Lets not forget, - You can buy british aswell.

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Ciggy » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:25 pm

Oh and it was good to see Petre Cech get found out against Holland also I did enjoy seeing the dutch score 2 past him, not very good without Terry infront of him is he?
Terry wasnt that good for England either, he will be found out soon also.
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Postby stmichael » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:28 pm

i saw a bit of the holland match and it was bizarre. of the back four that started, i'd only ever heard of van bronckhorst. where was stam, bouma, heitinga ect? ???

holland will still do nowt in germany. they always underachieve, a bit like spain.

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Postby Chelsea forever. » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:29 pm

Cisse - no I dont think they are the best players in the EPL and i surely dont think Rafa would be interested in them - I know what you mean.

Rafa has his own thoughts and has brought in players whom he has been following for a long time. He has his own world of players and wants to build a team on that. He has made some terrific signings in Alonso and Sissoko, but some not so good in Fernando (imo). I can speak more on this but I have to leave work now - i know your glad that iv kept it short.

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Postby JC_81 » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:31 pm

I think the whole 'why not buy british' debate is a very interesting one.  Undoubtedly the English market is inflated which, as we all know, is why we see so many foreigners brought in on the cheap.

I have seen comments about how players like Robinson, Carrick, Johnson, Cole etc would be decent British players for a top-six premiership side and wouldn't cost a fortune.  That may be the case, but I'd like to raise another point.  I think it is always highlighted when a foreigner is brought over and then turns out to be a failure and in hindsight people say, 'well why didn't we buy such and such a player instead- he's British and he's better'.

However, there have been loads of players bought down the years who are British and have been bought for big money and failed to deliver.  Is it really more of a gamble to buy a player from abroad rather than from a 'lesser' premiership side or a lower league side?  I'm not so sure.

Jeffers - flopped at Arsenal and then Charlton after he looked quite a decent player at Everton.
Collymore - looked a good player at Forest but his head was up his :censored: at Liverpool
Bramble - a good prospect at Ipswich touted as the new Sol Campbell but I think he's barely premiership standard to be honest.

The list could go on...

My point is that buying british players is not necessarily a better option.  In my opinion, in terms of Liverpool buying players, the most important thing is not considering their nationality as a major factor in whether they are going to adapt to the team, but to consider the player's mentality.  There are 2 types of player, ones that can handle the pressure of playing for a big club (where the onus is on to perform well EVERY week), and those who can't.

Alonso, in my opinion, is a big-club player without a doubt.  Compare him with Carrick, I'm not so sure.  I think buying a foreign player from a fairly big club abroad (Alonso, Garcia) is less of a gamble than buying Carrick or Cole from West Ham would have been.
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Postby andy_g » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:32 pm

this is a good, interesting and productive thread - lets not spoil it by turning into another anti-Chelsea forever thread. but i'm very tempted by the idea of starting a dedicated "fuck off Chelsea forever" thread.

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Postby Judge » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:41 pm

andy_g wrote:this is a good, interesting and productive thread - lets not spoil it by turning into another anti-Chelsea forever thread. but i'm very tempted by the idea of starting a dedicated "fuck off Chelsea forever" thread.

dont let temptation get in your way andy  :D

i think he's run his course on here. He upsets to many folk, and tries to hide behind meaningless posts that he makes to cover up his real agenda. You can smell the arrogance a mile off, it was the same when Manure won the league for the first time in 26yrs......you never saw a manure shirt until then, now there every fucking where.

god help us if chelski go onto to win something else, arrogant fuckers

on a serious note, brit players are a bit expensive, but thats always been the case for some reason. It may be down to the fact that we invented the game, rather than being able to play it well  :D
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Postby Ace Ventura » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:43 pm

Tbh this is one of the better threads i've seen on here in a good while, it was started with some valid points and has had some interesting replies.
I have no problem with CF coming on here, but it does get on my nerves when things get turned into a debate on his club, sometimes its his fault sometimes its not.
Either way i think its a bit strange why he would even want to be on this forum anyway...especially after it has been made clear by quite a few people that he is not wanted and is getting on peoples nerves.

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Postby drummerphil » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:47 pm

I,ve apologised in a pm to him,if anything i said he found racist and i admitted i was wrong with some of the things i said.I also furthermore said this is Liverpool forum,and not for Chelsea debate therefore END OF.      can we move on please.
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:49 pm

This is a fantastic thread as my mum and I talk about having British players al the time!How boss is it having a mum who loves footall eh!haha.

