Jermaine pennant. - Just a few observations.

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby banana » Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:34 pm

dawson99 wrote:Pennant looks good because if traore played for birmingham hed stand out. The guy has too much baggage. Arsenal couldnt handle him and we shouldnt want to.

Its like bellamy. Great player.. would i want him? never!

Pennant is a good player, he can do it all, but i dont think he should be wearing a liverpool shirt

Have to agree with Dawson. Good player, bad mentality. Arsene Wenger tried to control him, Bruce tries to control him. Both have failed. He constantly gets involved in bust ups in cocktail bars and genuine fist fights. Is this good ambassador for LFC?

My answer is a loud NO
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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:45 pm

Pennants a good player NOT a great one . Wasn't good enough for Arsenal ,doubt he would be good enough for us . Sure he looked busy for Birmingham ,couple of runs and a few crosses but lets not get carried away . He's a "nearly" man ,nearly good enough for a top team but not quite.

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Postby 7_Kewell » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:26 pm

bigmick wrote:I actually think he may be better than a squad player mate. He was quality tonight playing in a a desperate team. Clearly if we had him today he would be our first-choice right midfielder as we don't have another one, and I think he measures up favourably to some of the other possibilities which have been discussed, particularly Simao who i think would cost at least twice as much and would be by no means certain to adapt to English football.

i agree....but because of his off the pitch problems, i wouldn't be comfortable if he was a player who we would rely on a regular basis.  I'd bring him in as a squad player and see how he'd go.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:37 pm

banana wrote:
dawson99 wrote:Pennant looks good because if traore played for birmingham hed stand out. The guy has too much baggage. Arsenal couldnt handle him and we shouldnt want to.

Its like bellamy. Great player.. would i want him? never!

Pennant is a good player, he can do it all, but i dont think he should be wearing a liverpool shirt

Have to agree with Dawson. Good player, bad mentality. Arsene Wenger tried to control him, Bruce tries to control him. Both have failed. He constantly gets involved in bust ups in cocktail bars and genuine fist fights. Is this good ambassador for LFC?

My answer is a loud NO

I'm not being Funny, Wenger doesn't control anyone, he's like Houllier, gets rid. Which is fair enough.

Bruce couldn't control a bag of cemment.

Rafa could make the lad into a superstar and keep him on the right track, i think its a discredit to Rafa's ability as a manager to think he couldn't.

Postby Fowler_E7 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:05 pm

Pennant is no doubt a good player, with huge potential and if Brum get relegated if we could get for around 3 to 4 million i dont think it would be much of a risk. IMO he is just as good if not better than wright phillips ability wise. He has excellent crossing abilty, pace, stamina and is a good dribbler of the ball. He would come with baggage, but if we could get him on the cheap i reckon he could be a real coup. But i would not pay more than £5million for him.
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Postby Garymac » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:27 pm

Id have him in a nano-second, ok he has a little baggage but Rafa and Gerrard will set him straight as soon as he come here and you can see why he is so frustrated, He looked good last night with 9 or 10 woeful players around him, Imagine him playing with Kewell, Finnan, Gerrard, Crouch, Momo, he would just get better and better.

The lad would have a golden oppotunity coming here and would not want to fuc* it up for himself, it could be his last chance at a big club to make it or face being a mid table player all his life.

In my opinion the only gamble being made if we signed him would be by Pennant if he chose to fuc* with Rafa.
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Postby Big Niall » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:38 pm

Do we really want a scumbag?
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Postby Garymac » Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:22 pm

Big Niall wrote:Do we really want a scumbag?

Oh yes because no one deserves a 2nd chance in life FFS, hes not a paedo or rapist, Some people expect every footballer to be the nicest guy on the fuc*ing planet, in my eyes he can do whatever the fuc* he likes off the pitch within reason as long as he shows his ability on it.

So you would rather have a team of nice guys than a team of winners?? Give me a fuc*ing break.

The only thing he has done since going to Birmingham has had a little thing happen at a Kanye West concert, and whos suprised, the cameras must follow him round everywhere waiting till he makes a mistake, how many of you could cope having to live your life like that??

