:31 pm

s@int wrote:I think Mourinho would come, whats the alternatives for him.... some midtable Italian club. Milan won't want him thats for sure. The Prem is where the money and the best players are and I think he would like to prove he can win it again.

If Rafa doesn't get us to a final and into next seasons CL he should go. Not just because he will have failed this season, but because he will have failed to show he can mount a title challenge in 4 seasons. He needs to show us that he deserves another chance, not be given one out of gratitude for what he did 3 seasons ago. We need to see some evidence of real progress, and we have not seen enough to warrent another chance yet.

Maybe if he brought in an assistant manager I would reconsider and give him another season, even if he did fail this season, but thats my final offer :D

I don't want to see him go, but no-one is bigger than the club.

top post saint a reasonable and sensible post , he needs a number 2 , its been pretty clear that pako's departure has affected the team , the results have shown that rafa needs someone who could work with the players in training like pako did.

If rafa does go , I think the best replacement would be guus hiddink like bamag has mentioned , he brought the aussie's to the world cup , beat england with RUSSIA , top manager
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Postby Toffeehater » Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:33 pm

puroresu wrote:I think Milan will get Mourinho.  I am shocked that Ancoletti is still in the job.  They have only won 2 home games and there rivals Inter are long past Milan.  Barca could be an option for Mourinho if Rijkaard leaves and he could end up at his old club in Milan.

Yes that seems like where mourinho will go , milan will give him the money he needs to spend on players , also i think the only reason that ancoletti still has a job is because of last season whr he led them to the final and a couple of seria A titles that he has managed to achieve there , i don't think barcelona will sack rikjaard though
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Postby stmichael » Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:39 pm

Bamaga man wrote:Why do I get this feeling deep down that the players have never really liked him, as they may of done like previous managers ?

Probably because it's true. Rafa doesn;t have a relationship with the players, certainly not in the same way that Houllier did anyway. Houllier was almost like a father figure to Gerrard when he was manager. Now I know Gerrard has great respect for Rafa but that's as far as it goes imo. Rafa would openly have sold Gerrard to Chelsea in 2004 if it meant he could bring in a couple of decent players as replacements.

How many of the players have come out and said they like working for Rafa in the last few weeks? There is absolutely no incentive to play well. Benayoun scored a hat trick but will he play Wednesday against West Ham? I think there's a 50-50 chance that he will and that sort of rationale can't be helping his confidence one bit.
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Postby Toffeehater » Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:44 pm

stmichael wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:Why do I get this feeling deep down that the players have never really liked him, as they may of done like previous managers ?

Probably because it's true. Rafa doesn;t have a relationship with the players, certainly not in the same way that Houllier did anyway. Houllier was almost like a father figure to Gerrard when he was manager. Now I know Gerrard has great respect for Rafa but that's as far as it goes imo. Rafa would openly have sold Gerrard to Chelsea in 2004 if it meant he could bring in a couple of decent players as replacements.

How many of the players have come out and said they like working for Rafa in the last few weeks? There is absolutely no incentive to play well. Benayoun scored a hat trick but will he play Wednesday against West Ham? I think there's a 50-50 chance that he will and that sort of rationale can't be helping his confidence one bit.

Also not forgetting that it was houllier who gave gerrard his break , when gerrard was injured , he suggested the treatment and let gerrard rest and look at where gerrard is , also houllier never tinkered with the team and the players knew that they were in the starting 11 prob by the end of training , the players have come out and defended rafa , riise , torres are just the few , none of the players want to see him go not after istanbul and athens posb , 2 of the greatest nights in their careers but none have said that they like playing under rafa's conditions where players are constanly dropped after good performances , eg: torres at the start of the season and yossi
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Postby laza » Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:44 pm

Well im not really sure being liked by the players is needed to make a sucessful coach. As long as your respected and success can buy you all the love you need.
Its when things arent good that this not liked by the players starts coming into the equation
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Postby zarababe » Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:38 pm

[B/] I'm really disaapointed to see this thread - because we have all spent the last weeks worrying about the ownership, in fact very survival of our club and have backed Rafa to the hilt, because there has been a belief that he, with his luv for LFC, his understanding of the club's heritage and expectations took the bold step of exposing the very real predicatment facing our grt institution; through the huge debt and unfullfillable ambitions held by a coukle of clowns with no money of their own.

