Liverpool supporters created chaos in athens

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Postby LFC2007 » Fri May 25, 2007 9:04 pm

Of course, just like at every club, but the problems stem from UEFA's incompetence.
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Postby TOFFEEMAN1 » Fri May 25, 2007 9:18 pm

no i am not a dickhead at all,can u not see whats happening around you, you are becoming the most hated fans in the country,there could easily have been more loss of life on weds night then what?i am not on here posting as a bitter blue as you would call me. i probably was 1 of the first evertonians to lay a wreath at anfield after hillsboro.the point i was trying to make was how on earth do you expect the rest of the world to believe now that heysel, hillsboro, almost and i mean almost athens, that some  of the liverpool fans are not entirely blameless.
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Postby destro » Fri May 25, 2007 9:24 pm

TOFFEEMAN1 wrote:no i am not a dickhead at all,can u not see whats happening around you, you are becoming the most hated fans in the country,there could easily have been more loss of life on weds night then what?i am not on here posting as a bitter blue as you would call me. i probably was 1 of the first evertonians to lay a wreath at anfield after hillsboro.the point i was trying to make was how on earth do you expect the rest of the world to believe now that heysel, hillsboro, almost and i mean almost athens, that some  of the liverpool fans are not entirely blameless.

Your first post wasnt a 'I come in peace'  type post so please dont now try to make out you had our best interests at heart, if you was that 'concerned ' for us you would of posted in the way that you posted your second comment, instead of all that s.hit about the peoples club. Small club small minded fans   :no
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Postby Naomi » Fri May 25, 2007 9:36 pm

The sad fact is that there are mindless supporters at EVERY football club, and yes something should be done about them. But IMO, these events are highlighted more when it is Liverpool precisely because of the clubs history, i.e. Hillsborough and Heysel. Because tragedy has struck this club on more than one occasion, the powers that be see fit to announce open season on LFC and try to influence others in thinking "Oh it's Liverpool fans at it again". The thing is, these "fans" are actually adding fuel to the fire and if they continue to do so and another tragedy does occur, people will probably just assume "Liverpool again, what do you expect?" Personally i dont want us supporters to be thought of that way, we are regarded as the best supporters in the world, by our players at least, lets keep it that way.
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Postby LFC2007 » Fri May 25, 2007 9:40 pm

TOFFEEMAN1 wrote:no i am not a dickhead at all,can u not see whats happening around you, you are becoming the most hated fans in the country,there could easily have been more loss of life on weds night then what?i am not on here posting as a bitter blue as you would call me. i probably was 1 of the first evertonians to lay a wreath at anfield after hillsboro.the point i was trying to make was how on earth do you expect the rest of the world to believe now that heysel, hillsboro, almost and i mean almost athens, that some  of the liverpool fans are not entirely blameless.

No, you are a dickhead.

Heysel is one situation, Hillsbrough is another. The consequences of horrendous policing, deciding to use a delapidated stadium for the European cup final, poor organisation, lack of contingency planning etc. are reasons for these tragedies.

There is no reason why we should try to convince the world of anything other than being the most supportive fans in the world.

Every club has it's nutters, like there werein Athens, but the policing and organisation should be in place to deal with that properly. It is THE game of the year,  yet UEFA fuel the black market sale of tickets (one of the reasons for the aggro) by allocating commercial partners an unreasonable number of tickets.

If you had actually learnt the history of Heysel and Hillsbrough it might be worth taking you seriously, but for now, you ARE a DICKHEAD.
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Postby TOFFEEMAN1 » Fri May 25, 2007 9:55 pm

i dont have your best interests at heart that is true,the peoples club was a sign off note as i am sure ynwa is the same,my first post and i admit was in anger, as i along with many other old skool blues have laid the wreaths,contributed to the hillsboro funds,done the minutes silence on numerous occasions and now i am starting to think that if the same or similiar situation arose on weds night what the response from reds fans would have been,and as i have read so far like i shagged ur nan a lil immature to say the least,and to block my posts or whatever it was sum 1 said is trivial.the point i am trying to make is it is not always sum 1 else's fault and upto now it has been,AND ONCE AGAIN THE SAME THINGS ARE BEING SAID ,IT WAS THE POLICE.IT WAS UEFA,THE STADIUM,THE TICKETS,THE FORGERIES,SIMON COWELL.WINSTON CHURCHILL,HITLER, BIN LADEN,THE POPE, MOTHER TERESA,BART SIMPSON,

