Looking Forward - Replacement For Morientes?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Bad Bob » Fri May 26, 2006 10:57 pm

Speedy Gonzalez wrote:No way should LFC be buying second fiddle players. other wise the title will be even further away.

as for my "unknowns" list. how many of you actually had heard of any of these players or rated them highly before Rafa signed them.

I bet not one of you had heard of Alonso! and dont lie.

That's the point!

I'd never heard of Alonso, you'd never heard of Alonso...hell most on here besides Sabre had never heard of Alonso.  He was, by your definition, a "second fiddle player"...not a big name, not a proven talent, not world class.


Rafa saw the potential and made his move, just before Real Madrid or the Mancs got their greasy paws on the lad and, guess what, he's been immense for us.

If we followed your policy and only tried to buy established, world class players we'd wouldn't have Alonso, Reina, Garcia, Crouch, Fowler, Sissoko, Gonzales, Agger and Kromkamp in our squad now.

Moreover, we'd be: 1) outbid for these players most of the time, 2) well over-extended in our finances and 3) potentially in a worse position in the league then we are now, with perhaps one less European cup and one less FA Cup in the Anfield trophy case (because, as Nando has demonstrated, "proven" talent is no guarantee of success.)

I know your on a wind-up so I don't think telling you to pull your head out of your ar.se will make a difference but at least try applying some consistency and logic to your wind-ups rather than this imbecilic fuckwittery*! :veryangry

*TMSabre2006 :nod
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Postby account deleted by request » Fri May 26, 2006 11:19 pm

To throw a new name into the mix what about Mido as an alternative target man to Crouch. He's relatively cheap £5 million ,scores goals and (just to annoy everyone) can play on the wing. I realise we would still need a second striker if we got Mido but it would relieve our dependence on Crouch.
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Postby 48-1119859832 » Fri May 26, 2006 11:32 pm

s@int wrote:To throw a new name into the mix what about Mido as an alternative target man to Crouch. He's relatively cheap £5 million ,scores goals and (just to annoy everyone) can play on the wing. I realise we would still need a second striker if we got Mido but it would relieve our dependence on Crouch.

I heard he has a rotten attitude and throw his toys out of his pram when he doesn't get his own way. That's probably why Spurs don't want to extend his loan, oh wait they reckon they have a good chance of signing Kuyt because of the Dutch Factor.

Postby davo_LFC » Sat May 27, 2006 1:25 am

Speedy Gonzalez wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Darren Bent is 22, and has scored 1 goal every 2 games so far in his career. (56 from 116 games at Ipswich).

For Charlton, he score 18 Premiership goals in 36 starts (no sub appearances) and 4 cup goals from 7 starts and 1 sub appearance.

In short, Bent has scored 22 goals in 44 games for Charlton.

Now I didn't think he was THAT good, or THAT young.
Maybe he wouldn't be such a stupid signing afterall.

Stats for Rubbish clubs mean nothing.

PLaying for LFC is a whole new level, and more pressure.

Look at Heskey,
Look at Cisse.
Look at Moreintes.
Look at Crouch.

All so called "great scorers or their clubs" and all woeful in a red shirt when it comes to hitting the net.

Can't handle the fire in the kitchen,

No way should LFC be buying second fiddle players. other wise the title will be even further away.

as for my "unknowns" list. how many of you actually had heard of any of these players or rated them highly before Rafa signed them.

I bet not one of you had heard of Alonso! and dont lie.

I had heard of alonso, he nearly won the la liga all by himself with real sociedad. I made my mind up on his ability to be a star when he come on for spain in euro 2004 and sprayed a 60 yard ball right onto the wingers toe  :D

Your post lacks any real basis, bents goal scoring record speaks for itself and he is not a second fiddle player. He is a good striker scoring 20+ goals in a sh.ite team, oh and he played most of the season up front on his own. For every star footballer to be discovered a club has to take a gamble, look at the likes of kaka and sheva for milan, kaka was 5mil odd and sheva was brought in from dinamo kiev. Both then must have been second fiddle players in your view if they wernt bought from major clubs at inflated prices. My point is that somewhere along the line for a player to make it someone has to take a gamble on him, and if rafa gambles on bent i dont see why he wont score 20+ goals a season.
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Postby A.B. » Sat May 27, 2006 4:04 am

as for my "unknowns" list. how many of you actually had heard of any of these players or rated them highly before Rafa signed them.

I bet not one of you had heard of Alonso! and dont lie.

So ''known'' players guarantee success no? ???

No they don't. Fernando Morientes is a well known name in football and everyone with a proper knowledge of football was excited when we signed him. Was he a success? No he wasn't.

Alonso and Sissoko are hardly household names and they have fantastic. What is your point?
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Postby PCG77 » Sat May 27, 2006 4:32 am

0asis wrote:
Speedy Gonzalez wrote:sStats for Rubbish clubs mean nothing.

PLaying for LFC is a whole new level, and more pressure.

Look at Heskey,
Look at Cisse.
Look at Moreintes.
Look at Crouch.

All so called "great scorers or their clubs" and all woeful in a red shirt when it comes to hitting the net.

Can't handle the fire in the kitchen,

No way should LFC be buying second fiddle players. other wise the title will be even further away.

At last someone who has worse views than me.  :D

Heskey was never prolific and Houllier signed him so he could hold up the ball and do all the donkey work to set Owen up and he did his job well also managed to score 22 goals in his first season if I'm not mistaken. Yeah £11million for a player who was stuck at Leicester wasn't the best deal you could of got for £11million pounds but he served his purpose. I'll admit it was a good £11million wasted as Heskey wasn't the best striker around and his techincal ability wasn't great but he worked hard and helped us gain six trophies, so he weren't all bad. (Just for the record, Heskey was never deemed by his peers as "prolific").

I agree with you about Cisse. He really isn't up to it and it's his attitude and up take on things that gets on my nerves. Just when you think he sorted out his attitude like in the F.A Cup final when he scored that goal and worked really hard for the first half, but no he comes out with new boots on and is more concerned about showing off his flash boots that putting in the hard graft to help us win. Not to mention he lacks the basic footballing abilities to make a truly great striker. £14million wasted and yeah he scored 19 goals this season which is good considering he wasn't hardly in the starting eleven and was played out of position. Those goals were indeed important it's just ashame they came from a player with a rotten attitude.

As for Morientes, he was never a prolific striker the facts and statistics do not lie. In one of the Galatico's best seasons he managed only five goals. He was never an out and out striker or goalscorer, he liked to play in the hole, hold the ball up, link up and occasionally chip in with the odd goal. He did the same here but he could of done better had he adapted to the pace and physical nature of the Premiership. I'm of the belief that we signed him far too late for his body and mind to be able to adjust for the intensity of the Premiership. (Get your facts right, he came to Liverpool with the reputation as one of the finest technically gifted player in Europe)

And as for Crouch did you ever watch the lad play before he came to Liverpool? If you did then you would of known what to expect from him. Crouch is a target man, not and out and out goalscorer like Henry, Owen, Bent or Van Nistelrooy. He nods the ball down for the other striker and links up play as well as chipping in with the odd few goals every now and again. I find it amusing that A) You think he's woeful and B) you think Crouch is prolific.

Whilst you can get away with calling Heskey and Cisse second fiddle players you can't call Crouch second fiddle and you certainly can't call Morientes second fiddle.

This thread is a joke, you're a joke and I'm a joke for even bothering to reply to it. But at least I'm not in denial.  :D

Totally agree :alien:
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