Liverpool v marseille - Reaction to 0:1

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby ConnO'var » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:00 pm

Sabre wrote:
JohnBull wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:One of the comedy pieces from a few posters on here I fail to understand is this pathetic notion that a bunch of players who train with one another every single day can then be "unfamiliar" with their teammates in a competitive game.

You're a deluded bunch, really, aren't you? :no

Have you ever played the game Lando ?

Training, especially nowadays, does not consist of playing matches everyday. There is a tendency to train goalkeepers on their own, midfielders on their own and strikers on their own.

He doesn't imply they're all the time playing matches. It's true that goalkeepers have specific training, but there are common exercises, common activities, and no less than 2 matches a week, some of which in half  of the pitch, sometimes with small goals, and sometimes whole pitch.

With all due respect mate.....

There's a difference between w@nking and actual screwing.

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Postby Sabre » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:10 pm

:) Have you discovered that recently or something?

I was just giving an opinion, and I did take care in not calling other opinion's small minded, bóllocks, cráp, fickle or clueless. Just stating my view on it.

If what you mean mate is that one thing is training and another thing matches, then you are right at some extent, but it's true that even if you don't play together a team, if they have trained together they should do better than they did yesterday.

Yesterday and Birmingham game were different dissapointments. Birmingham game was more dissapointing because we played a strong team in that game. Yesterday the team was weaker.
Last edited by Sabre on Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ConnO'var » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:18 pm

Sabre wrote::) Have you discovered that recently or something?

I was just giving an opinion, and I did take care in not calling other opinion's small minded, bóllocks, :censored:, fickle or clueless. Just stating my view on it.

So was I mate....

In case you misunderstood, my point was...

W@nking = Training and Training Matches
Screwing = Competitive Matches

Not a dig at you.... only an analogy.... albeit an unclear one I guess.

***** Scratch the above. You edited it while I was posting. The point is moot now *****
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Postby Sabre » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:22 pm

Sorry mate, at firsth thought I misunderstood it a bit. I  didn't take it as at a great dig nor was I offended, it's just that I thought you were saying it was a baseless opinion. But that's entirely my fault and due to language barrier. Sorry for that
Last edited by Sabre on Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:36 pm

Red wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:One of the comedy pieces from a few posters on here I fail to understand is this pathetic notion that a bunch of players who train with one another every single day can then be "unfamiliar" with their teammates in a competitive game. It's quite baffling, really. I mean - do the dullards who spout this tripe not understand the entire concept of training and practice matches? How about patterns of play?

The players play football together every f*cking day, and yet some mindless bells believe they don't have chance to "gel". Righto.

I suppose the players turn up at Anfield at 2.55pm, play the game with these strangers, then f*ck off home at 5pm, only returning to the company of their teammates 5 minutes before the next match? Melwood's just a facade, full of life-size cardboard cut-outs of the players? Rafa sits on his a*se all week, contemplating how best to annoy the "long suffering" little munchkin fans.

You're a deluded bunch, really, aren't you? :no

what a load of shyte, Its clearly rotation, and your a bell end for thinking otherwise, how can nearly an entire nation and very good football pundits see that the rotation policy at anfield is not the way forward, but yet you and a few others seem to thinks its not rotation, but i forgot cos you say the rotation isnt to blame then surely its not,, get to f@ck,,, i stand by the fact that rotation aint working and allways will, like dawson said they may train together and such but when your out on the field of play its a different kettle of fish.


You're a bit of a pr*ck really, aren't you?

Typical brainwashed numbskull stuck too far in the past.

Good luck on designing the wheel, caveman.  :laugh:

P.S. If these so-called "very good football pundits" are actually "very good", why then are they not in football management?

Answers on a postcard, (or in your case, a couple of scratches on the wall, you f*cking trogolodyte).

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Postby dawson99 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:39 pm

ok people..lets calm down.

we all agree that rotation hasnt helped.

we all agree that pacoleaving hasnt helped

we all agree that something just aint right and no matter who we put out we should be playing better than we are

So whats the answer? Sack Rafa? Not a chance. Get someone in to help him as it seems like he has too much on his plate? Possibly! Just hope that last night was a turning point and any liverpool player would know that we need to see a fricking lot more and they will destroy spurs? Thats the one im going for
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:47 pm

Ace Ventura wrote:Lando i know you dont like to criticise Rafa but like you said Sissoko was gash. So why was he allowed to complete the full 90 minutes ?
I seriously would of dragged him off at half time, i know we dont want to ruin players confidence but not at the detriment of the rest of the team and the result.
When they scored last night i wasnt surprised, it had been coming, they dominated the game and Rafa's substitutions did nothing to change it.
Sissoko wasnt the only poor player and players underperforming isnt solely the managers fault, but team selection affects fluidity and familiarity thats obvious mate.
No one is saying that rotation is the only problem...there are others...but its certainly not helping at all.

Because all the mard-a*ses want the league, so the bloke has to push the biggest competition in club football firmly into second place, otherwise the strategically-shaved chimps who call themselves Liverpool fans will throw up in arms and cry like cissy-girls.

THAT's why Sissoko wasn't replaced. He wanted to keep Mascher fresh to face the mighty Tottenham.

And as for this "affects fluidity" - affects it from what? Our best result of the season came off the back of 5 changes to the line-up.