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Postby adamnbarrett » Fri May 25, 2007 10:01 pm

TOFFEEMAN1 wrote:i dont have your best interests at heart that is true,the peoples club was a sign off note as i am sure ynwa is the same,my first post and i admit was in anger, as i along with many other old skool blues have laid the wreaths,contributed to the hillsboro funds,done the minutes silence on numerous occasions and now i am starting to think that if the same or similiar situation arose on weds night what the response from reds fans would have been,and as i have read so far like i shagged ur nan a lil immature to say the least,and to block my posts or whatever it was sum 1 said is trivial.the point i am trying to make is it is not always sum 1 else's fault and upto now it has been,AND ONCE AGAIN THE SAME THINGS ARE BEING SAID ,IT WAS THE POLICE.IT WAS UEFA,THE STADIUM,THE TICKETS,THE FORGERIES,SIMON COWELL.WINSTON CHURCHILL,HITLER, BIN LADEN,THE POPE, MOTHER TERESA,BART SIMPSON,

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sound familiar to yourselves?

"Ifithadnabinfer them meeeerdering bastards"

Another thing most hated fans in the country?

At least we support Evertonians in trouble i.e. Madeline McCann (god bless her, bring her home). Shame your lot couldn't show the same support for Michael Shields in his hour of need isn't it.


On another note, if this doesn't support my suggestion of a lockdown after games then nothing else will.....
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Postby Sabre » Fri May 25, 2007 10:04 pm

To Toffeeman:

I'm not scouser, so I can see the matter from an outer perspective.

Yes, some posters have blamed the UEFA. They obviously have made mistakes acknowledged by all Europe, so they're right to do so.

I've also read self-criticism in some posters. But you blatantly refuse to admit that fact.

And for what is worth, the UEFA has once again blamed the Liverpool fans, and that bloody "official" "truth" is being spread by all the newspaper in the world.

And that has happened in the past aswell, and it's unfair. Of course there are scousers that are twáts, but they're a minority. All the crowds have bad minorities, some of them will be fascists, other independentist, or other simply violent, but every crowd has something to be ashamed of. And looking at many Spanish stadiums, some things that can be seen in some of them in one week are really more shameful than whatever the Liverpool fans have done badly in the last 10 years.

But, generalizations only seem to be done for english fans, not other fans. And that's unfair.

If you only see the bad, and refuse to see the self criticism and all the decent people that there is in this forum, then you're obviously in a wind up mission.
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Postby destro » Fri May 25, 2007 10:04 pm

Have you even bothered to read all the other posts on here and in the other thread, if you had you would see that we are not trying to make out we are whiter than white.We have said that we share some of the blame for what happened and if you had read the posts you would of felt no need to mention the two tragic
incidents that have happened. Instead you chose to ,register on here and then , use capitals ( a sign in text that you are angry, like the end of your above post). And for what, so you can stroll back to 'your forum ( bluekipper, quite an apt name for a small fish)' saying 'hey guys i gave it them f.uckers in the LIVERPOOL thread. Then to make matters worse you try to play on our heart strings by saying you laid a wreath, like we are going to say ok thanks for that, you are now entitled to to spout your s.hit on here. Like many others you have had your 5 minutes of fame, so dont let us keep you from your gloating session  :sleep

Im done with you !
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Postby LFC2007 » Fri May 25, 2007 10:25 pm

TOFFEEMAN1 wrote:what a joke you are even now u hide behind everything cos ur blind,ur fans stealing of each other :censored: on each other in athens,even roy evans son has told me he will never go to watch liverpool in europe again after what he witnessed in athens wake up and smell the coffee DICKHEAD!

