Lay off wayne rooney! - He's not to blame for hillsborough!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby maximus » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:07 pm


I would like to put a perspective on this issue form an 'out of towners view'. I have been a Liverpool Fan ever since I can remember, I do not live in Liverpool, and never have.

i was 17 when the devestation of Hillsborough happened. I remember the pictures that still to this day stick in my mind, and could only imagine, what must of been going through these poor peoples minds, however I was too young really to appreciate the enormity of the whole situation.

the scums 'interpretation' of what happened only really dawned on me many years after. I have a young son, and the thought of losing him, (never mind in the way Hillsborough happened) would be something I could not comprehend, but to have a scummy tabloid, pretty much denigrate his memory would be something that I would never forgive or forget.

I think Hustler your views are valid to a point, but the tone of your post, to say the least is shocking, and has really hit a nerve with local people. I have jewish friends who lost family in the war, due to the attrocities of Hitler over 50 years ago,  people do not forgive or forget, tragedies of this nature.

Wayne Rooney is a young man who, yes, is too young to remember Hillsborough, but he has a strong family background and they must surely know the wrongs of 'selling' his story to this tabloid - for what reason, he is surely rich enough?? he has been badly advised by his agents and his family, and I feel on that point, he will realise the mistake he has made, possibly in years to come.
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Postby 84-1083280474 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:17 pm

Some of these posts really make me laugh. I referred the "get a life" to you people in this forum!

How many times has Steven Gerrard, Michael Owen and others, given their 'exclusive' Interviews to the sun newspaper?

I think you need to read my post again some of you, and read carefully the points made.

As for people calling me and "idiot" for my own rightful opinion, please dont call people names that you wouldnt be prepared to say to their face!

Postby Santa » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:36 pm

Hustler, don't bother trying to make excuses. You started the fire, now make your apology and get the ƒuck off this forum.  :angry: You generally have no idea what you are talking about here.
From your tone, I gather that you are young and do not have kids. You will never understand what it means to lose a loved one, especially in this circumstances and what the S*n said after that was vicious. I have friends who lived in Liverpool. Talking to them I began to understand the pain of the wound that lived till today. Rooney is old enough to play for England so he is not exactly a 12 years-old. Plus he is from the city himself so he should know better that to side with the devil. Badly advised maybe, but he has to live with the bad decisions made. You (and that includes me) who don't come from the city shouldn't pretend to be clever and ask fellow forumners (many of them from the city) to get a life and get over it.
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Postby greenred » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:59 pm

Its a very emotive subject.I wasnt in sheffield,but i made the trip over to Liverpool to lay my scarf on the Kop in the days afterward.The sadness felt by Liverpool people is something that will always stay with me.But i also remember the rage directed at the s*n.In the aftermath of the single greatest tragedy to hit the city of Liverpool,they printed a front page story ripping the heart and dignity from its citizens.

I took this from another site:

On the Tuesday following the disaster, Kelvin MacKenzie, then editor of The Sun, a British tabloid newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch, used the front page headline, THE TRUTH, in huge letters. Under that were three smaller headlines: 'Some fans picked pockets of victims'; 'Some fans urinated on the brave cops'; 'Some fans beat up PC giving kiss of life'.

The story accompanying this work of fiction claimed that 'drunken Liverpool fans viciously attacked rescue workers as they tried to revive victims' and 'police officers, firemen and ambulance crew were punched, kicked and urinated upon'. A quote, 'attributed' to an unnamed policeman, claimed that a dead girl had been abused and that Liverpool fans 'were openly urinating on us and the bodies of the dead'.

I dont hate Rooney.But i reckon his advisors have badly misjudged the anger still felt in Liverpool.The s*n cannot and will not be forgiven on Merseyside.
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Postby Boocity » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:26 pm

I am a scouser who no longer lives in Liverpool. I was not at Hillsborough but have friends who were. I was up there at the weekend and talking these mates the strength of feeling and emotion against the scum was unreal, it just brought it all back for them. They just wanted to fire bomb the scums offices.  :angry:  :angry:
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Postby taff » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:43 pm

You have the right to your view and you did argue your point but surely you must have had some idea of the reaction following on from this post.

I remember Hillsborough but wasnt there. I nearly went but couldnt make it and selfishly Im glad as I dont envy anybody who witnessed those events first hand as watching it on the TV was harrowing enough.

I lived in Liverpool for a number of years and made some great friends blue and red and you realise that Hillsborough has left a scar on the city as a whole.
Coming from South Wales I grew up with the Aberfan disaster even though it happened before I was born.  Im not from there but another coal town miles away but were all aware of what happened and how that community and our community as a whole suffered and changed because of it.  We all know what it means even if we were young or not born at the time.

Aberfan was an "accident" due to the incompetence of the coal board

Hillsborough was an "accident" due to the incompetence of the stadium and policing.

All over the country people could talk about similar disasters that they grew up with.

I didnt want to reply or get involved in this post but actually spent the day thinking about it and will ramble as Ive so much to say.