As Liverpool fans, a sizable minority (and that's what all the whining c*nts are - a f*cking MINORITY) need to do one of 3 things:

1. Shut the f*ck up and actually see things as they are, rather than reading the S*n and regurgitating the cr*p they spout on here,

2. Jump off our bandwagon and support whoever is playing the best.

3. Jump off a cliff.

Simple, really.

The bunch of ungreatful inbred sheep b*stards.

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Postby NANNY RED » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:20 pm

Post deleted and opened up a new thread
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Postby red37 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:27 pm

Fingers crossed thats exactly what does happen. Sensible article.

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Postby josip84 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:41 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:Because all the mard-a*ses want the league, so the bloke has to push the biggest competition in club football firmly into second place, otherwise the strategically-shaved chimps who call themselves Liverpool fans will throw up in arms and cry like cissy-girls.

If my memory doesn't fail me, I think i can remember some harsh disagreement between what I once said and what Lando Griffin thought at one time in the past. Maybe he will remember.
Today I feel all the more  comfortable to say that IMHO Lando Griffin is right when he says that THE major competition in European football is the Champions'League. The Premiership can't compare.
That's why choosing to regard the Premiership title as the main objective, and therefore putting the CL in second place, is sheer nonsense, a huge mistake.

LFC is world famous.
Do you think people all over the world know the name of LFC because you beat Porstmouth or Wigan in just any ordinary Premiership game? Or rather because you beat Milan AC in a breathtaking CL final?

How much do your home titles weigh, compared to your 5 European Champions'Competition victories?

Privileging the Premiership at the cost of the major European competition is irrelevant and absurd.
As a consequence, priveleging your next game against the Spurs to the detriment of the game against Marseille proved a terrible mistake. The price to pay  for this mistake may be much higher than you thought.
Last edited by josip84 on Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby dawson99 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:44 pm

josip, not sure what you are on about. 99.999% of liverpool fans want the premiership over anything else. We need to show we are the cream of the crop in our league. We have won the champions league title but we need to win the preimership.

Who cares what europe says about what is more important. England is the home of football, the premiership (or division one as it should rightly be called) is the best league in the world, and we need to stamp this generation of footballers names in the history books by winning it, feck the champs league as far as im concerned
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Postby puroresu » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:45 pm


Moment moving in two hours by the blow by sending by Liverpool-OM when president Pape Diouf came to deposit a sheaf of flowers in front of the memorial with the victims of the drama of Hillsborough in 1989. In front of the entry of Anfield Road and in company of the director of safety and organization, Guy Cazadamont, Pape Diouf then observed a moment of meditation vis-a-vis the names of the 96 people died following sways in the crowd. A salvo of applause on behalf of the supporters of Liverpool accompanied the entry by the President in the enclosure of Anfield.
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Postby josip84 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:16 pm

dawson99 wrote:josip, not sure what you are on about. 99.999% of liverpool fans want the premiership over anything else. We need to show we are the cream of the crop in our league. We have won the champions league title but we need to win the preimership.

Who cares what europe says about what is more important. England is the home of football, the premiership (or division one as it should rightly be called) is the best league in the world, and we need to stamp this generation of footballers names in the history books by winning it, feck the champs league as far as im concerned

In that case, why take part in the CL then?

Stay where you are, English football exclusively, concentrate onthe Premiership, give up what made you world-famous.

Are you sure such decisions would make sense?
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Postby josip84 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:20 pm

puroresu wrote:Image

Moment moving in two hours by the blow by sending by Liverpool-OM when president Pape Diouf came to deposit a sheaf of flowers in front of the memorial with the victims of the drama of Hillsborough in 1989. In front of the entry of Anfield Road and in company of the director of safety and organization, Guy Cazadamont, Pape Diouf then observed a moment of meditation vis-a-vis the names of the 96 people died following sways in the crowd. A salvo of applause on behalf of the supporters of Liverpool accompanied the entry by the President in the enclosure of Anfield.

Decent behaviour from a decent human being.
I'm proud to be among the fans of a club managed by such a man.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:43 pm

josip84 wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Because all the mard-a*ses want the league, so the bloke has to push the biggest competition in club football firmly into second place, otherwise the strategically-shaved chimps who call themselves Liverpool fans will throw up in arms and cry like cissy-girls.

If my memory doesn't fail me, I think i can remember some harsh disagreement between what I once said and what Lando Griffin thought at one time in the past. Maybe he will remember.
Today I feel all the more  comfortable to say that IMHO Lando Griffin is right when he says that THE major competition in European football is the Champions'League. The Premiership can't compare.
That's why choosing to regard the Premiership title as the main objective, and therefore putting the CL in second place, is sheer nonsense, a huge mistake.

LFC is world famous.
Do you think people all over the world know the name of LFC because you beat Porstmouth or Wigan in just any ordinary Premiership game? Or rather because you beat Milan AC in a breathtaking CL final?

How much do your home titles weigh, compared to your 5 European Champions'Competition victories?

Privileging the Premiership at the cost of the major European competition is irrelevant and absurd.
As a consequence, priveleging your next game against the Spurs to the detriment of the game against Marseille proved a terrible mistake. The price to pay  for this mistake may be much higher than you thought.

This is one of the most absurd and out of touch posts I have ever read on this forum.
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