It's Time To Go...Rafa - TOPIC CLOSED

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:33 am

el_stinger wrote:I feel sorry for the guy, he must feel like :censored: after posting that comment, I certainly didn't mean to cause him to run away like a coward though  :sniffle

I shouldn't worry mate - he'll be back.

He went off on one a while ago over my "posting style". Said he'd never be back.

Strangely enough, though - I've nothing against the chap other than that one event.

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Postby el_stinger » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:06 am

I can see you trolling through Lionheart, go on mate, ave your say
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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:18 am

FFS lets move on now.
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Postby el_stinger » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:20 am

Jmac wants this thread still open, lol
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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:25 am

el_stinger wrote:Jmac wants this thread still open, lol

I know mate but theres no point in hammering someone. If he wants to reply he will. Hopefully Lionheart will reconsider leaving, ignore this thread and move on to a better topic.
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Postby el_stinger » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:26 am

s@int wrote:
el_stinger wrote:Jmac wants this thread still open, lol

I know mate but theres no point in hammering someone. If he wants to reply he will. Hopefully Lionheart will reconsider leaving, ignore this thread and move on to a better topic.

Im way beyond flaming him mate, it's all good.  :p
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Postby 83-1165214211 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:51 am

Right, everyone knows the score, i haven't posted for a long time, i'll probably get banned again tomorrow by Supersub or Johnny, but this has to be the most rediculous thread i've ever read in my entire life and its provoked a response.

I haven't posted simply because i'm sick of clueless arsewipes voicing stupid knowledgeless opinions on things they know nothing about. Here's a prime example.

On the basis of losing AWAY games at five of the best sides in the country some people are calling for our manager to be sacked?

Am i reading this properly?

Anyone who considers sacking a manager after losing to Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal away... and the most physical game you'll play in the league against Bolton aswell as Merseyside derby is extremely deluded, damn right stupid and completely and utterly clueless.

Had we lost at Watford, QPR, Fulham, Barnet and Torquay you might have had some straws to clutch at but this is insane.

Who do you replace Rafa with for a start?

Do his league record last sesaon and the champions league and FA cup wins not earn the man a chance?

Something for the clueless... HE'S WON THE FUCKING EUROPEAN CUP! HE'S WON THE F.A. CUP!!!! HE'S GIVEN US OUR BEST PREMIER LEAGUE POINTS TOTAL!!! And he's only been here 2 and a bit sesaons.... how thick are you people? What the hell do you expect? He's already performed miricales... what more do you clueless bellends want?

Yes, he's made some serious error's this season, yes, some of his selections and decisions have been baffling and yes sometimes i've felt like :censored: strangling the man. Some of his signings have been poor also but that does not make him a bad manager overnight.

This is LFC, not Newcastle or Villa, we give people respect and a chance. Especially when they win the :censored: champions league in there first season.

You want an idea of what kind of acheivement that is... look who's won that cup in this country over the last 100 and odd years...

Some peopel just need to :censored: off and "be a fan" of another team. You're an embarressment and a disgrace. End of.

Postby Lionheart » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:51 am

I just want to clarify a few things...

My first post (if you like to read it again) clearly states that I felt for Rafa. It wasn't a 'get Rafa out, he's fu.cking hopeless and has no idea about football' (I'm not qualified to be Rafa's bootlace in terms of coaching knowledge). But I am entitled to express my concerns and frustrations...I did say I wanted to get something off my chest. So it's probably as much a winge as anything else.

What I objected to most was being called a bandwaggoner and an embarressment by some prat who has NOT CONSEAVABLE IDEA about how I feel about LFC. To suggest otherwise is just egostistical...

There were plenty of people who objected to my post because they thought Rafa was doing a great job. They are perfectly entitiled to disagree but surely we are mature enough to 'DISCUSS' our objections toward the coach or another poster without the need to abuse and belittle. Geez, even Lando can do this and he and I have had some doozy blues in the past. There are plenty of posts on here that I have disagreed with and except where someone has been racist or derrogatory toward a certain group, I have either raised my point in a 'rational' way or said nothing at all. The world is big enough that we can have a number of opinions. As I stated in my PM to Stinger, I'm not egotistical enough to think that my opinion is the only one that is valid (it can be wrong in other's opinion but it IS valid). I EXPECTED people to disagree with me but I didn't expect to be berrated and belittled. Poor form.