Today I find a thread asking us if the real custodian of our club whose sole obsessive focus is to progress and succeed, should go 'anyway' :(

HELP HELP - have I logged on to the back pages of the Daily Sh.te !

If people on these pages really expect us to win the league within three years of Rafa's reign :( well u know what Damn him for winning the CL, FA Cup and getting us to another CL Final not to mention the super cup etc - for how dare he win those small things for us when what we really want is the League :angry: can you lot really look at yourselves and say winning those have paled in to significance because we oh so want the 'holy grail' get f.uckin over it :angry: where we have waited so many year we can fu.ckin well wait more !

It is boring now - Rafa can walk in to any job in the world - and some of you want him out - and for whom that arrogant Maureen who mocked our manager and sulked when Stevie G told him to stuff it? How the tide changes .

Unbelievable this place is - I will watch with glee when Senor Benitez lifts that League title - cos he will do that I promise you - you ungrateful so and so's crave - because frankly with this attitude you and we don't deserve it when you look at the cr.ap the magnificent Rafa has had to put up with - Shame on you !

Winning the CL - what do we want that little cup for  :sleep  [B]
Last edited by zarababe on Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Postby Ola Mr Benitez » Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:51 pm

People say that Rafa cannot motivate the team.. If I'm honest I think the motivation aspect of his management is the thing that holds us back the most because his style of team/formation selection destroys motivation in the team, and here is why...

In the old days when the team picked itself every week, all 11 players in the team knew thay had to play their socks off to ensure they got picked for the next game.  The players in the reserves played their socks off because they knew if one of the first teamers had an off day, they might get the chance to move up.

Nowadays, The players don't need to have a great game every week, because it doesn't matter how well you play, the team will be changed.  There is NO competiition for places anymore, sooner or later you will get a game.  Even if you play well and score (ie Crouch) you will probably be dropped under the name of rotation!

All players want to play every week, give them the carrot of staying in the team.. if you play well you will stay, if you dont someone else will want to..  Simple.. Shanks and Bob knew it...
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Postby Toffeehater » Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:05 pm

zarababe wrote:[B/] I'm really disaapointed to see this thread - because we have all spent the last weeks worrying about the ownership, in fact very survival of our club and have backed Rafa to the hilt, because there has been a belief that he, with his luv for LFC, his understanding of the club's heritage and expectations took the bold step of exposing the very real predicatment facing our grt institution; through the huge debt and unfullfillable ambitions held by a coukle of clowns with no money of their own.

Today I find a thread asking us if the real custodian of our club whose sole obsessive focus is to progress and succeed, should go 'anyway' :(

HELP HELP - have I logged on to the back pages of the Daily Sh.te !

If people on these pages really expect us to win the league within three years of Rafa's reign :( well u know what Damn him for winning the CL, FA Cup and getting us to another CL Final not to mention the super cup etc - for how dare he win those small things for us when what we really want is the League :angry: can you lot really look at yourselves and say winning those have paled in to significance because we oh so want the 'holy grail' get f.uckin over it :angry: where we have waited so many year we can fu.ckin well wait more !

It is boring now - Rafa can walk in to any job in the world - and some of you want him out - and for whom that arrogant Maureen who mocked our manager and sulked when Stevie G told him to stuff it? How the tide changes .

Unbelievable this place is - I will watch with glee when Senor Benitez lifts that League title - cos he will do that I promise you - you ungrateful so and so's crave - because frankly with this attitude you and we don't deserve it when you look at the cr.ap the magnificent Rafa has had to put up with - Shame on you !

