Liverpool v arsenal post-match - A point to be the turnaround for us?

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Postby LittleHobo » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:08 pm

people here are so stuck up.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:10 pm

LittleHobo wrote:people here are so stuck up.


Do me a favour.

Postby LittleHobo » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:12 pm

im not joking

people here are very unwelcoming

plenty of knobs around here, you included.

also a point on kuyt at the moment, why isnt rafa making him get in the box more? i can count on one hand the shots on goal he has had this season in the premiership
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Postby metalhead » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:13 pm

LittleHobo wrote:im not joking

people here are very unwelcoming

plenty of knobs around here, you included.

also a point on kuyt at the moment, why isnt rafa making him get in the box more? i can count on one hand the shots on goal he has had this season in the premiership

What comment do you expect to get when you are stating about players from a computer game mate?
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Postby LittleHobo » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:17 pm

it was a light hearted comment about my footie manager game

maybe i should have used a smilie

anyway we do need a link man, its obvious

rafa had aimar at valencia, he was the key to their success
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Postby metalhead » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:19 pm

LittleHobo wrote:it was a light hearted comment about my footie manager game

maybe i should have used a smilie

anyway we do need a link man, its obvious

rafa had aimar at valencia, he was the key to their success

lets get van der vaart then, i can use "add manager" choose "HSV" and sell van der vaart to Liverpool cheaply.  :laugh:
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:20 pm

Wilhelmsson wrote:
ivor_the_injun wrote:This is what gets me at the minute - Rafa's decision did not cost us the three points. A situation on the pitch cost us three points. Unless Rafa told Arbeloa to give Fabregas a shooting opportunity, you're talking absolute sh*te.

Maybe it was Rafa's fault that Reina was on the wrong foot as well? Maybe if Pako hadn't left, he'd have drilled it into the keeper that in a situation like that, he should have his weight on his other foot?

We got injuries on the pitch, we had limited resources on the bench, he could've rejigged the midfield, he chose to play a defensive player in Alonso's place. Under the circumstances, given the fact that Arsenal were all over us at the time, it was a fairly sensible-looking decision to me.

Honestly, some of the people calling themselves our fans at the moment are doing my f*cking head in.

I think you'll find the "ifithadn'tbeenfer" club are the ones in blue up the road. They'll no doubt be delighted to have you.  :no

Christ it’s Jeremy Clarkson, ok my initial point is way ward, but who sticks a defender in centre midfield and expects that player to play against Cesc, one of Europe’s finest young CM’s?  Rafa called the wrong decision IMO and it proved costly, because Arbeloa’s decision not to track back and cut out Cesc ultimately proved costly.

Of course Arbeloa, the defence and Reina are at fault, but Rafa’s decision to play a full back in the CM position against Arsenal is inviting problems. It’s happened now, and it’s dealt with, but it was a strange decision IMO.

I can have my own individual opinions right?

Arsenal have quality all over the pitch, and whoever he'd have put there would have had their work cut out. I certainly don't think bringing Babel on and shifting Gerrard over would've made any difference to the final score. Arbeloa's a defender and a good one at that - on another day he might've marked Fabregas out of the game from the point he came on.

On days like this far too much gets put on the manager for me. Tear his starting lineup to bits, but once the game starts, it's up to the players. If injuries hit, I think it's incredibly harsh to say that Rafa's tactical decisions are wrong. Those situations are very difficult to call, and if - say - Reina had put Fabregas' shot round the post, I'm sure we wouldn't be hearing a peep about anything to do with that substitution. On the flipside - last week when Gerrard was hauled off and there were people shrieking with horror on here after the game. This after a game we'd won. People were saying we were "lucky" after that decision. If that's the case, can't we say that we were simply "unlucky" this weekend?
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:24 pm

Today's game leaves me with mixed feelings. On the one hand I'm incredibly deflated at us not being able to withstand the pressure from Arsenal, and holding onto a win. On the other, I feel just about content that we are this far in and still in the hunt, and having not capitulated.

Generally disappointed with the game today though. Arsenal were by far the more quick-witted, passing and moving with great co-ordination.

Our Midfield was fairly steady, I just feel the balance up top was again missing. I thought Voronin was particularly poor, Kuyt was average, Torres I can forgive.

I would have preferred Babel on the left by far, at least he offers pace, power, a decent touch, and a stinging shot.

For what Arsenal have in terms of mobility, passing, movement, co-ordination and guile, I still think they are susceptible if faced with an opposition attack that possesses pace, power and flair. For me, that meant Torres and/or Babel playing from the start. There was plenty of space to exploit particularly in the second half when they were unable to press at the same intensity, it's just that we didn't have the players to exploit this space in the short time we had before Arsenal recovered territory

Crouch came on, he affected the game, but we lacked pace one again up top. I would much rather have seen Babel come in in place of Voronin as opposed to Benayoun.