Firstly, Chelsea don't really have a spine at all but I do agree that we should have more scousers, never mind Englishmen in the team. I am absolutely delighted that we have another youngster coming through the ranks in Adam Hamill. Benitez recently spotted his potential in an under18 match against Everton. In noting that he is a left-winger also, It will be interesting to see him play in the domestic cup competitions which I'm sure will be good viewing.

On another note, I feel Benitez, even though he bought the likes of Nunez, Josemi and all that, he embraces the academy far more than Houllier ever did and that can only bode well for the future. I was gutted when Houllier sold Stephen Wright btw because I thought he had some great performances(Dortmund) and showed potential that could have been utilised. Now that we have Senor Benitez I am sure something like this will not happen again.

Returning to the subject of younger players, I have always said that Ledley King will be an exemplary purchase in a view to replace Hyypia as we will have three top class cb. Iv'e noticed that nobody has mentioned young Aaron Lennon from Spurs. He is fast little right winger, with great pace, good dribbling skills and the ability to cut in and have a dig at goal. Just what we need. He may be a tad expensive now for his age, but he wouldn't be expensive when we have had him for 10 years though would he. I thoroughly agree regarding Dean Ashton as well. Good player. With the right players around him who knows?

On a final note. As Benitez has always stressed that the 'right mentality' is important, we all know as well as having foreigners with the right mentality (Hyypia,Hamann etc.), the liverpool lads will always give it their all and bleed for the club (Carra, Gerrard, Fowler in the day).

My point being, if we have someone in the academy who shows just as much promise as a foreign player with a fancy name. Give that lad every chance he deserves.
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Postby JBG » Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:01 pm

I find it hard to have sympathy with Chelsea Forever.

Other fans can come here and chat provided they don't give out abuse or take the Mick. They can even post about their own club in Premiership: General Discussion. However, I don't blame people getting annoyed as Chelsea Forever has a habit of turning every thread into a discussion about his club. This is a Liverpool forum, not a Chelsea forum.
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Postby Ola Mr Benitez » Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:38 pm

I think for a club the size of Liverpool it should not make any difference where the top players come from BUT we should at least be going in for them.

Several people hae mentioned that Ledley King would be an excellent sihning for LFC although may cost 15 million.  If thats how much he is going to cost we should just pay it. 

When some of the other big clubs need to fill a position they just go out and spend the money.  Look at Man U.  They needed a new center back and spent 32 million of Rio Ferdinand.  Now realistically, IMO, no player is worth that, but they paid it coz they needed a young world class player, which is what they got.

We need a right winger and we where complaining about spending 2million for Figo.  WHY?  The lad may nly have a couple of seasons left in him but what can you buy for 2 million quid nowadays.  That was bad business by LFC.

We need a centreback but seemed to dilly dally over a couple of million when in negotiations. Just pay the money and get the player.

I realise we don't want to get ripped off, but as long as we are not paying a lot of money for shyte (El hadj springs to mind) I don't think anyone would mind.
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Postby Judge » Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:46 pm

JBG wrote:I find it hard to have sympathy with Chelsea Forever.

Other fans can come here and chat provided they don't give out abuse or take the Mick. They can even post about their own club in Premiership: General Discussion. However, I don't blame people getting annoyed as Chelsea Forever has a habit of turning every thread into a discussion about his club. This is a Liverpool forum, not a Chelsea forum.

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Postby JBG » Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:48 pm

Just a point in relation to Figo.

Was it not the case that Figo claimed that he had reached an agreement with Madrid whereby they had apparently promised to let him go for free? Figo was just as annoyed as Liverpool about the £2million.

Was it not also the case that he was eventually allowed to leave for free and he decided to join Inter and not Liverpool?
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Postby Fowler_E7 » Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:52 pm

JBG wrote:Just a point in relation to Figo.

Was it not the case that Figo claimed that he had reached an agreement with Madrid whereby they had apparently promised to let him go for free? Figo was just as annoyed as Liverpool about the £2million.

Was it not also the case that he was eventually allowed to leave for free and he decided to join Inter and not Liverpool?

i thought Inter paid the £2 million?
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Postby andy_g » Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:52 pm

JBG wrote:Just a point in relation to Figo.

Was it not the case that Figo claimed that he had reached an agreement with Madrid whereby they had apparently promised to let him go for free? Figo was just as annoyed as Liverpool about the £2million.

Was it not also the case that he was eventually allowed to leave for free and he decided to join Inter and not Liverpool?

as far as i'm aware that was the case. but the point still stands in my view - if you need the player you spend the money. assuming you have it of course...

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