Winning the CL - what do we want that little cup for  :sleep  [B]

i understand that u are upset , no one is saying that rafa should go , waiting till the end of the season is best thing to do , evaluating him at the end of the season , it's unfair to say that rafa has not been given money , he has had his money not comparable to how much chelsea have spent but an adequate amount , he has bought some bad buys almost nearly 40 million , which could have added 2 more 20 million or so players that we need out of the 3 . It's clear that we need A winger , a top class striker and a gull back who attacks but knows how to defend well also . So let me get back to point , rafa has made mistakes and surely if u deny this then u must be ignorant , his constant rotation and tinkering , weird formations , not taking smaller clubs seriously enough is why we are 12 points behind the leaders and why We nearly did noy qualify for the champions league based on our first 3 games . Yes rafa has won us the champions league , Fa cup , charity shield and also borught us to another final of the CL and also the league cup final , yes he has brought us everything in this 4 years at helm , but one thing we have not challenged for is the league , rafa has the reputation for being a cup manager , a league consists of 38 games and clearly based on previous season and the predicment that we are in , clarly we are not good enough , whether its the players or rafa , it takes 2 hands to clap, the players are not motivated enough , putting in sh!tty displays and i blame that firstly on the hicks and Gillett also i blame it on rafa stubbornness , it was the reason his number 2 left , pako ayesteran , the man who worked clearly with the likes of aimar , vicenete and many other players closely in training at valencia and reported back to rafa . His departure has had its effect on us , rafa looks lost and times , his tatics shock me and his substitutions at times are just berserk . With thay said , i will keep my judgement on rafa whether he should stay or go at the end of the season , it's still a pretty long way to go . We should not get rid of rafa , just because for the sake of it and getting some1 worse , i don't think mourinho would be the man for the job as he was at a club where it supported by a bank . A suitable candidate , if rafa does go would be guus hiddink like some of u have mentioned , Guus hiddink led Australia to the world cup with a team with not many stars , i'd think he be the right man for the job
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Postby LFC2007 » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:35 pm

stmichael wrote:The problem is the players have never liked him imo.

Definition of 'unadulterated W*nk'.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:41 pm

stmichael wrote:The problem is the players have never liked him imo.

I know for a fact, Reina, Torres, Arbeloa, Alonso all think he is the dogs bollox.

Craig Bellamy Rafa is a genious.

I know one that doesnt like him Cisse :D
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:44 pm

Toffeehater wrote:i understand that u are upset , no one is saying that rafa should go

I'll think you'll find that this is what people ARE saying in this thread.

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Postby Igor Zidane » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:52 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
stmichael wrote:The problem is the players have never liked him imo.

Definition of 'unadulterated W*nk'.

Agreed 100% LFC 2007.
Sometimes st mick ,just sometimes mate.
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Postby LegBarnes » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:52 pm

i dont really wanna say what to do they aint paying me so i am staying outa thing one  :D

but really no wait i almost said some thing i errr mmm errrr ,

no must be strong but errr really mmmm ahhhhh ok ,


Your guess is as good as mine , but i ca say this i just dont like we play football atm or havent done for last few years i rather us play attacking footie like spurs and lose more then play like we do and get so many draws .
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Postby zarababe » Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:37 pm

Toffeehater wrote:
zarababe wrote:[B/] I'm really disaapointed to see this thread - because we have all spent the last weeks worrying about the ownership, in fact very survival of our club and have backed Rafa to the hilt, because there has been a belief that he, with his luv for LFC, his understanding of the club's heritage and expectations took the bold step of exposing the very real predicatment facing our grt institution; through the huge debt and unfullfillable ambitions held by a coukle of clowns with no money of their own.

Today I find a thread asking us if the real custodian of our club whose sole obsessive focus is to progress and succeed, should go 'anyway' :(

HELP HELP - have I logged on to the back pages of the Daily Sh.te !

