Maybe its time for rafa to go ?

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Postby lakes10 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:42 pm

we need this lot back

what a team !!! group ??
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Postby lakes10 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:47 pm

get rid of Carlsberg, they are a Jinx..........Probably.

thinking about that why the hell did we take them on....they tag line is Probably the Best and we ARE THE BEST.

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Postby LFC2007 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:57 pm

The_Rock wrote:
King Carra wrote:I do think it's honestly time for Rafa to go, and in all honest I think he's had TOO much money avaliable. It allows him to take gambles and pay over the odds prices for players just because we're Liverpool. Granted Torres has been a magnificent buy but just look at Kuyt etc. All a complete waste of money, and we payed far more than we should have done.

We're on about a par with Arsenal on funds but they've become so good as Wenger is a brilliant manager with a brilliant team behind him. Unfortunately Rafa doesn't have that. Problem then is if we get rid of Rafa who do we get?

Maybe we need a technical manager who will be in charge of scouting the right youth players and looking for ones who can improve our 1st team immediately.

Any suggestions that we should look to hire a technical manager, technical director, director of sport, director of football, or any other tw@t that's gonna sit above the manager and decide who we sign, are R I - F U C K I N G - D I C U L O U S. [/IMHO]

Chelsea did a great piece of business by signing Alex, Ben Taim, Pizzaro and Sidwell for free. This allowed them to spend big on Anelka in january.. I understand that Arnesen was involved in this. Us on the other hand go and sign a cr@p like voronin.... :no

They'll all be on silly wages no doubt, but I don't really consider Sidwell, Alex, Ben Haim, or Pizarro great business anyway. They're decent players, but nothing more than that, better than Voronin for sure, but when you have free-reign in the wage market, it makes it much easier.

They'd have been able to spend big on Anelka in any scenario, they spent £10m on a Russian defender in the January window too, and he's just gonna be another back up ffs. That's £25m right there in the January window, the same or possibly less (depending on the exact figures) than our entire summer net spend.

technical manager


Perhaps we need to sign someone like Arnesen..who can take care of scouting for players...etc.

Eduardo Macia, he's our chief scout.

The ultimate decision to sign a player however, resides with the manager, that should not change.
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Postby OneHotRed » Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:05 pm

Why does every post on here end up with people calling each other tools? its f.ucking pathetic and very boring
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Postby Number 9 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:07 pm

OneHotRed wrote:Why does every post on here end up with people calling each other tools? its f.ucking pathetic and very boring

Tool! :D
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Postby bigmick » Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:45 pm

Sorry for the double post, but as there's two threads debating the same issue I just copied it here as well (I'm getting quite good at this computer thingie :D )

It's Ok if you're "Happy Scrappy" (ie happy to be scrapping for fourth place every year :p ) but if you have ambitions that we might one day challenge for the title, the time to put sentiment aside is almost upon us. Contrary to what some recent members of this forum are making out, some of us aren't "turning on Rafa" but have had grave reservations about some of the methodology for a few of seasons now.

Were it not for the behind the scenes nonsense, it is quite possible that there would be an almost universal acceptance that the time is almost upon us. If anybody cares to look through some of the permanent feature threads earlier in the season, you will see on there that almost all fans' expectations visa-vis league effort were some way ahead of what we are likely to achieve.

Talk of lack of funds compared to Chelsea and Manchester United is all very well (although not as it happens compared to Arsenal, who have built a genuine league title challenge on a relative shoestring budget) but what about the comparison visa vis transfer funds to our main rivals? Looking at the League you can stop any talk of comparing us to the top three because by the end of the season we are likely going to need a pair of binoculars to chart their progress. Unpalettable as it may be, our real rivals this season in the league are particularly Everton, and to a slightly lesser extent Aston Villa and Man City. It's interesting to note that in seven matches against other teams in the top seven, we've won two. Anyway, how does our budget in terms of transfer fees, and in terms of overall squad wages compare to Everton, Manchester City and Villa?

