Lua lua - Worth a look?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby mighty mo » Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:38 pm

solo si wrote:Big Mick,

Thanks for your reply. As you say we all have them when it comes to, how shall I put it' wild cards' lets say. I appreciate what people are saying, but my concern is that he goes to a big club for little money and turns out to be a top class player. He is not on top of my favourite must have players, but I thought for a few million, Rafa could make him a real winner.

I feel that LFC don't have a great deal of cash available and we've spoken about Joaquin and Simao, but they are BIG money, without any Premiership experience. As I've said before, Rafa and the boys are really starting to click, but we need to invest in quality additions to the squad and that requires investment and with it money.

Anyway, I've waffled on enough, and thanks again for your comments everyone. That's what makes forums like this so interesting.

I'll be back with more posts soon...

he is never going to be a top class player,he is average at best,portsmouth is about where his talents are best suited
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Postby solo si » Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:46 pm

Mighty Mo,

I understand your point. I think he's better than average, but only time will tell. I just don't see him improving at a club like Portsmouth.

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Postby oOShrimpyOo » Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:59 pm

From what ive seen he is quite good for his age and has good potential under the right guidance, but hes no wayne much prefer to have Aiyegbeni Yakubu now that guy is going to be good and much more like wayne rooney imo.
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Postby A.B. » Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:40 pm

solo si wrote:Big Mick,

Thanks for your reply. As you say we all have them when it comes to, how shall I put it' wild cards' lets say. I appreciate what people are saying, but my concern is that he goes to a big club for little money and turns out to be a top class player. He is not on top of my favourite must have players, but I thought for a few million, Rafa could make him a real winner.

I feel that LFC don't have a great deal of cash available and we've spoken about Joaquin and Simao, but they are BIG money, without any Premiership experience. As I've said before, Rafa and the boys are really starting to click, but we need to invest in quality additions to the squad and that requires investment and with it money.

Anyway, I've waffled on enough, and thanks again for your comments everyone. That's what makes forums like this so interesting.

I'll be back with more posts soon...

I agree that we need to invest in quality additions to the squad, however I don't think Lua Lua is one of them.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:30 am

While we're at it, should we buy Adi Akinbyi (sp?)? I bet under Rafa's influence, he'd still be a bag of sh*t. :D

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Postby mighty mo » Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:22 pm

martins at inter milan is better
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Postby The Ace1983 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:17 pm

The thing about being a top club these days is that the pool of players that could actually improve our team is fairly small. One of my major faults with Houllier was his "next big thing" shopping which brought in such prestigious names as Cheyrou, Diao, Diouf, Le Tallec, Luzi... blah, blah, blah and for those of you who have it, please don't post "THAT" photo. Rafa hasn't been around long, but his signings are more about Improving the team. Lualua reminds me of a Houllier signing because of who we would be competing with for his signature. It would more likely be people like West Brom, Charlton and Birmingham than Chelsea, Arsenal and ManUtd. We are probably the poorer of the big four so there is sense in making shrewder buys, like Zenden who gives us options and all though isn't a regular starter in most minds, is a fine accomplished replacement. Lualua could fit this bill, but up front is a different story to midfield. We already have problems with our srikers scoring (although hopefully that's over with) and Lomana is hardly a "goal every other game striker". Man Utd have the Horse, Arsenal have Henry and Chelsea have the prince of Jam in Drogba. My point being, that if we are in the market for a striker we shouldn't be shopping at bargain basements and taking risks. For less than £10m we could see the likes of Defoe, Kuijt, Viduka, Thomasson, Heskey, Bent, Saviola, Lopez, Martins, Cassano and a few more. Now before you all start with the "why the hell would we want Heskey back?" or "who'd want Viduka?", I'm just pointing out the calibre of player we could pick up (so why did i put Heskey in?), with Defoe and Kuijt at the top of my list. On the subject of what Lualua could do under Rafa, I'd have to ask what Jermain or Dirk could do under Rafa? And I'm guessing a lot more.

I don't want Lualua because I just can't see him improving, or him improving a Liverpool side. He seems like he's more about the back flips, than hard work, his mind wonders on the pitch and he's just another of those ten for a penny players that we shouldn't be going for unless we really need it. Even if he only costs a couple of million, it's a couple of million too much for me.
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Postby crazyhorse » Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:43 pm

I think he would be a fantastic signing, we should sign him then go all out to get Geoff Horsefield and Duncan Ferguson.

By the way i am being sarcastic. This gut is not good enough, he would struggle to get into our reserves.
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