I dont hate Rooney nor you Hustler but Ill tell anybody my views to their face.

The week following Hillsborough I was working with Nottingham fans who were in tears cos of what they saw.  Ever seen big lads on building sites crying takes something out of the ordinary.  I remember a wurzel talking about it and saying re the Sun this wont go away theyve insulted a city, the scousers will be like you lot after Aberfan getting all working class about it, he meant it as a compliment.  I didnt really take in what he was saying being young an all and away from home but this reminded me of something I saw in Liverpool about eight odd years ago.

I have memories of laying a scarf and flowers etc but was down the Mathew St area of the town one day and passing an amusement centre with my mate when we heard a load of old women singing youl never walk alone amidst all the fruit machines and the reason why. It was April 15th it was 3.00pm.  To me this was one of the most dignified things I ever saw. 

We all come from the same areas we all have the same experiences and these old women gambling away stopped to honour the dead from their city. This was years after the event in a back alleyway with nobody watching no cameras just pride in their city and the memories of those who lost their lives.

I dont want to argue with anybody about this nobody wins we all lost that day.  I will never buy that rag they villified the fans of LFC the people of merseyside and working class people from all over Britain with their headlines. 

I hope Rooney realises now
I hope every player in mersyside realises now

I hope the 96 RIP

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Postby Roger Red Hat » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:56 pm

shut the door on your way out Hustler, it's time you left.
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Postby Paul C » Thu Jul 08, 2004 5:41 pm

I wasn't their either but 3 of my uncles were and I remember the day as if it was yesterday, I remember being as infront of the TV all day waiting for updates, I still get emotional thinking about all those people who lost their like over an accident which shouldn't have happened, even if Rooney was too young to have experienced these events he should know people who were there and should know the hurt that rag caused the people of Liverpool and all Liverpool fans.

I never have and never will understand how a rag like that can publish lies about heros and expect people just to forgive and forget! :angry:
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Postby 84-1083280474 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:01 pm

Listen I aint goin Nowhere! the hustler is here to stay!

And for the record, a guy from my town in cheshire died on that day too. His name is on the shrine. Vincent  ........... cant remember his surname, but its there.

Listen, I didnt want your life stories of being scousers and lfc fans, or a complete reinactment of the hillsborough tragedy.
many of you are getting off the main focus of the topic, Wayne rooney.
What exactly has hillsborough got to do with him? He plays for Everton, and the Hillsborough tragedy has got nothing to do with them or their club or players.
Rooney can do what he likes, in my book. He certainly isnt answerable to LFC fans.

Postby 84-1083280474 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:03 pm

taff wrote:Hillsborough was an "accident" due to the incompetence of the stadium and policing.

Stadium and policing? but nothing to do with fans with no ticket trying to get into the ground?

Postby Leonmc0708 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:05 pm

TheHustler wrote:Listen I aint goin Nowhere! the hustler is here to stay!

And for the record, a guy from my town in cheshire died on that day too. His name is on the shrine. Vincent  ........... cant remember his surname, but its there.

Listen, I didnt want your life stories of being scousers and lfc fans, or a complete reinactment of the hillsborough tragedy.
many of you are getting off the main focus of the topic, Wayne rooney.
What exactly has hillsborough got to do with him? He plays for Everton, and the Hillsborough tragedy has got nothing to do with them or their club or players.
Rooney can do what he likes, in my book. He certainly isnt answerable to LFC fans.

The blasie way in which you refer to the incidents makes me think you are too young to appreciate the effect that it and the subsequent newspaper reports in the s*n have had on each and every person from Liverpool.

You mention that "your town in Cheshire", and that for me explains everything.

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Postby kenco » Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:21 pm

ROONEY signed the contract not his advisors the buck stops with him.He is well aware of the dept of feeling in this city against the Sun,he doesn't need the money, and if he is going to donate it to charity it makes no difference.Because he could have sold his story to any other newspaper. Rooney knew what he was doing,and he knew what the reaction would be, he's not that stupid not to know. IT WAS HIM AND HIM ALONE WHO SOLD OUT TO THE SUN..........SHAME ON HIM!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY CAN POSSIBLY DEFEND HIM.
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Postby jimmyb » Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:44 pm

I,m glad that more people are realising the extent of the hatred of that rag in this city,maybe other people will stop buying it and send it out of business,As for rooney,naive or thoughtless! badly advised? Who knows? only him.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Jul 09, 2004 2:28 am

Hustler you are such a c*ck, you are just digging yourself in deeper

Postby LFC #1 » Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:51 am

TheHustler wrote:but nothing to do with fans with no ticket trying to get into the ground?

I cannot believe you have said this, they have proved that the incompetence of authorities is the main cause of the disaster.

Even IF people without tickets got in it was not their fault as the authorities could have opened the gates at the front of the stands to let people on the field and save many lives, however the authorities were stupid enough to THINK that the Liverpool fans were starting a riot so they tried to protect forest fans, blatantly ignoring cries for help and people dying.

Read some of the first hand recounts of people who were there on (the HJC site) and you will see what i am talking about.
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