Loyalty and perseverance is a fine thing, equally clarity of thought is much needed sometimes. Over the years we've had great players, fine servants to the club who have been ruthlessly culled as they pass their sell by date. We've accepted that because the club comes first. I'll accept it when it happens with the manager too to be honest. Would I give him 50 million quid to buy more "options" and "possibilities", so we can makle 75 changes to the first team in the first fifteen matches of the season, so we can try Crouch, Gerrard, Voronin, Riise, Aurelio, Kuyt on the left wing, so we can fiddle around with the formation on random occasions confusing ourselves into oblivion, so we can sit our top scorer from last saeason on his erse all this season while playing a guy who looks about as much like scoring as John Merrick at a debs ball? To be perfectly honest, no I wouldn't.

If you can't compete financially, you put together a plan. Yes you search the globe for young players in the hope of discovering a star. You must however play them and give them an opportunity, not only does this give you a look, it gives you more chance of securing the real jewels throughout the World if they think they'll be given a chance. What else do you do? Well, you try and build the very best team you can. Not two teams, not "options", not "possibilites", but the best team of players you can. You approach every game against anyone outside the big four going all out for the win. Pie in the sky? Maybe, but one of the teams in the top two have done it so maybe not.

I tell you this though. You will never get there while trying to build two teams, stretching your rescources so thin you have journeymen players and then by "Rafa styling" it throughout the season. "Keeping players fresh" and all that utter tripe. Fresh for what? So we can fight it out with Everton for fourth every year? Happy scrappies are entitled to their view and I'm entitled to mine. "Give him another year", "give him another two years" and all that stuff. Give him another ten if you want, but you don't win the League by doing it that way, nobody ever has and nobody ever will.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:50 pm

Toffeehater wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:I think I'm coming to the conclusion that it maybe better if Rafa left Liverpool at the end of the season.

Firstly let me just put it out there that I despise G&H and what they've done at the club, and I think undermining Rafa like they did was disgraceful. I think I'd stick up for any manager who found himself in the same predicament as Rafa Benitez did. There is no doubt that since they've come in they've made life hell for the Spaniard, how is he supposed to work under those sort of conditions ?
Hicks has come out and said that they'll give him their full support and hope to try and build a bridge over this whole situation. Fact of the matter is the two Yanks and Rafa will never be in unison when it comes down to football and transfers alike. It wouldnt surprise me, and I wouldnt blame Rafa for holding a grudge against those two, and for that I just cannot see this matter being a good foundation to get Liverpool going again, they'll always be friction between the trio, then add Parry into the pot and there seems a recipe for disaster. I would like to see the Yanks go before Rafa does, but I cannot see this happening now.  :(

Secondly and for purely footballing reasons now, I have to say that I've lost faith in Benitez somewhat. I cannot see him taking us any further than where we are currently situated in terms of league status. I'd hoped at the begining of this season he'd of put any doubts in my mind I had about him in the previous season, and erased them. For me he hasnt, hes just mirrored what he did from the season before and persisted with methods that just have not worked. So many people will tell me he wont change, and they're right he wont. So in my mind thats why I've lost faith in him. He doesnt seem willing to change and adapt his methods and thats costing us again this season.
I also think there is a lot of room for his man-management skills to be improved on, and I dont see him as a real motivator to his players. For me now in the way that we play and the lack of grit, determination and seemingly passion we're showind, he's becoming the equavilant of Sven Goran Erricksson during his tenure in charge of England. That may come accross as a tad harsh, but its the only comparrison I can make to try and get my point accross.
He hasnt got an assistant, he needs one as much as the players need one there clearly is a missing link there and its a void Rafa isnt able to fill. He hasnt brought anyone in to help him out, I dont know, he may not of worked with many people to know who are good coaches, he may of only worked with and handful of coaches, which possibly shows a shallow depth in his recruiting department. I maybe wrong and he may know many more able coaches to help him out, but if so why hasnt he got one in ?

Another gut feeling I get is that the players themselves dont have much hope in Rafa's methods anymore, didnt Carra say something along those sort of lines in an interview shortly or give that impression anyway ? If it is true and some of the players are feeling like this, Rafa's own chances of making us successful are slim to none, everything is stacking up against him now, and it might be better for him and us if he were to swallow his pride and move on.
There isnt any cohesiveness to our football anymore, there doesnt seem that kind of winning mentality and togetherness that all title winning sides need. Yes with whats gone on at the club will certainly of not done us any favours nor Rafa, but I feel this debacle has luckily for Rafa IMO turned our attention elsewhere, and as the football has become a distant second in most fans minds, its kind of made a valid excuse for poor performances, but even before all this it wasnt clear we were heading any further in the right direction.