Riise was bollocks again unfortunately, he can't cross for love nor money.

Overall, I'm disappointed and left wondering when we might come out of this rut. We're definitely going to need to step it up pretty soon if we're going to have any chance of challenging for the title.
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Postby LittleHobo » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:24 pm

metalhead wrote:
LittleHobo wrote:it was a light hearted comment about my footie manager game

maybe i should have used a smilie

anyway we do need a link man, its obvious

rafa had aimar at valencia, he was the key to their success

lets get van der vaart then, i can use "add manager" choose "HSV" and sell van der vaart to Liverpool cheaply.  :laugh:

i actually didnt cheat to sign him (supprisingly) i do cheat often though

14 million did it, sold sissoko to ac milan to finance the deal
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:28 pm

LittleHobo wrote:anyway we do need a link man, its obvious

rafa had aimar at valencia, he was the key to their success

I simply don't see anything constructive in that observation. It's clear to most of us that we need another signing up top, but what the hell do you expect Rafa to do about it until January?

And for that matter, what are you pointing that out for in the aftermath to a game where Torres was absolutely nowhere until the point he was subbed out?

We have what we have right now. By all means suggest he starts with different players, but as I've said elsewhere, calling for signings we can't have is at best pointless and at worst a c*nt's trick.
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Postby europian-kings » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:30 pm

not the best of games arsenal were the better side any idiot knows that, they pass well and are capable of beating anyone on their day.
just to make things worse that chelsea fan again (tom) and his mate (matt) have been goin mentle at me sayin ur atmosphere is :censored: now! u only sing against us or wen ur winnin! then wen u think ur atmosphere is beter then us?
i was like...yeeeeh obviously.
then they sent me sum stupid page with recordins of all the matches this season on how loud and consistant fans have bin and we are near bottom and chelsea near top -.-
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Postby Feeney » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:31 pm

bigmick wrote:Well I thought it was a much more encouraging performance from the lads to be honest. Masherano can't have played better in a Liverpool shirt and Gerrard looks like he is getting it back so there was encouragment there, and the battling qualities we displayed throughout the ninety minutes were heartening to see.

Given the fact we've picked up a couple more injuries though, and I have to say given the fact that there was a quite obvious gap between the two teams, I think it may be time for people to calm down a bit in terms of what we are expecting to do this season. We aren't in all probablility going to win the League based on where we currently are, and it may now be time to take stock of where we need to go.

I'm quite surprised at peoples opinion of the game today, compared to my vision of how it went from my lofty perch in the Upper Centenary.

I thought, by and large for the majority of the game that we were absolutely bricking it when we had the ball - far too often when a player was given a ball (this happened to Kuyt on a few occasions), no-one wanted to show for the next pass. It was like a hot potato and on a number of times possession was lost as we simply sh!t ourselves with the ball.

Secondly, it appeared to me that the players were scard to tackle Arsenal. While, the likes of Gerrard and Masch did put some good tackles in, how many runs from the Arsenal defence were made were no-one bothered to put a foot in and instead, simply allowed players past them?

I've said in a number of threads over the last few weeks that we are crying out for wide players on the pitch. Today's game simply highlighted this again as time after time, the ball was being forced down the middle. I did notice the lack at which Riise and Finnan did not support any players (quick one-two and the wide player is in a better position to cross) that did come wide, thus isolating the wide player with the end result generally being that we lost the ball.

Torres should never had played - it was evident early on that he was still struggling with an injury and I was glad to see Crouch come on and do so well. He helped link up the forward line and the midfield and I was delighted to see him have a go with the 2 excellent chances when no-one else appeared to want to bother. I could understand why Rafa had gone with the formation and the personnel as 4-5-1 becomes 4-3-3 very quickly and vice-versa - however Kuyt and Voronin were making similar runs all day and basically getting in each others way. It's one or the other on that score for me (Babel! Why does Rafa not want to play him? Today's role for Voronin and Kuyt would have been perfect for him).

Thought Mascherano was outstanding and Gerrard showed flashes of his ability. Riise and Finnan look absolutely static at the moment and I personally can't wait to have Arbeloa and Aurelio back in the defence (as well as the obvious, Agger). I was very disappointed with the teams reaction to Arsenal's goal - it looked like they had literally given up, including Gerrard - head down - not a good example as the captain. I always think that Arsenal are there for the taking at Anfield, so while i'm disappointed with the performance, i'm relieved at the result - we didn't even deserve the point we got.  :no


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Postby Penguins » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:38 pm