Hes a human being and we all make mistakes, you expect everyone to be a fuc*ing golden boy.
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:44 pm

We're not talking about a Bowyer type of guy here. Now THERE was a player that should never have been linked with our club. Pennant's had his problems, but let's not forget that there have been one or two driving offences floating around our squad as well in recent years. Fine, so they weren't caught p*ssed up driving a Merc with a lamp post dragging behind it (dozy c*nt), but we can't really take the high ground there.

I think the guy has to be worth a look. All it takes is a sit down with Rafa and Parry while negotiations go on, get assurances, tell him to buck up or they'll ship him out, and all should be well.

Someone is going to get a bargain with the guy in summer, and he's tailor made for what's still a problem position for us. Why spend £13m on Simao when we can get a Prem-proven player for a third of that?
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Postby bigmick » Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:58 pm

To tell the truth, based on what he has achieved sofar he is nowhere near as good a player as Simao hence the price difference. It's hard to imagine Pennant scoring the goals that Simao did firstly against Man U, then against us in the Champions League based on what he has shown in his career to date.
That said, despite the given that simao is a model professional, he too represents a gamble for the money. There are gambles whenever you sign a new player, though obviously Pennant would come in appreciably cheaper than Simao so it wouldn't quite be the same disaster if it didn't work.
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:21 am

Hes a good player.thats it!! A GOOD player not a great and never will be!
Being honest the only reason he gets discussed on here is bescause Stu has a thing for him!
I think it may be the fact hes a bad boy that attracts some,for me its the opposite...the guys more interested in going out,fighting and getting wrecked than playing football!!

This behaviour maybe can be excused in footballers when they have the ability to overide their shi.tty side!
Jermaine Pennant does not!
Right now i rate him as a wanabee star with a reckless ghetto style attitude....Being cool and appealing to the next trampy fu.cker that wants to be snoop from the street and a gangsta seems more important than playin football!
But i guess the £15k a week may be more important!

Hes a fuc.kin looser and thats it...He has been given a gift of a future but he is to thick to see that!!
If i was 16 and dragged off the streets to play football for money i would have grasped it and made it happen!!Not Pennant hes an imbred looser!!

Never should such a :censored: grace LFC and thankfully under Raffa he never will!!!

Postby 7_Kewell » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:00 am

BarryBelfast wrote:Hes a good player.thats it!! A GOOD player not a great and never will be!
Being honest the only reason he gets discussed on here is bescause Stu has a thing for him!
I think it may be the fact hes a bad boy that attracts some,for me its the opposite...the guys more interested in going out,fighting and getting wrecked than playing football!!

This behaviour maybe can be excused in footballers when they have the ability to overide their shi.tty side!
Jermaine Pennant does not!
Right now i rate him as a wanabee star with a reckless ghetto style attitude....Being cool and appealing to the next trampy fu.cker that wants to be snoop from the street and a gangsta seems more important than playin football!
But i guess the £15k a week may be more important!

Hes a fuc.kin looser and thats it...He has been given a gift of a future but he is to thick to see that!!
If i was 16 and dragged off the streets to play football for money i would have grasped it and made it happen!!Not Pennant hes an imbred looser!!

Never should such a :censored: grace LFC and thankfully under Raffa he never will!!!

can't disagree.  It's no secret that Pennant likes a drink or two (or 8) and was sent to prision because he got caught drink driving TWICE.  :no

As some others said, everyone deserves a 2nd chance.......but Pennant has had several chances and seems unable to grasp the fact that a football career is a short one nd should be spent giving 100% to your profession not pishing it up and getting into fights.  No doubt, Pennant has talent (Wenger wouldn't have splash all the money on him at 16 if he hadn't) but his attitude is wrong and for that i'd be surprised if Rafa did make a move for him because he is a BIG risk.
Last edited by 7_Kewell on Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TheoRacle » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:36 am