Maybe I am being too sensitive but so would anyone when they had just lost their Dad (5 days ago)...& I fu.cking hate having to tell some of you people this because frankly it's none of your god damn business, but I must so people don't misunderstand and then flame me for being a winger and winer or too soft, or whatever. So if I am being hypersensitive now you know why.     

Personally I do not have any qualms about Rafa. He IS a brilliant coach, but I am getting the distinct feeling things are/were starting to go bad. He looked TERRIBLE and STRESSED out of his brain and I frankly felt terribly sorry for him. I wanted him to go because I didn't want him to drop dead on the side line or for things to get soooo bad that his reputation was going to become irrepairably damaged where he's be forced to go to some backwater to rebuild something that he could maintain if he'd walked away.

I still feel that he has problems with the English style of game but some very good points have been raised and I am beginning to think that I may be incorrect in my initial assessment. Time will tell I guess

Who'd replace him if he went?? knows!!! I wouldn't have a clue. I didn't even consider Rafa BEFORE Rafa, so how could I anticipate a new boss. You want other reasons for Rafa to go?? There aren't any from my point...I just want to see LFC go from strength to strength and as I see LFC as bigger than any one person, it doesn't much concern me who has to be sacrificed to achieve that aim. So yeah, there is probably a bit of frustration in my first post too, and it's sad when someone can't express their fristration/disappointment without getting slammed for it. It's my opinion, I'm entitled to it, but I sure as hell won't post it here in future

I also feel as though I must defend myself as a Reds supporter. I have supported LFC since I was a 6 year old, when I was forced to watch the English games a week or two after they were played and the film had arrived in Oz. I cut my teeth on the greats. I haven't supported any other team. It didn't matter to me whether we won or lost, I was glued to the crack in my bedroom door to watch Emlyn Hughes (I used to dream he was my Dad as we share surnames). My Dad knew that I was out of bed and peeking through the crack in the door, because he'd hear my gasps when we went close to scoring or hear my stiffled cheers when we scored...but he allowed me this wonderful priviledge of watching my heros. He also knew I'd watched the games because I'd play out the game from the night before in the backyard games. No, I've been Red since 1965 and I anticipate that would be longer than most of the forum members have been alive. So I detest, the like of Barry, El Stinger or Leon suggesting I am anything other than a Red supporter.

Stinger, you are far less than honest. I didn't send you a PM that claimed,
I just got a PM from Lionheart, saying that he has been floating invisibly around the forum and reading the responses that were made on this thread. It seems he's a bit embarrassed by his original post...
Today is the first time I have been back on since sending you and Barry a PM...and I didn't read any of the posts at that time. In fact I'm floored that my statements have been taken so far out of context & created such controversy. I sure as hell didn't say anything of the sort to you Stinger. Maybe you need to apologise to the other forum members. The quote you posted was the only words I sent to you...nothing more, nothing less.

So my opinion is wrong if you survey the majority of posters. Fair enough. I'm wrong...  I was REALLY chuffed to see the win on Saturday night and really impressed with the players & Rafa with his selections. I do so hope it can continue. I want the Red on the up and up. I want to see them take every God Damn trophy on offer in England and Europe. Nothing would give me greater pride. Will they do it?? I hope so. I don't know but then I'm in the same boat as you lot. None of us know...we hope though!!

I'm done...this post has proven to me that I have no place on this forum other than we share the love for our REDS.

Thanks to all the posters that I have had really good discussions (and arguements) with over the years. I hold dear people such as Laza, Judge, Aussiekopite, NZ Kopite, Peewee, Babu, JMac, Woof, Lando, Ciggy, Saint, etc. (I'm sure there are others I've forget to mention so please forgive me)

Best wishes to you and your families for a happy christmas and a safe and prosperous new year!!


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Postby 83-1165214211 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:52 am

You're a bandwagon glory hunting OOTER! Enough said on the matter... Next...

Postby Rafa D » Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:06 am

Stu The Red  - Nice to see you back. I was just a pup here when you got banned but although controversial, your views were well thought out and had a basis to your argument. I hope you stay for a while.