This is a $hit time for the fans and the club I know, but I dont think it will get any better between Rafa and the board and between Rafa and our football.

Top post BM, although i don't agree with you. I still think we've got legs in this season yet and i'm hoping we'll still get some silverware, but to be honest with you my priority at the moment is getting these two yanks out and getting DIC in and getting some sort of stability back in the club.

I'm prepared to write these season off now and start again ,no matter what happens on the pitch , I want rafa to have one more season atleast ,with proper funding and a settled club .

I know i don't agree with you ,but i understand where your coming from and i know 'it's just not another sack rafa post . It's a carefully considered arguement with alot of thought ,i just don't agree with you mate .

Not having a go at u mate or anything , i think rafa has had his money and has made some bad buys , so i don't think it's fair to say that he has not had proper money , i think we are still clearly 3 players away from winning the league , so maybe just maybe rafa should have one more season IF he is given the money and does not perform then it's time for him to go

What proper money has he had mate? Where can you say he's been backed to compete for signings that the likes of man u and chelsea have made , one swollow does not make a summer mate.

A few bad buys . crouch was what 10 mill?? , dirk kuyt was another 10 mill , bellamy was 6 million , morrienties was 7 million , gonzales was 5 million , thats close to 40 mill wasted , with that money we could have added 2 top class players more , u talk abt manu and chelsea , chelsea have a blank cheque  , they have spent 300 mill in the first 2 seasons , manu have spent also abt 40 mill in the summer , now i am not having a go and saying that rafa has spent more the fergie or wenger , but i am saying, some of his bad buys could have have hurt us esp when the money could have been used to sign 2 more top class players. Arsenal have spent the least mate , so what does that say? Whoever spends the most is better?

Your heads in the clouds mate if you think Crouch is wasted money. Some fans can't tell their arse form their elbow.
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Postby account deleted by request » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:01 pm

Your heads in the clouds mate if you think Crouch is wasted money.

Its wasted money if he doesn't get to play mate. Crouch has started 4 League games this season.
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Postby lakes10 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:07 pm

s@int wrote:
Your heads in the clouds mate if you think Crouch is wasted money.

Its wasted money if he doesn't get to play mate. Crouch has started 4 League games this season.

and even then he has been used as a play maker.
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:38 pm

OneHotRed wrote:Why does every post on here end up with people calling each other tools? its f.ucking pathetic and very boring

If anyone wants to call Manhattan a tool, call me a drill, because I like drilling stuff, usually for no reason....I just like drilling for no reason.

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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:54 pm

lakes10 wrote:we need this lot back

what a team !!! group ??

Oh, f*ck - not that again!
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:55 pm

The Manhattan Project wrote:
OneHotRed wrote:Why does every post on here end up with people calling each other tools? its f.ucking pathetic and very boring

If anyone wants to call Manhattan a tool, call me a drill, because I like drilling stuff, usually for no reason....I just like drilling for no reason.


So long it's of the female variety and has two legs... :oh:
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Postby Sabre » Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:03 pm

Been away of computers and TV all the week end (wedding fiesta) and I'm catching up.

Just want to mention that I've read the first post of this thread, and while I disagree completely, I encourage people having opposing views to post their opinions like Bamaga has.

Perfect example of how to criticise the team or Rafa with the proper respect. I wouldn't have troubles with any posts as long as they're written in such a manner.
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:05 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
The Manhattan Project wrote:
OneHotRed wrote:Why does every post on here end up with people calling each other tools? its f.ucking pathetic and very boring

If anyone wants to call Manhattan a tool, call me a drill, because I like drilling stuff, usually for no reason....I just like drilling for no reason.


So long it's of the female variety and has two legs... :oh:

Manhattan would never drill a hole into a woman's head using a Bosch
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:43 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:OK ok  i apologise

Guess me eyesight goin now then aswell  :D

Kinell nanny ,only been on here since may 2007 .How long have you been supporting the club? feckin glory hunter. :laugh:

:D YEP gloryhunting since the 1965 cup final when i was 7 i jumped on the bandwagon then, long long road but still in love :hearts
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