If people on these pages really expect us to win the league within three years of Rafa's reign :( well u know what Damn him for winning the CL, FA Cup and getting us to another CL Final not to mention the super cup etc - for how dare he win those small things for us when what we really want is the League :angry: can you lot really look at yourselves and say winning those have paled in to significance because we oh so want the 'holy grail' get f.uckin over it :angry: where we have waited so many year we can fu.ckin well wait more !

It is boring now - Rafa can walk in to any job in the world - and some of you want him out - and for whom that arrogant Maureen who mocked our manager and sulked when Stevie G told him to stuff it? How the tide changes .

Unbelievable this place is - I will watch with glee when Senor Benitez lifts that League title - cos he will do that I promise you - you ungrateful so and so's crave - because frankly with this attitude you and we don't deserve it when you look at the cr.ap the magnificent Rafa has had to put up with - Shame on you !

Winning the CL - what do we want that little cup for  :sleep  [B]

i understand that u are upset , no one is saying that rafa should go , waiting till the end of the season is best thing to do , evaluating him at the end of the season , it's unfair to say that rafa has not been given money , he has had his money not comparable to how much chelsea have spent but an adequate amount , he has bought some bad buys almost nearly 40 million , which could have added 2 more 20 million or so players that we need out of the 3 . It's clear that we need A winger , a top class striker and a gull back who attacks but knows how to defend well also . So let me get back to point , rafa has made mistakes and surely if u deny this then u must be ignorant , his constant rotation and tinkering , weird formations , not taking smaller clubs seriously enough is why we are 12 points behind the leaders and why We nearly did noy qualify for the champions league based on our first 3 games . Yes rafa has won us the champions league , Fa cup , charity shield and also borught us to another final of the CL and also the league cup final , yes he has brought us everything in this 4 years at helm , but one thing we have not challenged for is the league , rafa has the reputation for being a cup manager , a league consists of 38 games and clearly based on previous season and the predicment that we are in , clarly we are not good enough , whether its the players or rafa , it takes 2 hands to clap, the players are not motivated enough , putting in sh!tty displays and i blame that firstly on the hicks and Gillett also i blame it on rafa stubbornness , it was the reason his number 2 left , pako ayesteran , the man who worked clearly with the likes of aimar , vicenete and many other players closely in training at valencia and reported back to rafa . His departure has had its effect on us , rafa looks lost and times , his tatics shock me and his substitutions at times are just berserk . With thay said , i will keep my judgement on rafa whether he should stay or go at the end of the season , it's still a pretty long way to go . We should not get rid of rafa , just because for the sake of it and getting some1 worse , i don't think mourinho would be the man for the job as he was at a club where it supported by a bank . A suitable candidate , if rafa does go would be guus hiddink like some of u have mentioned , Guus hiddink led Australia to the world cup with a team with not many stars , i'd think he be the right man for the job

We have not challenged for the league for many a year - because our players were not good enuff, Rafa has won the league by breaking-up one of the strongets duopoly's in existance - beating Real and Barca to la liga was no mean feet - labelling him a 'cup manager' when he's one the biggest prize in club football is a joke ! He's had money to spend - so have so many others, we can talk about relative amounts getting it right don't happen over night when you are trying to instill a way of playing etc he's also had to come in and change so much more - including the rank and file from academy level.

I don't doubt the frustration with some of his approaches tactics etc I mean the 'r' word even has its own 'glitched' thread - my issue is that for all the protests, singing for 'Rafa' campaigns to keep him - can so many of us be wrong?

NO NO NO we need to get a grip and be relaitsic about what we can achive in his short reign - shipping him out will put us back many years - let him complete his task - he will deliver !

In the meantime don't belittle his magnificent achievmenst and his epose of the American clowns - the battle for the survival of LFC is not over - even if Masch signs !!



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