Lionheart  -  Frankly I did not bother responding to this thread when I first seen it. It seemed a knee jerk reaction and I hope it is. Rafa is a legend already in my book and even if we finished 10th this year, I would stick with the Spaniard.

  I am sorry to hear about your father, I have lost my mother so know exactly what you are going through in what must be a difficult and emotional time for you and your family.

  I haven't read the past 3 - 4 pages and frankly I am not going to. It developed into a tit for tat argument where people were taking each others posts apart no doubt. However I would hate to see someone leave a forum they have frequented for so long because of a difference of opinion. People's opinion's are what this forum is all about. In my opinion Rafa should stay and in my opinion Gerrard is more effective on the right.

  Some people don't agree but I would not leave because of that. This forum is a special place, we have seen that with Phil. We may not all get along all of the time, but hey who cares?

  If you do leave, you will be walking alone.

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:09 am

STR_18+5 wrote:You're a bandwagon glory hunting OOTER! Enough said on the matter... Next...

and you are a fucking prick and will hopefully be banned again asap

Postby el_stinger » Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:17 am

Lionheart wrote:

What I objected to most was being called a bandwaggoner and an embarressment by some prat who has NOT CONSEAVABLE IDEA about how I feel about LFC.

What you felt at the time of writing your topic was embarrassing, and yes it made you look like a bandwagoner, I certainly did not expect someone like you to come up with garbage like that.

As I stated in my PM to Stinger, I'm not egotistical enough to think that my opinion is the only one that is valid (it can be wrong in other's opinion but it IS valid). I EXPECTED people to disagree with me but I didn't expect to be berrated and belittled. Poor form.

If you took major offence to it, thats your problem. Hell, I've been through the hoops with a people on here too, I don't run away from what I post. If we all duck for cover to spare a few blushes, we'd never learn anything.

Maybe I am being too sensitive but so would anyone when they had just lost their Dad (5 days ago)...& I fu.cking hate having to tell some of you people this because frankly it's none of your god damn business

I hate people saying that they are sorry when people explain something emotional has happened to them. You didn't need to and certainly we didn't expect you to.

Who'd replace him if he went?? knows!!! I wouldn't have a clue.

Thanks for finally answering my question.

Stinger, you are far less than honest. I sure as hell didn't say anything of the sort to you Stinger. Maybe you need to apologise to the other forum members. The quote you posted was the only words I sent to you...nothing more, nothing less.

It was of my opinion that you were floating around still reading up on the topic you started, and it was of my opinion that you must have felt like an idiot for starting your own controversy. I was retorting your original post. That is all.

Like I said pages ago, this thread deserved to be locked from the start, as I felt there was no need to add fuel to the flame.

Bottom line, Rafa is the man for the job for many years to come, and I hope he brings back the title and glory years back to Anfield. And give some of you doubters a big kick up the @rse on your way out!!  :D

I'm done wasting my time on this thread.
Last edited by el_stinger on Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:38 am

el_stinger wrote:It was of my opinion that you were floating around still reading up on the topic you started, and it was of my opinion that you must have felt like an idiot for starting your own controversy. I was retorting your original post. That is all.

I just got a PM from Lionheart, saying that he has been floating invisibly around the forum and reading the responses that were made on this thread. It seems he's a bit embarrassed by his original post and thought that he'd like to blame my responses to his thread as the sole reason why he won't be back on this forum.

but you said earlier as i have highlighted here your comments, that lionheart told you he was floating around reading the posts, now you are saying you assumed he was floating around despite earlier saying he told you this.

mate you are liar of the lowest order changing facts to suit your argument. if anyone should be ashamed here it is you for such a low act

Postby Big Niall » Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:10 am

There is no hiding the fact that our league form has been terrible.

I thought we'd finish above Manu.

It wouldn't surprise me if Rafa now dropped Bellamy for the next game and played somebody else - his stupid belief in rotation is his big fault, the team is so unsettled.

However, a season should be judged in May, not now. An FA cup win a league cup final appearance aren't worth too much to me, I think the Champions league win buys him time. Provided we finish top 4 every season, Rafa should have another 2.5 years.
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Postby babu » Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:29 am

hehe stu's back. How's working with Roberts? have you two killed each other yet?

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