Well, we have been unlucky in one game this season vs Chelski
but lately all our points have been lucky.
Didn't deserve wins vs Wigan or the Blueshite and certainly lived on that gerrard goal this whole game. getting outplayed at Anfield isn't funny. Some might say so what?
But if the performances continue to be this pisspoor then
you will get what is coming to you and that is 0 pts.
I wouldn't say the start of the season has been terrible but so far we are pretty well of the top and we have played 2 big teams at home and no wins and 0 big teams away.
And what's even worse is that in today's PL there is always at least one team of Manure, :censored: or Chelski who just keeps on winning and winning and.... winning. 2-3 poor results at home and it'll kill you.
What's is also worrying is that even Chelski is showing more cohesion on the field than us. There is very little understanding, skill, creativity etc which is still making us predictable and slow when going forward. Very rarely do I see a free flowing move involving several players when scoring a goal. It's more often 1 pass and then a nice individual effort that does it.

And I just don't understand why fans becomes blind as soon as a new player comes in who works his :censored: off.
And then after 1-2 years they first realise that the players have little skill and not very good at doing what they were supposed to be doing.
Momo and Kuyt work very hard on the field but are and will never be great footballers. Very limited and not good enough, simple as.
As long as these non-football players becomes such saints we will be going nowhere. When you are a midfielder there is one thing which is the most important thing which you must be able to do. Yes, you guesses it, pass the ball to a teammate. The midfield is the web of a team and the balls should go through it. If the midfielders can't pass every move breaks down.
When you are a striker there is one thing which is the most important which you must be able to do. Yes, to finish off plays and score goals. Without goals, you won't win any games. Kuyt is a terrible goalscorer. How many "real" goals from open play will he score in the PL this season? 5?
And still he is Rafa's favourite and gets the most minutes of all strikers.
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Postby redtrader74 » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:44 pm

I thought it was a good game, we did our best to contain them, i was disappointed we didn't win, the optimist in me thought we would, and we had chances to extend our lead before they scored. Not enough players joined in when we had the ball in the final third, may be a lack of confidence. Overall it was a decent result considering they are playing at their peak and we are trying to find ours, last years 4-1 was once they were out of the CL and were fairly sure of finishing in the top four.

We pressed and pressed them all game, and i can see why Rafa wants to rest our lads, because the way we play the players have to put in more effort and running than a lot of sides.

The set up of 4-3-3, 4-5-1 or whatever is what i have been looking for, but i don't understand why Rafa played Voronin and Kuyt, i would have preferred at least one genuine winger, i can't se the point of them if they are not going to play in a forward role. Also they both got in each others way a couple of times when a decent chance arose.

There was a little too much hoofing, but just like the Besiktas game everytime we put our foot on the ball, passed it round and in formations we created and threatened. Keep doing that and we'll start winning more. We need Agger back the difference he could make would be in ball retention, and if they don't have it, they can't score, i'm not saying that he's world class, but he can carry the ball out of defence, something which Hyypia and Carra cannot.

MOM for me Mascherano, closely followed by Carra and SG, Finnan was very good, Riise was poor and must now be third behind Arbeloa and Aurelio. Still cannot understand why SG persists in taking corners, especially if you've seen the header in midweek, its a waste, Alonso could probably deliver a better ball.

Crouchys demeanor recently has been pis sing me off and i still believe that physically (by not having packed on the muscle) he lets himself down, but he did well, and worked hard, maybe he has realised that Rafa wants effort aswell as craft, and with Torres out i'd like the same formation with Crouch, or Kuyt alone, i still think (hope :upside:) that Kuyt may score if he plays in the strikers role.

Hopefully this will inspire confidence, as will being unbeaten, unfotunatly we have the same players injured, but maybe Leiva for Alonso? could plug the gap.
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:49 pm

LittleHobo wrote:
metalhead wrote:
LittleHobo wrote:it was a light hearted comment about my footie manager game

maybe i should have used a smilie

anyway we do need a link man, its obvious

rafa had aimar at valencia, he was the key to their success

lets get van der vaart then, i can use "add manager" choose "HSV" and sell van der vaart to Liverpool cheaply.  :laugh:

i actually didnt cheat to sign him (supprisingly) i do cheat often though

14 million did it, sold sissoko to ac milan to finance the deal

Football management games need two new options.

Billionnaire Mode = Where your team is purchased by a shady Eastern European rich man who lavishes wealth upon the team leading to enormous success.....until he starts getting bored and begins offering tactical advice.

Administration Mode = Where the club goes into financial meltdown and you are forced to manage the club with a huge points deduction and are left fielding the Under-Eights Juniors Team after your first team has been sold.
china syndrome 80512640 reactor meltdown fusion element
no uniquely indefinable one 5918 identification unknown 113
source transmission 421 general panic hysteria 02 outbreak
foreign mutation 001505 maximum code destruction nuclear
reflection 01044 power plutonium helix atomic energy wave
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