Ace Ventura wrote:Not sure what game you were watching mate, but every time Pennant got the ball with his first touch he was past Riise virtually every time and Hyypia was being pulled to the left back position to make a few great blocks more than once.
Pennant had a very decent game in a 7-0 defeat, he was always a threat and looked like he has the touch pace and crossing ability to be a top winger.
We havent seen much of his shooting/goalscoring ability, but that is in a struggling Birmingham side, i am sure if in all the others he is so technically sound, his shooting must be of a decent standard...and he would chip in with the goals imo.
Obviously his off field antics would need to be packed in, but that is something the likes of Gerrard and Carra could help him with.
Luke i didn't look at the ratio's of the wingers you provided stats of, but did look at the amount of goals scored.
Pires consistently got into double figures but does take alot of penalties.
Robben only scored 7 and is it 6 ?
Giggs was a pretty healthy return over a long period of time...which is impressive.
They are 3 of the best wingers in the Premiership, playing for the top 3 so they should have decent returns...based on posession and amount of time the teams will spend attacking.
Pennant on last nights performance would fit into our team and style of play with ease, and probably would cost half of what simao would.
Rafa said this week that he consults the players on future transfers, well i think Riise and co would recommend him as a future signing.

I stand by my comments Ace, I wasnt overly impressed with Pennant against us at all. I appreciate he got past Riise once or twice but I think that was largely due to the way we were playing more than anything really special on Pennant's part. Perhaps I was blinded by euphoria! :D

This morning though, I went back and revisited the Brum vs Spurs match and must admit that Pennant had an excellent game, particularly the 1st 45mins.  Just about every Brum attack had Pennant involved and he showed great commitment and workrate tracking back and helping his defence out.  His personal stats are pretty good too as he makes the top five for his team in just about every category according to Opta Stats, 800 passes for the seaon with 74% completed, 406 crosses with 30% completed, and 135 successful dribbles - a capability that, as has already been noted on this forum - we tend to lack as a team. 

Its kind of hard to read anything in to those stats thanks to Birminghams poor perfromance as a team - for example the top teams passes are around 50% higher c. 1200 or so with 70-80% complete however no one has got as many crosses in and no 'winger' has so many successful dribbles.

The key to this debate though is whether we think Pennant can keep on the straight and narrow from here on in.  I don't think many of us doubt that Pennant has got some ability - it's the attitude that's in doubt.  The lad's 'big' move to Arsenal at 15 was a complete disaster even though he scored 3 on his debut against Southampton  (let's hope Walcott fares better). Would he handle a move to another big club like with the associated pressure and expectations? The jury's still out there I think.  Maybe come the end of the season with a nother few months of good behaviour we'll have a better idea.

Perhaps a solution would be to buy him and loan him straight back to Brum for 6 months with the threat of 'one slip up' and the deals off - if such a deal can be made that is.
Last edited by TheoRacle on Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sgs » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:52 am

bigmick wrote:I actually think he may be better than a squad player mate. He was quality tonight playing in a a desperate team. Clearly if we had him today he would be our first-choice right midfielder as we don't have another one, and I think he measures up favourably to some of the other possibilities which have been discussed, particularly Simao who i think would cost at least twice as much and would be by no means certain to adapt to English football.

I consider Penant a little better than an average talent...
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Postby Liverpool 4 EVA » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:08 am

BarryBelfast wrote:Hes a good player.thats it!! A GOOD player not a great and never will be!
Being honest the only reason he gets discussed on here is bescause Stu has a thing for him!
I think it may be the fact hes a bad boy that attracts some,for me its the opposite...the guys more interested in going out,fighting and getting wrecked than playing football!!

This behaviour maybe can be excused in footballers when they have the ability to overide their shi.tty side!
Jermaine Pennant does not!
Right now i rate him as a wanabee star with a reckless ghetto style attitude....Being cool and appealing to the next trampy fu.cker that wants to be snoop from the street and a gangsta seems more important than playin football!
But i guess the £15k a week may be more important!

Hes a fuc.kin looser and thats it...He has been given a gift of a future but he is to thick to see that!!
If i was 16 and dragged off the streets to play football for money i would have grasped it and made it happen!!Not Pennant hes an imbred looser!!

Never should such a :censored: grace LFC and thankfully under Raffa he never will!!!

Well, I agree.

I think Liverpool FC should be aiming for far superior players than Pennant, in talent and class.
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