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If you actually LEARNT about Hillsbrough and Heysel, you may be in a place to comment on them.

As it happens, you are just making empty accusations, tired accusations and are bitter to the bone.

On your bike son.
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Postby Naomi » Fri May 25, 2007 10:28 pm

what a joke you are even now u hide behind everything cos ur blind

We are not blind, we know some of our supporters are not always "well behaved", name me a club who have the perfect fans, i suppose Evertonians never do anything wrong and that they attend every match in their Sunday best with a bible under one arm and a set of rosary beads under the other, and politely applaud every decision the referee makes! :p
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Postby MUFC » Sun May 27, 2007 7:43 pm

I have edited this gentlemans posts as he had nothing sensible to contribute.
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun May 27, 2007 7:52 pm

MUFC wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:A couple of points to make

i) Had Gaillard and his mates at UEFA given us a fair allocation this would not have happened.

ii) Some LFC fans bought tickets without knowing they were forgeries, why would a fan 'knowingly' buy a forged ticket given that they would effectively be throwing their money away.

iii) The sale of black market tickets was fuelled by UEFA's allocation to commercial sponsors/UEFA 'partners' etc. That was one of the main sources of tickets on the black market, had he and his mates thought twice about this, there may have been no problem.

Its :censored: like you that I hate :no Just own up that it was your fecking fault! Just like all your other 'disasters'. I mean once is just happens but 3 times just shows what you vermin are like away from home. Fair play, at the end of the day Man United aren't angels away from home; take Lille for example...but least we admit it was our fault! Grow up and realise your away fans are nobs and are to blame.
Uefa gave you more than enough tickets, You clearly out-numbered the Milan fans. Even if they didn't give you enough it was your fans fault for doing what you did. Your vermin and your lucky nothing serious happened.

You are a fuc.king MUPPET.

For a start, Learn about Hillsbrough and Heysel.

Did UEFA really give us enough tickets?, 17,000 for the greatest club game of the year, when they KNOW there will be SIGNIFICANTLY more demand than that. Enough tickets even when they allocate 9,000 to the UEFA ballot, people who have little or no interest in going to the game, people who are interested in lining their own pockets. Enough tickets even when they give thousands of tickets to 'partners', tickets which fuel the black market.

UEFA had NO system whatsoever to eradicate forgeries, or any reliable ticketing system whatsoever, even when they had it at last years world cup they still don't learn how to implement it.

Get a fuc.king clue you manc twa.t. No-one is excusing the beahviour of certain fans, but UEFA couldn't organise a p!ss up in a brewery.

If it's our away fans do you see this happen in the Premiership?

No, because we can handle it properly.
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Postby MUFC » Sun May 27, 2007 8:09 pm

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Postby taff » Sun May 27, 2007 8:16 pm

If you want sense here then read Leons post.
Some fans misbehave of course, if anyone thinks LFC dont have those fans then they are seriously deluded.

I live in Cardiff and can honestly say that there has been no trouble worth mentioning all the times Liverpool have been down here, in fact with all teams really even Millwall. 

The fact is that Europe for all their pontificating are way behind Britain in policing sporting events, probably cos we have had to learn the hard way over the years.  A few dicheads seem to be taking the flak for what is a UEFA problem that they dont seem to want to admit to at all. The animal troublemaking tag with every incident is becoming boring and they have to take responsibility.

With the gate steamers then do something with the footage and sent it to Mersey police to hand out banning orders or something, or will this open a can of worms that the authorities dont want opening. 

This is not a Liverpool thing its for every British fan subjected to this issue.

I have no beef with Celtic but they were mentioned in some post as an example, well this might shock some people but they have fans who misbehave as well.  Everyone has. 

Heysel and Hillsbrough had their own reasons and were both equally horrific events and should not be quoted every time a few scallies do something. 

Back to my original point, I saw scallies roaming around Cardiff but they were policed properly, no tear gas and chaos just properly like in stadiums all over Britain.  Now by all means get the ones who robbed others but can we not have a debate that gets hysterical
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